In one of the rooms of the royal castle in the kingdom of Rhinol.

In the center of the luxurious room is a pentagonal table, surrounded by five chairs.

One of them is a magnificent and luxurious creation made with plenty of gold, besides which, even if it is decorated or sculpted, it obviously deteriorates. Depending on the quality of the seat, such an intention as to reveal the position of the person sitting can be seen through.

Of course, there is no one but the King's Consortium who sits in the most luxurious chair.

Prince of King Rhinol, Seilan Crossell Road.

He wears a shiny decorative Buddhist monk hat and a black facial veil over his face. My hair and ears are not covered by the rash, and I don't know what it looks like. He is now wearing a white embroidered dragon embroidery and putting up a cheek wand on the top of a chair.

There are three men against Seyran like that.

They are the princes of the Four Dukes, who support the foundations of the kingdom in a position to sit with Seireans.

There are five seats, including those of the Seireans, and there are four here, including the Seireans.

There is only one seat available, but no one here can point it out.

Yes, because there is always no one in that seat.

Cut them out toward the three of them.

"First of all, I would like to thank everyone for coming here today."

"Your Royal Highness, thank you for your kind words."

"If it's for our royal family, we'll never quit."

"I am willing to risk my life for any royal life."

The men gathered here this day are the masters of the three houses: the Romarious, the Saiphis, and the Zeilet.

Each party will provide a response to Seiran.

Brendan Romarius, head of the Romarious family. An epic man in military uniform. The head is square cut, and the body seems to fit perfectly into the template of the image of muscle and samurai master, but even in such a political setting, the eyes are unusually sharp, making people realize that only the arms are not the handle.

Egbird Sci-Fi, head of Sci-Fi family. A tall old man with a strict expression. Because of my age, my head is pure white and my beard is stretched as long as a cactus.

He now stands up wearing a robe from above in a traditional nobleman's outfit and protects his silence on the chair.

The head of the Zeilet family, Collidor Zeilet. The Duke's family is the shallowest in history, although he is also younger than the two. Always showing a lovely smile, loving, greatly inferior to both in terms of physique and dignity, but in a sense it is also his weapon.

"I've only counted two meetings with the Four Gods. The rest is inexperienced and still unfamiliar with hunger exploration, so forgive me."

When Seiran says so, Brendan Romarius smiles.

"This is a joke. This chest collar should always be open."

I see. Then I'll have to show you the right metrics. "

"Someone wants to ask for forgiveness. I don't like this kind of discussion because I'm a militant."

Is Seylan joking with Brendan or is he hungry? Show me the reward for words like that.

Of course, they knew that Seiran had used the runaway of the Marquis of Gaston to rope the necks of many nobles. They will not despise Seiran because they are still children.

"I'd love to see that face soon."

"It won't be interesting to see the rest of your face now. I've never taken a facial veil against my face, but I'll already know what kind of face you have in the back."

"No, it's more and more different to predict the situation and show it to the face."

Corridor Zeilet follows Brendan's advice.

On the other hand, Seiran turned his face toward an old man who was as quiet as a plaster statue.

"Egbird, do you agree with both of you?

"No, I'm afraid not."

"Egbird is serious. I have such a restless personality. I'm in a hurry. I can't help it."

"No, in my heart, I'm just like you two. I do not despise the royal tradition, but if you are as talented as His Majesty, you do not need a facial veil."

"Haha, no, I agree with Mr Egbird."

"I look forward to seeing the young royal monarch who reigns over the kingdom show his face."

During such a moody conversation, Collidor glares at you.

"That's right. First of all, before the agenda, I would like to take this opportunity to convey to His Royal Highness Prince Seiran my courtesy. Your Highness, I know it's very rude of you to pin this on the agenda, but please forgive me."

"Hmm, what? Say it."

"Well then, be afraid. What I would like to say is about Your Servant. As it stands, His Highness does not have anyone to call a servant where everyone enters and leaves the castle. If His Highness is foolish enough to become even more busy in the future, he will still need a servant. As far as I'm concerned, if only I could find someone worthy of Your Servant."

Hmm. A servant. That's right. Collidor, I'm more than happy about your concern. "

"Ha ha!"

"So, what's his name?

"Kane Razrael, eldest son of the southern militant Razrael family."

Brendan Romarius looked familiar when he mentioned the name of the person he recommended.

"Huh? Famous for the return of Yunjie?

"Ha ha ha. As I have seen, I am convinced that this talent is worthy of His Highness's servant."

"I also hear you learned most of the magic of the south. Not so long ago."

"When I saw you a while ago, I showed you the Great Wall in front of me."

Hmm. The return of Yunjie, huh?

Seiran murmurs without telling anyone.

Yongjie. Here is a description of the warrior who defeated the demon king, depicted in one of the scriptures [Demon King at the end of the century]. From there, there is a wave of people who are particularly good at magic and swordsmanship, called Yongjie, etc.

"It is said that perhaps his people, his brave master, may be reborn."

