"We can't back down!"

"Behind us is our home!"

"If we are asked to fight against each other, who will protect our relatives, parents, and children?……"

"Knock him down!"

"Defeat him and risk our lives!"

"Bet on my ninja and my will!"

Iwa Ninja and Sand Ninja, after a period of self-hypnosis, suddenly shared the same hatred with the enemy, high morale and full of confidence.

As the saying goes, a sad army will lose, but a team with a strong will and belief, even if they come from different countries. As long as they work hard for one No matter what kind of difficulties or setbacks you encounter, you will be able to overcome them in the end.

This is the ninja who implements the way of ninja!

Chiyo looked at her team and was very satisfied!

The last time she faced Rakshasa, she ran away, and this time she faced Ye Chen, it will not choose to escape!

The sand ninja Akisa was also emotional. He finally proved himself in front of his mother and was recognized by his mother!

The Iwa ninja troops were also infected. At this time, they thought of their wives and children in their own village!

Why did they come to the Country of Rain? Didn’t they just hope that through war and plundering the resources of the Country of Rain, Iwa Ninja Village could live a better life, bless future generations, make contributions, and become a hero who is praised?

Now they meet a powerful If the enemy retreats, can they still be worthy of their own ninja?

If they don't even stand up to get rid of this enemy, then who else can protect him!

"Yes, this is the good son of Iwa Ninja!"Kingsuke Nohiro said loudly, his mood was high and his morale was boosted.

"Down with Konoha!"

"Down with Konoha!"

For a moment, the entire battlefield heard the voices of the enemy ninjas expressing their hatred for each other.

If the first Hokage Senju Hashirama heard this, he would probably be furious and give these melons a beating with thousands of hands!

Damn! Ah, can you save some face!

It was you who obviously started the war, but now Konoha is taking the blame.

Konoha ninjas like nuclear peace, which is a well-known thing in the entire ninja world.

Now you put on this aggrieved face What does it mean?

At the first meeting of the five shadows, didn't they agree to live in friendship and watch each other?


"Ignorant people!"

"When the Five Kage held the meeting, if it were me, I would have made them kneel down to hold the meeting. All the tailed beasts were allocated to me. I had to pay tribute to Konoha every year, otherwise the village would be destroyed."

On the top of the mountain, Age Spot looked at the group of sand ninja and rock ninja with a look of ridicule on his face. He remembered that when Hashirama held a meeting, as the god of ninja, he came up and kowtowed to these group of ants. It was really embarrassing.

These group of ants are not They should be given color!

Give them some light and they will shine!

"What Madara-sama is saying is that these people are messy and have quite a skill at self-hypnosis."Hei Zetsu said with a smile.

Otherwise, if he knew the ins and outs of the entire war, he would have been deceived by this group of passionate Iwa ninja Sand ninja.

As for the Konoha ninja who was involved, there were ten thousand grass nima in his heart. Trampled on.

We are all the initiators of the war. Are you really okay with what you say so high-sounding and sacrificing your life for righteousness?

Fortunately, the three major ninja villages are at war now. If the Kumo ninja village and Kirigakure village take over later, won't you? So shameless?

"What a shameless person! Tsunade cursed.

"Tsunade, this is human nature! It’s just the last bit of self-comfort in the weak’s heart! Orochimaru said, naturally dismissive of this.

"Regardless of them, victory belongs to us. They have sacrifices, bonds, and families! We also have to stand firm for our own protection!"Hatake Sakumo said.

His eyes looked into the distance, where Ye Chen was in the center of the giant Buddha, shocking the entire battlefield, and he couldn't help but think::

"Yechen, I’ll leave it to you! We are your eternal support!"



The Sand Ninjas took action together. Not only the Jonin, but also the Chuunin joined the battlefield. They took out their kunai shurikens and threw them out. Thousands of ninjas attacked together, which was like a volley of thousands of arrows!

Then faced with such an attack!

Yechen looked calm, raised the corners of his mouth with a hint of disdain, and said:"What a boring trick!"

The golden Buddha clapped his hand casually. The palm clapped in the air, but it caused the space to freeze. An extremely powerful surge of air followed the Buddha's palm and pressed down.


Thousands of shurikens and kunai stopped in the air. For one second, it seemed to be frozen in the air by some kind of force!

The picture was still, as if for eternity, it was amazing!

Bang! The next moment, these shurikens, kunai and the invisible giant Buddha palms shattered, cracked inch by inch, and disappeared into ashes.!

Yechen took a step forward, and the golden Buddha stepped on the ground. Suddenly, the mountains shook, and the ground cracked like an earthquake.


"what happened!"

Thousands of sand ninjas expressed panic.

But more ninjas released ninjutsu together!

""Fire escape, Long Yan sings!""

"Fire escape, big fireball!"

"Fire escape, fire dragon technique!"

"Wind Escape, Wind Blade!"

"Wind escape, cut through the air waves!"


Hundreds of ninjutsu, large and small, blasted at the 60-meter-tall golden Buddha together. Dense flames, wind blades, and sharp stone blades in the sky all attacked like a violent storm.

Ye Chen was still calm, even indifferent, without any expression, and his heart was as calm as water!

The Renren Fruit and Big Buddha form can give the host the power like a golden Buddha.

Wisdom, spirit, combine a huge body like a Buddha with a smart mind and perfect skills, turning yourself into the ultimate person with both mental and physical skills.

In other words, in the state of the Great Buddha, Yechen is absolutely rational and has the wisdom of God flawlessly. In other words, he is a god.

"Big Buddha. Shock wave!"

At the last moment when many jounin and chunin were completing the seals, the release of ninjutsu came in front of him. The huge golden body made a fist gesture, and there was a sonorous sound in the void, and the friction of the golden body was heard. Sound.

A punch fell.


In an instant, the sky collapsed and the earth shattered. The power of the punch was like stars falling down, with the force of shattering the sky. It was irresistible! In an instant, it was like destroying everything, and the ninjutsu all over the sky were shot like fireworks. The ashes were wiped out, and the power of the Golden Buddha Palm continued unabated, directly suppressing the earth!

Many ninja bodies were forcefully blasted into the earth, and they were not sure whether they were alive or dead. The entire earth was even sunken, and a large piece of it was exposed. They made a shocking five-finger seal.

The screams came again, just when they thought it was over.

However, Yechen showed a devilish smile, and the majestic golden Buddha also showed a compassionate smile, and again Picking up the orchid Buddha finger, the big palm covering the sky turned into a fist as big as a mountain!

Then he punched the earth directly!


The whole earth was shattered!

The earth was shaking, ghosts were crying and wolves were howling!

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