"Everyone is the future of Konoha, and we are all ninjas who inherit the will of fire. This battle is for the country, for the people, and for our homeland……"

Jiraiya kept talking, vividly, and had completely entered the mobilization mood. It was a passionate talk.

The people present were basically young people, all passionate. After their emotions were stirred up, they all raised their arms to take the oath.

This made Hatake Sakumo, who was about to speak next, a little embarrassed. Looking at Jiraiya's situation, it was entirely him who got high first.

In the row behind the crowd, Orochimaru also arrived at some unknown time and quietly stood next to Yechen.

"This guy usually likes to boast, and now he finally gets what he wants."Tsunade said

"Hey hey hey!"Orochimaru showed his signature sinister smile.

"Orochimaru, why are you here?"Tsunade glanced at Orochimaru and couldn't help but ask.

"I came to see Mr. Ye. I heard that he was back. Orochimaru said, but his eyes were on Yechen, feeling unusually hot.

"Find me?"Ye Chen said

"Yes, I actually want to find a time to have a good conversation with Ye Jun and talk about philosophy and ideals. Orochimaru replied

"……"Ye Chen was speechless. I'm afraid he has entered a snake's nest. He will never come back.

"Orochimaru, don't talk to Yechen about your weird ideas, and don't teach any other kinds of things to the rope tree."Tsunade said.

The three of them are all from the same sect, and Tsunade knows a little bit about the perverted Orochimaru.

While practicing, Orochimaru always likes to do some weird research, such as dissecting small animals...

Come to think of it, There are some that are particularly disgusting and creepy!

"Tsunade, you have some prejudice against me."Orochimaru said slowly.

On the stage, Hatake Sakumo finally couldn't stand Jiraiya who was in a state of self-euphoria, and directly asked someone to take him down.

Hatake Sakumo came on the stage and undoubtedly put this pep rally to the test. The atmosphere is brought to a climax.

The name of White Fang, the hero of Konoha, is known to everyone. He once made great contributions to Konoha, and is basically the idol and revered of every ninja and those who are about to become ninjas. People.

Even Tsunade and Orochimaru's expressions became more solemn after seeing Hatake Sakumo come on stage.

Obviously, they all respect this senior!

After Hatake Sakumo came on stage, he showed an easy-going attitude smile:

"Everyone, I originally wanted to express some encouragement, but basically everything I wanted to say was finished by Jiraiya Jounin.

So I only have one message for you now, that is, we will come back safely, and our families are still waiting for us to go back."

As soon as these words came out, fierce shouts began to break out among the crowd.

"Lord White Fang!"

"Lord White Fang!"


From this point of view, it can be seen that White Fang's popularity is probably only lower than that of Hokage. If nothing happens, then he should be the next Hokage.

Feeling the emotions of the ninjas, White Fang also had ups and downs of mood. With such a cohesive warrior, there was no need to worry about not being able to win the war. He waved his hands slightly and the voices in the field became weaker.

Hatake Sakumo continued:"Next, we will temporarily divide the teams entering the frontal battlefield."

During the war, the division of ninja teams was completely different. It was no longer the division of small teams, but directly divided into teams. A group can There were forty or fifty people.

There were already over a hundred genin and chunin in the field. Hatake Sakumo quickly divided them into three regiments, and then began to arrange temporary captains for the columns.

The reason why it is temporary is that sacrifices can be made at any time during the war. Of course, in fact, this captain is of little significance. The real commanders are the jounin and Hatake Sakumo who are strategizing.

This kind of temporary captain is only when the troops are in close combat. Hatake Sakumo and the commanding Jonin may not be able to take into account every detail, so they are asked to lead the team.

Soon, Hatake Sakumo selected three temporary captains, which were also pre-decided. The three were extremely experienced ninjas who could basically be promoted to chuunin and special jounin.

After the pep rally ended, the ninjas retreated one after another.

However, Jiraiya quickly ran in front of Tsunade and Orochimaru, and said with a smile:"What a coincidence!"

"idiot?"Tsunade frowned and cursed.

Orochimaru was expressionless, not interested in Jiraiya's pretentiousness. He always felt that Jiraiya was like a child who hadn't grown up and didn't know what he was thinking.

Jiraiya She was also a little embarrassed, and then she noticed Ye Chen next to Tsunade. She had an idea and changed the subject.:

"Hey, Ye Chen, it turns out to be you. I haven’t heard from you for a while. Which team are you assigned to?"

"The third team. Yechen said calmly

"Such a coincidence, Minato is also on the third team. Yechen, I will let Minato guide you during the battle. You must pay attention to safety."Jiraiya said

"hehe."Tsunade sneered,

Jiraiya is such an idiot. Orochimaru showed an interesting expression, but he was looking forward to Yechen's performance on the front battlefield.

As for Jiraiya himself, he was not very familiar with Yechen when he was in Konoha, but Although nearly a year has passed since the battle that defeated Namikaze Minato, Jiraiya still hasn't forgotten it.

No one knows Minato's talent better than him! He is definitely a leader among his peers and possesses extraordinary abilities. Talent.

Yechen was able to defeat Minato at that time, which naturally kept him in mind.

But now after such a long period of time, his teachings must have been surpassed by Minato. Minato's strength is close to that of a Jonin, and he also has the ability to protect himself on this battlefield. In his opinion

, Yechen's talent is extraordinary, but he is estimated to have the most Chunin strength.

The relationship between Tsunade and Yechen is unusual, Jiraiya can see that, so I asked Minato to take care of it.

Ye Chen had nothing to say about this.

Well, Jiraiya was a little discouraged when he saw the expressionless Ye Chen. Why wasn't this child interested in what he said?


Groups of ninjas set out from the camp to the front battlefield of the Kingdom of Rain.

Dark clouds covered the sky, and light rain fell in a steady patter.

However, the color of the water stains on the ground is not transparent and colorless, but red, stained with blood.

There is no depressing atmosphere, there is just a sense of killing, a bloody and murderous momentum!

Ye Chen is a member of the third team. He joined the battlefield on the third day of the war!

The accompanying team also included Namikaze Minato, as well as some people who looked like members of the Twelve Little Strong family.

"Has it finally begun?"

Ye Chen followed the team forward. It was raining very hard that day. Although he was confident in his strength, he still had a different emotion in his heart.

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