"Reborn? There are some descriptions in the calligraphy that suggest a rebirth, but anything that fits?

"I don't know about that, but what if..."

"Hmm, well... well, what do you think about Brendan, Egbird and your Servants?

"If you have the strength, there is nothing wrong with it."

"Again, I think we should meet once."

"Well, Egbird's right, we should meet and find out. Collidor, prepare an opportunity to meet with Kane Razrael."

"Ha ha ha. I understand."

"Yes, Brendan, Egbird. And you don't know who said this was the good guy?

Someone is now. But I hear that Egbird's grandson is quite talented. "

"No, my grandchildren are still immature. Besides, if there's a role for us at home."

"Hmm, in the basement of the Magic Court?

"Ha ha ha. His Majesty and His Highness are well aware of this. We've been asking for that surveillance more than before the kingdom came to life."

"... I see. We must do something about it. That is also a direct concern of the King's Landing becoming pregnant. For the rest, I want to settle before my father gives up his throne."

Egbird shook his head at the courageous words of Seirian determination.

"No, thank you. That, Your Highness. Someone has already been decided."

"Is it decided? What's that supposed to mean?

"Ha ha ha. Kraki's prophecy states who will defeat it. It has been said for generations," Never raise your hand until that person shows up, and never let anyone else raise their hand. "

"The descriptions of the Proverbs and the will of the Patriarchs. So who's the one who's going to take it down?

"Congratulations, Sage."

When Egbird says so, Colidor looks suspicious.

"Master Egbird. Are you referring to the three holy sages depicted in the Spirit Age?

"Exactly. That sage."

"Sumitomo. Sage. The bell rings. I used to hear fairy tales before bed when I was a kid. But I don't think we're going to show up."

"I don't know if it's a rebirth or a new sage. But my family needs to wait for him."

"And you made a deal with the First King."

"Ha ha ha. We have to wait for the sage to defeat it."

"I see, the prophecy statement... then I can't help it."

"If a locked box has a reason to be locked,"

"Hmm, that's right. I guess the only reason I can lock it is to protect it from thieves."

Seiran nodded as if he was good at it, and eventually talked about another topic.

"... you missed the point. Now, let's move on to the subject. Is that okay with you?

When Seiran encourages the transition to the subject, the three respond fearfully.

"One thing first. I have something to tell you here again."

"What's that?

"Mm-hmm. About this."

Seiran took the magic meter out of his pocket and slipped it onto a pentagonal table.

It was Brendan who immediately reacted.

Oh, a magic meter?

"Oh, you know that."

Corridor smiled as if he was careful.

"We've heard that the Alliance has grown its shops recently. Yes, speaking of guilds, recently a new model of switching brilliant glass has emerged. No, this is funny again. By simply pulling on the attached string, you can freely illuminate and extinguish the sparkling glass, freeing you from the annoyance of light leaking from the cloth you put on."

"Hmm. I touched a few of them when I visited the Magic Mentor Guild."

"Oh, have you already seen His Highness? Negotiations are already underway at home to introduce it."

"Everything that belongs to the Imperial Castle will eventually be renovated... that's a distraction."

"No, I apologize deeply for putting water in your story. Please forgive me, Brendan and Egbird."

"No, no, no. I was wondering if we could have this kind of chat."

"Your Majesty will breathe even if your shoulders are in pain."

Both are calm, but their hearts are unknown. Do you really think so, or do you think so neglectfully, or have you wrapped your tongue around the lightness of your mouth trying to get into Prince Wang again?

"Finally, I'm ready to make this public."

Well, finally.

"Hmm. I can't get rid of the impression that the Nadar accident just happened. Therefore, as a royal family, I decided to take the policy of filling its shame with this achievement."

"But, Your Highness, aren't the battles and magic gauges particularly relevant?

"No, we've already put in troops to train the Magic Meter in that fight. The consequences were spectacular, and the early suppression helped… In that case, the surrounding countries will know the royal surroundings well. In fact, the skill level of the magician unit I put in was significantly different from that of the previous magician unit."

Are you still talking about chanting failure?

"Mm-hmm. They never showed up this time. Besides, I hear it fits perfectly when I exercise it."

Collidor questions Seylan.

"So, will the producer be announced at the same time?

"No, not yet. Therefore, we will only announce the existence of a magic meter."

"Why not? If we announce the product and the producer at the same time, the producer's name will be widely communicated to the people."

"There will be more thankful people after receiving the benefits than before. The benefits are soon invisible. The more useful this is, the more prestigious the producer will be."

"That's it... no, we're saying that's it."

Kolido was surprised at the strength of Seiran's magic gauge.

The Zeilet family was not a military family but a civilian family, so the benefits of the magic meter were not touched so much.

Egbird stroked his long beard as if he were stuck in his thoughts while staring at the magic meter.

"Magic gauges are a rare invention in the history of the Kingdom. This is comparable to the invention of brilliant glass. I also know that whoever made it deserves a prize."

