The operation was completed in 1989.

"Before the operation begins, classmate MEI, there is one thing I must explain to you clearly."

Before entering the operating room, Mebius turned around and looked at MEI, saying,

"At this stage, we have too little information about Honkai, and without a decisive academic breakthrough, even I dare not guarantee that Honkai disease can be cured.

The operation to be performed now is to help your father stabilize his basic physical condition, so that even if he leaves you, he does not have to worry about being eroded by Honkai and going to extreme emotions. But whether he can be completely cured depends on his own luck. Or whether I can make a decisive academic breakthrough in Honkai later."

Yes, Mebius paused again After a pause, he added:

"But no matter what the result of the operation is, MEI, if you want your father to live a few more days, don't let him work hard in the company all day like before. No matter what disease it is, rest and companionship are the most basic treatment options."

"Well... I understand."

MEI nodded and said,

"Before I came to see Dr. Mebius, I had already given up on letting my father continue to run the ME company. He has been working too hard for too long. From now on, it's time for Kevin and I to accompany him."

"I hope you can figure it out."


Compared to the various preparations and family members' explanations before the operation, the operation itself was extremely short and fast.

There is no other reason.

Because the purpose of the operation at the beginning was to stabilize the Honkai disease of Thunder Ryoma from spreading further, rather than to directly cure the Honkai disease.

In the absence of any information basis and any reference experiments, the Honkai disease is to be cured? Are you kidding me?

So, the process of this operation is very simple.

It was as simple as,

After being anesthetized and unconscious, and having his stomach cut open and his heart and lungs torn out physically, Xu Ziling bled some of his own blood, put it into sterile, colorless, and non-corrosive micro-sealed test tubes, and then buried it in every corner of Raiden Ryoma's body.

Even the whole process was performed by Mebius himself, which made the operation even faster.

All Xu Ziling had to do was to bleed and then record the physical condition of Raiden Ryoma, and keep the experimental data after the collapse energy infected the human body.


The alloy door of the operating room opened, and Xu Ziling walked out of it.

Mei Kai and the other two, who were chatting with Alicia who was holding little Grayshue to distract themselves, came over immediately and said:

"Assistant Xu, how is my father?"

"Assistant, is Uncle Long... okay?"


In response, Xu Ziling took a deep breath, glanced at MEI and Kevin, and said,

"Classmate MEI, classmate Kevin, now there is a good news and a bad news, which one do you want to hear?"


Hearing this, MEI was obviously stunned for a moment, and then couldn't help but get a little nervous. After thinking for a moment, he said,

"Listen to... the bad news first."


Xu Ziling nodded and said,

"The bad news is... I'm sorry, classmate MEI, your father will never see the sun tomorrow again."


Hearing this news, MEI only felt that his brain exploded with a "buzzing" sound, and his body went limp directly, and he was about to fall down.

Kevin was quick to support MEI, and with dim eyes, he looked at Xu Ziling, puzzled:

"Assistant Xu, why... is this happening? Didn't Dr. Mobius say... the worst result of the operation is just the spread of Honkai disease... why did Uncle Long..."

"Yes, that's the worst result."

Xu Ziling nodded seriously and said,

"The good news I want to tell you is that the operation was a complete success, and Mr. Raiden Ryoma's Honkai disease has been controlled... The one I just said about not seeing tomorrow's sun is in the physical sense."


Hearing this, MEI and Kevin, who had just experienced great sorrow and great joy, were now confused. If you look carefully, you can even find two question marks floating above their heads.

"Tsk, little white mouse, stop teasing them."

At this time, Mebius also took off his mask and walked out of the operating room, looking at MEI and Kevin and said,

"The operation went smoothly, and the Honkai energy contained in your father's body has been contained, but in order to contain the erosion of Honkai energy, we used some... um... unconventional reagents

. The side effect is that your father may not be able to be exposed to sunlight in the future, and even strong ultraviolet rays are not allowed. You should pay attention to this in your daily life. It is best to stay in the room and don't go out. "

"Side effect...Is that so..."

Hearing this, MEI let out a long sigh. Although the side effect of not being able to be exposed to sunlight is very large, compared with being corroded by Honkai and becoming a dead soldier or Honkai beast, it is just a side effect similar to ultraviolet allergy, which is still acceptable.

This requires us to sigh at the magic of Honkai. Under normal circumstances, family members will be furious or even furious when they know that their family members have successfully undergone surgery but can no longer be exposed to sunlight; but after MEI knows the horror of Honkai infection and knows that his father may also become a mindless killer or Honkai beast...

With this comparison, ultraviolet allergy seems not so unacceptable.

"...Thank you, Dr. Mebius. In the future, MEI will definitely remember your help today. "

Mei bowed heavily to Mebius.

Kevin, who had reacted, also bowed to Mebius and said:

"That... Dr. Mebius, I will remember it too."


Hearing this, Mebius raised his eyebrows and said,

"Mei's little follower, forget about you... If you really want to thank someone, thank the little white mouse, thank him for not caring about the great words you said to him before, and for being willing to devote his efforts to help control MEI's father's Honkai disease. "


After hearing this, Kevin's expression became a little unnatural. He really didn't know that Xu Ziling, a national goddess, was a man, and he didn't know the relationship between Xu Ziling and Mobius. While teasing someone's girlfriend in front of him, he also teased himself... This plot is simply outrageous, outrageous to the extreme.

Having said that, Kevin turned around and bowed to Xu Ziling without hesitation, saying:

"Assistant Xu, please forgive me, thank you... In the future, if there is anything I, Kevin, can help with, please feel free to contact me."

Looking at Kevin's appearance, Xu Ziling, who was basically slacking off during the entire operation, scratched his head a little embarrassedly. He did contribute precious efforts to control the collapse energy erosion of Thunder Dragon Horse as Mobius said, but it was in the physical sense.

