Back to a few hours ago.

After walking out of the negotiation hall with Klein and Xu Ziling, Mebius couldn't help but raise his lips when he looked at his account balance. Then he hugged Xu Ziling beside him and said excitedly: :

"Little white mouse, I was right about you! You are a natural negotiator! I was prepared to spend hours here arguing with that guy, but I didn't expect you to come over and solve the problem in just a few moves. Good! I'll give you a snack tonight."

Hearing this, Xu Ziling smiled helplessly and said:

"Actually, Doctor, I'm not a natural negotiation genius, but I have a gene that makes me OK... Ahem, let's not talk about this, Doctor. You just said that we can have an extra meal tonight, anything is fine?"

"Of course!"

The current account balance gave Mebius full confidence, as long as the world's prices did not change in the future Inflation, this money is more than enough for the institute to operate normally for 20 years. What Xu Ziling eats is not worth mentioning in the face of absolute financial resources.

"Little white mouse, order whatever you want to eat tonight. Don't be polite to me. From now on, this doctor's money is yours... Forget it, just give me your ID card. Mu Dalu's ID card can I will bind your account to mine, so that no matter what you buy, you can directly use my account to reimburse. "


In response, Xu Ziling did not refuse and directly put his The ID card was handed over. He and Mebius didn't need to push each other any more.

Mebius took it naturally, paused, turned around and looked at Klein who had been quietly following him, and said,

"Klein, you too."

"Um...ah?" Klein was looking through the cooperation documents between the Mobius Research Institute and the Tianshi Group to see if there were any loopholes when he heard Mobius calling his name. He blinked his dark circles. Shuangtong, then reacted, and said somewhat flattered:

"Doctor... Doctor! This... this... this is not good, I have only been with you for half a year, I should not be qualified..."

"What qualifications? I said You have Then you have it. "

Mebius was straightforward. He came directly to Klein, took off the badge on his chest, and said,

"According to the little white mouse, the era of being tied up is over. ...Klein, the institute doesn't need you to work for a salary anymore. You need to change your character in this regard and let those outsiders know that I, Mobius, never mistreat my subordinates...

How about this? , I will take over your previous salary and the salary for the next five years. 50 million Muguo credit points, will it be directly deposited into your card or transferred to your family? "

50 million in five years?! !

Hearing this number, Klein widened her eyes in disbelief. She actually had no concept of money. Like Xu Ziling, she just wanted enough to spend.

But even so, she knew that five years and five years would be enough. Tens of millions...that's tens of millions of annual salary, or the Mu credit points with strong purchasing power. This is a height that countless people cannot reach in their entire lives! Apart from anything else, 50 million Mu credit points are enough for Klein's family to live a luxurious life.

And other people's lifetime is now just five years of his salary...

Thinking of this, Klein decisively retreated. He took a step forward, bowed 90 degrees to Mobius, and said with tears of gratitude:

"Doctor! Please accept my greeting! From now on, I will follow you! If you have any instructions, I will go through fire and water... without hesitation!"

"Almost Come on..."

After being bowed 90 degrees by Klein, Mebius scratched his face a little uncomfortably, and after helping her up, he turned to look at Xu Ziling and said casually:

"Little white mouse, Alicia Why didn't that guy come with you? ... Humph, that guy used my lack of funds to mess with me before... Hehe, now, I want to let her see who is the one who wants to Poor PhD who can't get funding'..."

Poor PhD who can't get funding?

Hearing this, Xu Ziling recalled the time when he cried and made a scene because he couldn't get funding... Ahem, I'm getting off topic.

"Ailixia... She's on the third floor of the hotel listening to MEI's academic knowledge sharing." "MEI?"

After repeating the name several times, Mebius said,

"That little

The girl has her own research team and scientific research path now... Haha, I was right about her talent..."

Mebius shrugged again and said,

"Klein, little white mouse, come with me to see, I'm still curious about how much the little girl MEI has grown up to now... Let's go."

"Yeah. "


After successfully concluding the negotiations with Tianjin, the next thing was much simpler and clearer.

