The wind dragon was born as a companion beast of the Herrscher of the Wind, and it was born at the Judgment level. It flapped its giant wings that were a hundred meters thick, and followed the will of the Queen of the Wind, and took the lead in attacking Xu Ziling! Looking at the Wind Dragon that rushed towards him with its bloody mouth, Xu Ziling's eyes changed slightly, and he immediately whispered: "Mimicry... [Lock]!" [Lock] This is one of the many manifestations of Xu Ziling's all-round development in the past three years. Similar to the "demon spirit" of [disassembly], the "lock" uses the power of [construction], and after completely [analyzing] the opponent, it directly uses the power of [mimicry] in the opponent's body, and then blocks every organ and every inch of flesh and blood in the opponent's body!

In fact, Xu Ziling did not think that he could lock the inside of the opponent's body from a distance at the beginning, but with his continuous development of his own authority over the past three years, he suddenly discovered that as a Ruler of Reason, his power is not the so-called "mimicry", nor the so-called "disassembly" and "construction". At best, they can only be regarded as helping himself to better master his own power.

After discarding these tedious steps, the real ability of the Ruler of Reason should be "I think I should be able to do it", even if all objects that humans can imagine can be classified as within the power! The limit of human stories is the limit of the Ruler of Reason, and the limit of human imagination is the limit of the Ruler of Reason!

This thing is actually reflected in the original work of Sanbengzi. In the final chapter of the first part, Bronya, after "metamorphosis", drove this kind of rational power called "An Xunsi" and then transformed into the Herrscher of Truth.

Three years later, Xu Ziling also awakened a similar power, but he did not experience the so-called "metamorphosis" during this period... Perhaps this is the difference between the innate Herrscher and the acquired Herrscher, Xu Ziling does not know.

But in any case, being able to master this kind of "imagination is power" is a good thing for Xu Ziling. This transformed power is also the biggest reliance of Xu Ziling to face the six-core wind law calmly.


There was no overly strong roar, nor any overly intense battle scene. The Wind Demon Dragon, which was originally flying towards Xu Ziling arrogantly, was like a "pause button" pressed, motionless at this moment.

Of course, these are just appearances. If the body of the Wind Demon Dragon is compared to a drawer that can be opened and closed, Xu Ziling's current behavior is to mimic a lock on this drawer that bites people. It may still struggle, but it will never pose a threat again.


Seeing his companion beast being bound by the mimic lock and falling helplessly from the sky, Emperor Wen Tian's expression did not change, but laughed even more wildly.

Then, she tapped her lips and said with a smile:

"Lock... Interesting, let me try it too!!"

As she spoke, the blue light of the Ruler of Reason surged wildly on Emperor Wen Tian's body, and a bunch of invisible mimic locks were about to cover Xu Ziling's body!

Seeing this, Xu Ziling's eyes changed slightly, and he immediately drove his own disassembly power to resist these degraded locks of Emperor Wen Tian.

Yes, although Emperor Wen Tian is a six-core Ruler, her essence is still the Wind Ruler. Her rational omnipotence has never undergone a transformation, so the mimicry lock she constructed has naturally become a degraded lock, which cannot be compared with Xu Ziling's original authentic one. As for the power... it is only about one-third of Xu Ziling's.

However, each core of Emperor Wen Tian is small in power, but she has many cores! Five mining cards + one top-end card, running away from Xu Ziling's one original card, no matter how you calculate it, it can be outrun!

So if you want to win, you still have to find another way.

On the other hand, Emperor Wen Tian.

After realizing that his advantage is not precision but quantity, Emperor Wen Tian actually stopped slowly.

It's meaningless to go on like this. Instead of fighting head-on, it's better to... haha~

As if she thought of some brilliant idea, the corners of Emperor Wen Tian's mouth rose slightly, and then, as if she had made up some kind of determination, she turned around and left.

Before leaving, he did not forget to taunt:

"【理】... You are my brother, but you are only my brother! Who wants to fight you to death, idiot! Destroying the world is my first goal given by God. If you have the guts, come and stop me all over the world!!"

Hearing this

, Xu Ziling's eyes suddenly changed, and then his face became solemn in an instant.

Overt conspiracy... naked overt conspiracy! If I use the power of the Herrscher of the Void to lock Wendy here now, I will definitely waste a lot of physical strength because of the power of the One of the Thousand Worlds, and I will definitely be at a disadvantage when facing the peak Emperor Wen Tian!

But if I just let Emperor Wen Tian go... let her use the power of the Sub-Void to run around the world, then it will really only be a matter of time before she destroys the world!

Damn... I should have thought of it earlier... Not all Herrschers are like the Void Law, who are seeking death, nor are they like the Thunder Law, who are brainless... After Emperor Wen Tian realized that she might not be able to take down Xu Ziling in a short time, she actually developed another way to destroy the world - a war of attrition! !

