The sound of the thunder was so strong that it made the body of the "Hesperor of Thunder" gradually withered as the blood flowed. Only the gem in his pierced chest... became brighter and brighter. The thunder of conquest descended... The raging thunderclouds last night had long disappeared. Then, the blood flowing from the corpses formed a sentence on the scorched earth of the ruins. "He" said, "Do you like the gift I gave you? My child~?" 】

“Report to the commander! The peak of Honkai energy radiation in Changkong City and the surrounding areas is weakening… This Great Honkai is about to end!”

“Very good…”

In the front-line military camp established by the Fire Moth Detachment in Changkong City, Hen, who was dressed in military uniform, touched his chin and asked his adjutant,

“Have you reported the intelligence to Alysia? What did she say?”

The adjutant paused and said,

“Report to the commander! Senior Alysia… In order to maintain the flawless dome for a long time to protect the people, she overdrew her physical strength. When our support arrived, she was already in a coma. She is still lying in the military doctor’s office and has not woken up…”


Hearing this news, Hen’s fingers trembled violently, but as a commander, he must not let himself show panic. But despite this, he remained silent for a long time before he slowly spoke,

"What about Dr. Mobius? Didn't she come with Alicia... What did she say about Alicia's situation?"


The adjutant swallowed silently and added,

"Sir, Dr. Mobius's original words were... You deserve it.

But but but! But... Dr. Mobius wrote 'excessive exertion leads to physical exhaustion' in the final medical instructions for Senior Alicia, and her assistant named Klein also said that Senior Alicia was fine, and she would be able to return to normal after waking up from sleep at the military doctor's office and resting for a few days."

"This... harm..."

In response to this, Hen let out a long sigh, his eyes were quite complicated.

Thinking back... when Alicia joined the Fire Moth, Hen was just a small captain. And Alicia, who joined the Fire Moth, quickly impressed every detachment of the Fire Moth with her sincerity and smile... Unfortunately, the top leaders were afraid that Alicia's influence in the Fire Moth would expand further, so they limited her time to communicate with the army captain every day...

But despite this, Alicia was still willing to bring her smile to everyone she met, and equally lend a helping hand to everyone... Equally, wanting to save everyone.

This time's Great Collapse disaster... is no exception.

If she didn't have to carry the burden of tens of thousands of people, with Alicia's strength, it would not be a problem to kill seven in and seven out of the Great Collapse. Even if she faced an emperor-level Collapse beast, she could take it down steadily.

But Alicia is like this... She loves people more than she loves herself. When people are in danger, she will always be the first to rush forward. Even if... her life is threatened.

This time, she just overexerted herself and fell into a coma due to exhaustion... But what about next time?

No one knows what will happen next time.

But no one is qualified to judge Alysia's style of doing things... After all, it was her own choice...

On the other side, the adjutant saw that Hen was silent, looked down at the report in his hand, and said again:

"In addition... Commander, thanks to the efforts of Senior Alysia, excluding those who were infected by the collapse and became dead, the final survival rate of the gymnasium exceeded 99%... A total of 58,621 survivors. As the captain of this rescue operation, you have had similar rescue experience. Will you comfort them later?"


When Hen heard the adjutant say that he had similar rescue experience, he couldn't help but roll his eyes. Similar rescue experience... Isn't it! A year ago, he also led the armed detachment of the Fire Chaser Moth to launch a rescue operation in Changkong City.

And a year later, it was still the familiar collapse, the familiar location, and even the person who contacted him to come for support was the same! Could he be inexperienced? ?

If nothing unexpected happens... wait a while, a bunch of academicians will come to investigate with instruments of all sizes.

Hen even thought of the lines for them, "People are secondary, science is primary", and then they will

I borrowed a team of soldiers from here to help those academic experts to pave the way in this great collapse and find their so-called valuable collapse samples.

"Report, sir."


"We found two men and one woman in the ruins of Changkong City. They said they were looking for their father in this city ravaged by the collapse... The initial speculation is that their brains are broken. Our reconnaissance team has used hypnotic bullets to bring them back to the military base."

