At the same time, on the other side.


Several armed helicopters flew over and threw a fixed-orbit missile at the giant Collapse Beast, which had been led to the suburbs and whose huge body was made up of countless smiling human faces.

"Roar, roar, roar!... Hehehe!... Hahaha... Gaga..."

The body of this Corpse Mountain Collapse Beast, which was stabbed by the bomb at close range, still had those weird and defeated smiling human faces, but it was obvious that it had been worn away by Alicia and had been bombarded by missiles head-on, and it was almost unable to hold on.

The armed helicopters also knew the seriousness of not finishing off monsters. After confirming that Alysia was not in the attack range, the small group of three armed helicopters launched a crazy firepower tilt towards the corpse mountain collapse beast! The posture was probably to blow the corpse mountain into pieces.

"Roar... Roar! Aa ... "Huh! This guy is really hard to deal with..."

After stabilizing her body and brushing her pink hair, Alicia looked at the corpse mountain collapse beast and couldn't help but sigh.

I thought that this battle against the collapse beast would end within five minutes as usual. After all, Alicia had fought a temple-level collapse beast alone before, and it took ten minutes without using any weapons.

But now, she faced this corpse mountain collapse beast, even with her most handy weapon, it took her a full hour to grind blood!

I don't know whether Alicia has become weaker because of her indulgence in women these days, or the collapse has become stronger...

But no matter what, the result is good. The corpse mountain has completely lost its vitality under the bombardment of the armed helicopter group sent by Hen.

Compared to the piled-up standing corpse mountain, the fallen corpse mountain seemed to be more terrifying. Its big mouth, which was made up of countless pairs of human faces, was mostly cracked, revealing a dark and hideous mouth that seemed to be able to swallow all things in space.

And the exposed human heads collided with the corpse mountain when chewing food, and the surface skin of the heads was rubbed to pieces, revealing the eerie skulls. It was these defeated skulls that constituted the "teeth" of the corpse mountain.

It was okay when the corpse mountain was still alive, because it was a flexible fat man, and its speed of movement was not slow. If you didn't look carefully, you would only think it was a moving meat ball, and you wouldn't notice its terrifying body details.

"Thank you!"

After finally dealing with the giant beast, Alysia smiled and waved to the three armed helicopters sent by Hen. The helicopter pilots also took off their hats to greet Alysia. Then, under the instruction of Captain Hen, they flew away to search for other large sources of collapse radiation in Changkong City.

And Alysia also felt that after dealing with the giant mobile source of collapse radiation on the mountain of corpses, she also needed to deal with the source of this collapse.

As for where the source is...

Isn't the space tumor that grew in the opposite direction in the center of Changkong City obvious enough?

But before setting off, she still had to make some more preparations.

Touching her empty pockets, Alysia sighed helplessly. She had saved a lot of photos of girls in her mobile phone before, but she didn't expect that they would be shattered after a battle today.

Without a cell phone, Alysia could only use the military miniature headset hidden under her sleeve to try to contact Hen.

"Hello, hello, Hen? Have you found Dr. Mobius now? How many people did you send this time?"

"Hmm? Alysia... Um, we... how should I put it, we found him, and even Professor Mobius and her assistant Klein are sitting behind my plane now, but... it seems that there is a small problem."


"Um... it's Professor Mobius who saw

My eyes, as if she wanted to kill me... I thought about it and I had no grudge against her, why did she look at me like that? "


Hearing this, Alyssia couldn't help but laugh, just to adjust the tense atmosphere of the war between the two sides, she said half-jokingly,

"Mr. Hen~ Put yourself in her shoes, if one day, little Gray Xiu was also taken away by someone else, how would you feel? Dr. Mobius sees that your mood is similar to this now, after all, although she doesn't admit it, her relationship with Blanca is indeed first-class, right?"

"Uh... Hi! Of course I understand this... Okay, Alyssia, let's talk about urgent matters first and then the serious matters. Your blonde sister refused to take our plane and went to the source of this collapse alone. We can't stop her, and even Professor Mobius supports her behavior. I think it is necessary to tell you about this. "

"Well... Xiao Ziling is really messy... But since Dr. Mobius, who has the most direct say over Xiao Ziling, agrees with his behavior, I can't say anything. Let him go. Anyway, Xiao Ziling's strength is no less than Miss Fairy's... Oh! By the way, Hen, you just said that Xiao Ziling went to the source of this collapse? It seems that I have to speed up and rush over to help him. "

"Ah? So sudden... Wait! Alicia, listen to me first, I have something I must tell you, because the incident happened too suddenly, I can only dispatch limited troops, so now the only one who can support you is actually my current armed helicopter group...

Don't blame me! The main area of ​​responsibility of the Fifth Division is Europe. A large aircraft carrier fleet cannot be brought here in one night. In the beginning, the stupid senior officials did not approve my military authority. They said that they were not familiar with the Great Collapse and needed to investigate... Although they did approve a group of armed helicopters for me later, it was only this one.

I can see that they saw the damage caused by the Collapse Beast in Changkong City and asked me to take a small force to explore the depth. My current identity is a pioneer at best, and a death squad at worst! Anyway, I don’t know what the stupid senior officials think.

As for the captain of the Third Division who was originally responsible for the Shenzhou region... That old-fashioned guy is also a fool. He was sent by the senior officials to carry out a secret mission related to America a few days ago, and he hasn’t come back yet! I guess he can’t come back either...

