The two of them were busy, and the two of them were busy.

While Alysia and the others were making plans for their study plan.

In the main laboratory of the institute.

Mobius looked at the physical examination report displayed on the instrument and confirmed that Xu Ziling's current condition could not be better. Only then did his hurried mood ease a little.

"Doctor, you can have more trust in your little white mouse."

Xu Ziling shook his arm, which had just been deliberately relaxed to allow the needle to pierce his skin, and said to Mobius who was sitting in the office chair,

"You know the strength of my body. As long as it is not completely annihilated in an instant... No matter how serious the injury is, I can recover in a very short time, and hidden injuries are impossible. You don't have to be so anxious."

"... Hum."

Hearing this, Mobius shook his hand and said,

"Little white mouse, how did you see me anxious? How is that possible!... But you, after fusing the other half of the core, don't you have any special feelings in your body? I am so anxious to do the physical I'm not worried about your physical condition... I just want to see how you are different after fusing the other half of your core... Yes! That's it.

I just want to see the difference in physical data between a complete Herrscher and an incomplete Herrscher... Anxiety? I, Mobius, don't have that kind of emotion! The little white mouse has really been led astray by that guy Alysia, thinking about these things all day long..."


Hearing this, Xu Ziling fell silent. If his memory is correct, he should have sent a message to his own doctor a few days ago. In order to prevent the Houkai wife from coming to the world again and causing some unnecessary casualties, he has not absorbed his other half of his core yet.

Vishnu, the Houkai God may not feel it; but if he becomes a complete Herrscher of Reason, the other party will definitely feel it. If the other party gives Xu Ziling another mechanical deity at that time, it will not be fun.

Of course, Xu Ziling couldn't just leave his mimicry powers unused, but he wasn't ready to face Honkai God again. Since Honkai God gave him the right to choose the next meeting time, he had to grasp it well.

And these were actually things Xu Ziling had told Mobius in advance through communication... If it was Mobius in normal condition, Xu Ziling didn't believe she would forget.


After thinking for a while again, Xu Ziling chose to have tactical amnesia, and did not expose his own doctor's acting skills. Instead, he said,

"Doctor, I will pay attention... In addition, you should also pay attention to rest. If you don't want to start research on the Ruler of Reason now... How about I accompany you for a walk?"

"... Forget it, don't you see what time it is now."

Mobius shook his head slightly and said,

"The core of the Ruler of Reason... That kind of thing is fine to leave it there, and it won't run away. In addition, little white mouse, since the examination results show that your body is fine, go back to the room and rest early... I am also a little tired."

As he said, Mobius took the initiative to get up, took the physical examination report, and left the main laboratory of the institute first.

And Xu Ziling behind her scratched his head in a strange way.

He looked up at the time on the electronic clock hanging in the laboratory. It was only six o'clock in the afternoon in Mu Shi... Mobius actually said that he wanted to rest early.

This is not right, 100% or even 90% wrong.

With things developing to this point, Xu Ziling could not fail to notice the abnormality of his own doctor. But he really didn't know what caused Mobius's abnormal behavior.

It would definitely not work to ask directly, that would be a straight man's behavior. With Mobius's personality, she would never tell him the reason directly.

So in order to prevent himself from saying the wrong thing due to missing information, Xu Ziling thought about it again and again, and decided not to expose his own doctor's abnormal behavior first, and then find Wei Wei and others to understand Mobius's situation in the past few days, and then make a long-term plan.

But how did that sentence go?

Plans can never keep up with changes.

When Mobius returned to the bedroom to wash up, Xu Ziling searched the institute for a long time, but he couldn't find Wei Wei and Klein, who usually gathered in the living room of the institute.

Strange, when he was pulled away by his own doctor just now, he saw Wei Wei here

Performing magic for Klein.

Did we go to the spiral workshop next to the institute?

Thinking of this, Xu Ziling looked at the sky. After the sun had gradually set, he stood up and walked out of the main entrance of the institute and came to the spiral workshop next to the institute.

It is worth mentioning that the predecessor of this spiral workshop built next to the Mobius Institute was the "Special Armed Model Nine Por Max" created by Wei Wei after she recovered the spiral hubs she set up in various parts of Mu Continent.

