The little birdie was so cute.

"Little birdie?"

Ling scratched her head in confusion, not seeming to understand the meaning.

Wendy shook her head helplessly and said:

"Just listen to me first... okay?"

"Ah? Oh...then continue."


Wendy nodded and looked out the French window of the library. The moonlight seemed to move her hair, allowing Ling to see her entire profile.

She had black hair without makeup, and her delicate face seemed like a gem carefully carved by the sky; the sky was slightly clear, and the indigo on the tip of her hair moved by the moonlight was like a breeze after the rain.

The white school uniform matches her nearly perfect body proportions, and her lips are slightly pale but not weird... She is so beautiful.

Looking at her in the moonlight, Ling couldn't help but have this thought in her heart.

But what Ling didn't notice was... Wendy's indigo eyes under the moonlight, which were like green fields and sunny days, reflected an unstoppable sadness at this moment...

"Once upon a time... there was such a little bird. She could fly freely in the forest every day and do whatever she wanted. She would not be constrained by life or identity. Such a life made the little bird very happy and happy...

Then one day, the free little bird met the little wind who was as free as her. Little wind is the spirit of the wind. She has faster speed and more precise power than the little bird. Therefore, the little wind, who wants to win her everywhere, naturally became the object that the little bird wanted to compete with.

And in those competitions and contests, the increasingly familiar little bird The relationship between Bird and Little Wind has evolved from competition at the beginning to a wonderful friendship... At the end of the story, they become good friends who can talk about anything..."

Then, Wendy paused, as if she was thinking about how to start... or as if she was talking about the past and didn't want to start again...

After a period of ideological struggle in her mind, Wendy finally chose to continue, her tone became excited and choked, and said:

"I thought... the relationship between Little Bird and Little Wind could be as beautiful as described in fairy tales... That's fine... That's fine... But... One day... One day... We will wake up from our dreams... Little Bird... There will be no more Little Bird... "


April 5, Far East.

Today, Wendy and I went to Far East. Novels say that the warmest place in the world is the top of the Sky Tree in Far East Province of Shenzhou, but after coming here with Wendy, I found that there is no so-called Sky Tree here.

Forget it, forget it... If there is no sky tree, let's go to the beach. Sea breeze, watermelon, and swimsuits... There are so many beautiful things! Wendy even taught me how to swim, which is really unfair... Why does she always know something I don't know? When will I be able to beat her...

May 21, Peru.

Wendy and I went to pick coffee beans today. Wendy said that the taste of coffee is terrible, but because I grind it myself, it is not terrible! Hehe~...

June 13, the Arctic.

I went to the Arctic today, and someone held a wedding in the temperature-controlled zone there. Mom and Dad brought us close-fitting antifreeze clothes for us to see up close. The couple and the close-fitting antifreeze clothes that Wendy and I are wearing are said to be from Mu Continent!

The Arctic in the warm season is not actually cold, but there are really auroras! Wendy and I lay on the snow here to watch the aurora. It would be nice if time could be frozen at this moment forever...

July 6, Italy.

I bought two ice creams at a nearby dessert shop, one is my favorite vanilla flavor, and the other is matcha flavor, and gave them to Wendy... But she is so stupid, she can get ice cream on her nose when eating it, and she needs me to wipe it off for her... Hehe~ But it's good this way.


Time goes back to half a year ago.

"The vacation is about to end, don't you want to review your lessons?"

Under the Rainbow Night Building in Button City, Wendy handed the dessert she just bought to the blonde girl in front of her and said casually.


The blonde girl took the dessert handed by Wendy with a smile, bit off most of the small cake, and said in a vague voice,

"Well... Aren't we all admitted... Well... Well! Ha~ Wendy~ Want

I say you are just thinking too much. We have both applied to Button University. Why are you still working so hard? Enjoying life early is the best thing to do now~?"


"Don't say but! Have more confidence in your own ability! This cake is delicious. Wendy, you should try it too."

In response to Wendy's nagging, the blonde girl chose to use cake to block her mouth.

"By the way... where are mom, dad, uncle and aunt? Why don't I see them coming with you?"

The blonde girl forked another small piece of cake and put it into her mouth. Noticing that Wendy came alone, she asked casually.

"They said they have business matters to discuss... let us play here by ourselves first."

Wendy swallowed the cake that the girl had just stuffed into her mouth and told the truth.


