The two of them were so angry that they had to face each other.


At the moment when the Collapse God raised his sword and stabbed at his chest, Xu Ziling suddenly felt a sweetness in his throat...

Then, a stream of golden red blood gushed out from Xu Ziling's neck. He subconsciously reached out and covered his neck. The shock of arterial bleeding and the suffocation of ruptured throat still caught Xu Ziling's consciousness in an instant.

It was the Honkai God who was pierced by the sword... but the one who was bleeding non-stop was me... This feeling was too weird...

"Is this the answer you wanted... How is it? Surprise?"

Unlike Xu Ziling who could only whimper because of a ruptured throat, Honkai God... Even though a sword was hanging in his throat at the moment, he could still smile and say to Xu Ziling with his simulated pure white face,

"Okay, this is your 'reward' after completing your homework... Don't forget to think about your mother when you go back? My child~"

"You... cough cough..."

Xu Ziling felt a chill from Honkai God's half-joking teasing words.

If there was a choice, who would want to be your child?

But he couldn't complain because his throat was ruptured. He could only express his dissatisfaction to Honkai God by looking coldly at his throat with both hands.

"Well...haha~...go back, wait until you grow up. I will consider giving you some new homework, you have to be prepared too, baby~"

The God of Collapse smiled and walked towards Xu Ziling step by step, but this time He did not say that He was going to touch Xu Ziling's body...but directly "passed" through...

No..."passed through" is not the right description, "attached" seems to be a better explanation of the current situation...

The pure white body of the God of Collapse covered Xu Ziling's human body with seven emotions, and Xu Ziling also quietly discovered that this pure white space was rejecting him, and he was about to bounce himself out.

Then, Xu Ziling suddenly felt an itch in his throat, as if something filled the hole in his broken throat... In short, at this last moment, he found that he seemed to have regained the right to speak.

But what does this mean?

The God of Collapse can read minds directly...what does it mean to speak or not in front of Him?

"Hmm... Look! I knew you even brought jewelry."

Under the pure white light, Xu Ziling raised his left hand uncontrollably. After noticing the black and gold ring above, the slightly unexpected voice of the God of Disaster came from Xu Ziling's ear,

"It seems that you are still a little precocious... Forget it, since you have completed your homework well, I will not care about you in this regard. But my own children are in love... As a mother, of course I have to give some gifts.

So what should I give... If you have it, I will return the 'lucky money' I once received from you. This is the power that originally belonged to you. Now I will return its control to you... Keep it, and make you 'satisfied' next time we meet. "

"Then I guess... the conditions for making you 'satisfied' should not only be completing those so-called 'homework', right?"

Xu Ziling touched his itchy smooth neck, trying to stabilize his demeanor while asking the God of Disaster beside his ear.


The God of Collapse did not answer.

But Xu Ziling could still feel it.

[He is laughing]


In reality.

Ai Lishia made a telescope gesture, looking at Xu Ziling whose eyes were filled with strange white light not far away, and couldn't help but sweat for him in her heart.

At the same time... looking at the white light on Xu Ziling's body, Ai Lishia inexplicably felt a little sad... This feeling, I can't describe it...

If I have to describe it... It's like a child abandoned by his mother. After many years of absence, he finally saw his biological mother again, and the mother also recognized her child... But she didn't even glance at Ai Lishia, but instead concentrated all her love on the person shrouded in white light... That is Xu Ziling.

This made Ai Lishia feel a little complicated... But she was relieved soon.

It was really strange. Why did I have such a complicated feeling towards a ball of white light that didn't contain any emotion... If I had to say it, it was obviously Xu Ziling's

The curvy figure of a European beauty is obviously more interesting to her.

And the mother of Alicia, from beginning to end, is only the director of the orphanage who adopted her when she was young.

And now, she actually has such a complicated feeling about such a meaningless white light... Oh! Ai Li, my good Ai Li, how can you be so depraved? This is not what a beautiful girl should do!

After shaking her head slightly and throwing away all these unspeakable emotions in her mind, Alicia focused her eyes on Xu Ziling in her field of vision again.

Instead of thinking about those complicated emotions that she couldn't describe, she still felt that Xu Ziling's figure curves were more attractive to her...


Beside him, Mebius wiped the non-existent sweat from his forehead, and looked at the system display screen in front of him with a heavy expression, which kept popping up the crashed projects.

Although he had long guessed that human scientific means might not be able to capture information about the existence of gods, Mobius did not expect that it would be so straightforward...

The completely collapsed AI system did not capture any scientific signals about gods, even though the gods were right in front of them.

This was even when Vilvi was holding the core of the Herrscher of Thunder next to him, stabilizing the circuit of the instrument and acting as a close-range signal source... Otherwise, these scientific instruments at the forefront of human civilization would not be as simple as system collapse, but would directly explode...

After realizing that scientific means could not even capture the existence of gods, Mobius was straightforward. He asked Klein to kick away these useless electronic wastes, and then used his own eyes and flesh to observe the pure white existence that was now possessed by Xu Ziling's body.

Seeing this, Vilvi scratched her head, and after thinking for a moment, she simply handed the core of the Herrscher of Thunder to the spiral hub she had just rubbed out, letting the other party replace her as a signal blocker.

As for Wei Wei, she followed Mebius and opened her eyes wide, observing the pure white light emerging from Xu Ziling's body closely.

Klein followed behind with a pen and a notebook, recording the various sensory information given by the two doctors.

The pure white light lasted for a long time, and they couldn't help but worry. If this Honkai God kept relying on Xu Ziling and even manipulated Xu Ziling's body to attack them, wouldn't they have no way to deal with it?

