Bennie cowered in the corner of the cell, bewildered.

  She hadn't fully digested the situation so far.

  A year ago, she was separated from her sister, and in the process of her search for her sister, because she couldn't make ends meet, at the age of fifteen, she signed up for the army, injected the strengthening potion, and became an interstellar female soldier to join the fleet of the White Chrysanthemum Galaxy.

  Because his body is too thin, even if he is injected with a strengthening potion, he can only be arranged to work on a supply ship.

  I do repetitive work every day, carry strategic materials twice the size of my body, and I only have one meal a day, and I am still an unpalatable artificial synthetic vegetable, but fortunately I will not starve.

  This life lasted for a year, and suddenly her starship received an order to go to an unknown galaxy to fight against a fleet called the Blue Kite.

  This was the first time she had heard the name of this green kite fleet, and she could hear from the words of the veterans around her that this battle was a sure victory, and there were hundreds of starships on her side, and the other side only had a few starships, which was not their opponent at all.

  This relieved Bennie that at least she wouldn't have to die before she could find her sister again.

  But something unexpected happened, and in the middle of that battle, the sirens of the entire starship were sounding, and explosions were everywhere outside.

  Beni, who has spent her recruitment period, gets seasick for the first time in a year...... No, it's seasickness.

  At the same time, the fear of death took over her heart, and it was the first time she was so afraid of death.

  Soon the sound of the explosion died down, though, and she learned of their defeat, and their captain led their supply ships to surrender, and they were now given a new identity, prisoners.


  Didn't you say that this battle would definitely be won?

  I heard from my companion that it was because the other party had a very strong T3 aircraft carrier starship.

  She didn't know what the T3 carrier starship was, she only knew that her companions said that the end of the captives would be miserable.

  They are usually either starved to death in prisons, or sold to the mines of the resource star to mine.

  She was afraid of hunger, and it was because of hunger that she came to join the army.

  The group of neatly dressed female soldiers appeared, and the position of the chest of their military uniforms had a bird-like texture, which was very beautiful.

  These female soldiers did not bully them, unlike her previous superiors, who kept calling her stupid and often kicked her with their feet.

  They were just imprisoned in the prison of the starship.

  And the imaginary starvation did not appear, but the food changed from one meal to three meals, although they were all artificial vegetables.

  Does this puzzle her?

  Why are these people willing to give them so much food?

  Do you want to raise them better, and then sell them to the mining area to have the strength to work?

  No matter what, it's better to eat more now than not to eat at all.

  Three or four days later, the door to the cell was opened.

  All the female prisoners lined up and walked into the transport ship.

  This time, Bennie was fortunate enough to see the scene outside through the window next to her, and she saw a rather beautiful giant starship, with a crimson hull, like the sun in the universe.

  Although she was not sure, she felt that this one should be the rumored T3 carrier starship.

  Because in the starport of the White Chrysanthemum Galaxy, a starship of this level has never been seen.

  However, she didn't have time to take a closer look, because the escort female soldier urged her to get on the ship.

  These female soldiers are not very fierce, in the past, their superiors would come up and kick them directly, they just told themselves what to do, and if they were not obedient, they would be dragged out to warn and chained.

  That's right.

  So far, none of the captives have been chained, but everyone has no intention of resisting at this time, because the female soldiers escorted around them have laser guns in their hands.

  Sitting on the transport ship, everyone seemed to have resigned themselves to their fate.

  She cowered in a corner, and at last they were to be trafficked by the fleet commander to an unknown mine, where they would mine for the rest of their lives until they died.

  I just hope the food there is not too bad, three days...... It's good to be able to eat a meal, but it feels really bad to be hungry.


  The hatch turned out.

  It's been a little over ten minutes, but it's only been more than ten minutes.

  "Come out in line, don't look around, we're going to take you to the new prison block. A female soldier escorting them shouted outside.

  A new prison district?

  Bennie was puzzled and silently followed the team.

  So spacious, so clean, so bright!

  This was the idea that popped into Beni the moment she stepped onto this place.

  If the supply ship where she lived for more than a year was a small apartment, it was simply a villa!

  However, no matter what, the status of their captives cannot be changed, and they only hope that the new prison area will not be too bad.

  "You wash your bodies here, here are the new clothes, and in twenty minutes you will meet outside. The escort female soldier pointed to the spacious bathhouse in front of her.


  Beni looked at the large bathhouse in front of her, with a tiled corridor in the middle and rain showers on either side a meter apart.

  As for the bath, Benny has forgotten when the last time it was, it should be on the last planet where she lived.

  Since becoming an interstellar soldier, it has been impossible to take a bath, because the resource of water on the starship is quite precious, and they can only wipe their bodies with a black sewage-soaked towel every day, and that's it.

  Whoa, whoa, whoa

  The warm water poured over the body, and it turned out to be hot water, and it was clean.

