In the camp, Yechen was resting. Not long after, an unexpected person came over, Tsunade.

Tsunade walked in, with her arms on her chest, frowning, and seemed a little unhappy

"What's wrong, Tsunade?"Ye Chen said a little strangely, hasn't the rope tree been rescued? Why is he still not happy?

"What's wrong, Yechen, don't you know?"Tsunade asked back.

"??"Ye Chen was speechless, should he know?

"You're back, why didn't you tell me. Made me think something happened to you. Tsunade couldn't help but speak louder.

When Yechen heard this, he thought it was something and replied calmly:"Oh, I forgot about this.""

Now it's Tsunade's turn to be speechless. Ye Chen is so angry.

But if someone else said this, Tsunade would definitely sneer at it. But the person is Ye Chen, so maybe it's true.

Cold, paralyzed, and ignorant of style, Now so straight again!

As a sister, Tsunade is suddenly worried about Yechen's future!

Will Yechen, such a straight man, have a girlfriend in the future?

Mikoto looks good to her, but it's a pity that Yechen is like a piece of wood. I just know how to cultivate, and I have wasted such good innate conditions in vain.

"All right."

Tsunade's tone became a little more relaxed, and she didn't blame Yechen. She said affectionately:"Thank you very much for the rope tree. I heard about it from Orochimaru. Whatever reward you want, sister can grant it to you"

"There is no need for rewards. How about, Tsunade, you can accompany me through two moves."Ye Chen said

"Over move."Tsunade was confused. Could it be that Ye Chen had no other ideas in his mind. Just fight?

In fact, that's not the case. Tsunade is also a strong person close to the shadow level. Ye Chen wanted to fight Tsunade because he wanted to fight with her. Use the battle with Tsunade to gain experience.

In fact, it means treating Tsunade as a tool, an experience package!

I wonder if Tsunade will be angry to death if she knows what Ye Chen is thinking at this time!

"No, no, you are so powerful now, I can't stand you!"Tsunade refused directly.

Although she likes fighting, she prefers to hit others instead of being hit. If she fights with Yechen, Yechen's steely and straight character will probably kill her and hit her to death. She won't He knows how to do this.

Hearing this, Ye Chen looked disappointed, and his idea of ​​using Tsunade as an experience treasure brush fell through.

Looking at Ye Chen who looked bored, Tsunade secretly made up his mind to wait until the war is over and return. When you go to Konoha Village, you must reform him.

Such an outstanding child, whose appearance, figure, and strength are all top choices, how can he be so boring every day.

Then find a few more girls for Ye Chen to get to know and improve the environment.

"By the way, Naoshu said he wanted to thank Rakshasa alone. Yechen, you must help me with this."

Tsunade suddenly thought of that helpless younger brother and couldn't help but say

"Um."Ye Chen responded casually.

After experiencing the Sand Ninja and Rock Ninja coalition forces, the entire Second Ninja World War suddenly calmed down. The movement of the Rock Ninja and Sand Ninja became much quieter, and the disputes gradually became less.

But this is not a good thing. On the contrary, it indicates that a huge storm is brewing secretly.

During this period, Sanshouyu Hanzo took the opportunity to take over the previously lost territory from both the Iwa Ninja and Sand Ninja to expand his power.

There was also Mifune, the leader of the Iron Country who intervened halfway, and soon He had a duel with Hanzo before and was taught a hard lesson by Hanzo.

However, Hanzo did not kill Mifune. Instead, he let Mifune live. The euphemistic name was to let Mifune witness his own mythical era. The

Iron Country is a country with a samurai system. Cold weapons are mainly used. There are no ninjas in this country. They are all samurai who practice swordsmanship.

Although swordsmanship is not as good as ninjutsu, you can fight against ninjas if you practice it to the extreme advanced level!

Mifune is such a existence, but it is a pity that pure swordsmanship In the eyes of a strong man like Hanzo, it is nothing more than a joke.

This battle is also a shame for the Iron Country and a shame for the life of samurai Mifune!

During this peaceful stage, Yechen did not stay in the Konoha camp all the time. Instead, he went to the hinterland of the Rain Country alone.

Personally, Ye Chen didn't care much about the overall situation of the Second Ninja War, but he could easily feel that a decisive battle was imminent and should not be far away.

Before this decisive battle, Ye Chen decided to settle the affairs of Xiaonan and Yahiko first.

He promised to visit them after the mission was over.

And most importantly, Ye Chen wanted to see what happened at this time. Have Konan and Yahiko encountered Nagato?

Along the way, it didn't take long for Yechen to return to the place where Konan and Yahiko were taught to practice ninjutsu.

That homemade cabin, some of the life in the house The supplies are still there, and there is food in the pot. It is obvious that there are people living here. They are still here and have not left.

The original choice of this place was also because although it is the hinterland of the Kingdom of Rain, it is far away from the battlefield, is in a remote location, and is covered by dense forests.

It's just that Xiaonan and Yahiko are not here!

Tap tap tap!

A rush of footsteps came, and then a strong wind roared in his ears!

Ye Chen subconsciously turned to one side, but saw a young figure passing by with a fist.

This is A child, the most eye-catching thing is his red hair.

His hair covers two-thirds of his face, and the exposed eye is even more surprising to Yechen.

White Tongren, one circle, two circles , arranged outward in turn!

Just like the rippling halo in the lake, they keep spreading!

Samsara Eye!

Subconsciously, this word appeared in my mind.

The red-haired boy missed the blow, but landed firmly on the floor, with a vigilant expression on his face. He looked at Yechen.

Yechen was not wearing ANBU clothes at this time. He was just dressed like an ordinary person. He looked like a young child, but the chilling aura he exuded made people afraid to come close.

"Nagato, the plot still happened, and the fate of the three people reunited."Ye Chen looked at the boy in front of him.

This is the leader of the Akatsuki organization who would become famous in the ninja world in the future, Payne!

He was also a man whose life was tragic. His whole life was designed and arranged, even until his death.

"Who are you? Nagato asked, his voice a little hoarse, and his little face was full of vigilance.

He has the blood of the Uzumaki clan, and coupled with the eyes of the Six Paths Sage, his insight and perception can be said to be the ultimate.

The person in front of him gave him an extremely dangerous feeling. He is definitely the most terrifying person he has ever seen.

Such a person cannot be an ordinary ninja. Most ninjas are not as powerful as him!

So almost instantly, Nagato concluded that Yechen in front of him was a ninja in disguise!

Although Yahiko was the leader of the Akatsuki organization in the early stage, the real think tank was Nagato. Nagato was responsible for making suggestions and helping Yahiko expand the organization.

"who I am? I'm the owner here!"

Ye Chen looked at Uzumaki Nagato and said calmly. He wanted to see how strong Nagato is now.

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