The new game is over, and the new game is over.

[Ding~! Daily task "I didn't lie" has been completed! ]

[Basic task reward: Starry Sky*150. ]

[Host's current Star Qiong balance: 7850+150=8000. ]

[Random item reward: Lofty Moral Approval*1. ]

[Additional task reward: Infinite Lotto*5]

[Infinite Lotto: When using any Lotto series of oddities, if the Lotto penalty mechanism is triggered, the number of "Infinite Lotto" will be consumed to offset the Lotto penalty mechanism. ]

Here it comes, it's finally here!

Xu Ziling, who had been playing with Mebius and others on the Mu Country Historical and Cultural Snack Street until late at night before going home with them, finally heard the voice of the system in his mind.

Unlimited Lotto! Something that allows him to gamble without worries is finally here!

Realizing this, Xu Ziling almost jumped up from the floor with excitement, and took a deep breath to calm down.

Well... yes, after moving to the residence of Blanca and Hen in Mu Continent with Mebius, Xu Ziling still slept on the floor of Snake's room... Don't laugh at him! This is the floor of Snake's room! Before crossing, countless ghosts wanted to sleep on it but couldn't!

Instead of thinking about why Xu Ziling slept on the floor, it is better to imagine why Blanca and Hen's home has such a thing as a floor. In that case, you may be able to make up a wonderful story.

So let's get back to the topic.

The time now is midnight.

After being dragged by Alicia to eat all kinds of sweets, Mebius fell asleep after returning home. Alicia also went back to her room to rest after contacting Blanca, who was providing tactical support to Hen and Zhuhuo Division in the long sky battlefield.

Klein was given the important task of telling little Gray a bedtime story, and he should have fallen asleep at this point.

In other words, Xu Ziling could only digest the excitement of holding the lottery slowly by himself.

And the facts proved that Xu Ziling has never been a person who is particularly good at restraint, just look at his method of crossing. So after the system issued unlimited lottery as a reward, Xu Ziling did not hesitate and directly took out his Galaxy Lottery that had been gathering dust in the warehouse for a long time.

The plot has developed to this point today, so what is there for me to hesitate about?

Then... let's start gambling!


[Ding~! Congratulations to the host for successfully using the strange item "Galaxy Lottery" and obtaining the strange item "Broken Star Bait". ]

[Special Item·Star-Breaking Bait: After equipping, the wearer's "speed" attribute will increase by 30% overall (the overall "speed" attribute includes but is not limited to attack speed, movement speed, reaction speed, etc.)]

Very good! A good start is half the battle, keep betting!


[Bang~! "Special Item·Galaxy Lotto" is damaged! ]

[Ding~! "Item·Infinite Lotto" has taken effect! The penalty mechanism of Lotto has been automatically offset, and the damaged Lotto has been repaired! ]

Fuck! The second one exploded! ...But the famous Luofu five-star general Arthur Qingque once said that losing less is winning. There are still four protection mechanisms, keep betting! !

[Ding~! Congratulations to the host for successfully using the special item "Galaxy Lotto" and obtaining the special item "Mean Code". ]

[Strange Item·Normal Code: After equipping, the wearer's "all damage reduction" increases by 30% ("all damage reduction", including but not limited to direct damage, bleeding, DOT, curse, DEBUFF, etc.)]

[Ding~! Congratulations to the host for successfully using "Strange Item·Galaxy Lotto" and obtaining the strange item "Don't open it!!"]

[Strange Item·Gift of the Masked Fool: "Don't open it!!"]

[Ding~! Congratulations to the host...]

[Ding~! Congratulations...]

[Bang~! Galaxy Lotto has been damaged and consumed...]

[Bang~! ...]

[Ding~! ]

[Bang~! ]


After all the poker, Xu Ziling's system backpack has the following items:

No.1: Star-Broken Bait, 30% bonus to all attributes and speed. Although it has no special highlights, it is a noble "final multiplication zone". Its effect will increase with the improvement of Xu Ziling's strength, and it is very cost-effective.

No.2: Standard code. Unlike the game, the code items opened by the system do not need to be repaired in three battles, and they are directly complete. As for the effect, all damage is reduced by 2

0%, similar to the above Star-Broken Bait, there is no particularly outstanding highlight, but it wins in the high cost-effectiveness of the final multiplication area.

No.3: The Gift of the Masked Fool "Don't click it!!"; I haven't seen this thing before, it may be updated in the game after Xu Ziling traveled through time, so I'll put it aside and wait for a while.

No.4: Galaxy Baseball Bat, the exclusive weapon of Galaxy Baseball Man. Although it seems that this strange object does not exist in the train think tank in the game, this thing is the collection of the Black Tower Space Station... But it doesn't matter, after all, rules are meant to be broken!

No.5: Rational collapse, the wearer's all attributes increase by 10%, the effect is calculated independently, if there is a conflict with other strange objects, the all attribute increase effect of the strange object is calculated first, and then the final attribute multiplication area of ​​other strange objects is calculated. 10% of the total attributes are not much, but fortunately it can be matched with other strange objects to produce the miracle effect of the left foot stepping on the right foot and spiraling up to the sky.