Mobius took Xu Ziling and Klein to find Alicia in the conference hall on the third floor. At the same time, he also saw MEI, who was talking about her academic philosophy and scientific research path to the members of various departments from all over the world.

And MEI did take a completely different path from Mobius.

In short, compared to Mobius, who specializes in biology and studies biological evolution, MEI pays more attention to the overall progress of science.

In this seminar, she showed the world members how Honkai energy can help human science and the possibilities and cases of specific applications. In fact, Honkai energy can promote science. It is a tacit understanding among the top leaders in the world today, but MEI is the first one to put it on the table and come up with specific applications and examples.

Mebius admired MEI's courage and boldness in doing so. After MEI's speech, she took several people from the institute to talk to MEI and Kevin.

Mebius is not good at words when talking to people, but the meaning behind her words is to win over and take care of them as much as possible. Although she does not think that the grown-up MEI will become a threat that can compete with her, MEI is indeed not that kind of person. But if the old guys of the Fire Moth use MEI's deeds to seduce Mebius, it will really disgust Mebius. .

The clever MEI naturally understood the deep meaning of Mebius. In front of everyone in the institute and Kevin, she promised that she would learn and move forward from Mebius as a senior and role model. If Mebius needed it, she could temporarily put down her work and help Mebius with his research project... This was what she owed Mebius.

Mebius was very satisfied with this. It seemed that she had not saved her father in vain... Just based on the gratitude, MEI was much better than the countless ungrateful people Mebius had seen before.

After that, she asked about the situation of MEI's father and asked him to rest more. Then Mebius took the people from the institute away from the venue of this discussion, because she was The purpose of the trip has been achieved, and there is no reason to stay any longer.

During this period, Mebius actually wanted to stay and observe MEI's little follower... Kevin, the runaway high school student who was said to have killed a Honkai beast with his bare hands. His physical data is very valuable for Mebius to study.

However, when she glanced at Xu Ziling beside her, she thought of his completely unreasonable physical strength and Honkai resistance... Mebius suddenly felt that Kevin's physical fitness seemed to be just so-so, and it was not worth her wasting time to investigate and study.

After having a luxurious dinner at a five-star hotel in Mu Continent, the group returned to the research institute and fell asleep without saying a word.

The next day.


Xu Ziling, who was cooking in the kitchen at home, accidentally glanced at the scenery outside the window, and then said with some surprise,

"Doctor, it's snowing outside."

"Um... ha~... what's wrong with that? It's not a big deal..."

Lying on the sofa in the living room, Mobius, who was wearing a facial mask on her face, was now drowsy all over. After shaking her head slightly, she said,

"Don't call me, little white mouse...I shouldn't have listened to that guy Alicia's advice last night and took you out to play after dinner...Ha~...I can't stand it anymore, I'll sleep for a while, call me when you're ready for breakfast, um..."

After saying this, Mobius, who was lying on the sofa in the living room, was silent, as if he had entered hibernation.

Seeing this, Xu Zi Ling smiled helplessly. Before, Mobius worked all night to do experiments and would not feel sleepy the next day. But now he was so sleepy just because Alicia dragged him to the clothing street and snack street of Mu Continent to play until three in the morning.

Is it because she has become lazy?

Xu Ziling thought about it and consciously denied this idea in his mind.

It is because her life is no longer just about research.

Through the kitchen window, the snow is still falling. The capital of Mu Continent is located in the temperate zone. On December 21, it is indeed snowy.



At this time, Xu Ziling's cell phone rang. After turning the gas used to cook porridge to a low heat, he picked up the cell phone that he had placed on the dining table and looked at it.

It was a message from the user "Miss Pink Fairy".

[Miss Pink Fairy: Ziling Ziling, did you see it? It's snowing outside the institute! When the snow stops, do you want to build a snowman together? And call the doctor and little Klein together♪~]

[The teaching assistant is not the bishop: Of course I can... but the doctor probably doesn't like this kind of game, and as for classmate Klein... she hasn't woken up yet, she stayed up all night to check the documents again last night. ]

[Miss Pink Fairy: Really? That feels so pity... um hum♪~ But it doesn't matter, it should be a while before the snow stops, let them rest for a while♪~]

[Miss Pink Fairy: By the way, little Ziling, when they wake up, you can show them this again! Saying that it can't still arouse their interest in building snowmen! ]

[Miss Pink Fairy: ——Forwarded video.mp4]

Xu Ziling clicked on the video forwarded by Alicia.

