The old man was born in a poor family.


Time goes back to ten years ago.

Ten years ago, Xiaoyan, like most children in the world, experienced his carefree childhood.

At that time, he may have seen a corner of the dark society, but he prefers to live in the present. After all, the ignorant are fearless, and a truly talented person will not show himself too prominently.

Fortunately, Xiaoyan had a pair of parents who loved him deeply when he was young.

As an only child, he unsurprisingly received all the love from his family.

His father runs a small business, does not smoke, does not drink, is upright, distinguishes between public and private affairs, and cares for his family.

The mother is a foreign language teacher at the No. 1 High School in Changkong City. She is gentle, virtuous, and wise. She knows how to teach her children. She will not over-indulge Xiaoyan because he is an only child.

Xiaoyan is also naturally intelligent. He has learned the hidden meaning of his mother's teachings. He deliberately controls his grades and always keeps himself in the third place. He will not be favored by anyone, nor will he be looked down upon by anyone.

Under the protection of his parents, Xiaoyan's life may not be high-end, but it is definitely peaceful and peaceful enough.

If life continues to be peaceful, Xiaoyan may spend his life in a peaceful but happy life like most people in the world.

But... a peaceful life is of course beautiful, but it is also extremely fragile.

To break this layer of beauty that has been painstakingly managed by countless people, sometimes it really only takes an inconspicuous little accident, or even an inconspicuous little action.

At that time, the business run by his father failed, and he took Xiaoyan's family and moved out of the villa area where they originally lived and moved to a more ordinary community.

The mother did not say anything, but told his father that failure was not terrible.

The father also said nothing. He loved his wife and Xiaoyan as always.

But after that day, the father attended more and more business receptions.

That day... the father came home drunk as usual. His eyes were full of bloodshot, and the wrinkles on his forehead had accumulated very deep... very deep...

But even so, the father who loved Xiaoyan and his wife did not choose to pour his anger on his relatives. He just rubbed Xiaoyan's head as usual and went back to the bedroom to sleep.

The mother noticed that the father was in an abnormal mood. She asked Xiaoyan to go to bed early after dinner and went back to the room to accompany his father.

This happened more than once or twice. Xiaoyan had long been accustomed to it. He felt sorry for his father's stubbornness and even more sorry for his mother's hard work. But Xiaoyan, who was only twelve years old at that time, could only do those report cards full of "third place" for his parents.

Xiaoyan, who knew that he was too young, could only pin all his hopes on the future.

But as we mentioned before, it only takes a very small accident to tear apart the peaceful life that a family has worked so hard to plan.

When the gorgeous but hateful fireworks were set off from the downstairs of the community... no one would have thought that it would just ignite the clothes that were drying on the balcony of Xiaoyan's house.

When the fire was still burning in the house, when the thick smoke began to fill the mouths and noses of the sleeping people, everything was too late.

Xiaoyan, who was awakened by the thick smoke, realized that something was wrong at the first time. He quickly fled his room and came to the corridor outside the house, but he realized the next second that his parents were still in the cemetery composed of thick smoke and fire.

Faced with the threat of fire and life, Xiaoyan admitted that he was really anxious at the time, because his loved ones were facing the threat of life and death. Perhaps there is really no lack of extremely rational existence in this world, but Xiaoyan is undoubtedly not one of them.

He was anxious, too anxious, and his eagerness to pull his parents out of the sea of ​​fire overwhelmed his rationality, causing him, only twelve years old, to rush into the sea of ​​fire again and again, trying to rescue his father and mother who loved him deeply.

The closest time, Xiaoyan clearly saw that his mother was struggling to carry his father's body in the sea of ​​fire in the bedroom, trying to break out of the encirclement of the flames.

Xiaoyan saw it, and he didn't care about his burning pajamas, and ran to his mother anxiously.

But it didn't go as he wished.

Outside the mother's bedroom door, the severely burned bookshelf collapsed, piled with books and diaries that Xiaoyan had collected since childhood, which were full of his parents' teachings and instructions to him.

The bookcases are the bits and pieces of the family's peaceful life in the past.

But now, with the collapse of the bookshelf, the burning books and diaries have become the biggest obstacle for Xiaoyan to rescue her parents.

The collapsed bookshelf is like a cliff... a cliff that symbolizes fate.

I am standing on this side of the cliff, and the couple who love me still step on the cliff that is about to collapse.