The original air fortress landed on the ground, and with a certain degree of adaptive transformation, it became the spiral workshop built next to the institute today. Usually, when Wei Wei does not need to undergo experiments and there are no audiences to appreciate magic, she will come here to tinker with her spiral machinery.

However, after Xu Ziling knocked on the door in front of the spiral workshop, he still did not get a response.

Something is wrong... Today's situation is 29 out of 10 wrong...

Klein is not in the institute... Weiwei actually refuses visitors who come to consult... It seems that I am really tired and haven't woken up yet...

After holding his forehead and trying to restart his brain to no avail, Xu Ziling shook his head helplessly, then turned back to the institute and prepared to make dinner.

At this time... my doctor should not have eaten dinner yet, and even if she did... I think she would not refuse to add another midnight snack. When the table is served, I will ask a few questions in a roundabout way. Anyway, I definitely can't watch my doctor in this abnormal state all the time.

So that night.


After washing up, Mobius came to the sofa in the living room and sat down. After taking a look at Xu Ziling who was still cooking in the kitchen, he lay down on the sofa.

She was always so silent, with her right arm on her forehead, her eyes sometimes complicated, sometimes helpless. It seemed that she was assuming that a certain behavior was possible, but was quickly rejected by reason.

Leaving the body of a final-level Honkai beast and half of the core of the Herrscher of Reason to study... and instead daydreaming here, there is no doubt that Mobius is very abnormal now.

And what pushed her to this point... was Xu Ziling's reckless behavior... last time it was Shesha, this time it was Shiluo, although every victory of his was extremely easy, but Mobius knew... this ease was only possible under the watchful eyes of the gods.

Once the existence called Honkai God decided to turn the table, once the opponent changed from Honkai Beast to Honkai God... Mobius didn't even know what he should do to help him.

Again... as long as the two of them face the problem together, then all problems are not problems, even if it ends in tragedy, as long as they can still share hardships in the process, it doesn't matter.

However, now almost all problems have been solved by Xu Ziling alone... and Mobius is sitting back and enjoying the fruits of his labor.

To put it in a good way... this is to sit back and enjoy the convenience brought by her own mice... But in Mobius's opinion, she hates the feeling of being forced to accept help, and she can never help him in return... This is too "shameless", Mobius will never accept it.

But in front of the absolute power displayed by Xu Ziling... The power of the fusion warrior is too weak, and the blood of Chimera is not strong enough. The biological technology that she is proud of is nothing in front of that absolute power. This feeling is really terrible.

Of course, these are all thoughts in Mobius's mind. In reality, how could she say these words?

If she really said it, wouldn't it be a disguised admission that she actually cares about her own mice? Wouldn't it be a disguised admission that her research is really useless? Kidding! How could that be possible! !

How could it be possible...

Looking up at Xu Ziling who was still cooking in the kitchen, Mobius silently pursed his lips.

From a personal perspective, she really wanted to say, little white mouse, can you stop and wait for me? Don't always take those dangerous things on yourself, wait for me and let me face it with you, okay?

But from a rational point of view, Mobius also knows that as a doctor, he must not ask his little white mouse to stop growing because of some personal reasons. If so... the experimental results will be inaccurate, and the life of the little white mouse will be delayed by himself... Even if he is still by his side, what is the difference between this and being shameless?

It is precisely these contradictory and complex ideas that make his own rationality and emotions mutually inconsistent.

The collision that can be accommodated has built up the abnormal emotion that Mobius is not interested in anything now... She wants to express it, but she "can't speak".

If she speaks, she will become a burden to him and drag down his pace.

If she keeps silent, she can only watch him getting farther and farther away from her.

So keep silent... Before new paths and solutions are discovered, the only choice left for her is silence.

"Doctor, Vivi and Klein said they are out to buy magic props and will not be back tonight."

Xu Ziling's voice brought Mobius's thoughts back from the chaos. She sat up from the sofa and looked at Xu Ziling who came out of the kitchen with milk tea and a plate of small cakes, and said,

"I tried to bake a cake according to the tutorial on the Internet... Do you want to try it? The milk tea was bought when I came back in the morning and it has been heated up."