In the video,

The white-haired boy laughed and grabbed a snowball in the snow, threw it at his good brother, and said:

"Hey! Su! Look at this move!"

The gray-haired friend smiled helplessly, raised his arm to block, and took the opportunity to grab a handful of snow on the snow, threw it at the white-haired boy, and said:

"Why did you suddenly think of playing this... Kevin, didn't you go to the scientific seminar of the Mu Federation with MEI yesterday?"

"Everything went well at the seminar, MEI finished talking about the matter, and we came back... Hey!"

After Kevin explained to his good brother Su, he grabbed a handful of snow from the ground and laughed,

"Uncle Long said she hasn't woken up yet, but I can't sleep... It happened to snow last night, let's have a hearty battle! Su!"

"Ha... Then I won't show mercy, Kevin."

Su smiled and prepared his own snowball.


"Swish, swish, swish!"

"Swish——! Bang!"

"Fuck!! Su, you are putting a rock in your snowball!!"

"Huh? Is there? Sorry, I probably caught it by accident just now (holding back laughter)."

"Damn it!... Watch out!"



The video ended with the exclamations and jokes of the two big boys.

After taking a look at the snow outside the window, Xu Ziling smiled helplessly and then typed a reply.

[Teaching Assistant is not Bishop: It's a very interesting video, which can easily arouse people's desire to play snowballs. ]

[Teaching Assistant is not Bishop: But Miss Alicia, I'm actually more curious... Where did you shoot this video? Didn't you return to the institute with us last night? ]

[Miss Pink Fairy: Oh♪~ Don't worry about those details~ Just ask the magic of beautiful girls! ]

[Miss Pink Fairy: Let’s not talk about this, let’s talk about making snowmen and snowball fights… If Dr. Mobius doesn’t come to participate, how about we make her a snowman in the shape of a snake? I think she will be surprised when she sees it! ]

After reading this message, Xu Ziling looked back at Mobius who was still hibernating in the living room, smiled from the bottom of his heart, and replied:


After life calmed down, time once again accelerated.

At the suggestion of Alicia, on the day of the New Year, which was January 1st of the Mu period, the originally deserted research institute was decorated with lights and held New Year’s wishes and fireworks activities… Of course, the cyber fireworks set off were made by Mu Continent Technology using light technology to imitate gunpowder. They were more colorful than ordinary fireworks, and there was no risk of igniting objects, which was extremely convenient.

Of course, Mobius rejected the New Year event held by Alicia... But in the end, after three requests from Alicia, Xu Ziling and Klein, Mobius put aside his own research and was willing to participate in the New Year event held by Alicia in the institute... Of course, it was "for Xu Ziling and Klein's sake". It was definitely not because she wanted to play.

Absolutely not.

In this way, the new year came, and the institute was deserted compared to previous years. First of all, the number of people in the institute this year doubled. Moreover, because of the intervention of Alicia, Mobius, Xu Ziling, and Klein all had a New Year's party that was absolutely impressive to each other.


In the new year, May 2nd in Mu Shi.

[Host: Xu Ziling]

[Active Skill: Complete

Beautiful and pretty sliding knees (Sambo), puppet girls will not get hurt (Black Tower), I have a cute body... (Mirror Flow), Word Spirit Technique (Kafka). ]

[Passive skills (host self-training): Proficient in scientific research knowledge, proficient in speech and behavior, proficient in cooking skills. ]

[Remaining Xingqiong: 27200+150*30*5=49700]

[Remaining special tickets: 20]

[Ding~! Today's daily tasks have been refreshed! ]

[Daily tasks: invite any Valkyrie/Yingjie out of the house (can be more than one)! And spend at least three hours together outside! ]

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