After Xu Ziling passed the second world of the simulated universe, he spent a long time in the research institute doing experiments with his own doctor.

A month later, Mebius submitted an application for the [Chimera] operation to Xu Ziling.

The operation was to allow Mebius, a fusion warrior who had already fused [Shesha], to continue to fuse the genes of [Vishnu], so as to gain power beyond the two.

In order to avoid the problem of gene conflict as much as possible, Xu Ziling and Mebius prepared for a whole month.

Do you remember the "mimicry" greatsword given by the God of Collapse two months ago?

After that day, Mebius took Xu Ziling to conduct research on the mimicry sword, and successfully extracted a new substance from the mimicry sword.

This substance itself is extremely threatening, but as long as it is used with Xu Ziling's blood, it can show a kind of inclusiveness and ductility that includes everything. When used in the fusion warrior surgery, it can play a role similar to "lubricant", thereby greatly improving the success rate of the fusion warrior surgery.

Similarly, this genetic material can be used in the Chimera surgery, which can also soften the originally conflicting genetic materials, thereby ensuring the success rate of the Chimera surgery to the greatest extent.

After discussion, Mebius decided to name this product of the fusion of the mimicry gene and Xu Ziling's blood as "supermutation factor".

After making full preparations, the "Chimera" surgery for the fusion warrior Mebius to continue to fuse the Vishnu gene began.

During this period, Alicia, who was originally in Southeast Asia to perform the task of clearing Honkai beasts, received a commission and rushed back overnight, just to respond to the beautiful girl's expectations - during Xu Ziling's Chimera operation on Mobius, the flawless dome was raised to restrict the Herrscher information that Xu Ziling would show during the operation.

Yes, in order to ensure that the Chimera operation is foolproof, Xu Ziling decided to release his breath as a Herrscher of Reason without reservation from the beginning to the end of the Chimera operation, so as to suppress the "Vishnu" gene that Mobius wanted to continue to merge... After all, it was his companion beast, and his breath as a companion Herrscher could play a little suppressive role.

If it really doesn't work, Xu Ziling actually has a killer move.

That is, if there is an accident in the Chimera operation, he will exert his full power of [disassembly] to [disassemble] the Vishnu gene that has been integrated into the Mobius gene...

The demon spirit's disassembly is reduced to the gene level, and it cannot cause even the slightest harm to the person being disassembled... This is destined to be an extremely severe mental challenge for Xu Ziling.

But because the target is Mobius, it is worth doing so.

Fortunately, although life has accidents, Xu Ziling, who is not a hero, does not have to suffer accidents everywhere. After he unreservedly released his Herrscher's aura to suppress it, Shi Luo's genes seemed to be autistic, and did not jump out to make trouble throughout the whole process, which made Xu Ziling worry-free.

As for the first fusion operation of Chimera, it was successful without any surprise.

Similarly, after the integration of the new Honkai Beast gene, Vishnu's demonic features also appeared on Mobius' body...

At this sight, Xu Ziling almost saw anemia... It's not that his willpower is not strong enough, but the succubus doctor with small wings, a heart-shaped tail and cute horns behind his back... is really a bit foul.

Fortunately, Xu Ziling, who was quick-eyed and quick-handed, took advantage of the time when his own doctor was still in a coma after the operation and before the pink demon rushed in, and tried his best to use his [Disassembly] power, and successfully removed the pendants from his own doctor's body, so as not to cause a disaster.

When Mobius woke up from the operation, he saw a pink demon lying next to him and sniffing... This scared her so much that she punched it directly.

Then Alicia was knocked away... Fortunately, Xu Ziling was watching from the side, so she was not injured.

This also made Mebius realize his current strength. He had merged [Shesha] and [Vishnu] successively and became the first [Chimera] in the true sense... Could he actually punch the pink fat woman Alysia away?

However, Alysia just didn't believe it. She was finally called back by Xu Ziling. She also wanted to see how much everyone had improved now!

So, Mobius explained to her what it meant to say… “I’m just a researcher, I don’t have as much power as them.”

The details of the battle between the strongest single combat force of the Fire Moth and the first fusion warrior and the first Chimera of the Fire Moth are not very clear.

I only remember that day… the pink crystals that made up the flawless dome were shattered into foam…

Even the big V teacher who always liked to play in a group couldn’t come up this time… He could only watch the battle from the side, fearing that Mobius would get too excited and dismantle the spiral device he had just built…

And in this battle between the strongest single combat force of the Fire Moth and the first Chimera of the Fire Moth.