The girl deliberately dragged out the tone and said in an exaggerated tone,

"Then is this... considered a sweet date for the two of us? Hehe~"

Wendy was a little speechless, then said:

"First... we are classmates... secondly, we are all minors... finally, Button City is one of the earliest cities in the world to imitate Mu Continent, and there are surveillance cameras everywhere. Dad is from Shenzhou, and traditional ideas are quite serious. If he sees us doing something out of line... Dad will be fierce to me..."

"Oh~ Uncle Wen is not as scary as you say!"

The blonde girl was not shy. After eating the cake and wiping her hands, she put her arms around Wendy's neck and said with a smile,

"Besides, you know we are both girls, how can we say 'out of line' in a trivial matter? Don't worry, don't worry~..."


Wendy always couldn't get the better of the girl, so she had to give in to her... In fact, Wendy's father had never been mean to Wendy. Just like the girl said, it was just a trivial matter. How could it be out of line? Wendy had a friend who could help her in study, and this friend was of the same sex. Wendy's father was so happy that he couldn't wait to be mean to her. How could he be mean to her?

"Change the subject, Wendy."

After throwing the cake packaging into the trash can on the side of the road, the girl took out a tissue and wiped the cream that Wendy accidentally stuck on the tip of her nose. She smiled and pulled Wendy's hand and said,

"Wendy, look!"

Wendy looked in the direction of the girl's hand... But she only saw a dim starry sky.

Although Button City imitated Mu Continent, the technology was not as advanced and common as Mu Continent after all. The light pollution in Button City was still very serious, and it was not possible to see a bright starry sky as Mu Continent did when you looked up.

"This... isn't there nothing? "

Wendy looked at the other party with some doubt.


The girl shook her head seriously, then raised Wendy's hand and said,

"Feel it! Here... there is 'wind'!"


Wendy was stunned, the breeze brushed across her cheek, reflecting the girl's most innocent face.

"I heard... in my distant eastern land, even the invisible and intangible things like wind can be seen and absorbed!"

The girl held Wendy's hand and said with a smile,

"The people of Shenzhou seem to call that... true qi! Oh yes, true qi! As long as you absorb the wind called 'true qi', you can become a legendary hero!"

"... Isn't that something in novels?"

Wendy scratched her face and said,

"In reality... it should be impossible to absorb true qi and fly over the eaves and walls..."

"Oh! I don't care, I don't care~"

The girl hugged Wendy's arm and shook it, with an expression that said she would not let go unless she agreed.

"How do you know it doesn't exist if you haven't seen it with your own eyes? It's a happy decision! When we grow up, let's go to Shenzhou Continent together, how about it?"

The girl's words were very overbearing, seemingly asking but actually stating... She knew Wendy couldn't refuse her.

And the fact was indeed so.

The blonde girl who invited her under the moonlight that day... She was beautiful... Really beautiful.

Wendy's expression became helpless. She missed the eye contact between herself and the girl, and whispered softly:


But there are always some wishes... It is destined to be unrealized from the beginning of its birth.

"... Heh! "

Wendy's indigo pupils shrank suddenly.

The past is gone... yesterday is gone... everything Wendy saw... was just endless scorched earth and ruins...

Wendy didn't remember what happened at that time... She only remembered... a huge demon figure like a mountain flashed across the sky above Button City...

Then blood splattered, and then flesh and blood separated.


She could no longer remember the details of the disaster... She only remembered that she ran desperately... ran desperately... wanted to find her family... wanted to find the blonde girl who invited her under the moonlight that day... But she was doomed to fail...

The authority of [Structure] surged... The devil's hideous laugh sounded... It destroyed the city with a population of tens of millions with a wave of its hand... It was as easy as destroying an ant nest...

In the end, all the lives in Button City were swept away by the devil named Vishnu... Only Wendy was left, searching like crazy in the city that had turned into ruins...

The blood stained her clothes red... Some of it splashed on Wendy's body when others died, and some of it overflowed from Wendy's wounds when she fell...

But even so... Wendy only found the diary written by the girl when she and the girl traveled together in the "home" that had become a ruin... But other than that, she could not even see the body of the little bird... anymore...

Are you sad? Maybe...

Wendy didn't know... She only knew that she was sitting alone in the ruins, holding the diary that had also become tattered with her wounded hands... She felt her heart... empty...

That night... the city was wailing...

That night... the girl was silent...

A billboard flew from everywhere and hit Wendy's head squarely, and she fainted... Her white fingers were still tightly grasping the diary...

When she woke up again, the once prosperous Button City had completely become a ruin...

Wendy was the only survivor there... and the only unfortunate person.

Wendy woke up in a daze. Her body became weak due to the wounds she got from running last night, and her spirit became decadent due to the huge changes in her life... During this period, Wendy fantasized about committing suicide countless times... But she found that she couldn't do it.

