
The words fell, and what followed was a domineering fist!

Before Jiraiya had time to react, he didn't even make a move to block his body, and his body flew backwards with a bang!

His whole body was like a painting It bumped around on the ground in a very exaggerated style, directly smashing holes in the ground. Finally, its head was stuck in the soil, and its two feet were hanging on it from time to time.

Tsunade was standing just now. Where Laiya stood, he clenched his iron fist tightly and frowned, seeming very angry.

"this?"Namikaze Minato was so frightened that his head was covered with cold sweat, and he couldn't help shouting worriedly.:


"It’s really violent!"Ye Chen couldn't help but think, the fact that he wasn't beaten to death by Tsunade in the original work shows how tenacious this person is.

Especially when Pain used a steel pipe to turn him into a hedgehog, and all the vitals of his body were disabled, he still managed to survive. It's rare to be able to return to the light by willpower.

Hearing Minato's call, Jiraiya freed up a hand and made an OK gesture, indicating that he didn't need to worry.

Then he twisted his body and pulled his head out of the soil. His nose was bruised and his face was swollen, and he scratched his head and laughed. Said:"Tsunade, you are back. But why did you hit me when we met this time?"

Tsunade put her arms on her chest and said very seriously:"Yechen is my younger brother, you are not allowed to lead him astray."

"What, isn't your brother that little brat from Shengshu?"Jiraiya looked confused.

"Yes, when did I have a brother and sister!"

A surprised voice came.

On the branch of a big tree nearby, a yellow-haired child wearing a Konoha forehead protector was squatting on it. This child was younger than Ye Chen, only six or seven years old. The child's eyes were full of curiosity, and his whole body exuded lively energy!

Yechen saw that this child looked somewhat similar to Uzumaki Naruto in later generations!

"Rope Tree, why are you here?"Tsunade looked surprised, as if she didn't even know that her brother had actually come to the Second Ninja World Battlefield.

"Rope tree imp?"Jiraiya was also confused.


The Rope Tree jumped down from the tree and walked steadily to Tsunade.

He stretched out his arms, ready to ask Tsunade for a loving hug!

However, Tsunade frowned and walked towards the Rope Tree. Suddenly he stretched out his jade hand and grabbed his ear, and said angrily:

"Who asked you to come here? Do you know how dangerous it is here?"

"It hurts!"

Naoki struggled hard, but with his small body and weakling, he was not strong enough for Tsunade to see. He was tightly controlled.

But after all, he was his younger brother, and Tsunade could not really teach him a lesson, but only gave him a slight punishment..

Shengshu looked aggrieved, with tears of grievance in his two big eyes.

Then he looked at Yechen, full of hostility, and said:"Sister has a new brother, so she doesn't want me as her biological brother! snort!"

"What are you talking about? Don't interrupt. When did you come here? Go back quickly and don't cause trouble."Tsunade said.

With the strength of Naoki, it's just a food delivery!

"No! Why can my sister come but I can't? How can I, the only man in the Senju family, hide behind me?"Shengshu argued with reason.

"You little brat, you are still a man! Go back quickly, what is the third generation old man thinking? He will actually let you come over." Tsunade complained.

"Rope Tree, your sister is right, this is a battlefield and it is very dangerous."Jiraiya also advised.

"Brother Naoki, Mr. Jiraiya said it right."Minato said warmly

"Tsk, I’m not afraid! With my new boss protecting me, I am not afraid of any danger."Naoki said proudly, as if showing off.

When Tsunade heard this, she couldn't help but cover her face. Her family is unlucky. What the hell is this?

The heir to the Senju clan actually recognized someone else as the boss!

I'm afraid he won't be angry if he knows about it. The lid of the coffin was lifted.

She wanted to see who was so bold that she had to kill him

"What boss, who is it?"Tsunade asked


Shengshu's face straightened up and became solemn. He ran to the center of several people and said in a pretentious tone.:

"My boss is a legend. He comes and goes without a trace, and the dragon never sees its end. When enemies see him, they all flee. He has three heads and six arms, a ferocious look, and a majestic figure. Just a loud roar can frighten the enemy's courage and make countless ninjas dare not move!"

Everyone looked at each other after hearing this!

Tsunade couldn't help but gave Naoki a chestnut!

A very vivid image of two smoking bags appeared on Naoki's head!

Naoki covered the bag with his hand, grinning, with a look of pain on his face Feeling angry, he said angrily:"Sister, why did you hit me?"

"With three heads and six arms, is that a human being? How fragile is the enemy's sword if it is frightened by a roar?"Tsunade said

"Hahaha!"Jiraiya couldn't help but laugh. He obviously thought that this character was impossible. It might be some kind of heroic obsession deep in Naoki's heart.

"I didn’t lie to you, nor did I lie?"The rope tree is anxious.

"So tell me who it is?"

Tsunade said in a bad tone, she had already clenched her fists again. As long as Naoki keeps talking nonsense, this guy really needs to be taught a lesson.

"It's a Rakshasa, an Anbu Rakshasa! I am the younger brother of Rakshasa, who would dare to bully me without him!"

Shengshu said loudly. For the sake of truth, tears burst out, and the tears sparkled.

"Well……"Yechen pondered for half a second, why didn't he know he had such a little brother.

Tsunade subconsciously looked at Ye Chen, but what she faced was Ye Chen's expressionless face.

She also understood that Shengshu must be talking nonsense! Only a few people know Yechen’s identity

"Rakshasa! That ANBU genius?"Namikaze Minato has obviously heard of the name Rakshasa.

"Rakshasa, it turned out to be him."Jiraiya's face returned to a serious look.

During this period, the Konoha camp has been wearing the story of how the Rakshasa Ninth Team destroyed the Iwa Ninja!

Although the Ninth Team consisted of four people, the real situation was that one Rakshasa fought against twenty There are many rock ninjas.

And they kill the rock ninjas with absolute superiority.

"Nonsense, I know Rakshasa, how can it be three heads and six arms, and how can you know Rakshasa."Tsunade scolded, she was really angry.

Even if Nao Shu stole the battlefield, he is still lying now. If he doesn't discipline him, he will get it again in the future. After saying that, he will beat his own brother on the spot.

Then Nao Shu moved forward first. Taking a step forward, he grabbed Tsunade's hand tightly and said expectantly.:

"Sister, you can hit me, I won’t fight back, but don’t slap me in the face. After the fight, tell me what Rakshasa looks like. Is he the three-headed and six-armed person in the rumors? Is he young, majestic and domineering? Can you introduce me to him? I admire him the most. Really, I want to become my teacher!"


Tsunade never expected this naughty move by Naoki, and she almost vomited out of anger on the spot!

Look, what this naughty kid said!

"Rope tree!"

Tsunade's roar spread throughout the Konoha camp, and of course it was accompanied by the howling of the rope tree.

The whole scene was so miserable that I couldn't bear to look at it!

Jiraiya, Namikaze Minato, all turned their heads.

Yechen It's speechless!

The naughty kid deserves to be beaten!

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