“Don’t mess with this, although Lynn is particularly young, his strength is absolutely unparalleled.”

“When I first defeated Locks, he was on his own, and I stood by and didn’t meddle in the fight.”

Whitebeard said solemnly.

Although Lynn is very young, there is no doubt that Lynn finally defeated Locks with his absolute strength.

The other pirates were particularly surprised.

Originally, I thought that Whitebeard had helped, but I didn’t expect that Lynn had defeated Locks with her own strength.

Many people have a special admiration for Lynn.

After all, Rocksk was the world hegemon.

“Daddy, Lynn is so good, do you want to go over and have a look, we also want to see what Lynn looks like.”

A lot of pirates were interested in Lynn.

They wondered what kind of person Lynn really was.

“Well, I’ll show you, and it’s just that there’s Lynn’s turf ahead.”

Whitebeard saw that his sons were interested in Lynn and prepared to take them to see Lynn by the way.

He also happened to have not seen Lynn in a while, and he could go and talk about it.

“Okay, Dad, we’ll go now.”

A group of pirates marched to Lynn’s Black Dragon Pirate Regiment’s territory.

However, in three days, we arrived at Dressrosa.

“It’s the Whitebeard Pirates, get ready.”

Many pirates saw the Whitebeard Pirates and immediately returned to their posts, ready to do so.

Whitebeard was quite calm, so he walked to the front of the pirate ship, domineering side leakage.

“Go and inform your captain that his old friend is coming.”

The pirates looked at each other, but in the end, one of them went to deliver Lynn’s letter.

After all, they weren’t sure if Whitebeard was really Lynn’s friend.

On the other side, Lynn was resting, and when he heard that Whitebeard had come, he was surprised, but he didn’t care too much, and even went to greet Whitebeard himself.

Whitebeard is also a good friend of his.

Moreover, Whitebeard is more honest, the two sides have no conflict of interest at all, and they will be a natural ally in the future.

Such a good friend, of course, can not give up.

Half an hour later, on the shore, Lynn looked at the whitebeard standing at the bow of the boat, running fast.

However, in a few moments, he crossed the street, then jumped into the air, and pulled out the demon knife and slashed at Whitebeard.

A flash of red light flashed away.

Whitebeard sneered, quickly pulled out his large knife, and slashed at Lynn in the sky.

Bells and bells…

A deafening metal roar echoed through the air.

An invisible stream of air centered on the two of them, completely exploded, and then flew into the vast sky, instantly smashing the sky into pieces.

The sky opened up completely.

“It’s terrible, the clouds are broken.”

“No, to be precise, the sky is shattered.”

The entire Whitebeard Pirate Regiment was shocked.

Originally, I was still suspecting that Lynn was so young, a little older than most of them, but he could beat Locks.

Now it seems that Lynn is really perverted.

After a bout of collision, Lynn quickly retreated, pulled away from Whitebeard, and stood smoothly on the side of the ship.

“Newgate, I thought you were old, but now it seems that you are not old yet, and your strength is quite strong.”

Whitebeard had a black face and hadn’t seen him in a while, and Lynn didn’t know to invite him to drink, but actually did something to him.

“Lynn, I haven’t seen you in a while, you seem to have itchy skin, I really want to beat you into the sea.”

Lynn withdrew the demon knife and then casually found a place to sit down, clasping her hands to her chest and looking at Whitebeard silently.

“No, is there anything to do with me?”

“Nothing, it’s just that my son heard that you are very good, so he wants to see you.”

Whitebeard also found a place to sit.

Nearby, the members of the Whitebeard Pirates all gathered around and stood around Lynn, looking at Lynn curiously.

Lynn’s face instantly darkened.

The movements and looks of these people look like monkeys in a zoo.

Is he a monkey?

“Newgate, these sons of yours, who don’t know any courtesy at all, look very bad, especially in the eyes, and I want to press them to the ground and rub them.”

Lynn gritted her teeth and said.

If these people were not the dry sons of Whitebeard, they would have been his juniors and would have already started beating people.

Whitebeard is also quite embarrassing.

“If you look at you, can you pay attention to a little bit, it’s a bit too much.”

The pirates immediately retreated backwards, all embarrassed.

Because their attitude just now is indeed a bit excessive, that is, Lynn is a friend of Whitebeard.

Otherwise, if you change to an ordinary sea thief, it is estimated that you will already be a killer.

“Captain Lynn, I’m so sorry.”

A young man with a pineapple head touched the back of his head, a look of apology.

The other pirates also apologized.

Not just because of apologies, but also because of respect for elders.

Lynn looked at the crowd.

Most of them he knew, especially the pineapple head, although he was particularly young, looking only about ten years old, but he had already recognized the identity of this man.

The captain of the future team, Marko.

It was also the Marco who lost everything.

It’s just that the current Marko, still a small child, is estimated to have just obtained the Demon Fruit, so he was brought by Whitebeard.

As for the strength, even Mitsuki Mita can’t beat it, and at most it’s just an intern.

“What is your name for this little pineapple-headed ghost head?” Look at you very polite, the strength is also very strong, do you want to join me in the Black Dragon Pirate Regiment. ”

Whitebeard’s face turned black, and as soon as the large knife in his hand flickered, Lynn just stepped back and easily dodged.

“Lynn, if you go too far, you know to dig my corner, believe it or not, I will stab you to death.”

Nearby, Marco also said in a righteous manner.

“I am a member of the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment, I will definitely follow Daddy, and it is absolutely impossible to betray the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment.”

Lynn nodded slightly.

Speaking so righteously, his blood boiled over.

Not to mention, his heart was infected.

“Alas, you have said so, and I don’t have much to say, but in the future you remember, what is the danger, remember to find Grandpa, understand?” Good grandson. ”

Lynn sighed, but there was no regret in her heart.

“I see.”

Marco nodded subconsciously, not hearing Lynn’s voice.

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