  She directly picked up the water in her hand and poured herself it with a grunt, it was so delicious.

  Benny closed her eyes in enjoyment, if she prepared a delicious food for her next, it would be even if she was going to die in the next second, she would be satisfied.

  Half an hour later.

  "This is your cafeteria during this time, three meals a day, and you take turns queuing up to get food. After eating, he went back to his room and listened to the dispatch of the female soldiers in the prison area. "

  Beni looked at the bowl of vegetable soup and three steamed buns on the plate in front of her, and she was dumbfounded.

  Isn't this an illusion?

  She picked up the steamed buns, warm cotton and cotton, and with a fragrance.

  She took a bite.


  That's what food should taste like.

  There were sounds of crying and gobbling up from the side, and Beni actually wanted to cry too, but she was worried that her tears would change the taste of the steamed buns in her hand, so she endured it first.

  The new clothes on the body still have a scent and are very comfortable to wear.

  At this moment, Beni was lost again.

  What the hell is this place?

  Why do these people treat themselves like this, good food, clean clothes, and let them take a bath.


  "Go in, this is the room of the ten of you. No quarrels are allowed, and if anyone is found to have violated the rules, they will be locked up in a small dark room!" warned.

  Beni looked at the clean room in front of her, with a one-meter-wide walkway in the middle, and five folding beds with bunk beds on each side, and sheets, pillows, and quilts on them.

  The most important thing is that in the innermost part of the room, there is also a toilet separated by a wall.


  A female prisoner next to her slapped herself directly.

  "Why are you beating yourself?" startled everyone else.

  "I'm looking to see if I'm dead. Oh my God, if this is a prison, I'd stay here for the rest of my life!"

  The female prisoner said incredulously.

  The female prisoners around me also thought the same way.

  Beni looked at the number of her clothes and walked to her own bed.

  Sheets, quilts, pillows.

  Bennie pounced, and she smelled a scent on the pillow, which she felt was like the smell of the sun.

  This is the first time in her life that she has a bed of her own, yes, the first time.

  She wanted to cry, for the first time she felt like she couldn't control her tears.

  But she held back, because she didn't want her pillow to get wet.


  Sun He stood in a control room outside the prison area, where there were many surveillance screens, and the entire prison area could be taken into account.

  However, there is also a women's bathroom, which can be seen at a glance.

  "Ahem, ahem......" Sun He looked away with difficulty.

  Water may be a very important resource on other starships.

  But not on the Phoenix-class aircraft carrier starship, because it has the ability to decompose water from the cosmic elements inside, and it can also make the water constantly recycled.

  So water is just a very common substance here.

  "More than two thousand, including the previous captives of the battle in the Andromeda Galaxy, have now been imprisoned on the Phoenix-class aircraft carrier starship Blue Kite. A tall woman with a head of two meters next to her stood next to her and said.

  She is the head of the prison appointed by Sun He, and her appearance belongs to that type of female man, coupled with her cold appearance, she has a sense of déjà vu of a female bodyguard.

  But the eyes that looked at Sun He were full of admiration, admiration and admiration.

  "Is there pressure to detain more than 2,000 people?" asked Sun He.

  The head of the prison area shook his head: "The prison area equipped with the Phoenix-class aircraft carrier starship is very large, and it can accommodate three thousand prisoners under normal circumstances. It is equipped with very complete facilities, and only 300 female soldiers are needed.

  However, I think that such a large prison area, and the same kind of cells, for these prisoners to use, is a complete waste of resources. "

  What she said was actually quite subtle, and frankly speaking, it was a waste for these prisoners to enjoy such treatment.

  In a way, this is better than when Sun He didn't come to the Blue Kite Fleet before.

  "If you have such thoughts, it means that my arrangement is not wrong. The corners of Sun He's mouth rose.

  The superintendent did not understand what the commander meant.

  For the next few days, the women felt like they were in heaven.

  Morning: white porridge with pickles or bread.

  Noon: Green vegetable noodles.

  Evening: rice and some vegetable food.

  As long as they are obedient, they will not be scolded, and the work they have to do is the same as before, which is to carry things, clean the kitchen and other chores.

  They felt as if they weren't prisoners at the moment, and the gloomy expression on their faces was gone.

  Sun He's change in mood towards these female prisoners had long been expected.

  They could have endured the darkness as long as they had never seen the light.

  But now, Sun He has given them light, a way of life that is completely unimaginable.

  This planted a seed in them, and soon Sun He would be able to harvest it.

  Phoenix-class aircraft carrier starship bridge

  Sun He is in a meeting at the moment, and Shiryl, who is far away in the Golden Spotted Tiger Galaxy, is attending via video.

  "Tell me about the new ships that we are going to commission. "

  Hearing Sun He's words, Shiryl transmitted a few pictures, which were brand-new starships, and one of them was debuting!

  Giant Shield-class heavy interstellar frigate!

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