"Alas... Another poor family... Remember to persuade first next time. If you can say it with your mouth, try not to use your hands."

"Report, sir!"

"What is it this time?"

"About the snake-shaped collapse beast that you led the army to hunt after you arrived yesterday... Its body has been transported back, and the instrument initially detected that it is an emperor-level collapse beast. That Dr. Mobius wants to apply for research on its body."

"... Don't ask me about this matter. I can't make the decision even if you ask me... Let's go and tell that doctor. I can't control this matter. She can handle it herself."

"Yes, sir."

When I thought of my own chief who arrived last night and led the armed army to hunt an emperor-level collapse beast. The image of Hen in his adjutant's heart was rising rapidly. After Hen gave the order, the adjutant did not ask any more questions and did what Hen said.

After the adjutant left, Hen turned his attention to the instrument in the front-line military tent again.

It was an instrument used to analyze local Honkai energy radiation...

On the instrument, the Honkai energy that was originally rising sharply was cut off in the middle... and then fell rapidly again.

As a person who had experienced the disaster of the Herrscher of the Void, Hen knew better than anyone... There was only one possibility for the Honkai energy that was originally rising sharply to be cut off in the middle.

That was that the Herrscher who caused this great collapse was dead.

"This time, did you take action again..."

Inexplicably, Hen thought of the blonde assistant who had once conquered the Herrscher of the Void with Alicia...


Did Xu Ziling succeed?

In terms of the result... he did succeed.

The Herrscher of Thunder, the culprit who caused this great collapse, has now fallen in front of Xu Ziling and turned into a corpse.

But from a psychological point of view... he has lost a great loss.

Because he has never wanted to "kill" the Herrscher of Thunder...

After Xu Ziling silently clenched his fists, he flashed forward in an instant, touched the Herrscher core buried in the corpse with his own hands, and tried to guide the collapse energy to flow in.

According to the experience of later generations... after the death of the Herrscher, his consciousness will be deposited in the Herrscher core. And as long as the consciousness does not dissipate, everything will still be in time...


A large amount of collapse energy was drawn by Xu Ziling into the Herrscher of Thunder's core... and in return, only one or two flashes of electric arcs passed by, and the consciousness that had dissipated could no longer respond to him...

Even... along with the physical contact, Xu Ziling's body also showed a reaction, as if urging him to quickly put this core in his pocket. As long as he absorbs it, he can go further on the road of "reason" and control the power of "thunder". He will become stronger than ever before.

But... this is not what he wants...

"But this is the bloody fate, successor."

A familiar yet unfamiliar voice sounded, and Xu Ziling raised his head instantly.

On the scorched earth ravaged by the Herrscher of Thunder, a little bit of data light flowed, and condensed into a figure in Xu Ziling's vision.

She held the sword in one hand and covered her eyes with a piece of black satin.


Xu Ziling called out her name subconsciously, then frowned and asked,

"Can you leave the simulated universe? Have you been watching here since just now?"

"No... Successor. I am just a projection of the simulated universe. In this world, no one else can see me except you... and I am only here to ask you questions. After you answer my questions, I will leave."

Jingliu's voice was still so cold. On the endless scorched earth, she slowly came to Xu Ziling and said,

"Successor... I don't know how much time has passed in your world. To me, what you said to me... just happened yesterday. Yesterday, you told me that 'disaster' is not unstoppable. Using every bit of power around us, we may not be unable to reach the end with our own will... But now, look at everything around us, and then tell me, this... is your will, is it the end you want to reach?"


Xu Ziling was silent.

Yes... this is really ironic. Obviously he had

I just taught Jingliu to face "disaster" and "fate" directly... But when the "disaster" really befell him, Xu Ziling realized that there seemed to be no difference between him and Jingliu.

In the face of the real "disaster"... Xu Ziling and she were powerless...

"Of course... Successor, you can still use the words "My life is not disturbed, he is not the person I want to protect" to escape everything this time... What about later?"

Jingliu hugged her chest, she looked at Xu Ziling who didn't say a word, and said,

"This time it's Raiden Ryoma... Who will it be next time? You said you don't want to protect the whole world, but in my opinion, when the God of Collapse points the spearhead at the person you love, you still can't protect her, you can't even protect one person, you... can't do anything."

