The old man was so angry that he was lying on the ground.


In the Changkong City Center Stadium, Wei Weiwei was holding a baton and performing her "Great Transfiguration" on her magic stage.

But Wei Weiwei began to sweat profusely after a while, because she found that the thing in her hand, which looked like a magic baton, was actually a spiral device of a remote communication remote control terminal, and it was not the magic assistant robot she had sent out.

Even if none of the audience who had just left were willing to cooperate with the magic performance of the Great Transfiguration... then... at the very least, her magic robot should have sent back a message to let Wei Weiwei use another performance.

As for the current reaction, which was like a stone falling into the sea, Wei Wei’s own speculation was that there was only one possibility... that the spiral robot that she had sent out to invite the magician to perform was scrapped.

And it happened in an instant, only in this way could the communication connection be suddenly disconnected.

But... Wei Wei, as the inventor of the spiral device, knew the strength of the robot she made. Apart from anything else, the huge size of half a floor high was not something that ordinary people could shake.

It was scrapped in an instant... Is it possible?

Under the magic stage, the crowd in the audience suddenly froze when they saw Wei Wei’s magic performance. Although they were puzzled, they still waved the light sticks in their hands. It can be seen that these people are Wei Wei’s loyal fans.

"Hey... why did Teacher V suddenly get embarrassed?"

"I don't know... but Teacher V must have her own deep meaning for doing this, maybe this is also part of the magic?"

"That's right, after all, Teacher V's magic can always surprise the audience in a very special way... But then again, did you hear a violent vibration just now? Was it an earthquake? And it seemed like there was thunder..."

"What the hell is an earthquake? Isn't that the unique vibration effect of Teacher V's magic?"

"Oh oh!... Teacher V!! I am your fan ah ah ah ah!!!"

Seeing that even though she was embarrassed, the audience and fans in the audience still maintained a fanatical star-chasing mood, Wei Wei said that she was deeply moved, and also... As the greatest magician of this century, she can't let her audience go home disappointed! !

"Forget it, let's wait until the show is over before investigating the situation of the magic robot...Assisting robot No. 002, you go up first."

After quickly issuing orders to her robot through the baton communicator in her hand, Wei Wei's face was filled with smiles again, and she laughed out loud,

"My dearest audience friends...Although there were some mistakes in the process, this can't hinder our carnival tonight! Come on - Special Armed Model 27! Let the footsteps of those who left emerge again from your box!"


Accompanied by a large snap of fingers, the spotlights in the gymnasium instantly focused on Wei Wei's magic venue, and a large steam-powered box with a diameter of about five meters was already placed there.

According to the convention of magic shows, Wei Wei opened it and looked around to show the audience the internal space of the magic box to ensure that there was no one inside.

Afterwards, Wei Wei closed the big box, smiled and began to count down, and through the microphone between her collars, her voice was clearly transmitted to every corner of the audience.


In the front row of the audience, before Vilvi's voice had finished, Alicia trembled for no reason. Then she looked left and right, moved towards Mebius, and said,

"Dr. Mebius... Do you think that what this magician sister is saying now... is like reading a countdown?"

Hearing this, Mebius looked at Alicia like a fool, then pushed her away and said:

"What are you doing? Haha... But it's true, only a pink fat woman like you would ask such a stupid question."

"Oh, Dr. Mebius, Miss Fairy didn't mean that... But... How to describe it, Dr. Mebius, you should have seen the bomb that is counting down, right?"


Mebius slowly typed a question mark.


At this time, Vilvi's countdown had already ended, and then she laughed and pulled open the door of the magic box.



There was an uproar in the audience.

Wei Wei, dressed simply, also adjusted her hat proudly, and then wanted to see how the two audience members who had "exposed" her transformation magic half a year ago reacted.

She glanced at the audience and found that the audience with golden hair was not in the audience, which made Wei Wei a little disappointed, but the beautiful audience with pink hair was still there, and she brought two new friends.

Look at the facial expression of the audience... Hmm! Sure enough, he was surprised! It seems that this magician's performance was very successful!

But... why did the audience look shocked, but looked like he had seen a ghost?

The next moment, Alicia jumped up from her seat in a hurry and said:

"Wei Wei! Be careful! Be careful!!"

Be careful? Be careful of what?

Then she turned around suddenly.


A scarlet purple eye, in the magic box that was originally for the magic assistant, stared at Wei Wei.


A pink arrow shot out and hit the scarlet eye with a little purple light!

"Che! Cheche!!!!!!!"

The tank-level Honkai beast felt pain. It was originally huddled in the magic box within five meters high. It roared, and its body swelled up like a balloon. In the blink of an eye, it was about to pierce the Changkong City Center Stadium!

"This... heh... this bouquet of flowers... must be accepted with gratitude!!"

At the critical moment, Alicia did not care whether it would expose the clues of her own strength. In an instant, she used the magic of the beautiful girl to transform out of thin air the crystal bow that she was best at using. As an arrow cut through the air, countless pink streams of light flashed past!

