The reporter was standing in front of the highest city hall in Mucheng.

"Mr. Tian, ​​Changkong City was reduced to ruins overnight. The news here is that Mu will provide international support to Changkong City in the disaster. As one of the members of the Mu Continental United Peace Conference, what do you think about this?"

The reporters in the front row desperately handed their microphones forward, and the black-haired man in a suit and leather shoes did not make these reporters too embarrassed after adjusting his sunglasses. He smiled and said:

"Don't worry, journalist friends, take your time. My trip today is to make an official response on behalf of the Mu Continental United Peace Conference regarding the Changkong City incident. I will listen carefully and answer your questions. Every question.

But the anxious plot always makes people's emotions become stiff and boring. I think everyone should not like too noisy scenes, right? "

Tian Jin said it, although he did not take any actual action, but the strong muscles of the several black-clad bodyguards around him were enough to prove the weight of his words. What's more, according to Tianjin, every word he said now represents the entire Mu Federation Conference...

After quickly weighing the pros and cons, the reporters lined up in two teams, and Tianjin did not disappoint their expectations, and smiled and said:

"Thank you for understanding and recognizing my style... Then, to answer the question from the reporter, I can give the following answer on behalf of the Mu Federation.

First of all, as the leading banner of the world today, Mu Continent will never watch its compatriots suffer. After discussion, we have decided to send professional rescuers to the disaster area where Changkong City is located for emergency rescue. Please do not give up hope for life for any friends who are in distress at this moment. The Federation will never give up any human compatriot easily.

Secondly, humans are a group of people who are good at helping each other. The group that is moving forward, now that Mu has made a representative, other countries should also lend a helping hand. I hereby call on all countries in the world to temporarily put aside their prejudices against each other and immediately provide international assistance to Changkong City, which is suffering from the crisis at this moment. After all, life cannot wait. The sooner the country responds, the sooner the friends who are in distress at this moment can be saved from suffering. "

It must be said that Tianjin's rhetoric is insidious. It seems that he is helping the people and everything is for the greater good. In fact, he really wants to rely on the power of public opinion to tie the world's countries and Mu together. Since we Mu have paid the money, of course you can't just stand there.

If Xu Ziling hadn't known that Changkong City had already become barren under the massive radiation of collapse energy, he might have really believed his lies.

And he only said to help the people, but how to help them specifically and how to implement the help? As for the reconstruction of Changkong City after the disaster, this guy kept silent about it. When the rest of the world was forced to pay due to the pressure of public opinion, it was hard to say who got the international funds that were supposed to be used for the reconstruction of Changkong City when they were actually approved.

Xu Ziling said it was like... It was too damn like. Before he traveled through time, his boss had been painting a rosy picture for his employees. In the name of company team building and mutual assistance, he was actually exploiting the assets of new and old employees. This operation is no different from robbery, but who makes him the boss?

The same is true for Tian Jin, the member representing the Mu Guolian and the Conference. It can only be said that he is worthy of being the Minister of Finance of the Fire Chaser Moth. He is still thinking about making money at this time.

Unfortunately, this similar flower of his met Xu Ziling today.

Xu Ziling, who had been fighting against the boss for several years before traveling through time and had insight into all the weaknesses and flaws of the boss.

But it is precisely because of this that Xu Ziling knew that he could not rush over to question directly. He still needed to wait for an opportunity, waiting for the moment when this old dog who guards money reveals his flaws.

"Mr. Tian, ​​as far as I know, your hometown is also in the Shenzhou region. Now Changkong City, which also belongs to the territory of Shenzhou, has suffered an unexpected disaster. As the chairman and CEO of the Tianshi Group, the largest private enterprise in Shenzhou, would you like to make a personal donation to Changkong City in the disaster?"

"Sorry, Miss Reporter, your question is for me personally, not for the meeting I represent at the moment. It may be inappropriate to handle private affairs during public time. After all, it is my principle to handle public affairs in a public manner, so please allow me to refuse to answer your question for the time being... Come on, bodyguard friends, this reporter seems a little tired

Please send him out to drink some water first. "

"Mr. Tian, ​​I heard that you are a mixed race of Shenzhou people and 'Ziganians'. Do you wear sunglasses to cover the unique eye color of Ziganians?"

"My answer is consistent with my previous answer. If you really did your homework, you should not ask such a groundless question... Come on, this reporter friend, please move a little closer. There are other friends waiting for questions behind. "

"Mr. Tian, ​​you just said that the rescue team representing the Mu Federation Congress has set off to Changkong City for real-time rescue, but why didn't we get any news? Why was there no global live broadcast during the rescue process? Can you explain this? "

"Of course. But reporter friend, you should also know that military affairs should not be trifled with. The Mu Federation Congress attended the rescue operation not for fame and fortune, but only to let every refugee in Changkong City who is in danger at the moment get rescue as soon as possible. So when the first batch of emergency rescuers took off to Changkong City, we didn't have any spare personnel to carry professional filming equipment.

But don't worry, I will contact the combat armament department of the Mu Federation Council after answering the questions of all the journalists today, and let them broadcast live to the world.

