Yechen was sitting in an open space. Yahiko, Nagato, and Konan were doing meditation exercises in the distance. Wuwei was taking a nap on the steps of the threshold of the wooden house, looking very leisurely. Looking leisurely

"System, upgrade the knowledge and color domineering level 4 to level 5."

Said silently in his heart, Ye Chen began to upgrade the hegemony of seeing and hearing.

The three-color hegemony and the armed-color hegemony are the most significant for improving strength. Whether it is defense or strength, it is a very big improvement.

But he did not choose to upgrade. This Haki has been very helpful to me from beginning to end.

Compared with the Armed Color, the Hearing Color Haki seems to have fewer opportunities to be used.

But for Yechen, this skill is of great help to him in a subtle way. It even allowed him to avoid some hidden dangers many times.

Perception, insight, and prediction!

When these abilities are increased to a certain extent, they are very powerful for ninjas, even bugs.

The Second Ninja World War , Yechen made it for the first timeAt that time, he faced dozens and hundreds of ninjas alone and remained unscathed. In addition to his own excellent physical fitness, a greater part of it was due to the prejudgment and warning of unknown attacks from the Haki he had seen and heard.

After consuming 50,000 experience points, the power of the system suddenly increased his arrogance from 1v4 to 1v5.

Ye Chen's body shivered suddenly, and a mysterious and mysterious feeling emerged spontaneously. This feeling was so wonderful that it was difficult to express it in words, and could only be understood.

It was like an enlightenment, or a certain shackles were broken.

Ye Chen felt as if there were something extra in his body, and it was these wonderful existences that made him feel very mysterious and unpredictable.

Because it is a system upgrade, for Ye Chen, there is no so-called bottleneck in practicing domineering. As long as he has experience, everything will fall into place.

The upgrade is successful, the new domineering and mysterious knowledge is brewing in the heart in the chest and the brain in the head!

At this moment, the world suddenly became quiet, and Yechen felt that he was in boundless darkness and nothingness. He was the only one here, and there was nothing else.

This is the beginning of origin, the first point!


The next moment, the point exploded.

The explosion gave rise to all things in the world, the stars in the universe, the vast universe, and all kinds of life.

There are many more existences in Yechen's perception, and there is no longer darkness and nothingness around him, and many new substances are born!

It’s just that these existences cannot be detected with the eyes, and they do not exist in the subjective macroscopic universe!

More inclined to the microscopic universe and the quantum universe!

It's like the mustard space that cultivators often talk about. It's an extremely small thing that shouldn't be noticed.

The sound of the wind, the sound of the rain, the breathing of the earth and sky, the sounds of birds and animals!

At this moment, Yechen's mind entered the sounds of all natural creatures in nature, especially those closest to them!

Suddenly, he became the source of signal reception and truly listened to the sounds of everything in the world.

Although Ye Chen has always said that he can hear the sounds of all things, he could not do it before.

At this moment, in this moment of upgrading, in this moment of realization, he witnessed the condensed version of the small Big Bang, and he was able to listen to everything for the time being.

It even includes people. In this state of resentment, he just heard the thoughts in the hearts of Konan, Nagato, and Yahiko!

It's just that Ye Chen didn't listen deliberately, because the current state was passive. There were too many and endless sounds in nature. He couldn't receive them, and he couldn't control them perfectly. At this time, his head was about to explode.

This is a side effect of listening to the sounds of all things! If you cannot control this ability, the effect will be counterproductive.

When Dachao in American comics first awakened his superpowers, he was troubled by his super hearing, and even felt overwhelmed by fear.

But now Yechen directly receives the inner thoughts of others, not just people, but also indescribable non-human creatures.



"Find the key point, find the switch! The switch that controls the power!"

The strange changes in sight and color made Ye Chen anxious. All kinds of voices appeared in his mind, and it was too late to appreciate them at this moment.

If he loses control and cannot exclude these voices that directly enter his mind, he may be driven crazy.



Taking deep breaths over and over again to adjust his state. As time passed, Yechen's state gradually became stable.

He gradually controlled the sounds of nature and could effectively eliminate some unnecessary sounds, and the ideas in his mind gradually became clearer..

Furthermore, seeing, hearing, and color is his ability, so how could he really lose control?

It was just the changes brought about by the sudden upgrade that caught him off guard. Now that he has reacted, he has been able to adapt well.

Ye Chen's expression He regained his composure and carefully felt the changes brought about by the sight and hearing.

Around him, the power of nature was several times stronger than usual, and the power of nature of various attributes came to him. Naturally,

Yechen would not Let's miss such a good opportunity to absorb the power of nature and condense the magical chakra.

This power of nature is a scourge for ordinary people. If it is not controlled well, it will turn into a monster that loses its mind and only knows how to destroy, or even a stone statue!

But what I have seen is that Se Baqi gives Yechen a physique that is close to the nature of heaven and earth. The two are like fish and water and are inseparable.

Moreover, at this time, Lv5 Se Baqi absorbs the power of nature several times faster than before.

One thing we all know , if you want to enter the immortal mode, you must absorb the power of nature in advance. When the natural force in the body is at a certain amount, you can run the immortal mode route. If the two are combined into one, you can successfully activate this powerful state.

But absorbing the natural force The power takes time. In the original work, it takes Jiraiya half an hour to enter.

In a real battle, how could the enemy give him half an hour to prepare a unique move? It is not very practical.

Uzumaki Naruto is entering Sage Mode also requires a lot of time to prepare at the beginning, but in the later stage, the self-created shadow clone condenses the power of nature in advance, and in the later stage, it can also enter the sage mode in minutes. The first generation Hokage Senju Hashirama almost entered the sage mode in seconds by putting his hands together.!

This shows that when a person has an extremely high degree of compatibility with the power of nature, that is, the efficiency and transformation speed of absorbing the power of nature, there is no time limit for entering the sage mode.

For example, in the same time, Jiraiya absorbs the power of nature. First, Uzumaki Naruto is fifty, while Senju Hashirama is ninety-nine. This is the gap.

Yechen doesn't know how long it will take him, because he doesn't have the Sage Mode cultivation method.

But if you have to compare, just rely on This kind of affinity with the power of nature is far superior to that of Jiraiya and Uzumaki Naruto._To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

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