Begin Liver experience with Fireball

Chapter 54 First-level spell!

Levi returned to the room, sat at the table, and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"It feels like dreams are getting more and more dangerous."

There were quite a few nightmares that appeared this time, but none of them were as powerful as the Nightmare Snow Bear.

After all, that nightmare has absorbed Gu Ze's nightmare power for more than ten years, and is probably approaching the second level.

Fortunately, I escaped from the dreamland in the end without any danger.

I got what I wanted.

Levi looked at the memory fragments in his hands.

Rather than what was in the memory fragments, he wanted to know what the four streams of light that flew into his body after the nightmare's death were.

It happened once when I killed the Nightmare Snow Bear.

But the core of that nightmare was mixed with memory fragments, and Levi had not yet distinguished the two.

This time, only the nightmare core had no memory fragments, and he realized that the two were different.

After searching for a while, Levi finally found out what he got by killing Nightmare.

[Great Sleepwalking Heavenly Technique (Level 0)] 360/10000

It turned out to be the experience value of the Great Sleepwalking Heavenly Technique.

After Li Wei discovered this, he fell into thinking.

"By getting other people's memory fragments, I can gain cultivation experience."

"Killing Nightmare will give you the experience of the Great Sleepwalking Technique. The Great Sleepwalking Technique and Nightmare have the same origin."

"When I cast the Great Sleepwalking Technique and became a sleepwalker, I turned into a nightmare!"

Looking back, what I was doing seemed to be the same as what the nightmare was doing.

There is no essential difference, they are all stealing other people's power in dreams.

"The nightmare is actually me!"

Levi smiled bitterly.

He didn't know whether this was a good thing or a bad thing.

If you haven’t met the evil god, you will soon be unable to become a human being.

Levi shook his head to get rid of distracting thoughts from his head.

"No matter what, just take it one step at a time. At worst, you will give up using the Great Sleepwalking Technique."

He picked up George's memory fragments and absorbed them, digesting the memories.

All kinds of broken memories flashed through his mind, and Levi quickly locked the memory of the spell model.

In his memory, Levi discovered two complete spell models.

Small fireball, fireball!

After a long time, Levi opened his eyes, and writing appeared in front of his eyes.

[Small Fireball Technique (Level 0 Minor Success)] 3666/4000

[Fireball (First Level Entry)] 300/1000

[Invisible Armor (Level 0)] 656/4000

[Great Sleepwalking Heavenly Technique (Level 0)] 360/10000

[Ice Arrow (Level 0 Mastery)] 200/2000

After digesting George's memory, his proficiency in the small fireball technique increased a lot.

Also get a new spell - Fireball!

Levi smiled, "Finally got a first-level spell!"

"In this way, we are one step closer to advancement."

"But how should I explain how I learned the first-level fireball technique?"

Levi was a little troubled.

After thinking about it, he thought of a person - Master Allen.

Find a way to push the learning of fireball to Allen.

Anyway, with the attitude of those in the Mage Tower towards Allen, they probably wouldn't go to him to verify this matter.

The ice arrow technique can be hidden and used, but the fireball technique will definitely become a commonly used spell.

The problem of the source of the spell must be solved to avoid leaving hidden dangers.

Thinking of a solution, Levi stopped thinking about it too much.

He casts fireball.

After gaining the training experience of Master George, the fireball technique directly reached the entry level.

After simulating the spell model building process in your mind a few times.

Levi used mana to build a model of the fireball spell.

First-level spells are far more complex than zero-level spells.

The small fireball spell has only six spell circuits, and the invisible armor spell has only seven spell circuits.

The fireball spell has as many as sixteen magic circuits.

This makes the fireball more powerful and the spell more stable.

In ten seconds, Levi constructed the fireball spell model, and the magic element filling took 1.5 seconds.

A basketball-sized fireball floated in front of him.

The fireball burned blazingly, releasing a scorching brilliance.

Levi could feel that this fireball was far more stable than the small fireball, and it could last for twenty or thirty minutes even if it was left alone.

This means that Fireball has a longer range than Small Fireball.

With a thought, mental power drove the fireball to circle around, spiraling outward and away.

"It is easier to control than the small fireball technique, and the control limit distance is doubled to twenty meters!"

"The flying speed is also much faster, about twice that of the small fireball technique."

The Nightmare Snow Bear appears in the room.

The fireball suspended in mid-air found its target and crashed into the nightmare snow bear at high speed.


The terrifying explosion flames spread out, completely engulfing the figure of the Nightmare Snow Bear.

Even standing ten meters away, Levi could feel the heat waves and the billowing air.

"The power is about the same as a self-destructing fireball, slightly stronger."

The nightmare snow bear has disappeared.

Levi waved his hand and the messy room returned to its original state.

"In summary, the power of the first-level fireball technique is about five times that of the small fireball technique, but its stability, controllability, attack distance, flight speed, etc. far exceed that of the small fireball technique."

"The mana consumption is ten times that of the small fireball technique! It is twice that of the self-destruction fireball technique!"

The consumption of first-level spells is truly astonishing.

With his current total amount of mana, he can use first-level spells at most four times.

However, the power of first-level spells is indeed amazing.

The entry-level spell power can easily kill the Nightmare Snow Bear.

As spell proficiency increases, spell power also increases.

Levi looked at the proficiency panel, folded his hands and thought.

"The small fireball technique consumes less, which is an advantage. You can continue to use it and strive to reach the perfect level."

"Although the fireball technique consumes a lot of money, it still involves awakening extraordinary characteristics and advancing to a formal mage. It also takes time."

After figuring it out, Li Wei quickly made a plan for future training.

For the time being, the practice of the invisible armor spell was put on hold, and the focus was on the liver-exploding fireball spell, in an effort to awaken the extraordinary characteristics as soon as possible.

You can't stop practicing the small fireball technique, and there are less than 400 experience points left before you can upgrade.

Li Wei is still looking forward to the effects of the Dacheng-level spell.

The chain of small fireballs is just a technique for using small fireballs, not an independent spell.

Just like the charged fireball technique and the self-destructive fireball technique.

Levi used the fireball technique in his dream.

When the time was almost up, he exited the dreamland.

In the early morning, before dawn, everyone was woken up and on their way.

"Commander Aoun said that we must get to the battlefield before tonight. Everyone gets up and prepares to go!"

Everyone got up, took a brief rest, and continued marching.

Breakfast is to eat dry food during the march.

When Levi woke up, the Earthwalker trailer he was sitting in was already some distance away from the camp.

Gu Ze glanced at him, broke off the cake in his hand and handed it to him.

"You're awake. I saw you were still sleeping, so I didn't wake you up."

Li Wei took the cake from him. It was hard and the dried meat grains were mixed with flour, making it look a bit rough.

The flatbread mixed with meat grains is a dry food specially provided for extraordinary professionals.

Ordinary soldiers could only eat wheat flour flatbread.

Levi picked up the water bag, rinsed his mouth briefly, and spit out the mouthwash.

Sit down and eat the big cake, you can only swallow it with water.

Levi asked: "Did nothing happen last night?"

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