At the same time, she was also using this method to force Xu Ziling to reveal his trump card before her!

There was no time to think about it. Under this naked conspiracy, letting Wen Tiandi go would mean the destruction of human civilization. After thinking hard in a very short time, Xu Ziling threw out an invisible pocket watch in his hand.

[Time Pause]!

After three years of precipitation, Misha's character ability has been stretched to the limit by Xu Ziling, that is, an absolute stop of up to fifteen seconds!

If fifteen seconds were not the duration of the secret technique and not Xu Ziling's limit, the pause time would definitely be longer.

There was no time to think about it. When the world he saw lost its color due to the pause of the time flow, Xu Ziling, the only one who still had a bright color, immediately raised his head and locked onto the figure of Wen Tiandi who was going away!

One second passed.

Fifteen seconds, this is the absolute advantage that Xu Ziling can currently control, and fifteen seconds have passed. If he wants to start, he needs at least one or two breaths to adjust. And one or two breaths... Even if Emperor Wen Tian's spatial law was restrained by her own Thousand Worlds One Vehicle, she could escape a very long distance with just the ideal fluid! The so-called Herrscher of the Wind is a Herrscher who excels in speed!

In other words, these fifteen seconds are all Xu Ziling's chances!

Without any hesitation, in this absolute pause, Xu Ziling used the authority of the sub-space to instantly come to Wendy and said:

"Listen to me"... Wendy, untie the ideal flow... Puff!!"

Before Xu Ziling finished speaking, he suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood, and blood began to flow from his five senses and seven orifices. With a dizzy brain, he subconsciously disconnected himself from the relationship between himself and the Word Spirit.

Then, in this world that had clearly lost all colors, Wendy's indigo pupils actually... twisted...


He smiled.

To resume action in an absolutely paused time... is [time]... is the power called [Hersher of the End]...


In the explosion that resounded through the sky, Xu Ziling's body flew backwards. The world was still black and white, but the arrogant six-core Herrscher had indeed recovered his ability to move.


Xu Ziling's body, which was thrown backwards from the sky, hit the wall of the giant sci-fi rail gun in the center of M City. The violent collision of his flesh and blood and metal should have made a dull echo, but because time was still paused at this moment, no sound was made, creating this slightly weird scene at the moment.

Ignoring the severe pain in his body, Xu Ziling wiped the blood oozing from the corner of his eyes and instantly raised his head to look at the sky, saying in a slightly sharp tone:

"What on earth is this...? Didn't we agree that when children fight... parents don't get involved...? Ahem! Ahem..."

I don't know whether to say it's lucky or unfortunate.

The reason why Emperor Wen Tian was able to recover his ability to move during Xu Ziling's time pause was not because the Herrscher of the End, who used time as his power, had come to the world... but because that damn Honkai woman was making it more difficult for him! Damn!!

"You know, I don't want this either."

Amid the dark clouds of the Collapsed Beast Sea, "Emperor Wen Tian" with a slight flash of pure white in his eyes shrugged helplessly, and then said,

"Didn't you open it first? If I continue to ignore it, it will be unfair to Xiaofeng."


This doesn't work...that doesn't work...Xu Ziling resisted the urge to swear and said,

"Then you might as well throw down the End now, that would be fair!"



Seeing that Emperor Wen Tian, ​​who was possessed by the Collapsed Wife, actually took out a purple-black core from his arms, Xu Ziling felt incredible and exclaimed,

"No... Are you serious?!!!"

"Haha~ Weren't you the one who joked first?"

Wendy, who was possessed by the God of Collapse, smiled and said,

"Okay, I won't tease you anymore... But the power of time is still too unfair to you and Xiaofeng. Let me tell you, I can't let her escape from this battlefield, and you don't use the power of time. This will be much fairer. How do you feel?"


Xu Ziling was powerless to complain about this.

"Since you have no objection, then let's happily decide..."

Wendian, who was possessed by the God of Collapse, smiled softly, stretched out his right hand and snapped his fingers.

The next moment, the black and white world restored its past colors, and the interrupted time resumed flowing.


After the God of Collapse left her body, Wen Tiandi, who was originally as arrogant as the wind, held her forehead with a little pain, as if accepting something that was forced into her mind but did not belong to her at all.

"Can't... avoid the fight... Qi... what a hassle..."

After curling his lips, Emperor Wen adjusted his state again, locked his eyes on Xu Ziling, and rushed over in an instant.

Seeing a slender beautiful leg rapidly enlarged in his field of vision, Xu Ziling subconsciously wanted to throw out the Galaxy Lotto to trick Emperor Wen, but after serious thinking, he stopped this terrible idea.

