Beginning with disqualification, the Growing Magic Guide Road! - Spell Development Sometimes War Jou
Episode 82: The Heavy Pressure of the First Formation
The Nadar Army right-wing cavalry unit was almost devastated by fighting with the Kingsguard unit led by left-wing Ceylan.
Recently received [Magnetic Feather (Magnetic Force)] took weapons and protective equipment from the rear of enemy cavalry units, the impact of which spilled over to the entire cavalry unit. The front of the cavalry unit, which suffered signs of confusion in the rear, was torn without the skill to exchange for a Kingsguard assault.
Half is now taken, and the rest retreats. It is unclear whether he will remain on the run or be absorbed by other troops, but the fact that he was able to crush the cavalry force would be significant for the Kingsguard.
After causing irreversible damage to enemy cavalry units, they slowly headed from the front line to the left hand side of the battlefield, south of the Mill Door Plains, as originally planned.
... Troops take solo action and leave the line.
Together it is such an action that it can be an isolating bad hand, but only this time it will not be.
Because this action is the key to the operation now.
"You guys! You're gonna die crazy and you're gonna get Seylan. No!
It is Count Polk Nadar who is shouting in the heart of the infantry unit that is approaching for pursuit.
A luxurious body that seems to have nothing to do with health.
Believe me I'm great and I don't doubt it, an attitude of perversion seeping through.
They both have reminiscent faces and shapes, like pigs, like toads, reminiscent of the typical corrupt aristocracy that comes out of the story.
This is the second time I see a person who said so, but this one, unlike the Marquis of Gaston, looks exactly like that.
He's in armor now, and he's ready to fight for once.
Although there is not much to observe the hardships of craftsmen wearing armor to wrap up assertive luxury meat.
He rides a larger horse, solidifies himself with a cavalry of escorts, and gives orders to his own infantry unit to attack this one.
His aim is naturally Seylan Crocellulod, the Crown Prince of the Kingdom.
Infantry units are rushed by Polk Nadar to dare pursue them if they can't catch up with the Kingsguard. He was caught by it and pulled to the right-wing infantry unit, which is the lateral end of the line.
It also doesn't seem to know that that is what Seylan thinks it is.
Speaking of Kingsguards, on the other hand, this one splits the troops in two and hits the deal with that pursuit.
While one unit is responding to an enemy unit coming after us, the other unit advances south. Now the retreating unit hits the enemy's response to the attack, repeating it and gradually going down.
Among other things, Seylan shouts provocative words against Polk Nadar.
"Polk Nadar! You filthy pig! If you have the courage, use that sword to take away the rest of your life! Oh no, before courage, is it also difficult to get any closer in that ugly, fat body! Hahahahahahahahaha!"
"Little monk... you ahhhhhhhh!
"Angry faces are even uglier! I thought he was an ugly pig, but he's also hard to throw away a crushed frog!
Seylan stands up with Polk Nadar as if to take him away and tell him to look at him.
Looking out will be the Kingsguards moving while protecting Seylan.
While holding a ball called Ceylan, it has retreated well without any damaging damage.
I don't want to tell you how sophisticated I am.
"What are you doing! Why can't we get Saylan! Though they ride horses, they're a few more than this one!
"That's why the Kingsguard is so highly skilled..."
"Then turn the infantry unit in the horizontal line more this way! No matter how highly skilled or numerous you are, you can be a Kingsguard!
"Shit! But then there's the line..."
"Do you have a line or something?! Sooner or later, this line of battles will collapse than the Crusaders! We already have no other way out than to take out Seylan! Hit him with everything you can mobilize!
"... Ha! I understand!
Polk Nadar, who finished his interaction with his squire, turned to the infantry nearby to the fuselage.
"Hey, there you are"
"Yes! Anything for me?
"Come here."
Follow the call sent down to the lid, when the soldier approaches.
Suddenly, Polk Nadar pulled out his sword.
"... to?
Polk Nadar flashed his sword while the soldier also uttered a voice of confusion. The soldier who had his chest cut off fell in with a scream of "ghost," and stopped tickling.
Polk Nadar, who acted as if he were a show off, screams on the spot.
"Okay! I don't hear you cry because you have strong enemies! If your enemies are strong and powerful, they will throw away their lives and attack you! I think whoever disobeys this order will be like this man.
Kill your own soldiers to make known such harsh orders.
Too atrocious an act, but its effect was surface (tempestuous).
He arrives towards the Kingsguard, like a sheep driven up by a wolf while the infantry, fearing execution, raises a scream of panic.
