The time went back to ten minutes ago.

While the Smoker was talking and arguing with the Thunder Horse, the noodle shop of Tianshi Enterprise had been surrounded by a team of American soldiers with guns, and there was not even a pedestrian around. It was not difficult to see that this was a premeditated and planned targeted action.

However, these soldiers trained in the armed camp could defend against ordinary people, but not Xu Ziling.

After a year, he had already completely mastered the DNA of Alicia. Even if he no longer used the power of DNA mimicry, he could perfectly control the other party's combat consciousness and stealth thinking.

For analogy, you can refer to the fact that he was dragged by Mobius to do experiments every day. He got used to the 5G network and learned it naturally.

In short, he is now hiding in the dark, silently watching the drama in the noodle shop.

When the smoker said "I just want you to die", Xu Ziling knew that Lei Dian Long Ma might be in danger today.

Before crossing, Xu Ziling was also an out-and-out social animal. He knew that the saying that a higher official can crush a person is not groundless.

What's more, the class gap between the smoker, the highest leader of the Americas and the director of the General Class Management Department of the Fire Moth, and the Lei Dian Long Ma who was kicked out of the Finance and Circulation Department and could only be a non-staff member in the Human News Department, is not just "one level".

There are two reasons why he did not rush to rescue Lei Dian Long Ma from the water and fire.

One is that the current situation has not yet developed to the point where it is uncontrollable, so he chose to continue to wait and see. If possible, it is better not to expose your whereabouts, after all, his ability is too ostentatious.

Second, it is because of the system's persuasion...

[Detected abnormal Honkai energy fluctuations... The system reminds the host that the system module has updated the Honkai source detection function, and can analyze the source of the Honkai energy based on the scattered Honkai energy radiation. ]

[ps: Please don't do everything yourself, at least leave us some sense of existence...]


Xu Ziling was stunned. Some time ago, the system said that it would invest its energy in the development of the second world of the simulated universe. Xu Ziling was very pleased and agreed with his own Tongzi's entrepreneurial dream, but this also caused the system's presence to be not very high in the past few days. Only the most basic daily module and store module are still operating.

Tongbao, didn't you say you were going to develop a new copy? Why are you back now?

[Well... the copy of the second world is almost done, so I thought about coming back to see you... hit... did I disturb you? ]

No, no.

Xu Ziling shook his head quickly and said in his heart,

Anyway, welcome back... In addition, Tongzi, what exactly does the source of the collapse detection function you just mentioned mean? What will happen if you use it?

[Well... In short, I can analyze the source of the collapse energy radiation based on the collapse energy radiation you have contacted with or provided. For example, I... Alas, host, I may not be very good at explaining these in words... Otherwise, I will directly help you analyze the three different types of collapse energy radiation you are currently exposed to, and who are the sources of these three types of collapse energy radiation... If you can witness the effect with your own eyes, it should be better than my thousand-word explanation. ]

Does this function consume Xingqiong to activate?

Xu Ziling asked casually again.

[Host, please don't think so bad of me...]

[I have heard that there is a system senior who takes the capital development route. After traveling to another world, he has been exploiting the rewards that should be given to the host to promote his own strength... But that is not me Ծ‸Ծ...]

[Except for the system store and the raw materials required for system forging, all the additional expansion functions of the system do not require additional charges. That is your right. If I charge you Xingqiong extra... I don't feel good...]

After listening to the clear words of the system, Xu Ziling almost shed tears of emotion. The system's answer made Xu Ziling seem a little too nervous. He even subconsciously asked the system whether this function would be charged... It was simply a waste of Tongzi's kindness. Damn it!

Perhaps because of the excessive use of Alysia's DNA, Xu Ziling also began to get used to this kind of self-mockery. It must be said that when necessary, he would

I joked, it can really help to soothe the mood.

After quickly sorting out his emotions, Xu Ziling turned his attention back to the Thunder Dragon Horse who had already stood up in anger in the noodle shop, and silently said to himself,

System, you just said... there are three types of Honkai energy radiation here? Who are the sources?

[Abnormal Honkai energy reaction detected, automatic analysis in progress...]