Galaxy Lotto was not originally his skill, but his last resort when he was forced into a desperate situation. It was a helpless method. In this situation, Xu Ziling was not sure to lose. If Wendy opened a heaven-defying wonder like the "Different Wood Fruit" that could revive the dead, it would be too much of a loss.

While quickly bending backwards, Xu Ziling grabbed Emperor Wen's ankle and threw him out with the help of Wendy's kinetic energy.


After throwing Emperor Wen's body out, Xu Ziling's eyes flashed with surprise, and he looked down at his palm. The originally smooth palm skin was now bloody and fuzzy as if it had been cut by a knife, and there were waves of cold and numbness coming... Wind + Thunder + Ice... Three-fluid shield?

The original ideal fluid shield was already abnormal enough... Now this ideal fluid has been enchanted with thunder damage, and even has an ice damage debuff, which is simply... Heh...

Without time to think too much, Xu Ziling quickly used the power of mimicry to repair his body. The extremely cold wings behind the Emperor Wen Tian, ​​who was thrown out by him, flapped, and a little blue-black light appeared on her palm with a black light flashing between her eyebrows, wind + death + air... the wind spear of killing the air!


Under no choice, Xu Ziling had to take out the sword of the Seven Thunders of Purification from the system space, and after drawing the sword at an angle, he picked up the wind spear stabbed by Emperor Wen Tian.

"Interesting... So you killed Kong and Lei... to seize their power..."

Seeing Xu Ziling use the Seven Thunders of Purification, Emperor Wen Tian's eyes changed slightly. She quickly retreated after failing to hit him with one strike. She raised her hand, and the mimicry light surged!

"Hua Hua Hua! ——"

Reason + Kong + Wind, countless simulated wind spears emerged from the door of Yakong at once, locked onto Xu Ziling's body and pierced him like rain!

There were too many of these simulated wind spears, and it was obviously too late to dismantle them one by one. Xu Ziling, who understood this, instantly stretched out his left hand.

As a little blood light emerged, swollen eyeballs emerged out of thin air, and the knotted muscles and nerves filled the last hole, the shield of [body]!

After resisting all the attacks of the Endless Wind Spear, the flesh and blood nerves of the body began to wriggle very quickly, and the mimicry eyeballs became swollen as if filled with blood, and then twisted into a scarlet sword!

In an instant, the scarlet sword and the violent sin-purifying sword arrived in front of Emperor Wen Tian's forehead!

Facing this attack that came in an instant, Wendy's eyes suddenly condensed, and then immediately clenched her right hand, and the power of the ideal fluid surged wildly to resist the two swords!

"Hua Hua Hua!!"

The sharp wind like a sharp knife was also mixed with violent lightning and extreme cold. For a while, even the mimicry sword and the seven sin-purifying thunders could not penetrate it! He could only watch the mimicry's flesh and blood flying and the sin-purifying fire splashing.

At the same time, Emperor Wen Tian had once again condensed a wind spear of killing the sky in his right hand, sweeping across and splitting the mimicry and seven thunders that were crisscrossing her three-fluid shield.

Then, Emperor Wen Tian stepped forward in an instant, and the wind spear of killing the sky, wrapped with the power of sub-air and death, pointed directly at Xu Ziling's throat!


The shield of the body reappeared, and Xu Ziling put both hands

The sword and the knife merged, and the simulated flesh and blood wrapped around the blade of the Seven Thunders of Purification, barely resisting the piercing wind spear.

However, Emperor Wen Tian took advantage of the situation to change the stab into a chop, and with the handle of the wind spear in his hand, he suppressed Xu Ziling's simulated thunder sword from above!

Then the power of the Herrscher of Death surged, frantically devouring the simulated flesh and blood, and the swollen eyeballs on the blade also broke one by one, obviously unable to hold on for too long!

"The winner is decided..."

Emperor Wen Tian, ​​who was in a suppressing position, looked at Xu Ziling under him indifferently, while continuing to suppress the wind spear in his hand, he spoke.


Xu Ziling was still silent. If there were no special circumstances, he didn't like to speak in battle, before and now.


As everyone knows, I don't talk ≠ I don't have a plan.

Doctor! Teacher Da V! It depends on you!


A burst of wild laughter suddenly came from the sky, accompanied by the screams of Honkai Beasts, and two silver-white mechas broke through the air, dragging orange and bright purple tail flames. The leader laughed loudly,

"God's Apostle!!... What a perfect audience!! I will use you to test the new technology that this magician has developed for two years!! I will use this to rise to the power of God!! Teasing God's sight!!

Come on, Dr. Mobius!! Let's use these two [God Killer Armor Sam] with [Thunder] and [Air] built in respectively, to let the God's Apostle taste our exciting combination skills!! [Supernova Burning], start!!!!"

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