"You really have a very lofty ideal." Xu Ziling exclaimed. When he said that, Karin's demeanor and tone were extremely serious and pious. It can be seen that as a czar, she really wants to change this country. And she has the skills and courage. As long as she sticks to this ideal, perhaps the future of the Soviet Union can really become a country without disasters under her leadership. "Thank you for your recognition." Karin nodded slightly to Xu Ziling, and then looked at Qianjie. "..."

Qianjie scratched his head and said,

"So... woman, from the day you left the village, it was a total of six years. In the first three years, you occasionally came back to accumulate strength to overthrow your so-called mother. In the next three years, there was no news at all... was it purely because of the busy official duties?"

"Well... sorry, those years were too busy. When one thing was finished, the next thing came. I really couldn't spare the time to return to the mountain village to visit you. I have thought about writing a letter, but if I ask someone to deliver it, you will be exposed to those ministers... I don't want to see that happen. "

Karin nodded, and then said,

"Mr. Qianjie, I know that during the years I was away, because I failed to explain clearly, the villagers have had a huge misunderstanding of you... I also know that verbal remarks alone cannot compensate for the losses you have caused in waiting for me all these years. Please don't worry, I will prove it to you with my actual actions."


In response, Qianjie hummed and did not say more, but his tone was not as indifferent as before.

Xu Ziling also nodded secretly. After listening for a while, he could basically conclude that Karin was not the kind of person who only made promises but delayed fulfilling them. She really wanted to save the country and would really use her actual actions to provide compensation for Qianjie... There is no doubt that this Tsar has the "responsibility" that ordinary people can hardly achieve.

This responsibility will lead her to victory, and any difficulties during the period will not be a barrier for her; similarly, only with this responsibility can she truly live up to the identity of "Fusion Warrior". Xu Ziling now knows why Mebius is willing to perform surgery on a Tsar.


Noticing Qianjie's slight change in tone, Karin smiled and then said,

"Then I will continue... I just said that it took me six years to go from puppet to Tsar... I have an overview of all Soviet power. I heard that there is also an old saying in America that the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. Since I have this power, I must do something."

Speaking of this, Karin's tone became a little helpless again, and added:

"But what can I do? Before I took office, Before, there were too many loopholes in the laws of the Soviet Union, and countless lawless elements were disintegrating this great country from within. Suzhou has been competing with America for hegemony for many years, and its national strength has long been empty.

Although America has been stagnant in recent years due to the death of the president, the new president is also a great talent. She integrated the entire American Congress and greatly increased America's national strength. The Soviet Union will face the same increase in public opinion problems...

The same reform, although I applied it long before the new president of America took office Suguo. But the result... I did gain absolute authority and cohesion, but it also made Suzhou, where people were already living in poverty, even more miserable... I have to admit that a big change like the one in America is not suitable for Suzhou at all. I was wrong.

However, it was just such a mistake that cost me three whole years... Suguo seemed to have changed, but it seemed that nothing had changed... The people were still working hard, and the country... was still weak..."


Karin said so many words at once, and Qianjie's head didn't turn around for a while, so he said puzzledly,

"You came back this time... Are you going to relax? Make a new plan?"


Karin nodded, and then said,

"So... I thought of a wonderful plan... A plan that can save all the people of Suguo. And in order for this plan to be achieved... Mr. Qianjie, I need your strength."

"... Woman, if you need help, of course I am willing to do it."

Qianjie scratched his head and said,

"But... I have a

Question. "

Karin nodded and said:

"Well, go ahead."

Qianjie pointed at Karina's hands, which had not yet put on gloves, and said:

"Woman, after you have done this...'fusion operation', your aura is no weaker than mine... You already have absolute power, why do you need a second one? Well... I mean, what kind of plan requires such a huge investment of power?"

"I have already said it... haven't I?"

Karin's tone became gentle, she turned around, looked at the sky under the goose feather snow, and said,

"I will bear the people's thousands of sufferings on my own, I will let the mountain village get rid of poverty forever, I will let the world... no one will suffer again."

"And in this process... once power is dispersed, corruption will inevitably breed, and under the class transmission, the benefits to the people will no longer exist. So I must hold all power firmly in my hands, use my own time, use my own blood, to support the bridge of happiness. "

Hearing this, Xu Ziling frowned slightly. At first glance, Karin's words and tone seemed impeccable, but the plan she described... always reminded Xu Ziling of the past. Before he traveled through time, there seemed to be a great country in Xu Ziling's hometown that was implementing this plan...

"Excuse me, Miss Karin."

Thinking of the final outcome of that country, Xu Ziling's brows furrowed deeper and deeper, and he interrupted,

"If I understand correctly, the way to save the country you explored for the Soviet Union... the famous work "Communism"? "


Hearing this, Karin was stunned for a moment, then rubbed her chin and said,

"These two words... can perfectly reflect my ideas and plans. Thank you, Bishop Xu. You are worthy of being the assistant of that doctor, and you can always point out the key points in one sentence. "

"So... in order to achieve "Communism", you decided to hand over all the resources of the Soviet Union to the Congress for decision? "

Xu Ziling asked again.

"Correction, Bishop Xu."

Karin held up a finger and then said,

"Congress is made up of 'people', and as long as people are there, corruption will inevitably breed... I understood this a long time ago, so I cleared out the entire Soviet Union a long time ago and held all power in my hands... Only with personal will can one strengthen personal ideals.

I will use my own way to distribute equal and common materials and benefits to every mountain village and every person in this vast land. There will be no more classes on this land, and no more disasters on this land!

I might have been inadequate in handling the situation due to lack of energy in the past, but thanks to Dr. Mobius' fusion surgery... my body is no longer the same as it was before, and this plan can be implemented... Now, this plan only lacks the last piece of the puzzle..."

Karlin looked at Qianjie and said:

"That's you... Mr. Qianjie, I need an absolute power, a power that can deter everything... Only you will never betray me, because you hate betrayal more than anyone else. Only you... can be the deterrent force that prevents this 'communism' from being infected by crooked followers and crooked parties..."


Xu Ziling immediately stepped forward and grabbed Qianjie's wrist, then took three steps back and said,

"Miss Karlin, out of emotion, I recognize your lofty ideals... But out of reason, I must tell you that your behavior has seriously deviated from the true meaning of 'communism'. You have gathered all the power to yourself. It seems that you are carrying it yourself, but in fact you have deprived the people of their right to choose freely. You are clearly 'hegemony'! Isn't this exactly the same as the former Tsarist Russia? ? "

"The same... huh... do you... think so too?"

Karin's eyes were slightly downcast, and then she stretched out her hand and said,

"Let me ask... are day and night equal? ​​Are the righteous and the sinners equal? ​​If people are born weak... weak people, where can they find peace!"

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