After all, the past three years of high school life passed by in a flash. In addition to the knowledge she had learned long ago, Wendy also learned one thing in the past three years. That is [cherish]. That is, no longer looking back at the past, and no longer looking forward to the future, Wendy now only wants to [cherish] the present moment, cherish the time she has with her friends. It is precisely because of the experience of loss that we will cherish the things in front of us so much and be so content with the status quo. But Wendy never thought about it. When her [cherish] was forcibly destroyed by others, and that person was an opponent she could never compete with... The so-called [cherish] evolved into [despair]... At the same time. "......!"

Mebius, who was mixing reagents in the research institute, suddenly felt a sense of tremor for no reason.

Wei Weiwei, who was tinkering with a sweeping robot, also fell down, which made Mebius know that the tremor he just experienced was not accidental.


"Warning!! Warning!! Warning!! Warning!! Warning!! "

The system's warning sound suddenly sounded, not only inside the research institute, but also the high-rise buildings outside the research institute also flashed violent and eye-catching red light at the same time, and the urban network connecting the entire M city instantly broadcast the national defense alarm.

The mechanical broadcast sound did not contain a trace of emotion, but it was the most able to inspire people's inner fear and shock!

"A fluctuating energy of collapse has been detected. Notify all citizens of Mu! The entire Mu Continent has entered a first-level combat readiness state! Please pay attention to protection!"

"Warning! Warning! Warning!"

"M City has entered a state of autonomous defense. Please do not go out, all residents living in M ​​City! Wait for the support of the Fire Moth Army!"

"Repeat! M City has entered a state of autonomous defense. Please all..."


Before the broadcast of the urban communication completely fell, a scarlet and purple eye opened out of thin air in the void. The fifty-meter-tall giant beast raised its front foot like a hill and smashed the... shell of the urban broadcast with a single blow!

In between, the broadcast in the center of the city was shattered by the chariot-level shell, revealing an extremely sturdy steel pipe inside.


Seeing this, the chariot-level collapse beast was also a little strange, and seemed to not understand why there were still human buildings that could survive its attack.

However, the next moment, the giant steel pipe buried in the high-rise building in the city center suddenly popped up and quickly turned around.

It was when the black steel pipe pointed at its head that the tank-level Honkai beast finally understood what this thing was.

This thing is not a giant steel pipe, it is clearly... a giant cannon...



Accompanied by the roar of energy rays and an unwilling roar, the tank-level Honkai beast that was still invincible in the last second was blasted into slag by artillery fire in the next second!

Yes, unlike the former Changkong City, the place where the Honkai broke out at the moment is Mu Continent... the star of human technological civilization, Mu Continent!

Even M City is the capital of Mu Continent! Its technological defense means are incomparable to any other city in the world!

This is the forefront of human civilization and the most luxuriant branch on the human technology tree. Even if the former Dharma-Ending-level Honkai Beast Vishnu came to visit, it would take a long time to take over this place, not to mention these chariot-level Honkai Beasts that are like minions?

One shot killed them in seconds! What's there to say!

However, just killing a chariot-level Honkai Beast cannot stop the birth of this collapse.


The wind blew for no reason, and violent clouds enveloped. The dark clouds were blown by the wind, taking away the sun's light and covering the city with darkness.

The autonomous defense function of M City also quickly alerted. The city center cannon that had previously destroyed a chariot-level Honkai Beast with one shot adjusted its direction and pointed the barrel directly to the sky.

Then, a very sci-fi energy beam shot out, forming an extremely large azure field shield, like an upside-down eggshell, protecting the entire M City.

This is the product of human civilization after the explosion of science in the past three years. The Honkai is getting stronger, and humans are not standing still! It is said that this stand shield was independently developed and applied for by a scientific little Raiden with a white-haired little follower.

's patent... In short, when the stand shield rose in M ​​City, the brilliant light of human civilization once again drove away the darkness of the world.

However, outside the azure shield, above the dark clouds, scarlet and purple eyes opened. Looking around, there was a large number of Temple-level Honkai beasts that made people feel scalp numb... There were at least 3,000 of them, ruled by 30 Honkai emperors!

And this is just the Temple-level Honkai beasts!

If you count the [Chariot], [Crossbow], [Overseer], [Knight]... There are already 100,000 Honkai beasts born in this collapse! The number of Breakthrough-level Honkai beasts is as numerous as a swarm of locusts, and this is just the beginning of this collapse!

"Roar, roar, roar!!!!!!!!!!"

"Car, car, car, car, car!!!"

The Temple-level Honkai beasts are roaring, and the Chariot-level Honkai beasts are roaring. Feeling the call of the Herrscher, they frantically used their spears or hooves to destroy the stand shield of M City.

And in that city, the original high-rise buildings were now all unfolded. Slender and harmonious gun barrels stretched out from those buildings, and the light of human technology condensed into particle light, and did not hesitate to fight against the group of collapsed beasts outside the stand shield of M City!

Every time the technological artillery of human civilization fired, it could take away countless collapsed beasts, and the barrage of bullets through the stand shield of M City gave those collapsed beasts a heavy blow.

And the collapsed beasts kept tearing the barrier of the stand shield, wanting to rush into the city and then kill...

They originally thought so.

However, the reality is that

These groups of collapsed beasts, at least 100,000 in number, that surrounded M City, stopped at a certain moment.

Then, without hesitation or delay, tens of thousands of collapsed beasts turned around and knelt down in an instant!

