The more you cry, the more you will cry.


Wendy didn't know how to describe her feelings at the moment.

To be honest, she wanted to cry now.

Just like an ordinary girl, crying without caring about anything.

Wendy is 16 years old this year, and no one would ask her to learn to be strong at this age. A girl like a spring flower should vent her emotions like the wind, whether the wind is a breeze or a strong wind.

But Wendy didn't understand... If she really cried at this moment, then... who was she crying for...

When the tears dried up, she was followed by an unprecedented confusion.

Floating aimlessly above the sea of ​​clouds, Wendy looked at everything she saw and her thoughts stopped.

Recalling the time she spent with her classmates and teachers in the past three years of high school, Wendy had worked with them to create many cherished memories, but what Wendy found most unforgettable was the surprised look on the assistant's face when she asked that question.

Was the time she spent with him in the past just a deliberately arranged disguise? When facing the fierce attack of the three assault armors, was his desperate rush towards her just an acting?

Could it be that... the guy who flashed the core of the Herrscher of Reason and drove thousands of collapses... was he the real him?

Doubt and chaos enveloped Wendy's mind.

Speaking of the earth, in this dreamlike world, what is true and what is false is much more vague than it seems.

Looking at the endless sea of ​​clouds in front of her, Wendy fell into deep thought.

[Hey! ]

Just when Wendy was extremely confused, a slightly arrogant voice suddenly sounded from her ears.

[Since you feel confused... then why do you make everyone who has wronged you pay the price as God said? ]

"But... I don't think I can deny all our previous experiences just because of one person's words..."

Wendy murmured to herself, and then shook her head.

As for the voice that sounded in her ears... Wendy knew who she was. It was the "Emperor Wen" who had just taken over her body for a short time, or it seemed more appropriate to describe her as "the consciousness of the Herrer".

Originally in this body, she was the one who was obsessed with a certain obsession and extremely crazy... But I don't know if it was the three powerful assault armors that made her subdue her, or some other reason. Emperor Wen is no longer fighting with Wendy for control of this body, but lying in the small space in Wendy's mind, acting as a front-row audience.

[Stupid. ]

Emperor Wen curled his lips and said,

[God has reproduced all the memory scenes for you. You actually know better than anyone that the assistant teacher approached you with a purpose. As a result, you are now actively looking for excuses to excuse him. Haha... It seems that the wisdom you show in learning is all fake. In fact, you are just a fool who can be deceived by strangers into bed at least three... No, five times! At least five times. ]

"The teaching assistant is not a stranger..."

[Okay, okay, okay, yes, yes...]

Wen Tiandi shook his head perfunctorily and said,

[But Wendy, you can deceive others, but don't deceive yourself. Those people are really good to you, and those people are really using you. You should know this in your heart. It's just a matter of facing it or not... Let me tell you the truth. If you are really tired and don't want to make a choice. Why not give your body back to me. I will help you destroy the world, how about it? ]


Wendy shook her head gently, and continued to float in the sea of ​​clouds, muttering to herself,

"No matter what the purpose is... During the three years of high school, the assistant teacher's help and support for Ling and me has always remained unchanged. The ending may be a lie... but the process must not be fake. And Ling... Yes! And Ling! The assistant teacher may indeed approach me for some purpose... But in addition to the assistant teacher... Ling is also a very important person to me, and I can't ignore her feelings."

After saying that, Wendy clapped her hands again and said:

"It's decided! I'm going to find Ling now... I'm going to find her and ask her face to face. I'm going to ask her if she's approaching me for some purpose... I'm going to ask her if she's really deceiving my feelings as God said... Well, let's do it."

