At night, Lynn went to find Tianyue, got to know each other well, and came to Lieutenant General Crane’s room.

By the time Lynn left, Lieutenant General Tsuru had left a look of remorse and humiliation in his eyes.

Outside, Lynn looked at the moon in the sky, and she was particularly happy inside, and she couldn’t help but pull on her clothes.

“Alas, how wonderful life is, I hope that it will always be like this, and there will be no more trouble.”

With that, Lynn strode away.

Today is really tired, once to teach two people a lesson, but these two people resisted particularly fiercely, he really wants to rest.

If you don’t take a break, your body can’t hold back.

For the rest of the time, Lynn’s life became quite ordinary, doing what she wanted to do every day.

Take care of Lieutenant General Tsuru by the way.

The news of Lynn and Lieutenant General Tsuru’s wedding did not spread, but it was soon known to the Navy Headquarters.

In the Admiral’s office, all the navy faces were particularly ugly, especially one of the lieutenant generals, whose eyes were full of anger.

None of them thought that Lynn was actually married to Lieutenant General Tsuru, and what they could do after marriage, normal people knew.

“Damn, damn Lynn, he did such an outrageous thing, he must not let go.”

Steel Bone Empty roared out angrily.

The other navies were also indignant and wanted to send troops to recruit Lynn immediately and completely eliminate Lynn.

But at the thought of Lynn, who could fly and was haunted, all the navies were helpless, and the steel bone was helpless.

Kapu and Sengoku were indignant.

The goddess in their minds was thus defiled by Lynn.

If it was to marry other Navy, it would be just a pirate like Lynn.


“Marshal Air, you must find a way to save Ah He, she is also a member of our navy.”

Karp said hurriedly.

Sengoku and the other navies also nodded their heads, and they had to save Lieutenant General Tsuru.

Of course, it was impossible for Steelbone to abandon Lieutenant General Crane.

“I see, Sengoku, you go to the Navy’s treasure trove and see if you can find some Demon Fruit, and then send someone to Dressrosa to discuss it with Lynn.”

Sengoku and others were quite touched in their hearts.

Steelbone Kong is worthy of being a field marshal, and is actually willing to take out the demon fruit to save Lieutenant General Crane.

Of course, it is also because Lieutenant General Tsuru is strong, has a high status in the naval headquarters, and is friends with Kapu.

Ordinary Navy members do not have such treatment.


After Lynn’s big wedding, it has been a little more than half a month, and every day she lives a life of drunken dreams and death.

In the evening, split into two groups.

First go to find Lieutenant General Crane, and then look for Tianyueshi.

Lieutenant General Crane seemed to have silently accepted, not angry, but the look in his eyes, eager to eat Lynn.

But how could Lynn care about that, she had to live happily ever after.

On this day, Lynn had just gotten up from Lieutenant General Tsuru when she heard the navy coming.

“I didn’t expect the Navy to come.”

Lynn was confused.

Soon, however, Lynn returned to God, presumably for Lieutenant General Crane, but unfortunately, Lieutenant General Crane was already his man.

In one lobby, Lynn sat in the main seat, next to a lot of pirates.

Kaido and Mitsuki Mikata are left and right.

Quite a feeling of a golden hall.

Below, the Navy was trembling.

After all, Lynn and Kaido are pirates standing at the top of the world, and he is just an ordinary navy.

If it wasn’t for the Navy headquarters asking him to come over, he wouldn’t have wanted to come over at all.

“Lord Lynn.”

The Navy bowed its head respectfully.

Lynn took a closer look at the navy, just a captain.

But also, where dare they send good navies over, especially Kapu them.

There were more people, and Lynn would surely run away.

But there were fewer people, and it was to give Lynn a head.

“Say, what’s the matter with your Navy?”

“Lord Lynn, Marshal Air asked me to come over, hoping that you can release Lieutenant General Crane, and if there is anything we can discuss.”

Lynn showed a look that was indeed so.

This is indeed the purpose of the Navy.

“Your school let me release Lieutenant General Tsuru, but you know what? I’m already with Lieutenant General Tsuru, and even married, so let me let her go, which is a bit inappropriate. ”

The admiral’s face was also strange.

He also didn’t expect Lynn and Lieutenant General Tsuru to be married.

However, since it was the order of the Navy Headquarters, he could only obey.

“Lord Lynn, our Air Marshal said that as long as you agree to release Lieutenant General Crane, it can provide an excellent animal demon fruit.”

At the mention of the Animal Demon Fruit, Kaido’s eyes next to him lit up.

“Lynn, this is a good thing, and immediately promise him, a woman, I can send you one hundred and eighty.”

The corners of Lynn’s mouth twitched slightly.

Kaido said it well, it was his woman, and it didn’t hurt to give up.

This guy’s face is really thick enough, or should be a harsh lesson.

But don’t say that if Lieutenant General Tsuru is not handed over, it is estimated that the Navy will be particularly angry, and Kapu and Sengoku may give up everything and come to him for trouble.

There is no need to offend so much for a woman.

And perhaps because of his forcible possession, Lieutenant General Crane is now very angry and does not accept him at all, and may be able to release Lieutenant General Crane for the time being.

After a while, Lieutenant General Crane eased up, and then snatched Lieutenant General Crane back, and then it was still his man.

You can warn Lieutenant General Tsuru first.

“You wait, I’ll think about it.”

Lynn came to Lieutenant General Crane’s room.

At this moment, Lieutenant General Crane, especially angry, did not look at Lynn.

“Ah He, I let you go, what do you think?” Lynn asked tentatively.

Lieutenant General Crane looked at Lynn with some disbelief, and his eyes were full of a hint of anticipation.

She really wanted to get out of here.

Lynn also noticed Lieutenant General Crane’s expression, and understood that Lieutenant General Crane really wanted to go back.

Well, first get the Navy’s Demon Fruit in hand, and in a few years, wait until Vice Admiral Crane accepts it, and then snatch Lieutenant General Crane back.

“Well, I’ll put you back, but if I let me know that you’re with other men, I’ll kill you at the naval base.”

Lynn warned viciously, with a hint of murderous anger in her eyes.

Lieutenant General Tsuru was suddenly a little excited inside.

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