The expectations the girl made to her that night always lingered in his ears... She told her that when they grow up, they will chase the direction of the wind together... Go and see the distant Shenzhou continent together... See if there are colorful true qi flowing there like in the novel...

She is gone...

I also want to find her...

But before that, Wendy doesn't want the expectations and promises she made to herself to become a bubble and a lie. Yan...

So I have to live... I must live...

I have to go to Shenzhou on her behalf, and I have to use my own eyes to witness the beautiful expectations she once made for me...

And before that... she can't die...

With this mentality, Wendy wandered aimlessly in the ruins of Button City... She didn't know how much time had passed, but she vaguely remembered that she was rescued by people from Shenzhou in the end...


"Just like that... Xiao Xiaofeng took Xiao Xiaoniao's last wish... With the help of two kind people, she set foot in Shenzhou to find her grandmother who was far away in Shenzhou..."

Wendy's tone was very light when she told the story, as if she was explaining a trivial matter that was very normal.


Ling didn't really understand these principles, but she realized that Wendy was not in a normal mood at the moment, so she comforted her,

"It seems that this is a very inspiring story... Although the process is a bit sad, didn't Xiao Xiaofeng decide to continue living with his friend's wishes in the end? People always look forward..."


In response, Wendy took a long breath and then turned to look at Ling.

Under the moonlight, Ling couldn't see Wendy's face, but she could hear her voice trembling slightly when she spoke:

"But what if... the expectations that Xiao Xiaoniao made for Xiao Xiaofeng... were not as beautiful as they imagined?"


"With her last wish, I accepted the help of kind people and came to Shenzhou Continent from afar. At the same time, I also found my grandma... But what I saw was not the ancient Eastern country full of five-color true energy... What I saw... was only a land of five turbidities and evil worlds...

Grandma is less than sixty years old this year... But her hair is already completely white... Because after the death of my father, an entrepreneur, a group of hypocritical hypocrites found my grandma, the only one who was sure to survive at the time, and they took out a sky-high debt and asked my grandma to pay... But how could my grandma have so much money?!

And from the beginning, from the beginning... they couldn't produce any solid evidence to prove that my father owed them so much money! I never believed that my father, who has always been fair, would borrow money from them!

But grandma doesn't understand these things at all! I am too

I was too young to fulfill my grandma's legal responsibilities... Grandma fell into the trap they set step by step and fell into the abyss...

At that time... I had already applied for Shenzhou Longcheng University... I wanted to follow her last wish, grow up day by day on this Shenzhou continent, and then chase the direction of the "wind"... But heaven is not as good as man!

The savings that my father had originally given to grandma, which were enough for grandma to be rich in her entire old age, were swindled away by those hypocritical people with various reasons... Even the house and residence were seized...

Grandma was very happy when she knew that I applied for Longcheng University, and decided to work three jobs to support my studies... But she didn't know that no matter how many jobs she worked and how much money she earned... the money would not be sent to Longcheng University in the end, but all flowed into the pockets of those so-called "creditors"...

Later... the children of those people came to me, and I thought that children could at least retain some sympathy... But I was wrong, so wrong...

They beat my body with fists and feet, and they stimulated my spirit with dirty words. Finally, they made a request... They could ask their father to stop oppressing grandma, and the price... was me...

I couldn't accept this condition, so I punched the child who wrote the so-called 'creditor'...

My punch... broke the man's nose... but also emptied grandma's savings...

Later... grandma got seriously ill due to the high-intensity work... and died at home because she had no money to treat the illness...

Then... the three children of the so-called 'creditors' came to me again... They said that I was not willing to accept their toast and had to drink the forfeit wine. , it was not them who killed grandma, but me... because... I refused to let them sell my body...

Then, they boasted to me that they had used similar methods to persecute so many families and ruined so many girls... I was not the first, nor the last...

I looked at the children of the so-called "creditors"... They were all my age, just a group of underage children...

Listening to the dirty words in my ears, looking at the purgatory in front of me... I couldn't help but start to think: Is this... the Shenzhou she expected? "

"Listening to them describe to me how they used similar methods to persecute one family after another, how they destroyed the dreams of one child after another... and how they used the so-called "underage age" to get away after the destruction... I couldn't stand it after all... Is this... the so-called... "Shenzhou"...? "

"Of course... I don't deny that there are good people in the Shenzhou Continent... For example... the two gentlemen who rescued me from the ruins of America are truly good people... But those dirty, filthy... disgusting... who are dressed as children but do evil things... They... all... deserve to die..."

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