[Ding~! Analyzing the source of Honkai energy radiation around the host:]

[1, a small amount of Honkai energy released, source: Thunder Dragon Horse; inference: Honkai disease infection leads to radiation release. ]

[2, a large amount of Honkai energy radiation, source: Corpse Mountain Knife; inference: The Honkai creation of the emperor-level Honkai beast]

[3, abnormal Honkai energy convergence, source: Temple... data abnormality, system retry... source: Emperor (?) level Honkai beast,: Vishnu]


Seeing the last three words that the system asked, Xu Ziling subconsciously frowned.

Emperor-level Honkai beast, Vishnu? ?

[That... Host, I must remind you that the Vishnu here means... Among the Honkai energy radiation you are exposed to now, there is a ray of radiation coming from that Emperor-level Honkai beast, but it does not mean that the Emperor-level Honkai beast is next to you at this moment...]

[My guess is... It should be that one of the people in your field of vision has had close contact with that Emperor-level Honkai beast... or has been injured by Vishnu, which caused him to carry a ray of Vishnu's Honkai energy radiation...]

Tongzi, don't make a noise, I'm thinking.

[Ah... Oh... OK...]


In the original game of Salmon, Vishnu is a particularly special Honkai beast. It is also a kind of upper-level Honkai beast, with excellent intelligence.

But it is special because the Emperor level is not Vishnu's final level, but because when it was detected in the game record, it only grew to the height of the Emperor-level Honkai beast.

That's right, the special feature of Vishnu, a Honkai beast, lies in its growth potential.

When it was just born, it might not be as strong as a chariot-level Honkai beast, but as long as it is given enough time and allowed to devour enough Honkai energy, it can grow to the level of emperor-level, judgment-level, or even the level of the last law, and it is not inferior even to the Herrscher. A terrifying existence with a slightly lower lower limit but a very high upper limit.

Vishnu's ability can be summarized in one sentence, that is, as long as you eat like crazy, you can become stronger.

But then again... Xu Ziling's way of becoming stronger seems to be eating like crazy?

Wow~ It seems that it is still the same type of stand...

As for the people in Xu Ziling's field of vision now, who has come into contact with the emperor-level Honkai beast Vishnu, Xu Ziling has already guessed the answer even without further analysis by the system.

His eyes lingered on the Smoker who picked up the Corpse Mountain Blade with one hand but was not corroded by the Collapse Energy. A glimmer of sandy white flashed in his green eyes, and then he rushed forward quickly.

"Since you have decided to take action, why don't you show your true face?" "Vishnu"'s lackey...

Using the DNA data collected when he threatened Tianjin before, Xu Ziling mimicked Tianjin's face and vest to help him block the knife. After pushing away the Corpse Mountain Blade that was thrown by the Smoker, his sandy white pupils covered by sunglasses looked at the American minister opposite.

Well... Don't ask why DNA mimicry can mimic clothes. The answer is system technology, which is shocking.

As a conservative person, Xu Ziling did not say the last sentence directly, but he believed that a world-class figure like the Smoker would not be unable to understand his lip shape.

Sure enough, after seeing Xu Ziling's lip shape for the last few words, the Smoker's face changed instantly.

After thinking it over again and again, the Smoker glanced at the "Tianjin" in his field of vision and said to himself:

"Hi! man! Since you have chosen to imitate the face of Tianjin, then Tianjin must stand behind you to support you, right? Let me guess... Is it for the guy he hid? Forget it, I still won't mention the minefield of that guy... But no matter who is the person who supports you behind you..." The mission must be completed...

The Smoker also did not say the last few words directly, but he has already expressed his thoughts with practical actions. The pitch-black corpse mountain knife opened the hideous skull fangs in his hand, and it was wrapped in the stinking flesh and blood and smashed straight towards the thunder and lightning dragon horse behind Xu Ziling!

Seeing that the talks had collapsed, Xu Ziling was secretly speechless about why he seemed to be in a bad mood every time he talked to a stranger for the first time.

As the conversation was about to break down, he kicked the handle of the Corpse Mountain Knife, causing it to shift, and turned to Lei Dian Long Ma, who was standing there in a daze, and said:

"What are you standing there for? Run!"


Lei Dian Long Ma looked at the "Tian Jin" in his field of vision in surprise. He didn't expect that the minister who had kicked him out of the Finance and Circulation Department would come to save him today, and in such a powerful way...