There is absolutely no personal grudge,

Absolutely not.

“Hehe~… How is it? Ai, Li, Xi, Ya…”

In the subspace created by the Subspace Gem.

Mobius effortlessly pressed the pink fairy lady under him. This unprecedented pleasure was something she had never experienced before, and she couldn't help but smile smugly.

And Alicia's expression changed from the shock of being unable to suppress the beautiful girl to a kind of relief.


After Alicia, who was pressed down by her wrist, tried to struggle to no avail, she completely gave up struggling. She even rubbed against Mebius's body, then smiled and said,

"So this is how Eden usually feels... It seems... Not bad?"

"You!... Humph!"

Mebius realized that his suppression was only a reward for Alicia, so he stood up from her with a look of disgust, hugged his chest and said,

"Sure enough, I shouldn't have thought that you would give up... Humph! It's better to say that talking to you has been a waste of my time from the beginning! Little white mouse! Let's go! Go back to the research institute to do experiments and ignore this pink fat woman!"

"Hey hey hey~! Don't be angry Angry!"

After patting her clothes covered in dust during the battle, Alicia hurriedly caught up with Mobius, and at the same time, she opened her hands and pulled the wrists of Mobius and Xu Ziling respectively, begging in a tone,

"Xiao Ziling, Xiao Ziling, please help me persuade Dr. Mobius... Just say that the lovely pink fairy lady also wants to do this "fusion" operation! If you have this power... the lovely pink fairy lady will definitely be able to save more people!"

"You wish."

After rolling his eyes at Alicia, Mobius slapped Alicia's hand holding Xu Ziling's wrist.

And Xu Ziling only had time to show Alicia a slightly apologetic look, and was pulled away by his own doctor.

Late at night,

Xu Ziling sent a surgical agreement guarantee to Alicia according to his own doctor's instructions, and also sent a copy to Wei Wei and Ying.

As a time traveler, Xu Ziling knew that these people who were destined to become the Thirteen Heroes of Chasing Fire in the future were all truly good people. Performing fusion surgery on them would help them gain more powerful strength. No matter who it was, it was a good thing.

Although Mobius was harsh in her words, she knew in her heart how much convenience and help the fusion surgery could bring to Alicia, who had been on the front line of the collapse in the past few months. And how many people in the collapse could be saved.

In such a matter of right and wrong, Mobius never acted on impulse.

It was also from that day that Alicia would bring some genes of the collapse beasts to the research institute from time to time, and then she would ask Mobius tirelessly whether there were any genes of the collapse beasts that could adapt to her, a beautiful girl like a flower.

The same thing happened to Wei Wei. Ever since she was persuaded to give up the fusion surgery because she didn't have compatible genes, she has been using her network to collect Honkai beast genes that might be compatible with her. Now that she saw that Mobius had become a chimera and she was still an ordinary human, she immediately cried and said that she wanted to become his wife just for the surgery...

Even Ying went to the research institute one morning afternoon after receiving Xu Ziling's message.

The continuous surgery applications made Mobius really annoyed, so he pushed them all to Xu Ziling and asked him to explain the genetic compatibility and success rate of the fusion surgery to them.

Well... In fact, it is mainly about asking these fusionists about their own subjective choices. After all, the two major difficulties of fusion surgery, the genetic compatibility and the success rate of the surgery, have been perfectly solved by Xu Ziling.

If the genes are not compatible, take out Vishnu's genes. With Xu Ziling,

This Herrscher operated on the Cricket Companion Beast, and it was beaten to autism. The active genes became inert genes, so naturally there was no question of whether it was rejected or not.

Even if it was really rejected, Mobius operated on the side to keep the fusion subject alive, and Xu Ziling used the [Disassembly] power to disassemble the genes of the Honkai Beast that had been integrated into the fusion subject.

Take the overall situation into consideration.

The fusion surgery performed by Xu Ziling and Mobius together had zero risk and no possibility of failure.

The process of [Disassembly] of genes might be painful... but compared to the fusion surgery in the original book, where the patient would die if the surgery failed, Xu Ziling and Mobius had joined forces to do the best with the Fusion Warrior Plan.

One week after Mobius became the first Chimera. Velvet took the lead and sat on the operating table of Xu Ziling and Mobius.

Speaking of which, this seems to be the first time that Xu Ziling and Mobius operated on the same operating table at the same time. Before, they operated on each other.