Fortunately, Honkai God wanted to train Xu Ziling and then play a big game. If he turned the table over and didn't play now, then this game would be too boring.

At noon, the scorching sun of Mu Continent was shining, and the pure light that had once possessed Xu Ziling's body slowly dissipated. Only Xu Ziling's body was left standing there, with his eyes closed.

"This is... It's over... Huh, it feels like nothing happened... But it's okay this way."

Feeling that the complex emotions that had been in her heart just now disappeared along with the pure white figure, Alicia breathed a sigh of relief, then looked up at Xu Ziling who had his eyes closed in her field of vision, and was about to meet him.

However, Mebius raised his eyebrows suddenly, grabbed Alicia's wrist and said:



Alicia slowly typed a question mark, and then looked a little nervous, asking,

"Dr. Mebius, have you noticed any sudden situation?"


Mebius shook his head very simply, then stretched out his finger and poked Alicia's shoulder, saying,

"But don't forget your current identity, think about my current identity... Alicia, that's my little white mouse, when he recovers, the first person he sees when he opens his eyes should be me... not you, understand?"


In response, Alicia scratched her head, and then stretched out her finger and pointed Pointing behind Mebius, he said,

"But Dr. Mebius... Vilvi has already rushed over."


"Wow! Is this the body that was just possessed by the god... Yohoho, let this magician use his own body to feel how different this body that was possessed by the god is from the previous one!"

"... Vilvi!!!!!!"

Seeing that his little white mouse was being touched by a magician who came from nowhere, Mebius was immediately furious and said with gritted teeth:

"Take your hand off! That's my little white mouse! Mine!!"

Behind him, seeing Mebius rushing over angrily, Alicia and Klein looked at each other and smiled helplessly.

, and then followed.

But often the changes happen when everyone lets down their guard...

Just like now.

Alicia, who was sensing something, suddenly changed her expression, and then she pulled Klein's wrist behind her, and threw Mobius and Vivi in ​​front of her at the fastest speed in her life, exclaiming,

"Everyone! Get down quickly!!"

"Puff... Wow!——"

In the next moment, the sound of flesh and blood breaking sounded, but this sound of breaking did not come from any of Alicia, Mobius, Vivi and Klein, but from Xu Ziling's... carotid artery...


Golden red blood gushed out as the carotid artery ruptured.

The blood dyed the grass red, and the scorching sun at noon also burned the thick red juice.

Mobius' pupils suddenly shrank. She had just been knocked down by Alicia and subconsciously raised her head to check on Xu Ziling's condition... But before she could say anything, she saw that the wound that appeared on Xu Ziling's throat and kept gushing out blood was healing at a speed visible to the naked eye...

Yes... That's right.

Xu Ziling's body recovery ability is extremely amazing. In theory, no matter how serious the injury is, as long as it is not an absolute death in an instant, he can recover in a very short time. The core of the Ruler of Reason gave him this capital.

But now... the wound that appeared on Xu Ziling's throat did not completely recover, but left a scar...

No... No! Rather than saying that the wound looks like a scar after healing... That thing is more like an eyeball that is tightly closed! !


A sound like blood splashing sounded.

Out of biological instinct, Mobius subconsciously closed his eyes.


The long knife hit the ground.

"Hmm... Doctor... What do you mean you are in this style?"

When Xu Ziling recovered from his trance, he saw four little ones, one pink, two green and one brown, squatting in front of him with their heads in their hands... This beautiful scene made him scratch his head in confusion and ask,

"Is today a special holiday?"


Mobius slowly typed a question mark.

She quickly stood up, patted the dust off her body, and pressed Xu Ziling's shoulder, asking anxiously:

"Little white mouse... are you okay??!"

As he said that, Mobius pushed Xu Ziling's chin, but his neck was still as smooth and elastic as before, and there was no sign of any scars at all.


For a moment, Mobius was really paused. After a moment of silence, she sorted out her panicked emotions because of seeing Xu Ziling's arterial bleeding. She pointed to the grass around her and said,

"Little white mouse... do you feel anything strange now? Just now, I seemed to see something like an eyeball appeared on your neck, and it was bleeding... you..."

"Eyeball... ah, you mean this."

After being reminded by Mobius, Xu Ziling also reacted. Then he signaled Mobius and others to step back a little, and he also pulled open his right sleeve and made a mid-air grasping gesture.


Blood splattered, and a series of sharp wounds instantly appeared on Xu Ziling's right arm.

Then, these suddenly appeared thin and long wounds opened one after another, revealing a strange and swollen scarlet eyeball like congestion.

These eyeballs from the wounds are very strange. The eyeballs themselves are covered with bloodshot and have become abnormally swollen due to congestion; but its pupils, which are interwoven with green and black, have indeed shrunk to an extremely small degree. If you don’t look carefully, you won’t even notice the existence of the pupils.

Then, Xu Ziling waved his right hand, and the swollen and bloodshot eyeballs on his right arm began to wriggle. They broke away from Xu Ziling's arm and gathered in his palm;

They softened, twisted, and collided... one nerve after another was connected, and the swollen giant eyeballs were opened... Finally... they condensed into a red giant sword made of bright red muscles and swollen eyeballs...

"This is the embodiment of the power of the Ruler of Reason after focusing on biological nerves... It is also the Honkai weapon born after I completed myself. At the same time... It is also a gift from the Honkai God to you and me after seeing the relationship between you and me...

Since it was created by the Honkai God himself, it contains some divine aura. It should be able to provide some help to your research on gods. As for the name... Just call it

[Mimicry] OK. ”

[Mimicry] Greatsword reference picture (from the game @ Ruins Library)

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