The audience in the audience only saw that the "white creature" that looked very obedient at first glance and very stupid at second glance became bigger and taller when it came into contact with water like a compressed towel... Then a pink stream of light flashed, and the white creature that seemed to break through the gymnasium building disappeared.

For a moment, the whole venue was silent.

Then, there was the noise of countless passionate audiences!

All of them were amazed at the realistic special effects and terrifying oppression of the "magic" just now.

However, only Alicia knew what kind of magic was that just now... It was a living tank-level Honkai beast!

"Vilvivivivi! Don't stand there stupidly! Go and organize the evacuation of the audience!!"

Alisa knew that relying on her own voice alone would be absolutely useless in front of these fanatical audiences. Therefore, she killed the tank-class Honkai beast with all her strength and rushed from the audience to the magic stage of Wei Wei. She took Wei Wei's hand and urged,

"Hurry up...don't stand there!"


Wei Wei was still a little confused. It was a common problem for magicians. When they encountered something that jumped out of their script, they would experience a short period of mental stiffness because they had not recovered from the role they played in the magic.

But she also reacted quickly, and quickly took out a remote control-like device from her arms, and used the miniature microphone on her chest to shout:

"Dear audience! All kinds of audience! The situation has changed... This magician has decided to temporarily perform a surprise magic show that invites all audience friends to perform together... Special weapon model nine! Hurry up and start the transformation program!"


Before Wei Wei could calm down, another roar of a Houkai beast came from outside the gymnasium. The Changkong City Center Gymnasium is a semi-open design similar to the Shenzhou Bird's Nest, with closed walls on all sides and an elliptical dome in the center. At this moment, purple-white creatures holding holy shields and spears came roaring.

[Temple-level] Houkai beast...

These temple-level Houkai beasts, which originally belonged to the Royal Guards in the Herrscher of the Sky disaster, have now become soldiers in the Herrscher of the Thunder disaster.

After targeting the gymnasium with the most people, these relatively small but still powerful temple-level Honkai beasts swooped down. They didn't know who they were or where they were, but they knew they were going to kill here!

Seeing this, Alysia gritted her teeth and was about to draw her bow and shoot arrows, regardless of her own consumption, to shoot these temple-level Honkai beasts in the shortest time possible! To give the people here a chance to escape!

However, as the most powerful lower-level Honkai beasts, the individual strength of the temple-level Honkai beasts is also very good. If it was just one, it would be fine, but now Alysia is not facing one... but a group.

What's more terrible is that during this period, there are countless breakthrough-level Honkai beasts flying over, and there are also people one by one.

The humans in the group were suddenly corroded and turned into dead soldiers! It is impossible for Alicia to do everything by herself!

"Crack... Buzz!"

At the critical moment, the characteristic armed model 9 under Weiwei's feet successfully completed the transformation from theater mode to combat mode. The characteristic armed model 9, which was originally shaped like an aerial fortress, became a small spiral airship with full steam and explosive power after shrinking!

Facing the invasion of the Temple-level Honkai Beast, the special armed model 9 in the combat form turned the giant ring-mounted speakers originally used to play magic audio, revealing a black hole muzzle.

Then, the "fireworks" took off and exploded in the air in the gymnasium. It actually resisted the attack of the Temple-level Honkai Beast with the surging artillery shells!

These things that look like "fireworks" are actually micro missiles... Originally, Wei Wei had made necessary preparations to prevent those "Fire Chaser" people from calling in people to dismantle her magic stage like last time. However, the situation is urgent now, so she can only let those uninvited Temple-level Honkai beasts taste the firepower first.


The roar of the Temple-level Honkai beasts mixed with the roar of the Assault-level Honkai beasts, and even a Knight-level Honkai beast broke through the wall of the gymnasium. At this moment, no matter how enthusiastic the audience was, they realized the seriousness of the situation. After all, magic can be grounded, but it cannot be grounded. And in the current situation, those strange white giants are about to blow their sickle limbs into their faces!

In any case, magic can only be magic, and performance can only be performance. He must not harm the audience under the stage.

Once the barrier between the actors and the audience is broken, the panic and fear caused will be unimaginable.

However, at this moment, the audience in the stadium was in a panic. Wei Wei hurriedly called for support through the intercom on her chest. Steampunk-style mechanical arms popped out from the surprise gift boxes thrown by Wei Wei, giving the Honkai beast tide a head-on blow, and quickly formed a mechanical barrier around the stadium!

Then, a giant pink arrow shot out, forming a pink crystal dome in the center of the stadium, covering the crowd. The flawless dome that Alicia originally used for field attacks could only be wronged at this moment, acting as a protective shell against Honkai.

"There is an escape corridor connecting to the outside in the center of the stage!"

The broadcasting of the stadium had long been damaged under the attack of the Honkai beasts like a tide. Wei Wei could only shout to the audience here, and at the same time threw out spiral robots, opening up a passage in the panicked crowd that allowed people to retreat to the safe passage in an orderly manner.

