Begin with Desolate Holy Body, The Rebirthed School Flower Becomes A Licking Dog

054 The artistic conception of reincarnation reappears! You want to be a dog! I will make you a dog!

between words.

Slow color.


Although they are all just a sideline of the Lu family.

But he could be chosen to be Lu Yuan's escort.

Naturally, they are all gifted.

Although he was a little older, he still reached the Marquis Realm before thirty.

This kind of cultivation speed, that is, in the imperial capital of the Lu family, it is not very conspicuous.

If it were placed elsewhere, it would definitely be a one-in-a-million genius.


When I learned from Lu Yuan.

The person they are going to deal with is only when they are a great master.

Although the two agreed with each other, they both had the feeling of killing a chicken with a bull's knife.

That is, because it was Lu Yuan who gave the order, they could only execute it unconditionally.

But from the bottom of my heart, I still look down on Su Yang.

"You two.

"Is it the dog Lu Yuan sent to bite?

Facing the contempt and contempt of the two.

Su Yang was very calm.

Such calm.

It is because he is fundamental.

The two were not taken into account.

However, Su Yang's calm.

in the eyes of both of them.

But it became Su Yang's ignorance.

In their view, the ignorant are fearless.

A great master can't understand the horror of Fenghou Jing!

That's why it's so peaceful!

Only listen to the tall and thin man among the two.

There was a trace of sneer in his eyes, but he didn't move.

But that mood! is rushing towards Su Yang!

He! Determined to let this ignorant boy understand!

Even a great master!

Still just a master!

The gap between Fenghou Realm!

It's like a gap between heaven and earth!

"Brother Wu."

Another yellow-haired chunky guy.

He pushed the tall and thin man with his elbow.

A soft reminder.

Within the military area, private fights are prohibited.

Lu Yuan gave them the task.

Just annoy Su Yang by robbing Su Yang of his repairing resources.

So let him sign a waiver agreement later, and then justifiably abolish him.

"Don't worry, I'm just giving this guy a slap in the face."

"Let him know what kind of thing he is. 35

Said, a tall and thin man called Wu Ge.

The sarcasm in his eyes did not diminish in the slightest.

Seeing this, the chunky yellow hair could only helplessly shrug.

Raising his hand, he also used the artistic conception.

Only, not towards Su Yang.

But towards the resource library staff on that side.

His mood is related to drowsiness.

The staff member hadn't even reacted.

Then I felt a strong drowsiness surge up, and it softened directly to the side.

Seeing this, the tall and thin man's mouth twitched.

The mood instantly enveloped Su Yang.

his mood.

It's called 'crazy'!

Anyone who is influenced by his mood!

They will turn into madness and dementia!

Although the duration of action is limited.

But also! Enough to humiliate Su Yang!

What he planned to do!

When Su Yang was influenced by the mood of 'crazy'.

Just let him do something humiliating.

For example, going to the toilet to enjoy 'food'


For example, 'running naked' in front of people


In short, the mad, the idiot, it is up to him to decide!

I was thinking so.

He patiently waited for his mood to take effect.

Generally speaking, once influenced by his mood.

Then, the eyes will become cloudy in a few seconds.

But he waited almost half a minute!

Su Yang's eyes!

But always clear and bright!

No feeling of being affected at all!


The tall and thin man frowned.

It feels like something is wrong.

Even some warriors with strong spiritual (cgfe) strength.

Have a natural resistance to their own mood.

That is only limited to those who are also in the vassal state.

This guy called Su Yang is just a great master.

How can I not be affected by my 'crazy' mood?

Just when he was talking to himself suspiciously.

Su Yang spoke up.

"The mood of your mad dog is quite interesting..."

"It makes you crazy...

"Well, let me borrow it a little bit.

After speaking, the tall and thin man frowned.

Great Grandmaster, although it is said that there is a world of difference from Fenghou Realm.

But in fact, it is only in the mood.

If the great master once comprehends the mood.

Then he also entered Fenghou.

At that time, the world will be different, and naturally it will not exist.

Thinking of this, the tall and thin man called Wu Ge snorted coldly:

"Want to rely on my artistic conception to comprehend the artistic conception? Humph! No way!""

As he spoke, he instantly retracted the artistic conception shrouded in Su Yang.

In this regard, Su Yang seems to be watching the self-directed and self-acted performance of a jumping clown.

Shaking his head, he sighed:

"I thought you were just a mad dog who listened to your master and bit people.

"I didn't expect it to be a hysterical clown.

"Relying on your mood to comprehend mood?"

"You too—fit?"

The voice fell.

The two of them have changed their colors!

A great master!