The pain of the burning fire stimulated Xiaoyan's consciousness back to reality. Looking at the increasingly fierce flames around, Xiaoyan realized that if he didn't run away, it would be too late...

But... Dad and Mom haven't come out yet?

Yes... Yes... There is a fire hydrant in the corridor... I know how to use it!

But... Fate really likes to play tricks on people, and play tricks on those poor people who have been treated unfairly.

The fire hydrant was nailed shut by the property management. Even if the glass of the fire cabinet was smashed, the property management fire protection was in disrepair for a long time, and the water pressure was so low that it was far from being able to achieve the purpose of putting out the fire and saving people, even though... Xiaoyan was familiar with all the fire protection knowledge.

When the real fire brigade arrived and put out the ruthless fire, Xiaoyan's parents had already choked to death under the thick smoke of the raging fire.

Afterwards, as the only surviving victim, Xiaoyan undoubtedly received a large amount of compensation.

But... can the weight of life really be measured by money?

Xiaoyan didn't want to care about the post-fire accountability, nor could he care...

At that time, Xiaoyan really wanted to commit suicide after learning that his parents had both died, but those firefighters, those neighbors, and those irresponsible property management tried their best to stop him... because they really couldn't afford the price of another life.

With the heat down and the secret operation, the fire that broke all the fantasies of Xiaoyan, who was only twelve years old at the time, was finally suppressed.

Xiaoyan, who was only twelve years old, was not able to manage the whole process of the incident after being subjected to various ideological work by various people.

He just often thought, if... if he could run faster at that time, could he rush into his parents' bedroom before the bookshelf collapsed like a cliff?

If he could move faster, could he save his beloved parents from the sea of ​​fire?

Or, more simply.

If he could move faster at that time, could he be buried in the sea of ​​fire with his beloved parents while his mother sighed, "I really can't do anything about you, kid"?

Afterwards, Xiaoyan followed his parents' wishes, used his own time and the court's compensation to support his own schooling, and was admitted to Changkong City No. 1 High School where his mother once worked... Even though, with his grades, he still had a better choice of Qianyu College.

After graduation, Xiaoyan still followed his parents' wishes and worked in a local logistics company in Changkong City. After getting a foothold, he stopped climbing up. Occasionally, during holidays, he would run around in this city that brought him pain as a deliveryman. Only by running madly could he temporarily forget the pain he had suffered.

Classmates said he was pretentious because he never communicated with others.

Colleagues said he was selfish because he never participated in team building.

Yes... He was very selfish, he was really selfish, so selfish that even if he let his parents die in the sea of ​​fire, he could not rush into the sea of ​​fire and be buried with them.

So selfish... just repeating his false fantasy of "peaceful life" day after day.

He is Xiaoyan, a selfish ghost who witnessed the death of his parents.

His name is Yingyan, and he is a poor man imprisoned in a "peaceful life".

His experience moved the "God", so the "God" gave him a mercy called "Yakong"...


"So... you mean... you want me to become the apostle of 'God'?... take over the power of 'God' to make up for my regrets... right?"

Time returned to reality, on the ruins of the center of Changkong City.

"Xiaoyan" stared at his body in a daze, and his body, which was already broken and stained with blood, was healing rapidly under the purple light spots that appeared out of thin air.

The skin with blood and flesh turned inside out was healed, and the tattered black clothes under the deliveryman's uniform were also repaired. His colleague said something right before, Xiaoyan's appearance is indeed top-notch.

At this moment, "Xiaoyan" knelt down in the central square that had become a ruin. His originally short black hair was gradually stretched out, and with the hair flying in the wind, it was set off by a sad atmosphere of a royal orphan.

This feeling is really strange.

He also felt that the strange purple air that permeated the air with the blood mist was hideous and terrifying. But now, he actually felt a particularly pure "sense of peace of mind" from the strange purple air, as if as long as he was still in this purple gas and pattern, he was the absolute master of the world. No more fear, no more regrets.

And those scattered Honkai beasts, whether they were the most basic assault-level, knight-level, or the more powerful crossbow-level, chariot-level, at this moment, seemed to have become his background board. It was as if the people who were guarding the Honkai beast tide that was madly persecuting in the city were not the mountain-like chariot-level Honkai beasts, but he was the "king" that these Honkai beasts swore to defend.


"But if I accept your [authority], then when will my life be peaceful? ! ! Go away! Go away!! I don't want the kingship you gave me!! I don't want to be your so-called apostle of God!!