Seeing that Wendy really began to drive the Herrscher of the Wind

's power, moving towards the direction of Shenzhou. The shadow behind her widened his eyes slightly, and then said incredulously,

[Not brothers... No... Not... Not sisters? What's wrong with you? ? ]

[Isn't the picture God showed you clear enough? The assistant you admire most is the Herrscher of Reason. He knew your identity as the Herrscher of Wind in advance through some method, so he approached you; as for Ling... Didn't she tell you herself? ? The reason why she approached you was completely because she coveted your beauty! You must not be harmed by a three-dimensional woman? ! ! ]

"But... Wendy... Emperor Wen... Aren't these... 'me'...?"

Wendy, who was rapidly shuttling through the sea of ​​clouds, raised a hand and placed it on her chest, whispering,

"Whether it's the Herrscher of the Wind... my beautiful face... these are undoubtedly 'me'... and my face and my body... are gifts from my parents, gifts I can be proud of. But according to what you said, not only can I not embrace these things that belong to me by nature, but I should even take the initiative to abandon them and let them become a reason for others to laugh at me? This is incredible."

[? ? ? ]

[So you knew this from the beginning? ]

"Yeah... what's wrong?"

[... Then why did you run away? ? Go directly to your assistant and make it clear that as long as the lies can last a lifetime, you can ignore the lies and deceptions in the process. Wouldn't it be the end of everything if you make it clear? ? ]

[Or you can just give me your body and let me ask? I just thought of several particularly genius ways to use my authority. Just wait and see. When I, Emperor Wen Tian, ​​go to Antarctica to drain the ozone layer there, global warming will melt the glaciers and the sea level will rise... Of course, there will also be severe weather with strong winds that will destroy the crops! Fight a war of attrition with them, fight a war of attrition with them, and I wonder who will dare to disagree with my ideas by then! Don't answer my questions! ]


After silently ignoring the second half of Emperor Wen's sentence, Wendy shook her head and said,

"Just allow me to be a little willful...because I really don't know how I should face all this now...I don't I should say these words...I don't I should face the teaching assistant...I need time...

Before that, I want to ask Ling's opinion again. I want to know what kind of thoughts and purposes she has always had in mind when approaching me...and before that, this body cannot be given to you..."


[You...are awesome. ]

[But Wendy, there is one more thing I must remind you. ]

[You are rushing to Shenzhou with such a big collapse death spot on your back. Do you think there are not enough dead people there? ]

Hearing this, Wendy was also stunned for a moment, and then she looked up and found that the collapse death spot that originally appeared above Mucheng M City actually changed its position as she moved.

And wherever the Houkai Death Spot swept through... it was all devastated. Wendy didn't even need to do it herself, the huge Houkai energy radiation alone could make the land she passed by barren.

Wendy poked her head out of the clouds and took a look at the low-altitude scene.

Wendy is now in a sea area between Mu Continent and Shenzhou, and in this sea area... there are already countless sea fish with white bellies, and some have even been directly radiated into extremely aggressive fish-shaped Houkai beasts.


Seeing this scene, Wendy was silent for a moment, then shook her head and said,

"I don't care... I only care about Ling's answer now..."

[So you think your Ling can survive under the Death Spot, right? What gave you the feeling that the Death Spot is very weak? ? Those three Gundam mechas? ? ]


Wendy paused, and then said with embarrassment,

"Then... this thing... how to remove it?"

[Beg me? I'll tell you if you beg me. ]

"Please, tell me."


[The answer is actually very simple, look behind you. ]

[It might be a little scary, but don't be afraid, that guy won't really hurt you. ]

"Behind you?"

Wendy turned around subconsciously, half-confused.

I saw that the sea surface, which was originally dead silent because of the death spot, was actually surging violently at this moment! There was even a black flame that was not special and particularly weird!

The sea... was ignited?

There was no time to think too much

A dark flame shot up from the center of the burning sea. Under someone's deliberate restraint, it seemed to be wrapped in feathers or burning with flames. Two fist shadows, one real and one fake, instantly arrived in front of Wendy! Then came a loud shout:

"Think of death and impermanence --- birth and death have their own time!!!!"

My wife (Miyoushe @语katarua)

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