The cold weather is like the distant Siberia.

In the absolute frost, the concept of time has long been blurred.

In the blink of an eye, a whole month has passed since Xu Ziling returned to Mu Continent from Siberia.

These days, because his body has not yet recovered, Xu Ziling stays in the institute every day, cooking during the day and delivering food at night. If there is time... he will do experiments with Mobius as before.

If you insist on saying the difference... Xu Ziling has an extra snake venom in his body, which makes it easier for Mobius to directly control his body when necessary.

This is poison, and it is also a lock.

Some people may say, what is the difference between this and a puppet? Ziling, you can't be a woman's plaything!

And Xu Ziling's answer was: I am happy to!

If you do something wrong, you should be punished. Xu Ziling cannot simply blame his behavior on Mobius' tolerance of him. If he really chooses to do that, he will be no different from the person in the future.

If deprivation of freedom is considered a punishment, then this punishment is already very mild for Xu Ziling. After all, he basically never went out before, and he would hang out with his own doctor whenever he had something to do, which was basically the same as his previous life.

So this is both bone poisoning and a lock in the heart.

It's a bit ridiculous to say that he is a law-abiding person who masters construction and disassembly, demons and chains, and is said to be able to construct all bodies and remove all locks. At this moment, he actually put a lock on his heart and couldn't unlock it. It's ridiculous.

But Xu Ziling has made Mobius sad twice because of his personal behavior, and he doesn't want to see such a thing for the third time.

In short, the days passed one by one until today, a month later.

[Time until the system antivirus is finished: 1 hour, 7 minutes and 28 seconds. ]

Xu Ziling woke up an hour before Mebius as usual, covered him with the messy blanket because of his indecent sleeping posture, washed up and went to the kitchen to cook.

Today is the day when the system antivirus is finished. Frankly speaking, Xu Ziling still misses his son Tongzi after not seeing him for two months. It doesn’t matter if he sees Xingqiong every day, but the important thing is that Tongzi can’t respond to his expectations anytime and anywhere like before, which makes Xu Ziling feel sorry.

In this last hour, Xu Ziling thought about it and decided not to have a grand welcome. Just do it as usual. Otherwise, with his son Tongzi’s personality, he might be so excited that he will shut himself down again.

[Time until the system antivirus is finished: 42 minutes and 56 seconds. ]


When taking eggs from the refrigerator in the kitchen, Xu Ziling suddenly found out. He raised his hand, and the golden hair on his shoulder could be directly exposed in his hand... His hair seemed to be longer than before.

The golden hair that could only reach his lower abdomen at most when tied up now directly crossed his waist and hips and reached Xu Ziling's thighs. This is already thinner than most women's hair.


Xu Ziling looked at the height difference between himself and the refrigerator door again, and found that it was not his hair that "got longer", but his body that "got shorter".

In the past, Xu Ziling only needed to raise his hand to easily get the eggs in the refrigerator, but now he had to tiptoe to reach them, which was really ridiculous.

Four years ago, Xu Ziling's height was 1.98 meters, nearly two meters, enough to look down on Kevin's height. After Xu Ziling came to his senses, it suddenly dropped by 20 centimeters to only about 1.7 meters, not even 1.8 meters.

Is it a side effect left after he "resurrected" two months ago?

At present, this seems to be the only explanation. In Xu Ziling's memory, he "died" only once at that moment.

Otherwise, it can't be that he died of exhaustion and then resurrected? That's ridiculous.

Xu Ziling shook his head and didn't think about the answer to this question carefully.

After all, the direct impact of the body shrinking on Xu Ziling at present, except for the hair growing longer, there is no harm, just pay attention to take care of it later.

Even because of his body shrinking, Mebius doesn't need to look up when talking to him in the future, which is even a good thing.

[Due to the completion of system antivirus: 26 minutes and 12 seconds. ]

Speaking of hair, Xu Ziling thought of four years ago.

Four years ago, it was also such a morning.

Xu Zi

When Ling was cooking in the early days, he was "attacked" by Alicia, and then Alicia teased him, "With your hair color and appearance... if you change a few more hairstyles, you will definitely be very cute! Want to try it? Want to try it♪?"

Xu Ziling refused at that time. First, he felt it was unnecessary. Second, the Great Collapse was imminent, and he didn't have the energy to think about so many things. If it weren't for Mobius's aesthetics, he would have wanted to cut his long golden hair into short hair.

As for now...

The remains of the God of Collapse have been silent on the moon. There is no need to worry about the Collapse in the short term. As for the Ruler... Xu Ziling's worries are useless. There is time to think about these things.

Wait for Mobius to wake up and ask her about her preferences. A simple change of style can increase the explosion rate of the whole team. Why not?

[Distance from system disinfection to completion: 11 minutes and 11 seconds. ]

Today's breakfast is black bean porridge and egg pancakes. It doesn't take too long to make these two meals. The main reason is that Xu Ziling has nothing to do during the cleaning stage, and Mobius hasn't woken up yet, so he kept washing. After the meal, he also made a few fruit platters as dessert.

Xu Ziling calculated the time for cooking. If nothing unexpected happens, Mobius will just wake up now. After she changes her clothes and takes the time to wash, the food here will change from boiling hot just out of the pot to warm, which is the most suitable time for eating.

And this waiting time is ten minutes.

[Due to the completion of system antivirus: five minutes and thirty-six seconds. ]

Regarding the fact that the system will be eroded by the virtual number virus... It seems outrageous at first, but if you think about it carefully, Xu Ziling's previous reliance on the system was a bit too great. He put all his hopes and bets on the system, and never thought about what he would do if the system had problems.

The experience of the past two months has also sounded a warning to Xu Ziling. In the future, no matter what, he can no longer take risks blindly. Otherwise, his death will be a small matter, but the system being eroded will be a big matter, and Mobius will be a widow. In the future, he must think carefully before taking action.

[Due to the completion of system disinfection: two minutes and eight seconds. ]

Speaking of which... Xu Ziling seems to have not seen Alicia for a long time. The last time they met and got along was three years ago, when he, Ying and Aili joined forces to encircle Vishnu in America.

And three years ago, Alicia would send messages to everyone in the institute on the communication, and occasionally take time to come back, but she was always in a hurry every time... If it weren't for the fusion surgery that greatly strengthened her body, she would probably have collapsed from exhaustion.

Alicia is always like that. She is used to leaving her smile to others and leaving her pain to herself.

If you have time... go see her.

As Xu Ziling thought about this, the antivirus countdown of the system also returned to zero.

[Reloading the system, please wait...]

[Synchronizing plot information, please wait...]

[Ding~! Special plot points detected, the Demon God mission has been released! ]

[Demon God Mission: Lin Bing's Persistence]

[Mission requirements: Kill or (cross out), kill the Ice Ruler? ]

[Mission success reward: The birth of the Ice Ruler is greatly delayed, the last aftermath of the collapse is silent, and the birth of the sixth Ruler is postponed]

[Mission failure penalty: The Ice Ruler is born, and at the same time, due to the injury of important figures, human civilization technology stagnates for three years. ]

At the same time.


Wei Weiwei rushed in, holding an instrument with a screen in both hands, and shouted:

"Something bad is happening! My dear audience friends, something bad is happening!! Something happened to my lovely and charming audience!!"

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