Xu Ziling subconsciously clenched his fists.

Yes... Today, just because the God of Collapse wanted, such a trivial reason... Raiden Ryoma was going to die on the spot.

Then tomorrow... when the Honkai will point its spearhead at Mobius, Alicia, Klein... at these people that Xu Ziling is familiar with, then how will Xu Ziling... face all this?

The power of the Honkai God can no longer be defined by conventional concepts... In fact, when Xu Ziling's identity as the Ruler of Reason is confirmed, all the power Xu Ziling has now can be said to come from the Honkai God. It sounds a bit funny to resist the Creator as a Creator...

The battle between the Creator and the Creator... is meaningless from the beginning.

After a long silence, Xu Ziling looked up at Jingliu and said:

"But if fighting is meaningless and guarding is doomed to fail, then why do we... appear in this world?"

"I never think so."

Jingliu directly answered Xu Ziling's question, then she paused and added,

"You... are the same."

"Then you want to tell me... that we can't win at all, and we don't understand this sentence..."

After Xu Ziling smiled bitterly twice, he supported his tired body and stood up from the corpse of the Herrscher of Thunder,,

"Thank you for your comfort... Miss Jingliu."


Jingliu was silent for a moment and said,

"If you really think so... then your successor, your future is truly doomed. I also advise you not to contact those people or things you love, and don't try to resist fate. Just do as He says, try to win His favor, and say Maybe you can survive in the end, hehe..."

"Hahaha~ That sounds really good..."

Xu Ziling smiled self-deprecatingly, and then said with his back to Jingliu,

"But Miss Jingliu, I must apologize to you for what I said to you... Indeed, in the face of a real 'disaster', it is absolutely not enough to rely on external forces and cleverness... What we need is 'variables' and... a possible 'opportunity'."


Jingliu's tone suddenly rose, she stood up from the protruding stone on the scorched earth, squinted at Xu Ziling's back, and said,

"What is that?"

"I don't know."

After Xu Ziling shook his head, he said,

"I don't know where my 'opportunity' is, but... facing the collapse, I know where my 'variables' are."

As he said, Xu Ziling stretched out his right hand and placed it on his chest.

Facing the God of Disaster... If he refuses to survive in a despicable way and wants to turn defeat into victory, Xu Ziling's only "variable" is... his system.

That is also the only existence that the God of Disaster cannot see through...

If he wants to pull the God of Disaster off the altar... The existence of the system will definitely be the key backhand that can give him a fatal blow.

Thinking of this, Xu Ziling turned around instantly, took a step back, bowed solemnly to Jingliu, and said:

"Thank you... You made me see this, Miss Jingliu. With my 'variable'... I will protect the people I want to protect. Just as you said... I will not think that my fight is meaningless, never... You are the same."


Hearing this, Jingliu chuckled twice, then shook his head helplessly and said,

"Then go... Go and show Him the reason why you keep fighting, prove to Him that your fight is not meaningless, stand in front of His throne, and tell Him loudly that you can't touch my beloved... Congratulations, you can get out of this vicious circle of thinking, the moon guardian Jingliu, there is no more

What can I teach you again..."


Xu Ziling nodded, but he was a little confused. "Moon Guardian"... What is that? And why did Jingliu suddenly use honorifics to address him?

However, in response to Xu Ziling's doubts, Jingliu just waved his hand and said:

"You don't have to say anything more to me... Successor, you don't have to thank me, after all... It was you who told me that my fight was not meaningless. And now, I just did something similar to what you did before... By the way, let me remind you one last time, successor, if you don't leave, the one you want to protect will have to fight a Judgment-level Honkai Beast with a scalpel. Hehe..."

"What? ! "

Hearing this, Xu Ziling's eyes changed drastically, and the power of the Thousand Worlds surged instantly, sweeping over his body in the blink of an eye. Also swept away were the core and corpse of the Herrscher of Thunder...

Jing Liu also shook his head silently, and his figure turned into fragments of light and shadow, disappearing in this world.

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