Although I don't know by what means.

Fortunately, he was not affected by Lu Wu's "crazy" mood.

How dare you speak up???

They are about to start.

But only listen to Su Yang's mouth.

Gently spit out two words.


next second.

The mood of reincarnation was imposed on the two of them.

That mysterious, ancient aura.

Let the two of them tremble instantly.


"Artistic conception!? You also understood the artistic conception!??"

However, he didn't even have time to say the next sentence.

His eyes have become cloudy and confused, and he has fallen into the mood of reincarnation.

"Since you two are willing to be Lu Yuan's dog. 99

"Then I will fulfill your wishes."

"A dog all my life, a dog all my life... Reincarnation, ten times. 99

The voice fell.

The mood of reincarnation unfolded instantly.

in the spiritual world of the two.

Tall and thin man.

The name is Lu Wu.

him at the moment.

He has long forgotten his name.

Forget about your own life.

Everything is forgotten.

He could only see the passerby who was in a hurry.

However, all of them can only see the lower body.

This is... a dog's perspective.

I am a dog...


A dog bark sounded!

Lu Wu suddenly turned his head!

I saw a big yellow dog!

The dog is staring at himself!

When he came back to his senses, he found out! There was a bone in his mouth!

This is mine! This big yellow dog! No robbing!

Lu Wu grabbed the bone and ran away.

Running and running! And bumped into people!

Got kicked so hard by that guy!


Lu Wu let out a dog howl.

But he tightly guarded the bones in his mouth.

Don't let the big yellow dog that rushed up take it away!

Second world!

Lu Wu is still a stray dog!

Being beaten with a stick every day, and bitten by other big dogs!

I'm so hungry, I can only go to secretly eat the feces pulled by those big dogs!

Still delicious!

The third...the fourth...

Until the tenth generation!

Su Yang looked in front of him.

fight each other.

The two were like mad dogs vying for each other's food.

A sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Since you Lu Yuan likes to keep dogs.

Then I, Su Yang, will send you two dogs.

The spiritual imprint left by the tenth reincarnation.

It's not that easy to get rid of.

Estimated in the next few days.

These two dog legs will have to experience the real dog birth.

A chuckle, a little traction.

The two 'dogs' stopped fighting in an instant.

"Go, go back to your master."

Su Yang smiled sarcastically.

He kicked the two 'dogs' with one kick.

The two 'dogs' let out a howl.

He spread his legs and ran into the distance.

After cleaning up those two guys.

Su Yang woke up the unconscious staff.

After waking up sleepy.

The staff apologized repeatedly.

"It seems like I haven't slept well lately...


Because Lu Yuan's two dog legs disappeared.

Naturally, she prioritized helping Su Yang sort out the training resources she needed.

As the son of the Lu family.

The place where Lu Yuan lived was naturally a single-family villa.

At this moment, a dog barking suddenly sounded downstairs:

"Wow! 39


Lu Yuan frowned.

There are still dogs in this military area?

"Little Si, go and kill the two dogs downstairs.

He lifted his chin.

He motioned to Lu Si who was beside him to kill the dog downstairs.

Annoying people at night.

and also.

Why haven't those two idiots, Lu Wu and Lu Mao, come back?

How long does it take to give that guy Su Yang a slap in the face?

Two wastes.

I'm bored.

Lu Si, who went downstairs to deal with the dog, came back.

The corners of his mouth twitched, his eyelids twitched wildly.


He didn't know how to speak at all.

Lu Yuan raised his head impatiently.

"Fuck away! You can't talk anymore, do you?"

And at this time.

There was another dog barking downstairs.

"Wang! Wang Wang!"

Lu Yuan's mouth twitched.

"Why don't I ask you to go downstairs and kill the dog?"

"Are you fucking deaf??"

Lu Si's face flushed red.

Hesitantly said:

"Brother Yuan...that's not a dog downstairs..."


"Not a dog!"

"Is that your father or your mother?"5

Lu Yuan was already feeling irritable.

Seeing Lu Si hesitantly and hesitantly, he became even more angry.

Raising your hand is a slap.

Lu Si, who was slapped for no reason.

Wanting to cry without tears, crying with a sad face, covering half of the red face:

"None of them... Downstairs are Brother Wu and Brother Mao... 99


Lu Yuan was stunned for a moment.

Immediately afterwards, his cheeks twitched.

Go to the window, open the window and look down.

I see.

Two figures.

He was lying on the road outside his villa.

While twisting his buttocks, like a dog wagging its tail.

On the other hand, the dog barked non-stop towards the upstairs.

this moment.

Lu Yuan's face turned green.

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