No.6: : Fictional Robot, which increases the wearer's self-healing ability by 20%. For ordinary people, the effect of this strange object may be that the cold that takes five days to heal becomes four days, but in the hands of Xu Ziling, whose self-healing ability is extremely abnormal, the role of the fictional robot can be said to be the icing on the cake. The 120% life recovery efficiency, multiplied by the multiplication area brought by the rational collapse just now, is 120%+120%x10%=132%. This life recovery efficiency is simply the god in charge of blood recovery in ancient Greece. If it were a certain blonde vampire, I'm afraid he would extend his index finger and pierce his temple on the spot to test his physical strength.

Then there is the epilogue and summary.

The lottery was opened ten times in total, exploded four times, and six strange objects were obtained.

This luck cannot be said to be good, but it is not bad either, it is just average. And Xu Ziling's standard for poker has always been to lose less and win, so he is quite satisfied with the lottery results he has achieved now.

Bait, code, rational book and robot, although these items are not particularly eye-catching, they are all noble final attribute multiplication areas, and rational book can also play a 1+1>2 effect with other items, which is pretty good.

As for the Galaxy baseball bat... Well, to be honest, this thing may be more suitable for Kevin, because Xu Ziling's fighting style is generally to seal the opponent's blue bar with the word spirit, and then punch him directly, ending the battle with the incomparable heroic power of the pillar man. Compared with the bat, fighting with bare hands may be more suitable for him.

As for the arm knife of a certain ultimate creature... Well, just tell me whether that guy has nothing in his hands!

And the last "Gift of the Masked Fool"... Xu Ziling has never seen that thing, and the system description is also extremely vague, so Xu Ziling will put it aside for now and wait until he consumes the last lottery protection mechanism.

Yes, in addition to the above successfully obtained items, Xu Ziling is still holding the last lottery protection mechanism.

To put it bluntly, he can continue to gamble!

Dip the beans, cool!

With an excited heart and trembling hands, Xu Ziling tore open the Galaxy → River ↗ Old ↑ Old Man ↓ in his hand! .



Nothing happened?

Oh... by the way, the Galaxy Lotto will have an option of nothing happening. Just now, the lottery was either a bomb or a strange object, and I actually ignored the name of the store.

Three seconds later, the automatically repaired lottery also confirmed Xu Ziling's guess.

But nothing happened does not mean that you can't continue to gamble! Continue!


The Lotto was torn apart fiercely.


[Ding~! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the strange object "Mobius's underwear". ]



Even though Xu Ziling's psychological quality was strong enough, he was stunned when he saw the things given by the lottery at this moment. Feeling the soft fabric that came to his face in a physical sense, Xu Ziling was instantly scared and jumped up from the floor.

But who knew that just as Xu Ziling jumped up, a pillow hit him head-on the next second! ——

"Don't make noise!... Uh... Don't make noise... Little white mouse... Go to sleep quickly... Ah... Ha~... Uh..."

Mebius, who was half asleep and half awake, frowned slightly, grabbed a pillow next to him and threw it at Xu Ziling, then continued to sleep.

Xu Ziling was hit in the face by the pillow thrown by Mebius. After reacting, he quickly covered his mouth and forced himself to calm down.

The eyesight of the Pillar Man, which was comparable to that of an astronomical telescope, was enough for him to see everything clearly in the dark. He quickly moved the pillow brought by Mebius away, looked down at his mat...

Damn!! Green lace!!

...What if I touch it again?

Damn!! It's still hot!


System, are you taking off the snake's thing and giving it to me as a reward? ! Hold the grass! !

[? ? ? ]

[I...I don’t know either? ? ]

you do not know? But isn’t your Star Iron cultivation system only producing Star Iron props? Although... I really like the benefits this time, but but... you bastard seems to have just taken off the doctor's thing and gave it to me? How can I explain this to the doctor tomorrow? ? ? ? system! ! You can give out benefits, but that’s not how you give out benefits! ! ! !

['t be angry first! Me, I'll go ask it for you right now! ! ]

[@"System·Task Module"]

[Hey Hey hey! Did you do this? Take it back quickly and put it in its original place! This is no joke! The host is angry! o(≧口≦)o]

[Task module: fart. I am in charge of the issuance and rewards of system tasks, but I am also responsible for the issuance and rewards of system tasks. Shouldn't you ask about the lottery? @"System·Card Drawing Module"]

[System·Card Drawing Module:...Happy. ]

[(ŎдŎ;)? ? ? What does "乐" mean? ]

[System·Card Drawing Module:...]

[System·Card Drawing Module: Le. ]

[? ? ? ]

[Just tell me if you took this from that sister! hurry up! The host needs the answer to this question. ]

[System·Card Drawing Module: Yes. ]

[? ? ? Then quickly take it back and put it in its original position! ! ]

[System·Card Drawing Module: No. ]

[? ? ? Why? ]

[System·Card Drawing Module: Because of fun. ]

system:. . .