And the result of the operation... because the fused gene is still our old friend Vishnu, so when Xu Ziling released his Herrscher aura to suppress it, the fusion operation was not surprisingly successful.

Alicia followed closely, and finally Ying.

I am afraid that when Shi Luo was still alive, she would never dream that as a Dharma-Ending Class Honkai Beast, she who controls half of the power of law... was not very useful when she was alive, but after death, she could use her genes to benefit so many people.

So that the top combat power of the entire Fire Chaser Moth was raised by a large margin by her genes.

Fortunately, Shi Luo is dead, otherwise if she knew that Xu Ziling was still planning to fuse Vishnu's genes into each of the future Thirteen Heroes, Shi Luo would probably jump out of the coffin in anger.

Of course, these are obviously later stories.

While Mobius sorted out the relevant documents and prepared to officially announce the existence of fusion surgery and fusion warriors to the Fire Chaser Moth.

Xu Ziling also changed his outfit, a white shirt, jeans and canvas shoes, and prepared to go to Mucheng No. 1 Senior High School to teach.

August 29, the first year of the Fire Chaser Era.

Since Mucheng in Mu Continent is the capital of Mu Continent, the school starts earlier here than other regions.

Since Xu Ziling's certificate was taken care of by Mobius and his teacher qualification certificate was also arranged by Tianjin, he came to Mucheng No. 1 Senior High School to teach. He didn't have to talk to the school leaders like other teachers to ensure that he could survive in this school. He just found his class and went in to teach according to the course.

Standing in front of the gate of Mucheng No. 1 Senior High School... No, there is no so-called gate at all in Mucheng No. 1 Senior High School, and there is no campus wall at all. The whole school is integrated with Mucheng itself, with only a small guard booth as the main gate.

Here, if students want to leave... they don't have to wait for the end of get out of class or school. There are no campus walls, so they can leave anytime and anywhere. Learning depends entirely on their own initiative.

This is related to the advanced educational philosophy of Mu Continent... but more importantly, it is probably because most of the students who come here to study are either rich or noble. If they get hurt because of skipping classes or climbing over the wall, the school can't bear the responsibility, so they simply demolished the walls and called it independent learning.

"Hello, is this Assistant Professor Xu?"

Just as Xu Ziling was about to enter the campus with the briefcase prepared by his doctor, another middle-aged, fat Mediterranean teacher came up to him. He first confirmed Xu Ziling's teaching certificate, then introduced himself, saying,

"I am Li Shuren, the academic director of Mucheng No. 1 Senior High School, and also an inaugural member of Tianshi Group... The chairman has already told me about you. This is your course schedule for this semester. Please take a look."


Hearing this, Xu Ziling nodded slightly. He usually hates this kind of flattery... But who really gives him the right to do so? Alas~ Maybe this is the loneliness that a villain boss should have.

Xu Ziling took the course schedule handed over by Director Li and took a look.

He didn't expect that he, who teaches physical education, would become a class teacher.

Xu Ziling took a look at this kind of thing and put it away. After all, the real purpose of his coming here was to contact the girl named Wendy, not to really teach.

"Where is the class I teach?"

Since Director Li did not give Xu Ziling a cold look, Xu Ziling naturally did not need to put on airs and directly said what he was doing.

’s request.

This undoubtedly relieved Director Li, who then quickly said:

“The class you are in charge of this semester is Senior 1 (2). I will take you to meet them. Please ask the teaching assistant to move to that place.”

Following Director Li, Xu Ziling successfully found the class he taught. Director Li originally planned to take him to meet Mucheng No. 1 Senior High School, but Xu Ziling refused.

After declining Director Li’s offer, Xu Ziling walked straight into his own classroom.

However, as soon as Xu Ziling walked into the classroom, he heard a familiar voice——

"Hey~ woman! You have successfully aroused the interest of me, 'Zhuge Aling'. How about coming to sit next to me? I, Zhuge Aling, have a lot of interesting news stories!"

"... No, thank you."

"Hey hey hey! Don't rush to refuse... Let me tell you about a blonde sister I met two months ago! Really, that blonde sister is so beautiful... When I tell you her story, you will be fascinated by her. So, if you want to hear her story, you must come to me, Zhuge Aling! The plan works! Haha~"

Wendy: (っ ̯ -。) It's too embarrassing to watch...

Xu Ziling: "..."

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