With this "minister" backing him up, Lei Dian Long Ma's confidence increased greatly, and he was about to slip away in an instant.

Then a black gun muzzle was pressed against his forehead.

It turned out that Xu Ziling could ignore those American soldiers, but the guns in their hands were still very useful to ordinary people like Lei Dian Long Ma.

But Xu Ziling was also prepared:

"Listen to me... Soldiers, surrender."

"Hua La La!"

In an instant, the American soldiers who had originally looked determined fell to the ground, and the guns and equipment in their hands were scattered all over the ground.

Xu Ziling exposed the [Word Spirit].

This will undoubtedly increase the possibility of him being discovered later, but if he can save Lei Dian Long Ma. Then with MEI's filial piety, he only needs to tell this matter in time, and he will definitely be able to exchange MEI's eternal respect and respect for the institute, so it is worth doing so, not to mention that Xu Ziling does not only have the skill of Word Spirit.

Even the smoker holding the corpse mountain knife, after hearing Xu Ziling's "Listen to me", couldn't stop the trance, and the battle could not stand steadily. Only the faint purple light was holding his spirit.

But in the same way, Xu Ziling also felt a little trance after using the Word Spirit to control the minds of too many people at once, and his eyes began to turn black.

Lei Dian Long Ma looked at the "Tian Jin" in his field of vision in surprise, and as if he had made up his mind, he immediately stopped hesitating and turned around and ran!

"Raiden Ryoma!!"

At this time, with the help of Honkai Energy and Shishandao, Smoker gritted his teeth and forced himself to hold on to his trance, and shouted at Raiden Ryoma,

"Think it over! If you don't die today... it will be your daughter who will die!!"

"I don't believe it! You should leave the matter between you two council chairmen to yourselves! And Tianjin... you helped me today, I will remember it! You oil the road!"


A gunshot.

Raiden Ryoma's footsteps stopped abruptly.

But there was no bullet hole on his body.

Because the gunshot came from a display that emitted fluorescence in the night.

And the display broadcast... a picture of a sniper.

"You... you..."

Seeing the bloody figure in the picture, Raiden Ryoma's eyes turned red and his body trembled unconsciously.

The next moment, he turned around abruptly, his bloodshot eyes bulged out fiercely, veins popped out on his forehead, and he looked at the Smoker like a beast that was forced into a desperate situation, and said in a trembling voice:

"How could actually let the sniper fire at MEI? bastard!! What did you do?!!!"

As he said this, the furious Thunder Horse no longer cared about anything else, and rushed towards the Smoker with a roar like a beast.

Xu Ziling also frowned slightly, MEI was shot? This is impossible... Let alone the fact that she has Kevin, the strongest human bodyguard, beside her, Alicia is also in the gymnasium, how could she not be able to stop it...

Until then, a possibility emerged in Xu Ziling's mind, and then his face changed drastically, and he quickly pulled the crazy Thunder Dragon Horse and scolded:

"Calm down! The person who died is not..."


Before Xu Ziling finished speaking, a hideous bloody mouth was greatly enlarged in his field of vision. Xu Ziling subconsciously punched the body of the sword-wielding man, but his action was indeed interrupted by the Corpse Mountain Knife.

"Puff... Don't mind my business..."

After the smoker holding the Corpse Mountain Knife was punched by Xu Ziling, several ribs were broken instantly. If it weren't for the collapse energy to bless his body, this punch would not have broken ribs, but directly pierced his chest.

But it doesn't matter anymore.

After risking his life, he successfully blocked Xu Ziling's action with his own flesh and blood. At the same time, he smashed the ferocious corpse mountain knife in his hand towards the crazy thunder dragon horse.

Xu Ziling's eyes flashed, and he didn't care about hiding himself at this time. He stretched out his hand in an instant, and the Thousand Worlds One Vehicle that had been built long ago was built into the system. The power of the Ruler of the Void suddenly surged!

But at the moment before the power of Yakong was activated...

"Crack... Bang!"


The Corpse Mountain Blade in the ghost's hand suddenly shattered, and a huge amount of Honkai energy created by an emperor-level Honkai beast gushed out, instantly covering the Thunder Dragon Horse.

The next moment...


The sound of thunder rang out, and the surging "thunder" and lightning shattered Ya "Kong"'s performance...

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