Of course, seeing that you are so concerned about the Changkong City disaster, Tian is relieved. Later, I will contact the professionals of the Mu Communication Department and let them broadcast the rescue of Changkong City to the eyes of people all over the world in a first-person live broadcast, but this takes time, so please don't worry, journalists. "

"Time? Mr. Tian, ​​you are still talking about time here? May I understand that the time you are talking about is to cover up the superficial gaze, but in fact it is to create "time" for the organization behind you to plunder all the benefits of Changkong City?"

A sudden but not strange voice sounded, and Tianjin frowned slightly, but still answered subconsciously:

"My journalist friend, your question seems very interesting. But please make it clear that it was the Mu Federation that first sent rescuers to Changkong City, and then appeared here to explain the doubts to you.

From what you said, you seem to be rebuking the Mu Federation for holding a press conference here regardless of the danger in Changkong City? If that's the case, I might just laugh it off, but the combat captain who is still on the front line and fighting bravely may be heartbroken. "

"Really? But as far as I know, the time difference between Captain Hen's combat application and the final agreement was passed was a full two system hours. May I ask what you were doing during these two system hours? How many innocent people in Changkong City closed their eyes forever during these two hours of delay?"

"...Hmm? "

Hearing this, Tianjin raised his eyebrows, and until this moment he used his sunglasses to look at the figure who asked him a straightforward but extremely useful question.

...It seemed that it was indeed a beautiful woman over 20 years old, with a European face and bright golden hair. Her almost perfect face was reflected with an expressionless face and serious words.

There was no disdain and contempt in the plot as imagined. After all, people like Tianjin who are in high positions must always pay attention to their words and deeds to avoid being caught by the media and public opinion. In this era of looking at faces, if he has a cold and disdainful attitude towards a "beautiful woman", his identity as the Minister of Finance of Chasing Fire Moth will not be able to protect him.

What's more...did this "beautiful woman" just mention... "trace"?

To the outside world, there is no "Chasing Fire Moth" force At least the ordinary media would never guess it. They have always regarded themselves as the "Mu Federation". After the Mu Kingdom was undermined, they staged a puppet government. Although this method is shameful, it is indeed useful.

That is why "Hen", as the captain of the fifth detachment of the Fire Moth Operation Department, his information is encrypted multiple times. In addition, the character of "Hen" himself, although he is indeed very masculine and strong in normal state, has a wife who is willing to help him deal with all the aftermath. The tail is wiped clean, let alone ordinary reporters, even the senior federal investigators in America will not be able to find any relevant clues without wasting a year or two.

Then... could it be an informant sent by the hostile forces?

Thinking of this, Tianjin smiled helplessly, then reached out and took off his sunglasses, and said:

"Ms. Reporter, your question is really interesting. Regarding your question, we can return to the city hall now, and I will explain it to you in detail... Oh

! Of course, your colleagues can also follow. The Mu Federation has always held meetings in public. If someone makes a fuss about my words, it will be very distressing. "


Xu Ziling noticed that after Tianjin took off his sunglasses, a pair of sandy white pupils appeared, which seemed to be the characteristics of the "Gypsies" mentioned by the reporter just now.

"Gypsies", this race is naturally smart and cunning, and is a natural merchant, or... a natural liar. There are not many "Gypsies" who have been slaughtered by many parties in a certain world war and are now surviving in the world, even if they are just mixed blood.

But Xu Ziling doesn't care who Tianjin is mixed with. He only knows that this guy is another annoying guy who thinks he is a European beauty.

"I think you may have got the wrong direction, Mr. Tian, ​​I am not a reporter. "

After not politely slapping away the guy's right hand that was stretched out to him, Xu Ziling glanced at the reporters around him who were eager to try, stretched out his right hand to grab his white coat, and said,

"I am just a victim who fled from Changkong City to Mu Continent. Now I want to ask for an explanation from the Mu Federation, which is "willing to lend a helping hand", for the countless Changkong citizens who were killed with me. "

"!!! "

Xu Ziling's words successfully shocked many reporters who were watching. At least one-third of the reporters present turned their microphones and pointed their cameras at Xu Ziling, asking impatiently,

"This... lady, you just said that you are a refugee who escaped from Changkong City? But you are neatly dressed and have a firm brow. How do you want to prove yourself? "

"Madam, Changkong City clearly revealed the news that it had become a ruin yesterday morning. That means you escaped from the ruined streets and boarded a plane to Mu Continent in just one day, right?"

"Madam, could you please describe your escape experience in detail?"

Faced with the reporters' repeated inquiries, Xu Ziling's expression remained unchanged. After all, his experience before crossing had told him that when facing groups like reporters, he must remember his original intention and reasons, and must not be led off the direction by them. It is better to say less or not to say anything, but he must not be led off the direction by them.

Otherwise, you will understand what is taking things out of context and what is distorting the facts.

On the contrary, as long as you do not answer their words, stick to your own behavior, and as long as your actions can be written on the headlines, they will become your most solid shield in this world.

