The woman in front of him stared at the woman who seemed to be protected by ice and snow for a long time before speaking in his almost hoarse voice,

" changed a lot..."

"Well...people will always change when they grow up."

The woman standing in the snow stretched out her hand and gently brushed her silver-white hair. Her calm tone concealed an unspeakable tiredness and helplessness.

But before she could sort out her emotions, the silver-haired woman noticed Qianjie tied to a wooden stake and said in surprise,

"By the way... why are you in this pose? After I left... did everyone target you again? What happened specifically? Anyway, don't stay in the snow for now. Get up quickly. If everyone is wrong, I will help you get an explanation."

As she spoke, the daughter of snow reached out her hand and wanted to untie the ropes and shackles that bound Qianjie's movements.

"...No need."

However, Qianjie spoke to stop the woman's behavior.

In the moment when the woman was surprised, clusters of hot flames suddenly rose from Qianjie's body. In the blink of an eye, the flames burned all the restraining ropes and wooden stakes, and the wounds wrapped in bandages were burned along with them.

"Hmph... you... have really changed a lot... woman..."

After burning all the wounds and scars on his body along with the ropes and wooden stakes, Qianjie hugged his chest and looked at the woman. At this moment, his face was still charred like fire and charcoal, making it impossible to see his expression clearly.

"Before, you always said... do your own things... yourself..."

"That depends on the situation... Alas."

The silver-haired woman shook her head helplessly and said,

"I can't just watch you get bullied and then ask you to fight back... That would really cause problems... Come here quickly, I'm really curious about what happened in the village in the past few years when I was away, and why you were treated like this. If they are deliberately targeting you, I will help you question them."


Qianjie hugged his chest and fell into silence. The flames that had ignited on his body before were gradually extinguished under the cover of ice and snow.

"...Don't get me wrong, woman, I'm not trying to argue with you."

Noticing the woman's gradually getting a headache, Qianjie spoke up, then he stretched out his hand, which was also covered with charcoal and a little ice and snow, pointed behind the woman, and said,

" my opinion, they have already found it themselves, so there is no need for you to run again."


The woman turned around and saw groups of villagers wearing coats rushing over.

The old village chief, who was leading the group, brought a large number of middle-aged or elderly villagers. He stretched his neck with his coat wrapped around him. After seeing the woman standing in the wind and snow, a hint of surprise flashed in his dim old eyes, and then he couldn't help but feel excited and happy:

"Karin...Karin? Little Karin! It's really you! Hahaha! Little Karin from our village is finally back! Haha!"

Just like most reunion plots, the old village chief was afraid that everything he saw was a dream, so he stretched out his hand and pinched the arm of his companion beside him.

However, the old blacksmith did not respond.

The old village chief looked at him suspiciously and found that the old blacksmith had also stared, and then the old blacksmith, with tears streaming down his face, forgot the pain. The old village chief just happened to pinch the calluses on the old blacksmith's hands from years of blacksmithing, so he did not get any response.

"Go to hell..."

After kicking the crying old blacksmith away, the old village chief quickly led the other villagers to the woman in the snow. His excitement made him want to express his inner emotions with Siberia's unique bear hug, but looking at the now graceful woman in the snow, the old village chief was embarrassed to hug her like she did when she was a child, so he had to express it with words:

"Little Karin... It's been three years... It's been three years, you have grown into a big girl... It's good to grow up... "

"Little Karin, you have suffered so much outside for so many years... I still remember that you were chubby when you were a child, and now you have grown up and become thin..."

Another old villager looked at the woman in the snow and said with tears in his eyes,

"Are you worried about something? Why didn't you go back to the village to see her for three years..."

"Hey! Old Jeff! You

Look at what I said, is this human language? ! Little Karin just returned to the village, which is a great thing for the entire Naxue Village! And you, a damn pancake head, asked such a question at this time? ? "

"Ah? ...Ah! Sorry! I am old and confused..."

"Oh... Don't worry about it. Little Karin, it's snowing and cold now, don't stay outside all the time, go back to the house first? Let the villagers take a good look at you... If you have any questions, we will talk about it tomorrow, tomorrow! Haha!"


The woman nodded slightly, then turned around, grabbed Qianjie's wrist, and said,

"Let's go... Don't always stand stupidly in this snowy field. As for why you were tied at the entrance of the village... I will personally ask everyone in Naxue Village. At that time, I will definitely give you justice, Mr. Qianjie. "

Seeing this, all the villagers frowned, but thinking that today was the big day of little Karin's return, they didn't say anything after all.


Qianjie was silent for a moment, and then said,

" to call me brother Jie..."


Hearing this, the snowy woman scratched her head a little embarrassedly and said,

" were still young and ignorant...Now that you have grown up, you should pay attention..."

"Really...humph...never's good that you are still alive. "

Qianjie hummed for a while, then followed the woman.

Xu Ziling, who was standing outside the villagers' guard, also followed.

"Fusion warrior..."

Xu Ziling stared at the woman with ice-like skin for a while, then scratched his head in confusion.

He didn't remember having performed a fusion operation on this person.

Although Xu Ziling didn't necessarily have to do the fusion operation...but considering the relationship between Mobius and Xu Ziling, and Xu Ziling's contribution to the fusion operation project, Mobius would usually tell Xu Ziling in advance if he wanted to perform a fusion operation on someone else.

Did something happen at the institute during the month when he was down in Siberia?

Or did the woman, who was affectionately called "Little Karin" by the villagers and seemed to have some kind of connection with Qianjie, apply for the fusion operation through normal means? Did she go to the Fire Moth to serve as a soldier during the three years she disappeared?

But with that ice The beauty of the snow girl... If she had gone to the Fire Moth Operations Department to serve as a soldier during the three years she disappeared, then Alicia, who was also in the Operations Department, would definitely have targeted her. As Alicia's good friend, if the other party targeted a girl, he would definitely take her to meet her and her other friends. At the very least, he would post a Hum Chat circle or mention it in words.

But the fact is that Xu Ziling has no impression of this ice and snow girl with a ceiling level.


Xu Ziling suddenly thought of a possibility. If it was that person... he could indeed bypass the agreement of the Fire Moth Operations Department and directly apply for the fusion warrior surgery. And that person's power and status are far higher than Alicia, enough to suppress the lesbian leader and prevent Alicia from messing around.

Excluding all impossible answers, that seems to be the only answer.

Xu Ziling raised his head and looked at the figure who seemed not to notice him, and muttered to himself:

"You are... the Tsar of the Soviet Union?"

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