The old village chief, who had just treated Qianjie with great resentment, lowered his head very low, as if he was afraid that Xu Ziling would refuse.

"...Looking for someone?"

"Yes, looking for someone."

The old village chief, who had just treated Qianjie with great resentment, lowered his head very low, as if he was afraid that Xu Ziling would refuse.

Seeing Xu Ziling didn't respond, the old village chief hurriedly added:

"The person we want to ask you to find is none other than the 'treasure' that I mentioned to you before, lost by the weirdo at the entrance of the village... Just as we described her, that child is the treasure of our entire village.

And I also know that our Naxue Village is small. Although it can absorb snow, it can't absorb a full 4.5 billion rubles... For Naxue Village, it is not a blessing from heaven, but a disaster from heaven."

Knowing the huge harm hidden behind money, from the beginning, he didn't fantasize about the property that they couldn't eat at all, but instead put forward some really useful requirements for them... This village chief is smart.

But at the same time, Xu Ziling couldn't help but start to wonder, what kind of child can make this mountain village that can tie people to the entrance of the village and bleed them regard it as a treasure? Even for that child, even billions of Suzhou rubles can be ignored?

And from what the old village chief said, this child who was cherished by the whole village...was lost because of Qianjie?

With some doubts, Xu Ziling did not ask the old village chief directly, but after looking around, he said,

"How many people know about this?"

"The whole village!"

The old village chief said without hesitation,

"As long as it is in our Naxue Village, it is impossible for anyone not to know about little Karin! Even if the children have not directly contacted little Karin... their parents will tell them more or less about it!"


Xu Ziling rubbed his chin and then said,

"Then you said to Mr. Qianjie before, 'If the mountain village is destroyed, you will never see the person you are waiting for again'... The person that Mr. Qianjie is waiting for is that child?"


The old village chief sighed and then said,

"It's just that this matter is a long story... Girl, if you don't mind, I'll let my granddaughter heat up a few pots of hot tea... Let's talk slowly?"


Xu Ziling nodded, agreeing to the old village chief's request.

Black Tower's puppet body directly makes him immune to all the negative effects in the normal state, so he is not afraid of these people playing tricks on him.

After a while, the chubby granddaughter of the old village chief came in with two pots of hot water... Yes, it was boiling hot water, but the villagers here called it tea.

But for what the old village chief said next, these were obviously minor problems.

"Little Karin, strictly speaking, is not a local in our village. She was sent here by a wounded soldier about 20 years ago, when the former Saudi Kingdom collapsed..."


Time goes back to 20 years ago.

Heavy snow fell in Siberia.

A man in a military cloak didn't know how long he had been running in the heavy snow.

The man didn't know what he had experienced these days... and he didn't want to admit what he had experienced these days... but the facts seemed to be in front of him.

The great country that he once regarded as glory, belonging and glory... disintegrated...

The gunfire and smoke of the rebellion were everywhere. Facing the desperate gunfire of the rebels, the man, a soldier of the old country, had no time to grieve. He only had time to take his beloved daughter with him and run away.

He was not worried that he would be regarded as a heretic and executed... But he did not want his youngest daughter to die in this rebellion...

So he ran and ran... He did not know how long he ran, and he did not know how he persisted. He only knew that it was the cry of his daughter in the cloak because of hunger that brought him back to his sense of running.

But the man fled in a hurry and did not bring much milk... There were some wild animals nearby for hunting, but his daughter was too young to eat the rough meat.

What to do?

If he stopped, he would be caught by the rebels... he would surely die...

If he continued to move forward, there would be little hope. His beloved daughter might even starve to death because of his behavior...

The man fell into an unprecedented state of confusion and despair.

Perhaps it was because of fate that the man

Before his daughter starved to death, he actually found a mountain village in the snow!

But unfortunately, the man's body was also stretched to the limit due to the long journey, and he might die soon.

With his last bit of strength, the man knocked on the door of a room in the mountain village and fell straight down.

The old village chief, who was only fifty years old at the time, opened the door and saw the man who had lost his life and the baby girl wrapped in a military coat by the man...

The old village chief hurriedly called his wife to bring the still alive baby girl into the house.

Coincidentally, the old village chief's daughter-in-law was pregnant with her second child at that time. She was generous and had plenty of milk. When the old village chief went to his son's house to explain the situation, the daughter-in-law also generously fed the baby girl with milk.

At the same time, the old village chief's son, who had gone out of the mountains to study for a few years and therefore knew how to read, happened to find a line of crooked characters next to the snow where the baby girl's father... the man in military clothes died.

Due to the emergency of heavy snow, the village chief's son who was not at the scene of the incident tried his best but could only read two words from the line of words.


This is probably the name of the baby girl.

About four months later, the heavy snow that covered the entire Siberia finally ended... At the same time, a group of people came to the village and asked them about a man.

But the old village chief saw that the visitor was not kind, so he hinted to his best friend, the old blacksmith, to connect the villagers and said that he knew nothing about the man the group asked about.

Perhaps it was an emergency at the time, and those who came to ask questions hurriedly left after randomly asking a few villagers.

The following year, the son of the widow Zak in the mountain village who went out of the mountains to study sent back a letter saying that the country of sand where they once lived had disintegrated... The country of Su replaced it and ruled Siberia.

But for these villagers who originally lived in the mountains, it seemed that no matter who became their country, it didn't matter. After all... the mountains are too high and too far away. Those powerful people are not willing to reach out to this cold and poor mountain village, because it is not worth it.

Then, the girl named "Karin" was able to live in this isolated mountain village as the adopted daughter of the old village chief.

Because she didn't know her origin and experience, little Karin had a very happy childhood.

Little Karin didn't like to wear shoes and liked to walk barefoot on the snow, so she was often scolded by adults... But for some reason, little Karin walked barefoot in this cold Siberia, but her skin never got frostbite. The villagers let her do it.

Little Karin had silver hair and an innocent smile, which touched the hearts of every villager. This made the villagers who had never seen a girl smile like this regard the girl as a treasure.

In that era, if a stinky boy from a family had evil thoughts about the beauty and smile of little Karin, he would be caught and beaten by the whole village.

Therefore, Karin had a happy childhood. She would smile at everyone she met every day. Boris, the most educated man in the village, even wrote a poem for Karin... Although it was short and did not rhyme, the young Karin liked this gift from the villagers.

I still remember the poem was sung like this,

"In the snow, white feet leave footprints~"

"In the house, the tender voice leaves an echo~"

"In the village, beautiful children, send eternal sleep to the living~..."

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