"Mr. Tian, ​​please answer my question. "

After ignoring the reporters' inquiries, Xu Ziling held the responsibility and anger that a "Changkong City victim" should have. There was not much emotion in his green eyes, only seriousness and questioning.

"While we innocent people are still suffering in Changkong City, what are you doing? Why is it that in the news we received, there was a full two hours between the mission application report of Captain Hen and the approval of the Mu Federation? Can I regard your indifference as an act of tacit consent? Does your silence now confirm my point of view? "

"It's not fun to interrupt others by speaking quickly, ma'am."

Tian Jin glanced at Xu Ziling's white coat and said,

"It looks like... it's Professor Mobius's new assistant? Before representing the federal meeting, please allow me to sincerely feel lucky for you and the doctor as a person. According to the customs of Shenzhou, I should now thank God for blessing you and the doctor, so that you can still appear in front of me in a complete posture today. "

After hearing the name "Mobius", most of the reporters watching were still confused, but a small number of them reacted and screamed in surprise, and retreated in fear, screaming as they retreated,

He's back, he's back! The ruthless killer, Dr. Mobius, who always stabbed people in the back is back~!

The reporters who were originally sitting tightly around Xu Ziling were frightened and retreated after hearing this, and the green-haired doctor who was following Xu Ziling in the crowd was also exposed.

Mobius is now... uh, how to say it, a little embarrassed, she doesn't really care about what the reporters and media think of her. However, according to the plan, shouldn't she go up and fight against the Fire Moth Councillor represented by Tianjin, and then Xu Ziling will play a supporting role on the side to protect the other party from jumping off the wall?

How is this?

In the blink of an eye, the little white mouse went up by himself and drove the Wushuang? And it seems to have the upper hand?

Is my little white mouse so powerful?

"This is the second time you change the subject, Mr. Tian. As you said, we don't like the roundabout way of communication. In this case, why can't you be more straightforward?"

Xu Ziling's expression remained unchanged, staring at the Tianjin and said,

"Is it because there are really some shady things in the "two hours" I accused? Or is the efficiency of the Mu Federation so low that it takes two hours to approve a rescue mission?"

"Madam, you should be wrong about this matter..."

"Stop, I don't like to listen to you talking about the allocation rate of resources and manpower and the problems of superiors and subordinates. I only know that from the time when Captain Hen applied for the mission to the approval, Two hours passed between the two. "

Xu Ziling hugged his chest, chuckled and said,

"Two hours... In a disaster, two hours is enough to shatter the hopes of most people. Are you really short-handed? Are you really inefficient? But if that is the case, how could you send your "minister" to greet reporters in just one day? Wouldn't the news department be more suitable? The difference in your work style and efficiency is really too big, right? Friends. "

Don't give any breathing space. After all, the debate is about who can make the other speechless first. Such an operation is shameful, but shameful does not mean it is not useful.

With the blessing of the inequality, Xu Ziling spoke again:

"Or... are you deliberately delaying time? Let the disaster spread to a certain extent before implementing rescue? To show the greatness and selflessness of the Mu Federation? Look! Is this the Mu Federation known as the 'flag of the world'? Your propaganda clearly states that you will protect everyone in the world, but what is the truth? What have you protected?..."

"Please calm down, my friend."

Tian Jin finally had time to interject while Xu Ziling was talking. He looked at Xu Ziling with a slightly cautious look. He knew that he might have met a tough guy this time. What he couldn't figure out was where did Mobius, who was known as the most indifferent doctor in the world, get such a talent?

The power of this rhetoric pressure was enough to crush some of the Fire Moth Senators who didn't do their job.

Of course... there are many loopholes in Xu Ziling's words, but when Tian Jin wanted to use these loopholes to bite back, he was surprised to find that these loopholes, without exception, were all related to the topic of the Fire-Chasing Moth.

Moreover, Xu Ziling did not clearly point out the existence of the "Fire-Chasing Moth" organization throughout his speech. Once he used the loopholes in Xu Ziling's words to bite back, it would inevitably make those reporters suspicious, and even the existence of the Fire-Chasing Moth might be exposed in advance.

Xu Ziling's operation undoubtedly put him on the fire called "media". The bet was that he could not reveal the existence of the Fire-Chasing Moth to the media at this time, and the bet was that they did not dare to disclose the topic of collapse.

There is no doubt that at this moment, Tianjin has fallen into the thinking circle that Xu Ziling carefully prepared for him. If nothing falls, I am afraid that he will not be able to jump out.

From the beginning of the topic to now, it has only taken a few words to successfully drag myself into his vortex of thinking...

After seeing that the atmosphere of the reporters around him was almost being led astray by Xu Ziling alone, Tianjin closed his eyes slightly, using that momentary gap to quickly adjust his thinking, and secretly thought,

This guy I met today... is not simple...

But, in fact, there is absolutely no unbreakable chain of relationships.

Since you can be used by Mobius, you can naturally be used by me. The identity of the Minister of Finance of Fire Moth should be much greater than that of a scientific research doctor, right? Hehe...

Come on, this beautiful lady whom I have never met before, the game has just begun...

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