I take my sketchbook out of my bag trying to distract myself until Lola gets here. We made plans to meet at Shire Field park, (the one nobody goes to anymore). What to sketch? What to sketch? I began to make outlines of a face... Lola's face. Not many people know that i draw, not even dad. Mom knew, she use to always say that i could get a lot of places with my drawing skills but i never thought so. I never saw the skill that she saw, still don't. I start to sketch her heart shaped face with her perfectly length hair.




it's windy out. Making me wish i would of taken a coat with me before leaving the house. Trying to stay foucsed on my sketch pad, i gaze at the time on my phone hoping that she'll still show up.

Minutes pass and i become more determined to finish my sketch.

''Hey!'' a voice from behind me says very loudly, making me close my sketch pad out of habit of being shy of my drawings. I look up and its her. Dressed in a gray baggy sweatshirt with black tights and worn out converse. She makes the simpliest outfits look incredible.

''Whatcha drawing?'' she says, sitting next to me.

''Oh, it's nothing. I'm just practicing'' i say trying to put my pad away before she ask to see any of my drawings. Just before I manage to put it away in my bag she snatches it out of my hand and begans scrolling through the pages.

''Wow. Scottie these are amazing'' she says looking amazed after scrolling through a few pages.

''You think so?'' I say, questioning my skills. She looks at me sharply as soon as i say this.

''Of course! You obviously have talent, you should recognize that'' she says, handing me back my sketch pad leaving a part of her right wrist exposed. I instantly get caught up in her stare, and i instantly try to figure out why there are cuts on her slim wrist.

''Thanks'' i say, finally reaching for my pad. hoping she didn't see me starring at her wrist.

She touches my hand, sliding her fingers in between mine. She slides inches closer to me not caring at all. Before i know it, shes resting her head on my shoulder. She smells like lavender which draws me in, loving the moment but also thinking about what i just saw.

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