The Country of Rain

"Where did the teacher go? Hasn't he come back yet?"

Yahiko, Konan, and Nagato were practicing ninjutsu together, but they were not very interested.

Especially Yahiko, who had just confirmed the way of ninja from Yechen, but Yechen disappeared again, or disappeared suddenly.

"If the teacher wants to leave, he will definitely tell us in advance. Maybe something happened to the teacher, and we should have confidence in the teacher."

Nagato said. Compared with the introverted person before, he has undoubtedly grown a lot now and is calm and rational.

"Nagato is right, and the teacher is a famous Rakshasa in the ninja world! Yahiko, don’t take this as a reason to be lazy in your cultivation." Xiao Nan said

"what the hell! I practice very seriously! cut!"

Yahiko couldn't help but glance at his mouth, his face turned red. Nagato and Xiaonan must have colluded to make fun of him. They were just worried about the teacher.

Quietly, perhaps they themselves didn't realize that Yechen's status in their hearts was no longer there. Replaceable.

Although the worldview of ninjas is distorted to a certain extent, they are also extremely persistent emotionally.

Once you identify someone, this emotional will will never change like a rock.

For example, the Uchiha clan, the puppy love elementary school student Uchiha Earth, and his brother-controlled Uchiha Itachi are all living examples.

Nagato's character became cheerful, a gentle smile appeared on his pale face, and he suddenly felt an extremely powerful chakra approaching.

This chakra was very unfamiliar, and it was The strongest power he has sensed so far!

It seems not to be a ninja, but some kind of beast, some kind of extremely violent power!

"Be careful, Yahiko, Konan. I sensed an extremely dangerous aura."

Nagato said suddenly, with a vigilant look on his face, and keeping his hands in the posture of sealing. If the situation goes wrong, take immediate measures?

In fact, with the power of the Samsara Eye, the basic Five Elements Ninjutsu is at your fingertips, and sealing is a waste of time.

Hearing this, The smiles on Yahiko and Konan's faces disappeared. Among the three, Nagato had the strongest perception. Naturally, they would not doubt Nagato's words and were ready to prepare. The atmosphere suddenly became tense, and the original relaxed and happy atmosphere disappeared. Missing.

Yahiko couldn't help but feel a little nervous, and whispered:"Nagato, is the other party strong?"

Nagato's expression remained solemn, and he said slowly:"So far, this is the strongest person I have ever experienced."

"Is he still better than Teacher Yechen?"Yahiko said, looking like he didn't believe it.

"Judging from the amount and intensity of chakra, Teacher Yechen's chakra is not as good as others.

However, I sensed that the other party did not seem to be a human being. He might be some kind of psychic beast, so I should treat him with caution."Nagato guessed.

Nagato and Yahiko stood in front, while Konan stood behind.

The three of them formed a triangle formation. Konan likes to fold paper cranes, so ninjutsu is basically related to paper, and the attack power is insufficient. A tacit understanding protects her behind her!

Pieces of white paper appear out of thin air, forming a defensive ninjutsu around the wanderer to prevent emergencies.

As the mysterious power becomes more and more connected, it becomes After the distance was shortened, both Yahiko and Xiaonan could sense the slowly approaching existence.

Their faces were covered in cold sweat, and they didn't dare to explode. They were so nervous that their throats were filled with

"coming."Nagato made a sound, and the red Liu Hai in front of him swung to both sides, revealing a pair of mysterious reincarnation eyes that symbolized the power of God.

In the past, he was afraid of this power, because every time he used this power, it would bring death. , so he is very resistant to it.

But now, after Nagato found the way of ninja and his original intention from Yechen, he is no longer afraid!

There is nothing evil and justice in the power itself, the key is the person who controls the power!

Now for the dream in his heart , the peaceful world without war in his heart, he needs to control this power

"Swish, swish, swish!"

The cabin is surrounded by forests and dense grass, so the first thing that came was the sound of the grass being moved. The three people's hearts were in their throats and their pupils were trembling. When they heard this sound, it meant that the terrible monster was coming. Got it

"Prepare!"Yahiko said nervously.

The white piece of paper floating around the three of them changed from soft and weak to straight and tight in an instant, like a sharp blade full of coldness. The next moment, the sound of the grass moving became louder and louder. , it became clearer and clearer.

In the minds of the three of them, it seemed that there was a terrifying gluttonous beast walking slowly in the grass.

Nagato's perception was never wrong, and knowing that the amount of chakra of this unknown existence was more terrifying than Yechen.

Three People subconsciously think that this must be a terrifying creature with three heads and six arms that also eats people.


There was a sharp and loud sound, which still sounded a little bit babyish, and then a small white shadow jumped out from the grass.


Because he was so nervous, Yahiko even subconsciously screamed when he heard the weird sound.

"fire escape:……"

Yahiko quickly formed the seal, and when he was about to complete the last seal, Nagato grabbed his hand, startling him and looking confused.

"What to do? Nagato. Yahiko said in shock.

"so cute!"Xiaonan suddenly said, looking at the unknown creature that suddenly appeared.


Following Xiaonan's gaze, Yahiko also saw the initiator of all this, the"three-headed and six-armed" monster.

This thing had a petite body and four slender limbs. It was completely white in color and had no flaws at all.

In particular, the two dolphin-like tentacles on the head were shining with a faint luster, and there were five snow-white tails swaying in the air behind them.

This appearance alone captured Xiaonan's girly heart in an instant.

"Nagato, is this the monster you sense?"Yahiko smacked his mouth in disbelief.

"Although I don’t want to admit it, it is true."Nagato took a deep breath, his pupils shrank, and then he felt a familiar wave of chakra coming from the jungle, with a look of disbelief.

A familiar figure walked out of the forest and slowly appeared among the three of them. In front of you!

"Teacher Yechen!"Yahiko, Xiaonan looked happy.

"How can it be!"

Nagato had a look of disbelief on his face. He actually sensed the teacher's chakra fluctuations at such a distance in front of him.

Obviously the little white monster and the teacher came here together, but he only felt the breath of the little white monster's five tails. Teacher But I didn't notice it at all.

"As expected of a teacher, not even my reincarnation eye could sense his aura."

Nagato didn't think too much, and admired Yechen from the bottom of his heart.

This is also related to his lack of control over the Samsara Eye.

With complete control of the Samsara Eye, his perception is upgraded, and everything around him will appear. The three-dimensional form appears in the mind._To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Xiaoxiao

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