At the banquet, Lynn and Whitebeard toasted each other, and Kaido and Mitsuki Mita were also nearby, and the two sides drank very happily.

After three rounds of drinking.

Lynn suddenly raised her head and looked curiously at the white beard, the corners of her mouth slightly raised.

“Newgate, how did you come up to see me today?” We haven’t seen each other in a long time, haven’t we? ”

“It’s just a passing by, so I came over to see if you’re okay.”

Whitebeard said casually, and then continued to drink.

Lynn suddenly laughed.

“I thought you were being hunted down by the navy, so you had to flee to my turf and seek refuge from your friend of many years.”

The white-bearded man turned black and looked down on him so much.

Although it is true that the Sengoku gave up pursuing him, it is very likely that it was because of Lynn, but he was not afraid of the Navy.

“Oh, my intelligence agencies heard that you were being hunted down by the Navy on my turf, and I thought you escaped.

Lynn nodded, but there was a hint of doubt in her eyes.

Whitebeard noticed the look in Lynn’s eyes, and had known Lynn for so long, how could he not know what Lynn had in mind.

“Lynn, I think you’re still looking down on me.”

“Hahaha… Absolutely nothing, I have looked down on others in my life, and I can’t look down on you, but I have always believed in you. ”

Lynn laughed and didn’t take Whitebeard’s words to heart at all.

He certainly knew that Whitebeard could not be a navy.

But escaping towards him may also be one of Whitebeard’s strategies.

“Lynn, I still have to admire you, it’s only been more than a year, the intelligence agency is so perfect, even my position, you have investigated it clearly.”

Whitebeard also had to admire Lynn’s abilities.

“It’s okay, after all, I used to do this, so I know better.”

Indeed, I really want to thank the world government for cultivating him so well.

If the Five Old Stars knew, they would definitely be killed by Lynn.

The white-bearded face was also strange.

“If you say that, the Five Old Stars will definitely be very angry.”

“That is, you didn’t see my original dashing posture, the five old stars called me, I immediately broke my mouth and scolded, and the five old stars were stunned.”

Lynn said triumphantly.

If you want to scold the five old stars, ordinary people can’t do it.

Whitebeard looked at the triumphant Lynn and always felt that Lynn was boasting.

“Indeed, the captain scolded for a long time.”

Mitsuki Oda nodded beside him.

He also admired Lynn for daring to scold the supreme ruler of the world government, the Five Old Stars.

“Don’t say so much, let’s have a drink, have a good drink.”

Lynn raised her glass and interrupted the crowd.

For the next few days, Whitebeard remained in Lynn’s territory and had no intention of leaving, until the seventh day, when Whitebeard left.

After Whitebeard left, Lynn’s life became flat again.

Every day he drank and enjoyed himself.

After all, the strength has reached this point in him, and if he wants to become stronger, he can only strengthen, and without strengthening, he cannot become stronger at all.

Instead of working so hard, it is better to have a good rest.

Of course, although his life has become very plain, the life of Kaido and Mitsuki Mikata is not so plain.

The two people have to fight on the sea every day, the purpose is to reach the peak of their lives as soon as possible, after all, these two people have the potential of the Four Emperors.

On this day, Lynn was watching the beautiful woman dance, and Mitsuki Oda suddenly walked in from outside.

“Lynn, you’re here again watching beautiful women dance, and you have to let us train outside, why do you mean that?”

“What’s so embarrassing about it, I have worked hard for half a lifetime, fought a battle for half a lifetime, can’t I enjoy it well?”

“Keep singing, keep dancing, leave them alone.”

Lynn was invisibly placed on the beautiful woman, quite a feeling of Uncle Liu Huang.

The corners of Mitsuki’s mouth twitched slightly.

Half a lifetime of hard work, half a lifetime of fighting.

Lynn hadn’t been half a lifetime old, and she didn’t know how to say it.

The skin is really thick enough.

Forget it, bear with me.

Lynn noticed Mitsuki Mita’s expression, and with a sonorous sound, pulled out the demon sword Muramasa, and shook it in front of Mitsuki Mita’s eyes.

“When will you be able to beat me?” You can enjoy it, and if not, then you keep trying. ”

Mitsuki Odaru looked at the demon sword Muramasa dangling in front of him, and knew that Lynn was threatening him.

It’s very unpleasant, but the effect is very useful.

After all, he really couldn’t beat Lynn.

“You are cruel, I will not say anything, I will go to work hard now, one day, I will press you on the ground and rub it.” 」

Mitsuki Oda was indignant, then turned around and left.

After taking no more than two steps, Mitsuki Mita suddenly reacted, he had come this time for a purpose, not to stop Lynn.

“Wait, I have a very important thing to say, just now a pirate came to report that they have the whereabouts of the main text of history.”

Lynn was watching the beautiful women dance, and when she heard Mitsuki Mita’s words, she immediately clapped her hands and let all the beauties leave.

“The text of history has finally been found.”

Originally, Lynn didn’t care, but as soon as he thought of the achievement package, Lynn was ready to conquer the entire great channel and find Lavrud in the original book.

This way, you may be able to get an achievement package.

Fortunately, although he had given Roger the main text of the history before, he still made a copy.

Now it is only necessary to find the remaining three historical coordinates, and in the interpretation of the historical text, you can know the whereabouts of Lavrud in the end.

“Say, where is the historical text?”

Lynn’s eyes were filled with anticipation.

“Captain, according to intelligence, the text of history has been obtained by the Navy and is currently being escorted to the World Government, shall we go at once?”

Mitsuki Oda spoke, his eyes fixed on Lynn.

“Of course you have to go, but before that, what about Roger?” Where is he now? ”

Lynn was curious about Roger’s location.

If it were history, Roger would definitely go, and then he would be able to fish in muddy waters.

“Roger is also said to be rushing over, but the exact location is not known.”

Mitsuki Mikuta admired Lynn’s ability, the intelligence agency was so powerful that it could know so much.

“Roger also went, so that you don’t go down, wait here, keep an eye on the position of the Navy, and I will personally go to sneak up on the Navy.”

Lynn strode forward and quickly left.

(Forty thousand flowers plus more today, kneeling for everyone’s support.) )

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