In short, Alysia. The support that the army can provide you now is extremely limited, and it is even more likely that you need to face the source of this collapse alone. Although I know that you are the strongest single-soldier of the Fire Moth, the Great Collapse is a new and unknown product after all. Can you really face it alone? "


Alixia nodded. She rarely used the joking tone before, but said seriously, "Hen, you should know that even if I don't go, this Great Collapse will eventually be contained... In the worst case, the Fire Moth will send a nuclear bomb here, so that Changkong City and even the entire Far East will sink with this collapse... But I don't want to see such a scene, so the decapitation operation is necessary. "

"This... Alas. Alixia, you are always like this..."

"Hmm♪~ Don't worry about me too much. After all... I am not alone. Didn't Xiao Ziling go to the source of this collapse? You know, except for the lack of combat experience, his combat power is not inferior to mine..."

"... Ah?"

"And there is more! Hen, remember not to call him little sister next time, Xiao Ziling is actually a boy. "

"...Ah? ? ?"

"Beep beep..."

Feeling the shock on the other end of the phone, Ailixia smiled and hung up the phone.

Then, Ailixia threw away the micro headset and looked at the tumor hanging in the sky of Changkong City. After a slight smile, it was time to set off.

However, Yingjie's journey is always bumpy.

"——Huh? !"

"Sizzle! ! "

A sound like cotton cloth being torn suddenly sounded. In just one breath, the giant space tumor hanging in the sky above Changkong City condensed its strange purple light containing the aura of endless space splitting towards Alishia!!

- No, to be precise, the purple light full of space authority was not shining on Alishia herself, but on the corpse mountain collapse beast in front of Alishia... that had fallen dead.

Immediately afterwards, Kong Ling's serious and frightening male voice sounded instantly-

"My followers, I have returned to power, and you are also the god of my followers, so you should return to my embrace!"

The moment this voice fell, the eerie purple light shining from the distant sub-sky tumor also condensed into a point in an instant, and focused on the corpse mountain collapse beast that should have been dead.

Then, Alysia swore that she was really just stunned by this sudden change, but the next moment, the purple light on the huge body of the corpse mountain collapse beast, which had originally dimmed, burst out with dazzling and dangerous light again!

Along with it, there was also the total amount of collapse energy in the corpse mountain collapse beast. Under the illumination of the purple light, the collapse energy of the corpse mountain collapse beast was like a blowout, and it ushered in an explosive growth. In the blink of an eye, it has surpassed the strongest collapse beast that Alysia had ever challenged! !

Assault, Knight, Ballista, Chariot, Temple... These weak levels of Honkai Beasts can no longer describe the corpse mountain at this moment. On the huge body of the Corpse Mountain Honkai Beast, the grim smile that never changed even in death actually revealed fear and submission under the illumination of this purple light.

The next moment, the coughing heads on its body surged, and a few words were uttered from its huge mouth indistinctly-

"Obey... my... Lord..."

According to Mobius's research and inference on Honkai energy, the birth of self-awareness means that the Corpse Mountain Honkai Beast has ushered in an essential leap from the lower level to the upper level. It is-the Emperor-level Honkai Beast! !

The gap between the Temple level and the Emperor level is not just the difference in the total amount of Honkai energy. This is the gap between the lower-level Honkai Beast and the upper-level Honkai Beast that can never be crossed, and it is a huge difference in innateness!

The disparity in strength between the two is definitely not something that can be represented by the same level!

Feeling the huge amount of collapse energy eroding her, Alysia's pupils shrank suddenly. The current situation has completely exceeded her expectations. Even her body has suffered from the pain of thousands of ants eating her heart because of the huge amount of collapse energy that has increased in an instant.

In addition, Alysia is indeed the first time to encounter the emperor-level collapse beast that should only exist in the deduction of Mobius's paper. For the sake of safety, she quickly flew back and distanced herself from the corpse mountain collapse beast.

Facts have proved that Alysia's behavior is correct, because in the next breath after she flew back, the area where she was originally located was instantly cut by a sharp purple light that seemed to have no thickness. This is a spatial cutting from the spatial level. If she fails to dodge, the consequences will be disastrous!

"Roar, roar, roar!!!"

After experiencing a massive amount of collapse energy infusion, the Corpse Mountain Collapse Beast, which had already died, opened its bloody mouth made up of a number of eerie skulls and roared to the sky!

At the same time, the collapse energy and size of the Corpse Mountain Collapse Beast became even larger! The open and ferocious mouth, under the infusion of spatial authority, turned into a terrifying existence similar to a black hole!

Finally, when the collapse energy contained in the Corpse Mountain Collapse Beast reached a certain critical point, the thousands of pale faces on its body roared, and then the huge mouth swallowed... its own body head-on?

Yes... is it swallowing its own body? It turned itself from the original Corpse Mountain meat ball into an elliptical existence similar to a snake with its head and tail connected. What is this operation?

But soon, Alicia understood the reason why the Corpse Mountain Collapse did this.

Because in the process of the Corpse Mountain Collapse Beast devouring itself, the majestic and terrifying spatial authority also ushered in restlessness. In just a few breaths, the Corpse Mountain Collapse Beast had completed its self-devouring, and used the majestic spatial power to instantly teleport itself away from this suburb!

It escaped? ?

Such doubts subconsciously emerged in Alyssia's mind.

Then, as if some kind of perception appeared in her heart, Alyssia instantly raised her head and looked at the spatial tumor hanging in the center of Changkong City.

At the same time, on the other side.


The deliveryman's clothes on his body were torn off by Yakong's power, revealing his neat and silent pure black suit.

Xiaoyan... No, he should be called Yingyan now. The pupils of Ying Yan, which were originally dark purple, have been replaced by a pair of terrifying purple pupils. His long black hair is flying. He is like an emperor, and now he is looking at the golden figure in front of him with caution.


Xu Ziling looked at the Herrscher of the Void, who had met him once before, and coughed twice, then said,

"'Listen to me'...

Lawyer, I am here to negotiate terms."

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