Moving on or hell, retreating or hell would be this.
Eventually the earlier orders were passed on, or even from behind Polk Nadar's troops, the infantry troops follow.
Polk Nadar's troops... no, without even knowing that the entire Nadar army is getting stuck in the swamp created by Sairan.
"- First unit retreating. Second unit, we need backup for first unit.
Eurid said he was giving his life quietly to the Kingsguard.
The infantry attack became harsh, the response was delayed and a hole was holed in the formation.
Pork Nadar, who blamed it on a conspicuous view, gives a shouting order to the cavalry who was consolidating his surroundings.
"There! Cavalry, get in there.
The cavalry under that direction comes shouting for the three horsemen, Seylan.
Step on your own infantry, slip through the side of the Kingsguard you were holding back, and come straight here.
"Saylan Crocellulod! Ready, whoa, whoa!
Cavalry approaching with roar for Ceylan.
(This is...)
Fearing the impending pressure, I tried to cast a spell.
"Shut up and watch."
Following Ceylan's halt and ceasing to chant the spell, Eurid turned his horse's head and blocked him before the cavalry that had been shouting.
Eurid manipulates the white horse brilliantly, while responding to the three rides he has been shouting at.
When the spear protruded at the same time can be dislodged by firing, the cavalry is taken one horse at a time.
In a skillful move, the three-horsed cavalry was immediately taken over by him.
"What's up! Polk Nadar! How far is your army with the cavalry? Now we know if your vessel was your general!
Eurid's voice sounds.
Take the Kingsguard's mundane falls backwards against him and write off the lapse.
If a well-equipped cavalry is so easy to do, naturally the command of the infantry will also be lowered.
Meanwhile, Polk Nadar, who also received a discharge from Eurid, is turning to frenzy.
I can't hear what you're saying because you're speechless, but you must be strangling yourself against Eurid.
"... Your Highness stays put and asks for a provocation to Polk Nadar. I'll take command of the Kingsguard."
Eurid gives instructions to retreat again.
Besides, I run horses and follow them.
It sounds good to say I'm just following you, but this has been pretty hard.
You have to be vigilant all the time around you, and you have no time at all to worry.
While the Kingsguards are also knocking down the front of an impending infantry unit, Polk Nadar's instructions will reduce the number of enemy units rather than increase them. We are under more pressure than we could have imagined because we are about to crumble the infantry units that make up the horizontal formation until we defeat Seylan.
Due to the increased number of enemies, the audible footsteps become louder and the sound of metal hitting them increases.
More and more.
Let's go.
"... I"
All I hear is that sound. It echoes in my head and doesn't look like I'm going away.
"... hey"
Screams are extinguished by anger, which disappears swallowed by noise.
South like a retreat, and south again, driven by such a sound.
I don't know how long this action will last.
"Hey! You hear me! Hey!"
As I sank into my self, it was Kazy who had swayed my shoulders to the sieve.
"Huh? Oh... I hear you. Hey, what's up?
"... you, you okay? You said you were calling me earlier, but you didn't even say yes. What the hell is wrong with you?
"No... right"
Indeed, he was right, unable to respond immediately to the call.
No, it's not. I didn't hear you at all.
At some point, I couldn't even afford to hear the voices around me.
"... pretty tough. I'm going crazy."
That's how you expose your honest chest to Kazuki.
Though the Ode Wars maintained minimal tension, the mental wear was progressing unknowingly as they were rubbed by angers, screams, etc.
If this one's on the verge of attacking, it's still there.
Troops are constantly retreating and oppressed by their enemies.
After all, there is something spiritually coming.
"Ma, it's the first line. I can't..."
"You can afford Kazuki."
"When I was mobilized at the magic court, it was small, but I went through it a few times. Somewhat… really somewhat but intolerable"
That's what Kazzi says, shrugging his shoulders.
That's almost no different from him, who always slaps lightly.
It was now felt very reliable that people close to me could afford it.
But still, when I get distracted, I'm still driven by a desire to escape.
As the soldiers push over, they feel like they're watching the fire and the tsunami, and somehow they feel like they have to "evacuate from here quickly".
I guess that means this will come to life.
I didn't think the sheer magnitude of the number of violence was such a terrible thing.
In the meantime, Eurid calls out.
"Arcs Laceft"
"Oh, yes!
"If your heart is shriveling, match your voice to the voice of the Kingsguard. If you become one of the groups, your fears will be disputed. This is a battlefield. You can't survive without using everything. They even use illusions."