After staring at the green cake for a while, Mobius noticed the stick snake pattern painted with edible pigments and the words "Happy birthday", he couldn't help but raise his eyebrows and hugged his chest and said,

"Little white mouse, this cake... did that guy Alicia tell you?"


After Xu Ziling pondered for a moment, he did not deny it. After placing the baked cake and milk tea on the dining table, he said,

"Sorry... I never asked the doctor about his birthday until I heard Miss Alicia mention it last time in America. It turns out that April 30th is the doctor's birthday... Although it's already halfway through May, I still want to say to you, happy birthday, doctor. These are belated birthday gifts, please make yourself happy."

"Humph, birthdays are just boring customs of creatures like humans, I don't care... But since you made it yourself, I'll try it."

Looking at Xu Ziling who had already lit the candles on the cake, Mobius' mood finally improved a little.

That's right... During this period, Mobius seemed to pay too much attention to the gap between himself and Xu Ziling. As the saying goes, haste makes waste. It seems that he must adjust his mentality when he has time. Now is a perfect opportunity.

"Let's skip the process of making a wish. I won't pin my thoughts on those illusory wishes."

Mobius said, and blew out the candles of the cake that Xu Ziling had just lit.

After sitting down, he took the table knife and fork to cut a small piece of cake and tasted it. Although it was not as good as the special effects cakes of those Internet celebrities, it was also very good.

After taking a sip of the fairy happy tea handed over by Xu Ziling, it was indeed first-class delicious.

"Not bad, at least compared with your previous cooking, your cooking skills have not regressed."

Mobius rolled his eyes and gave such an evaluation.

"Well... this is also the first time I have tried this kind of food that needs to be baked. The doctor can give such an evaluation, indeed... huh?"

Xu Ziling said, but he clearly saw that while he was explaining, Mobius quickly cut two more pieces of cake and threw them into his mouth at lightning speed.

"Hmm, ahem... what are you looking at?"

After swallowing the cake in his mouth, Mobius noticed Xu Ziling's slightly surprised look, and waved his hand quickly, saying,

"I've worked hard all day, can't I have more dessert?... Of course, I'm not saying how delicious your dessert is, but I have no other choice right now, understand?"

"This... Ha, Doctor, you are right."

Xu Ziling smiled helplessly, then glanced at the kitchen and said,

"But I actually baked a lot. The reason why it is a small cake instead of a big cake is mainly because Klein and Vivi are not at home... Eat slowly, if it's not enough, there are more in the kitchen."

"Then go get it... By the way, this milk tea is also very delicious, do you have any left?"

"I have everything, I have everything."

Xu Ziling smiled helplessly and said,

"Doctor, eat slowly, no one will snatch it from you..."


At the same time.

"Ha! I told you! In order to ease the potential conflict, Dr. Mebius will definitely take the lead in lowering his attitude!"

In the dark of the research institute, Velvet held the core of the Herrscher of the Void and used the power of the Sub-Void to hide the figures and traces of the three people, and said with a smile,

"My dear audience, I won this bet!"


On the side, Klein's eyes were a little surprised. This was also the first time she saw her own doctor take the initiative to lower his attitude, and it was in such a subtle way as snatching food...

"Okay, okay♪~ It's not something a beautiful girl should do to talk about others behind their backs.


After closing a book called "One Hundred Methods of Cake Baking", Alicia ended her remote guidance of Xu Ziling, and then said with a smile,

"I have already contacted Xiao Ziling, and since Dr. Mobius has put down his worries and opened up... um hum ♪~ then the plan can also proceed to the next step."

"Hehe~! Speaking of assists, this magician is second, no one dares to claim first!"

Wei Weiwei patted her chest confidently and said,

"I want Dr. Mobius and Xiao Xu to have an open-hearted exchange... hum hum! This magician has already made up 99 ways of assists in my mind!"

"Really~ You are worthy of being Wei Weiwei, praise you! ♪~"

After Alicia smiled, she said,

"Then Teacher Wei Weiwei~ It's your turn next!"

"Leave it to me! "

Wei Weiwei adjusted the brim of her hat with confidence and said,

"There is no assist battle in this world that this magician cannot win! My dear audience, please rest assured - I will win. "

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