The central lower passage of the gymnasium... was originally an underground passage temporarily built by Wei Wei for performing magic tricks. At most, only ten people can pass through at a time... But facing more than 50,000 spectators at this moment, this single escape passage seems a bit narrow.

But! ... Wei Wei has no other choice!

The same is true for Alysia.

They can still join forces to resist the siege of the Honkai beast tide, but what if it takes a long time?

Wei Wei has been frugal this year, making every part and gear work to the extreme, and the spiral troupe she has built with all her efforts... that is, her machine army will be consumed.

Alysia's physical strength is also limited. While maintaining the flawless dome, she must also be vigilant against those dead soldiers who may transform in the next second in the crowd... It's okay if the time is short, but once the battle line is dragged out, it will be too difficult for her.

She is indeed the strongest combat force of the current Fire Chaser Moth.

But... this strongest warrior now has to bear the burden of "the masses".

"I say... Alicia, why should we escape?"

Just when Alicia was in a dilemma, a familiar sarcastic voice sounded, and Alicia, who was concentrating on maintaining the flawless dome, was stunned. As soon as she turned around, she saw Mobius with a subtle expression and Klein who was looking at the panicked crowd around him in horror.

"Dr. Mobius and Little Klein... Hey! Why are you standing still too! There is an escape passage in the center of the gymnasium... Go!"


Seeing this, Mobius curled his lips in disdain, then hugged his chest and said,

"Alica, I think you are really stupid... After all, you have been in my research institute for a year, have you forgotten what my main research topic this year is?"

Alica was stunned for a moment, and then subconsciously answered:

"Body strengthening reagent?"

"Hehe... I originally planned to take this opportunity to come out with you

I want to have a chance to play, take some time to go to the headquarters of Tianshi Group in Shenzhou, and find someone to test the potency of the reagents. But now it seems... it seems that it is no longer needed. "

After laughing lightly, Mobius looked at the crowd who were fleeing in fear in the gymnasium with a very subtle look, and said,

"Here... as long as they want to live, there are experimental materials everywhere, right? Hahaha~... Klein!"

"Uh... here!"

After Klein reacted, he quickly moved a black suitcase from behind and opened it.

What came into view was an inestimable number of reagents and pills...

Then, without waiting for Alicia to react, Mobius stepped forward and patted Wei Wei's shoulder, saying:

"Hey, magician, do you have anyone you can trust?"

"Ah...ah? Yes...yes. "


With the addition of drug-addicted warriors, the pressure on Alicia and Vivi suddenly decreased.

The collapse occurred suddenly, and Alicia contacted everyone she could contact. With her prestige in the Fire Moth, it was not difficult to bypass those inefficient senior officials and directly mobilize people in the combat department.

But even if the Fire Moth army closest to Changkong City arrived here, it would take at least an hour.

An hour...

Alicia looked at the roaring tide of collapse beasts surrounding the gymnasium, and the drug-addicted warriors who fought bravely in the tide of collapse beasts at the instigation of Mobius.

The time should be enough...

There is just one thing that Alicia can't figure out.

That is why... why, in her perception, the concentration of collapse energy in Changkong City before today was extremely low, and there was no trend of rising.

But it was under this circumstance that the collapse energy that had been falling in Changkong City suddenly increased. The concentration of bad energy suddenly surged, which is undoubtedly very unreasonable.

Even if it is the great collapse brought about by the birth of the Herrscher... there should be a sign! Just like the Herrscher of the Sky, from the dead soldiers to the Honkai beasts, and then to the Herrscher... the concentration of Honkai energy should rise intermittently. During this period, Alicia could sense the danger in advance, evacuate the local residents in advance, and apply for the assistance of the Fire Moth Army in advance.

In contrast, this time the great collapse had no signs and no premonition! Everything was normal in the last second, and the collapse broke out in the next second.

Alicia couldn't figure out why this happened.

Similar questions... If Xu Ziling hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he probably wouldn't believe it.

He wouldn't believe... There would actually be someone who could, for an unclear reason, break the only Honkai energy weapon that can be used by humans at present, and use the pain of the Herrscher of Thunder to make it come into being in advance...

"Boom--!!!!!!!!!!" "

A thunderclap exploded in the sky of Changkong City, and rolling thunderclouds replaced the originally peaceful night sky of Changkong City.

The dazzling and eye-catching lightning shot up into the sky, tearing apart Changkong City's lies about all the good things.

In the lightning, the vague figure galloped in the almost endless arcs. Every roar of his would be accompanied by a thunderclap, and every breath of his would be accompanied by the spread of arcs.

Wherever the lightning passed, buildings collapsed, and rolling thunderclouds swept across civilization.

Wherever the arc reached, bioelectric energy disappeared, and strands of arcs harvested lives.

This is the Herrscher of Thunder, who uses [electromagnetic force] as the power in his hands.

At the same time, Alicia was suddenly startled, and she quickly turned around and asked Mebius and Vivi,

"Dr. Mebius! Klein and Vivi! Did any of you see MEI just now?"

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