"Do you think the Magic Meter is great, Egbird?"

"Mm-hmm. When I touched this, it was a heartbreaker without age. Those who aspire to magic will be able to get it naturally. Nothing is happier. They learn magic one by one faster, so they can spend the time they spend on something else."

"Egbird, my father was always as heartbroken about the delay in the introduction to the Magic Court."

"No, I don't think this is going to happen. No one can say no to anything....."

According to Seiran, Egbird lowered his head on the spot.

"Also, I will formally notify you about the producer. Eastern militant Arks Rayseft. Brendan was there, so you should know his face and name. Egbird, did you know that?

"Ha ha ha. It's just a name."

"Oh, did you hear Egbird too? I didn't think so when I first met him at the Magic Mentor Guild."

"Does that mean you're young?"

"Ha, I thought it was an announcement from Lord Arvent, but no, that was a big deal."

Collidor, who was outside the mosquito net, opens his mouth about this story.

"Was he the oldest son of House Rayseft? Recently, I accompanied His Highness as a sacrifice and played a major role."

"Hmm. Without Arks, the rest might not have been here."

"Rumors abound that he was abandoned because of his incompetence in the Warlord's house."

"I just don't see it right now. In fact, the sword's arms and knowledge of magic were worthy of the rest."

After Seylan, Brendan and Egbird also open their mouths.

"My brother is the Master of the Nation's Decree Magic, and my younger brother is an eastern hero with great success as a pioneer of different nationalities. They're all brothers and capable....."

"The history of the house can also be referred to as the head of other ancient ginseng nobles. If I hadn't refused even the ascendants of the times, it would have been better than the Kremelia family, which is the home of my lord, and even if I were already the Marquis, it wouldn't be strange."


"Mmm, a lot. There are circumstances."

"I've heard a lot about it. That is why the House of Rayseft is famous as one of the country's leading celebrities, even though it is a junior aristocracy."

Then Egbird talks out loud.

"In the story I'm hearing, it was just after the kingdom came to life. Some of the Bailianbang (Bailianbang) invaded the Rhinole royal boom without making it any better. At the time, there were still few kingdoms and small houses to obey, but when they did, Raysheft's lord intercepted them following the giants of fire to buy time for the royal family to get ready for battle. Afterwards, when the eastern unity and royal power were in place and the invasion was reversed, the Lord was killed at the end of the struggle, causing great damage to the territory and the people. This contributed to the loss of power of House Rayseft as a noble family and to the refuge of House Clemelia."

"That's why House Rayseft and House Clemelia are closer than the other eastern houses. Perth Clemelia tried to get her daughter into the House of Rayseft to make the relationship stronger."

"The refusal of the ascending lord is also due to the cowardice of the kingdom of Rhinol, the eastern guardian of the royal family. For that reason, we are protecting the old militarist style of home."

"Loyalty to the royal family is unwavering. It has long been said that no matter what other house leaves, only House Rayseft will follow the royal family to the end... many people don't know about it now."

Collidor opened his mouth after hearing the stories of the ancestors.

"It was Arks Rayseft, but was the amount of magic lower than the military average?

"I'd rather be there. The more magic there is, the more Kane Razrael was named, the more Yunjie."

Seiran opened her mouth again as she sighed.

"Yu wants to make that Arcs Rayseft the master of the state."

It was surprising that the three of them showed up at the sudden remarks of Seiran.

Brendan frowned.

"Your Highness, as much as you want, is that too much to talk about?

"Huh? Do you think the rest of them need a proper status, along with a proper prize?

"Have fun."

"No, no, that's a joke. I know you're talking too fast."

Egbird complains with a serious rotten face as Seiran laughs away.

"Your Highness, if you let me take the test, I won't be able to show anyone else."

"Naturally, there is no tyranny of passing without taking the exam. But he doesn't have an exam. I can see the results even if I accept them. It's just...."

The amount of magic, right?

"Certainly, if the magic amount is below average, the other magicians and warlords won't shut up."

"So, this time, you're saying that the roots are well known?

"To put it in perspective. But I don't want you to move proactively. In fact, there is still no magic that is worthy of the synonym of the Master of the Nation. Remember that you are the maker of the magic meter, and your father and the rest are watching."

What Seiran said here is that the Royal Family is looking forward to Arcs. In other words, I'm spitting on it, so don't do it on your own.

Collidor asks Brendan, who plays the role.

"What do you think of Lord Brendan?

"Merit is only the invention of the magic meter. Certainly an unparalleled achievement, but what if it leads to the Master of the Nation? As Your Highness said, you will need the greatest magic and its power worthy of the Master of the Nation."

"How is Lord Egbird?

"If you don't look at yourself, the answer is hard. In that regard, I am in the Magic Court, so I will be blessed with the opportunity."

The answers they gave to Collidor's question were unmistakable.

"Anyway, we have a magic meter announcement in the near future. Now, let's move on to the next agenda -"

Thereafter, the agenda continued to advance under the progress of Seychelles.

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