He's right, align his voice with the whispers of the Kingsguards that are raised from time to time.
Then, thanks to the fuzzy unity, I felt like I could counter it.
Even Eurid speaks of further caution.
"Arcs Laceft. Don't let Dawn float you. If you entrust yourself to it, you will be drawn into the invisible demon's hand of prominence. Use it more moderately while restraining yourself."
It also feels like it has a teacher who provides guidance because it calls out to me.
As for this one, as much as I appreciate the spare time, I also wonder if I can just stay on my own.
... If you look closely, the commander of the Kingsguard was put out instead by someone who looked like a deputy chief.
Instructions to retreat come in again, and when you move the horse, a concurrent kazzi calls out.
"What do you say? Are you calm?
"How much more than just now"
"If you're scared, you can hide behind me, okay?
"I won't hesitate to let you do that if you don't feel comfortable."
Saying that to Kazzi, on the side of Nadar's troops, the ice bed widened.
"Whoa, is that all you got over there?
I don't really see it, but I hear Noah's doing something like cover for me.
To see the situation, it seems that the enemy soldiers are making a huge detour and preventing us from turning around.
In the meantime, enemy soldiers forward began to erect bows and arrows.
I guess he pulled it this way, not just the lateral infantry, but even the archers who were in the rear.
"I can't even look over there."
"Oh, this looks like you should use magic -"
As the Kingsguards around you prepare to pay the bow, when you try to use sexual magic, Kazuzi goes to a stop.
"Wait, wait, don't get too fast... I'll do that"
"Huh? Oh..."
"Leave the arrowball to me!
When Kazzi told the surrounding Kingsguards that, he began chanting.
"- Argol's handy cloth. Firewood, firewood, tiptoe. Bamboo monkeys. They don't have holes in them. They don't have holes in them. Once you open it, you'll envelop anything in the moment. '
From the spell, it would be a [Argol's Cloth Calming Act] deformation he used previously in the sealing tower.
The cloth that Kazuki took out of her nostalgia grows [magic letters (arts glyphs)] together. Its cloth area is extra until it reaches the ground, and the thickness has increased somewhat heavier.
But Kazzi waved it somehow to match the flying arrow balls.
A large, sprawling sturdy fabric intercepts a number of flying arrowballs.
It was - naturally - Kazzi's handy cloth that won that battle.
As the exclamation rises from among the Kingsguards, speaking of the person who did it, he whistles sparingly.
How dependable.
"but clever again"
"Magic is versatile, huh?
"I know that. It's just a mystery why this was so crowded..."
"Don't ever steam back what's done!
After such a light mouth-watering exchange with Kazui,
"You're not too much of a magician, are you? If I strain too much right now, I'm gonna run out of breath later, okay?
"No, it's nothing. Do you mind if I wake up short of breath?
"What are you talking about? We can't use the magic you use, can we? If that happens, I'll hold my heart when it does. Until then, use your children well."
"... ok. Let me count on you."
In reply to Kazui that way, he mumbles his random pile teeth and makes his usual odd laugh.
I've been around for a while now.
I hope I don't have to do something myself - but I've just been told I shouldn't be too uptight right now, so I don't want to restrain myself here.
Second, it was when I was thinking about that.
"- He's a magician! Bring the Magic Team forward! Attack Saylan while defending against example anti-sexuality magic and opponents!
From the front, you can hear Polk Nadar's rambling instructions.
Shortly afterwards, before the Kingsguard, the Wizards appeared.
Probably that unit that didn't provide backup or anything when the cavalry bumped into each other.
Break a line of infantry, step forward, be smart, and line up quickly.
The movement is pretty good compared to the enemy demon mentors who took part in the magic shootout in the Ogata.
If it's just movement, isn't it comparable to the kingdom's magician troops? The degree to which you get that impression.
A Kingsguard unit immediately heads for a kick to prevent a magical ranged attack.
In contrast, the Enemy Demon Commander Squad uses anti-sexual magic.
When they cast spells, gray discolored [magic letters (arts glyphs)] were created, and eventually they formed orthohexagonal plates. When laid without gaps on the front of the Magic Instructors, everything coincided to build a single structure.
The translucent gray barrier that passes through the view over there is at first glance reminiscent of the barrier of the SF.
"Hey, seriously... that's a honeycomb structure"
The honeycomb structure with hexagonal planar filling is also used for tank armor.
The fact that the barrier is constructed using it should also mean that its defense cannot be compared to any other defensive magic.