Xu Ziling:. . .

After a while.

Xu Ziling, who was sitting on the floor holding a warm piece of green underwear, was thinking about life.


Next to him, the light screen displayed by the system also had an ellipsis written on it, as if he was feeling guilty or blaming himself.

Looking at the moonlight outside the window, it was probably around four o'clock in the morning on Mu Dalu.

In other words, Snake is about to wake her up.

Because when she took Xu Ziling and the others out to play last night, she said she would go home early and go to bed. The next day, she would start research on the Honkai energy of Herrscher of the Sky.

Based on his previous experience with each other, Xu Ziling knew that Snake usually got up early at six in the morning.

And when she wakes up, Xu Ziling will be gone.

Pretending to be stupid? It's impossible. Mebius is completely aware of Xu Ziling's perception and reaction. She and Xu Ziling sleep in the same room. It's impossible for an assassin to escape Xu Ziling's perception. It's also impossible for an assassin to steal only from her. underwear.

So the road of pretending to be stupid doesn't work at all.

What to do? When Snake wakes up and discovers that her underwear has been stolen by Xu Ziling, what will she think of him? How can I drive him crazy?

Is the goodwill that you have finally built up before about to fall short?

No! The plot shouldn't develop like this! !

[Host... Host... don't get excited... I just banned the "card drawing module" and took back its permissions. Please don't move now. I'll concentrate on trying to get this... um..." Reward" and put you back in your original position...]

…What’s the success rate?

[Well...because I don't know how that guy took off my own words...I can only try to restore it while groping, and there is a high possibility of waking up the green-haired sister in the process. …]

...Then you'd better stop fumbling, I'll figure it out myself.

[ like this...]

[Sorry... I have caused you trouble again... I... I will write a review right now...]


Xu Ziling remained silent and did not stop the system from writing a review.

After a long time, his downed brain slowly recovered, and he looked back at Mebius, who was sleeping deeply on the bed behind him, with a flash of blue in his green eyes.

At this point, he could only use DNA mimicry to bring Snake's thinking inertia into perspective, and in turn think about how to break the situation at this moment.

After thinking for a long time with Snake's thinking inertia, Xu Ziling discovered that if he wanted to get rid of the underwear matter without lowering his goodwill, he would have to come up with a research technology that could make Snake crazy.

Such as himself.

But obviously, he was bound by Snake from the moment he was dug out by Snake. It is obvious that props that have been used cannot be used a second time.

But what research technology can Xu Ziling come up with that makes Snake crazy? The strange thing in the bag? But those have nothing to do with biology or even Honkai Impact

If I give something that doesn't matter to Sheshe, it will only deepen Sheshe's suspicion of herself, right?

Then... can I only pin my hopes on this lottery ticket?

Thinking of this, Xu Ziling looked down at the lottery ticket on his system panel and the lottery protection mechanism that had one left.

Pray that the lottery ticket can open something related to biology, or a prop that can complete the plot?

It's not impossible, but it's very small.

And Xu Ziling has no choice.

Unlike the happy mentality of playing the lottery before, Xu Ziling is betting on the rest of his life this time, and his mood is extremely heavy.

All I can say is, don't gamble, you will lose every time you gamble.

The lottery ticket was slowly torn open...

[Bang~! "Wonderful Item Galaxy Lotto" has been damaged. ]


After Xu Ziling cursed inwardly, he threw the lottery ticket in his hand away, and the system quickly collected it. After all, it was the private property of its host, and it could not be seen by outsiders.

Looking at the moonlight outside the window, Xu Ziling felt as if his heart was dead.

And now it was five o'clock in the morning.

Or... go out for a walk. Just treat it as a way to relax, so that you can be more natural when you admit your mistakes later.

After finding that he had no other choice, Xu Ziling could only sigh and stand up. After thinking about it, he folded the green lace panties and the soft underwear with C and D and put them on the bedside, opened the window of the villa, stood up and flipped out.

The night in Mu Continent was quite cold.

Xu Zi0's heart was also quite cold.

But what Xu Ziling didn't know was.

Five minutes after he left, Mobius, who was sleeping peacefully on the bed, quietly opened his pair of iridescent snake eyes.

After she was sure that Xu Ziling had gone far away, she looked down at the inside of her pajamas, and then looked at the underwear neatly stacked on the bedside, muttering to herself:

"He attacked me while I was asleep... but only stole my underwear without going any further? What does this mean? He has the desire but not the courage?... Qi, I thought the little white mouse was finally going to take the initiative. Doesn't he... know that my goal from the beginning to the end is to tie him to my side? No matter what method is used?

Forget it... I'll wait until tomorrow and I won't mention this matter to see his reaction. Although it's all for the experiment, if there is a choice, I, Mobius, don't want to chase after others..."

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