My life has long been broken! My dream no longer exists! Even if I control [authority], what can I do?! I want to die now! I just want to die! I only have such a simple idea. I didn't die ten years ago. Ten years later, everything is shattered. Am I still unable to die?! Why?!!!"

Yes, Xiaoyan has always been the Xiaoyan who only wants to live a peaceful life. Thanks to his parents' teachings, he has never expected too high status and power. He doesn't want to dominate anything. He just wants to live in the present... live in the present according to his parents' wishes.

Perhaps he did have regrets that would last a lifetime, but time cannot be reversed, and the withered body buried deep in the grave will never be able to collect the dissipated consciousness again. If even God's [authority] is not enough to make him redeem his regrets, then what is the use of this authority?

He obviously just wants to live a peaceful life!

"Go away, go away!! Since you are God, can't you see through my heart??! I just want to live a peaceful life, I don't need your authority and identity!

Now, my peaceful life has been broken, I am not living well, can't I just want to die? Go away! Go away!! I don't need the power you give me!!!"

Obviously just pursuing the simplest life and happiness, but repeatedly suffering from destruction and disturbance, the split and interweaving of simple ideals and shattered reality made a sour feeling arise from Xiaoyan's heart, followed by an unprecedented flame of anger.

Without any living creature around, Xiaoyan did not hesitate to vent his anger to the guy who called himself "God" beside his ear.


It can be seen that the ethereal voice echoing in Xiaoyan's ears fell silent.

This may be the first guy who can silence "Him" since "Him" was born, or perhaps... the black-haired man in front of him who only wants to live a peaceful life will not be the last one who can silence "Him".

And Xiaoyan's heart was already intertwined with anger and bitterness. He clenched his fists and pounded the ground in front of him frantically, cursing the injustice of fate and shouting about the darkness of the world.

Just like that, after a long time, in a place where no one could see, the Honkai wife saw that the guy had almost vented his anger, so she reorganized her words and whispered in Xiaoyan's ear again,

[Don't worry, my child. ]

[You can take your time...]

"Get lost!"


[Of course, it doesn't matter if you don't accept it. ]

[I will make you accept it. ]

However, Xiaoyan turned a deaf ear to the Honkai wife's words.

He still didn't know what the guy who was talking in his ear was. He only knew that all his expectations and dreams for life had been shattered. His life had lost its future the moment the disaster struck today.

The road ahead was like being covered with a layer of extremely dark cloth. Xiaoyan couldn't see the road ahead clearly, and he didn't want to go on, nor did he want to be the poor man who was always one step behind fate.

Now, apart from yelling to vent his emotions, there was only one thing he could do.

Say goodbye to this... world that can never be "calm".

Noticed that the voice in his ear had gradually subsided, and without a point of venting anger, Xiaoyan himself gradually subsided.

After experiencing hope, calmness, despair, anger, and bitterness. Now Xiaoyan's heart is left with only the most primitive and purest sense of nothingness, and that emptiness is enough to drown everything...

Die... It's better to die. After death... You don't have to face this anymore.

A miserable world.

Just at this moment, a dizzy and dazed Breakthrough Beast crashed into the huge body of the Chariot-class Breakthrough Beast. The Breakthrough Beast with stars in its eyes fell slowly in front of Xiaoyan.

Seeing that the Breakthrough Beast was sharp enough to easily break through the metal head, Xiaoyan's mind moved, and a dark purple "door" opened in front of him. The next moment, the already dizzy Breakthrough Beast appeared in Xiaoyan's hand with a confused face.

Xiaoyan tightly grasped the sharp head of the Breakthrough Beast and stabbed it fiercely at his throat!


After a long time again.

Xiaoyan cried, this time, he really collapsed.

A gray-white monster appeared out of thin air, holding a shield in his left hand and a gun in his right hand, and the keratin composition stretched out, tightly grasped Xiaoyan's right hand that was about to commit suicide.

At the same time, its deep purple single eye stared at Xiaoyan, like a warning, but also like a threat.

——Temple-level Honkai beast.

[I said, I will make you accept it. ]

The voice of Kong Ling once again echoed in Xiaoyan's ears, and this time, Xiaoyan had no choice!

[Get up and take a look... my child. Then answer me, are you 'Xiaoyan'? ]

[No, you are not... you are my child, you are 'the Herrscher'. ]

[After controlling this body, I only hope that you... will be known as 'Shadow Words'. ]

[Okay. Now, do what you want to do. ]

[For example... tear apart this world that once brought you pain...]

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