“Ah He.”

Sengoku and Kapu’s faces changed instantly, and they couldn’t care less about fighting Roger.

They also did not expect Lynn to suddenly appear and immediately arrest Lieutenant General Crane.

The two were also ready to save Lieutenant General Crane, but unfortunately Lynn had already flown into the sky, flew far, far away, and disappeared.

Karp had no choice but to turn around and look at Roger indignantly, as if Roger had planned it all.

Sengoku’s eyes were also full of murderous spirit.

It is absolutely unforgivable to dare to grab their good friend, who was once their crush.

Roger was also confused.

His relationship with Lynn wasn’t much worse, but it wasn’t that good.

At least this matter has nothing to do with him.

Lynn was so disgusting, when he left, he still talked to him, and gave him everything.

Why did he have to give Lynn the aftermath.

Roger was still about to say something, when he noticed Lynn’s murderous look on his face and couldn’t help but shiver.

Seems to be in trouble.

“Karp, Sengoku, if I say that this matter has nothing to do with me, do you believe me?”

Roger had a cheeky lick on his face.

Definitely can’t give Lynn a black pot.

Reilly next to him was also quite speechless, how could he be so unlucky today.

Kapu didn’t speak, and neither did Sengoku.

The two of them looked at Karp with strange eyes, and the meaning was already obvious.

They would never believe Roger.

“Roger, you give me to die.”

Kapu pounced on Roger, and the battle between the two sides became more intense.

Roger didn’t have the heart to fight with Cap, and fought and retreated, fighting for a whole night, before escaping the navy with the help of night and storms.

When they fled, Roger and Reilly were relieved, but they were very upset.

They were actually pit by Lynn, gave Lynn a black cauldron, and had to face the mad Kapu and the Warring States.

They just want to say that they are really stressed.

Fortunately, this battle did not last long, and they finally ran out.

“It’s finally out.”

Reilly sighed, really afraid that he would not be able to escape.

“Don’t care so much, we first went to Lynn’s territory, took the historical text, and let us carry the black pot, but we must not just let them go.”

Roger drew his knife and aimed it at the sea in the distance, and the pirate ship set off in a mighty wave.

On the other side, Lynn flew through the sky with Lieutenant General Crane.

Although Lynn did not use much force, with the strength of Lieutenant General Crane, he could not get rid of Lynn’s dragon claws at all, and could only be carried away by Lynn.

Lieutenant General Crane’s heart was still a little anxious.

This time he was caught by Lynn, and he didn’t know if he could escape, maybe he would be Lynn’s slave in the future.

More afraid of what Lynn would do to her.

Lynn flew for a long time, saw an island below, and immediately swooped down, and then Lieutenant General Crane was right on the shore.

Tsurunaka threw the whole person into the sea and instantly lost the ability to move, but the water was too shallow and her head was still outside.

So you can still breathe, and there is no danger to your life.

Lynn transformed into a human form and stood next to Lieutenant General Crane, with a sly smile on his lips.

“This time the luck is really good, not only got the historical text, but also kidnapped such a beautiful girl.”

“No, you can’t describe it as a girl, it should be Obasan.”

Lynn touched her chin and looked at Lieutenant General Crane carefully.

When Lieutenant General Lynn said this, he was quite angry in his heart, and he always felt that he was looked down upon.

“Don’t talk nonsense, I’m not Obasan, I’m obviously prosperous, and I’m very pretty, absolutely can’t be Obasan.”

“It’s in full swing.”

Lynn glanced carefully at Lieutenant General Crane.

Alas, people who are already in their 30s actually say that they are prosperous.

At most, it is to grow up to be prosperous, but the actual age is no longer prosperous.

What a brazen guy.

Lieutenant General Crane also noticed Lynn’s expression and gritted his teeth in anger, eager to fix Lynn.

“You bastard, you’re just a pirate, a scumbag, what’s so great?”

Lynn smiled happily.

“Oh, the tone is still quite arrogant, I just don’t know, will it be so arrogant later.”

As he spoke, Lynn slowly leaned over Lieutenant General Crane.

Lieutenant General Crane looked at Lynn who was gradually approaching, and the evil expression, and his heart was also a little frightened, and he kept retreating.

“What do you want to do?” I tell you, don’t mess around, you beast. ”

Lynn heard the words beast, felt that she had been awakened to some kind of soul of desire, and removed her coat.

“You’re right, I’m a beast.”

“No, you’re overestimating me, I’m just not as good as a beast.”

The smile on Lynn’s face was even more evil.

Lieutenant General Crane noticed Lynn’s horrible smile and wanted to retreat, but fell into the sea, without any strength, and could only watch Lynn approach.

When Lynn was close at hand, Lieutenant General Crane closed his eyes, and his eyes were full of despair.

I didn’t expect that she would actually be bullied by pirates.

I’m sorry, my dear fiancé.

Lieutenant General Tsuru waited for a moment, thinking that Lynn was going to do something to him, but nothing happened.

When he opened his eyes, Lieutenant General Crane saw Lynn in front of him, his face full of smiles, which looked playful.

At this time, Lieutenant General Crane did not know where, she was played by Lynn, and Lynn did not like her at all.

“Hahaha… You think too much, do you think I’ll look up to you? If you want nothing, it’s a tablet Lolita, who will look at you. ”

Lynn smiled triumphantly.

Lieutenant General Tsuru could no longer control the anger in his heart.

“Damn, there is a kind of don’t let me escape, as long as I run, I will definitely take revenge and blood hatred.”

Lynn, who had originally stopped, approached Lieutenant General Crane once more, his face full of evil smiles.

“I originally planned to let you go, but since you said so, I can only do something to you in order to kill people and kill you.”

With that, Lynn approached Lieutenant General Tsuru.

Lieutenant General Crane felt some regret in his heart, why did he offend Lynn again, obviously the matter had passed.

Unfortunately, it’s too late to regret it.

One of Lynn’s hands was already on Lieutenant General Crane’s collar and pulled slightly.

Lieutenant General Crane’s heart was filled with despair.

Sorry, handsome fiancé.

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