Even the Honkai Emperor, who was closest to the upper Honkai beast, lowered his proud head at this moment, leading the temple-level Honkai beast army to crawl on the ground.

They were excited, they roared, and that look... was just like celebrating the birth of [God]!


At the same time.

Inside M City, a ray of indigo light broke free from the shackles of time suspension and soared into the sky.

After rushing out of the position shield that M City was proud of without any hindrance, "Wendy" glanced at the ground under her feet with disdain, and her face was filled with an unstoppable smile again. She said:

"God gave me the classics, I know the art of war, and I am a master of strategy - the king of law!"

Accompanied by the wild laughter of "Wendy", the slightly funny white school uniform on her body was torn into pieces in an instant.

Instead, bandages and silks [made up] appeared one after another, and gorgeous decorations wrapped around her body, making her look like a real emperor!

"God has given me a portal to the universe, creating something out of nothing - the king of space!"

The irrepressible smile sounded again, as if to promote her own strength, and this voice was clearly heard by everyone in M ​​City.

At the same time, a huge [sub-space] door that seemed to cover the sky opened behind her, and then a judgment-level collapse beast with huge wings on its back rushed out - the wind dragon!

"God has given me a crown, drawing lightning as a bow and arrow, and smashing everything - the king of conquest!"


The sound of explosions rose in the rolling dark clouds that condensed in M ​​City. [Thunder] responded to her call, and lightning as thick as a hundred meters grew out of the dark clouds, forming a forest of thunder composed of electricity and magnetism!

At this moment, no matter how stupid the management of M City was, they also reacted when they saw the undergraduate forest that had appeared above M City.

They were frantically conveying the order to open fire to their subordinates, and the sci-fi artillery fire that popped up in M ​​City also turned around and madly poured particle beams and various national weapons that they could use at the humanoid creature in the sky.

However... the behavior of human civilization, in front of "Wendy" at this moment, was like the dying counterattack of ants. Not only could it not stop her behavior, but it made her laugh even more wildly.

"God gave me the authority to control the endless storm, and the world is within reach - the king of desire!"

As her voice fell, a gust of wind that was countless times more violent than before was set off! The fierce gust of wind seemed to turn into a sharp blade! It cut the stand shield of M City like rain!

Under the sharp blade of this gust of wind, this seemingly indestructible city was almost instantly exposed. The number of casualties and collapsed buildings is increasing every moment!

On the other hand, humans are

The damage caused... was actually caused by the indigo shield that appeared on her body... No! That's not a shield. To be precise, it's an ideal fluid composed of [wild wind]!

This ideal fluid can bounce all the attack methods of human civilization from the molecular level! So that external objects can't hurt it at all!

"God gave me an incense burner, which ripens endless creatures and makes them bustling - the king of noise!"

Extremely cold wings stretched out from her back, and the breath of [ice] turned into endless hail, and then turned into extremely cold gas under the influence of [wild wind]. It spread from the M city area to the surrounding cities like radiation, as if to wrap the entire Mu continent in this extreme cold!

"God gave me a brocade robe, provided me with wine for death, and made me fall into sweet dreams - the king of tranquility."

As the last voice fell, a diamond-shaped black mark appeared on the forehead of the girl who looked like the emperor of heaven.

She gave the right of [life] to the 100,000 Honkai beasts under her command, making them cheer excitedly;

She threw the dark cloud of [death] at the human who was hesitant to speak in the wind, breaking another thin line of the reins of his fate.


She looked up at the sky, feeling the six cores beating in her body at this moment, and she couldn't help laughing again:

That smile was both arrogant... and weird...




(About another book, the following are some of the author's inner thoughts)

About the author's other book...The author looked at the problems pointed out by the reviewer, and it is likely that there is no hope of resurrection. But I really don't understand what "become a hundred but not a harem" means; I revised it about five times, and the responses given by the reviewers were the same every time. I was already annoyed, because the problems pointed out by the reviewers were not just one or two chapters... but were implemented throughout the whole book. I wanted to solve two problems: delete all the female characters in the book except Xiao Wuyue and Pu Ya, or change it from the beginning to make Xiao Wuyue abstinent and not talk to any woman before meeting Pu Ya.

To be honest, I wrote the book for more than a year, and finally encountered this problem when it was almost finished. I was really tired... I tried hard, but I really felt that there was little hope. My own idea is that instead of hanging on to the old book and continuing to torment Xiao's better to stop here. As long as the ending is not reached, Xiao Wuyue will no longer have to endure the pain at the end. He and Pu Ya can live together forever and move towards the future he and she expect...This may also be a good thing...

The book is now blocked by the review and can no longer be read as a sequel to this book...My idea is to open a new one, because in Xiao Wuyue's world line, Xiao Wuyue's final incarnation of "Star God of Apocalypse" will restart the tree of imaginary numbers in order to reach the ending expected by everyone, and explore the only answer and result. And the new story takes place in this tree of imaginary numbers that has been restarted once...

The new book does not follow the original plot. The plot of Xiao Wuyue's first week is completely rewritten, and only the characters themselves are retained. It can be read as a new book. People who have not read this book and Xiao Wuyue's story can also watch it with confidence.

The pre-heating for the new book, "Starry Sky Railway: The Bishop of Destiny Does Not Have to Care About the Common People", has started in this book. The first chapter will be released on June 1st, and it will be updated normally after the start of summer vacation. Everyone is welcome to come and support it.

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