As he leaks his mundane whining, the Kingsguard attack reaches the Enemy Demon Instructors' Anti-Sexual Magic.
The tip of a spear or crossbow crashes into a barrier, but...
"Oh, I can't get through the spear..."
Its tips and tips are bounced off as if they hit something stiff. Afterwards, they attack again and again, but the enemy's anti-sexuality magic is frightening.
Eurid, who sees it, gives instructions.
"Back off once! Magic Cavalry, take cover!
A Kingsguard magician casts a spell.
"- My will. Turn it into fire. Then burn the sky, a spear, burn through the stubborn."
The Spear of Fire flies against the Resistant Magic taken by the Enemy Demon Commander Squad.
Its tips collide with nothing but preventive magic, but the enemy demon mentor is intact to the barrier.
It perfectly prevented the magic of the [Flash Spear (Framloon)] unleashed by the Magic Instructors.
Seylan watching it squeaks in surprise.
"That Polk Nadar had such a wizard...?
"That would be hard to think about. For the troops under Polk Nadar, the proficiency is visible and high. No, too expensive."
Then where the hell are they from?
"It can't be considered from a mercenary regiment. Again, as Arcs Laceft said, there must be an empire shadow."
"... eh. Empire. Damn it."
Saylan, who heard Eurid's guess, throws up like that.
and immediately enhance the magic in your body,
"If the Kingsguard is impenetrable, with the rest of the magic..."
"Your Highness, that shouldn't be"
"In the unlikely event that His Highness's magic is prevented, it will affect you in the future. If you have the shadow of an empire, it's still in the pot they think it is."
Yes. The magic of Clocellulod used by Seylan is a symbol of the kingdom's power. Even if that were prevented, there could be a negative impact on the authority of Clocellulode.
... but not as good as this. The distance between the Kingsguard and the Enemy Demon Commander Squad is halfway due to the fact that they were in motion. I could be shot into magic while I'm retreating like this. Because some Kingsguards have a Magic Master, you can expect that defense, but the other number is higher now. Depending on the quality of magic that is shot in, it can also be devastating.
Seeing, the cavalry that was hitting Polk Nadar's escort began to move again.
I guess we'll put more pressure on the Kingsguard's avant-garde to make the magic exercise perfect.
Is there no longer a moment of respite?
Well, then...
"Your Highness. Would you mind if I hit one?
"Arcs. Do you have the magic to get through that defense?
"Ha. What could be"
"... I haven't heard the rest of it."
"No, it's nothing. Maybe we can do that, huh?
"Unless that's an imitation of tank armor."
"Tank armor? No, the tanks aren't as sturdy as that, are they?
"Yes, no. Not that tank."
Make hasty corrections. Seylan apparently thought of an ancient type of tank to pull with a horse. Speaking of which, even in this world, when it comes to tanks, it refers to that.
"... okay. Let's talk later. A few rides! Hit the Arcs escort!
When Seylan gives the instructions, he'll have a Kingsguard with him.
When I glanced at Kazuki, I nodded at you too.
I can't waste my magic, but it would mean that this situation is fine.
"So you, what are you going to do?
"Probably no half-breed magic can pass through that barrier. So use that magic"
"That magic? What?"
"Look, it's the array I let you use on my uncle's mountain before. You saw that, right?
Kazzi remembered that time, his face was tight.
"Don't get out in front of me. It'll be a hive."
"If you eat that, your body will crumble before the hive."
Kazzi, and with the Kingsguard who entered the escort, protruded to the front of the Kingsguard unit.
The enemy cavalry that saw it split into two hands, and approached from ten o'clock or two o'clock.
Turn the horse into a good position and turn it sideways.
"- A constant spitting demon. The pattern that penetrates. Black and instant no child affected (swollen). After the rain, the remaining sea is red. It is the heavenly rule to go around, and the heavenly rule to run. The excess heat (almost) does not cool. I don't even know the target star yet. The sound of blocking the shouting just hits me in the ear." It will be rampant. "
After the chant, when you plug your right arm into the magic formation that floated in the air, the magic formation starts spinning at high speeds.
Gatling gun, a weapon that changed the way men fight the world.
The magic that mimics it now raises its roar.
For the magic of fire enters the battlefield of the main magician, the beak of transformation.
- [Rotating Magic Lead Bullet (Spinning Barrel)]
The first thing to whine about is against the cavalry that's on its way.
"Don't think I'll let this magic happen..."
He uttered those words and uttered a word of [simultaneous shooting].
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