"Okay, the anesthetic time is almost over, you can go see your father and then leave. "

Mobius waved to Kevin and MEI and said,

"Little white mouse, I'm hungry, come with me to eat."

"Okay... By the way, Doctor, I made today's breakfast. I don't know if it suits your taste. If you have any special tastes that need special attention, you can tell me."

Looking at Xu Ziling and Mobius leaving each other, MEI, who was about to enter the operating room to see her father, paused and then turned to look at Kevin.

After a pause, she asked:

"Kevin classmate, I heard... you can cook?"

"Well... a little bit, but they are just some home-cooked dishes."

Kevin nodded, and then asked back,

"MEI, why are you asking this."

"When I take my father home, I want to cook for him myself. But... I have never been in contact with cooking. Kevin, I want you to help me."

"Hey! What am I doing? This is simple, rest assured, leave it to me. MEI, to be honest, Uncle Long has eaten noodles cooked by me before! You are so smart, the noodles you cook will definitely be 10,000 times more delicious than mine."



The next day.

"Woooo ... "

Another ambulance came to support.

At the same time.

As the collapse of MEI's father was suppressed by Xu Ziling's blood, the various trivial matters that had come to him since Mebius and his party arrived in Mu Continent finally came to an end.

To intimidate the councilors was to allow the giant snake to return to its nest legitimately, and it would not be disturbed for a long time afterwards.

Asking for funds is for the smooth development of the institute.

Selling favors is to eliminate the threat of future rivals.

Now that all these trivial matters have been completed, Mobius, who has no worries, plunged into the depths of the institute, took out the core and body of the Herrscher of the Void that she had long coveted, and began to test them fiercely.

Xu Ziling saw that a mere corpse was actually competing with him for favor, how could that be? ! So he simply gritted his teeth and closed his eyes, and tested with Mobius!

At first, Mobius was worried that Xu Ziling's reckless operation would damage her precious research samples, until Xu Ziling used DNA mimicry to mimic Mobius's thinking inertia and completed the research project that originally required Mobius to work all night to produce results...

Mobius almost dragged Xu Ziling along with him in every subsequent experiment.

After all, facts have proved that the power of a snake is always limited.

But if we have two snakes... then we will have double the efficiency! 100% work efficiency improvement!

Even using "100% work" efficiency to describe it is a bit general. After all, the cascading effect of two geniuses who complement each other is definitely 1+1>2!

In addition, Klein, the perfect experimental assistant, works for two "Mobius" at the same time. What a terrifying efficiency improvement this will be?

At first, Mobius felt a little guilty about letting Xu Ziling use DNA mimicry to help her process experimental data, until she saw Xu Ziling under the bed when she got up one day, and suddenly reacted. Xu Ziling seemed to be her nominal boyfriend...

Then the matter is simple and clear, isn't a boyfriend just for use?

As my boyfriend, is there a problem with you helping me process files?

No problem!

At worst, I will have the same eating, living and resting schedule with the little white mouse in the future. When I rest, you rest too, and when I work, you work with me.

Doctor's matter... can that be called exploitation? This is a test of the companionship of her boyfriend!

Thinking of this, Mobius couldn't help laughing. If it were in the past, even if she squeezed Blanca into Blanca sauce, she might not be able to gain such a terrifying improvement in research efficiency, because Blanca's ability was limited there. No matter how much she squeezed, she could only do so many things, and she also had to consider how to coax her afterwards and how much overtime pay she should give.

Now, just eating and living with the little white mouse can gain a 100% increase in work efficiency! Even more! The project that originally required staying up all night to finish by themselves can be completed by 6 pm with Xu Ziling, and they can even have free time to sleep.

Even Alicia clearly felt that after Xu Ziling helped Mobius erase half of his working time, Mobius's complexion was much better than before.

Because she stayed up late less, and lost her temper less often because of the research bottleneck on a certain project. With a regular daily routine, her mood became calmer, and her body naturally recovered.

Even if she wanted to work all night to catch up on the project, she had to consider Xu Ziling's feelings. After all, it was she who proposed to bind their work and rest time.

And Xu Ziling, who silently endured all this, actually had his own plans.

My dear doctor, please enjoy the 100% work efficiency bonus I bring to you. When you are immersed in it, will you never leave me again?

He didn't believe that a person who had been driving "double speed" for a long time could still bear it after switching back to "single speed".

So if Mebius still wanted to drive "double speed", he had to keep him by his side forever.

This may be a kind of exploitation, but the doctor's business... can it be called exploitation? That's called "accompanying"!

And the so-called romance and love, don't they start with "accompanying"?

After crossing over, Xu Ziling's first goal was to try to change Mobius' attitude towards him, at least to make her stop looking at him as a guinea pig.

Since the "accompanying" began, Xu Ziling did feel that Mobius looked at him more enthusiastically and more attentively than before, just like looking at... a capable guinea pig.

Well, although it's still a guinea pig, at least it's improved, right?

Xu Ziling actually doesn't like the plot in the novel where the heroine loves the hero without thinking, but if he can make Sheshe be mindless with his companionship, then he is still willing to pay this kind of companionship.

So much so that after he has been accompanying her for a long time,

Even if DNA mimicry is no longer used, Mobius' research project can still be completed.

As far as Xu Ziling himself feels, this feeling of working, eating and sleeping with Mobius every day is a bit tiring, but it is actually quite good.

I just don't know what Klein, who is under the pressure of two "Mobius" at the same time, thinks.

Klein: "..."

Okay, it seems that Klein has nothing to say. Then this harmonious and peaceful daylight at the moment is a good time for everyone.

Flowing light fixed time

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