Soon, the members of CP0 were solved.

Olvia immediately came from the other side, ran quickly to Lynn, and handed Lynn the file in her hand.

“Captain, I have translated and already know the whereabouts of Lavrud.”

Everyone in the vicinity set their sights on Olvia.

This is Lavrud, the legendary final island, and they are curious about what is in it.

Lynn was equally curious, took the file in her hand, and took a rough look.

What is written on it is indeed quite true.

But alas, he was not a navigator.

But that didn’t matter, he just wanted to find out about Lavrud’s whereabouts as soon as possible.

“Kaido, go get ready, and tonight we’ll go to Lavrud.”

“No problem, I happen to be curious too.”

Kaido did not refuse, he was also quite curious, the legendary Lavrud, where it was.

Many pirates nearby are a bit eager to try.

They were all particularly interested in Lavrud.

“You stay, there’s no need to go, the others follow me.”

Lynn wasn’t planning to take these people with her.

Such an important place should still be hidden.

The other pirates were disappointed, but none of them dared to disobey Lynn, and could only sigh.

Even the ambitious Blackbeard is not particularly concerned, and he wants to find the Dark Fruit more than Lavrud’s whereabouts.

That night, on the shore, there was a boat parked, and all the people I said were standing on it.

In addition to Mitsuki Mita and Kaido, it is Olvia and Atsuki.

The others only have fire embers, because it is the three plagues of the future, the strength is strong, Lynn is very fond of him, which is what he brings.

The rest are not eligible.

“Let’s go now.”

Lynn immediately turned into a black dragon form and grabbed the pirate ship as soon as he took it.

Then flap your wings vigorously and rush into the clouds.

Soon it was gone.

The pirates looked at Lynn who was leaving, and felt special regret in their hearts.

“It’s a pity, and seriously, I want to know where Lavrud is.”

“Indeed, I want to know too.”

Many pirates are particularly curious.

Unfortunately, just curiosity, there is nothing they can do.

Even Blackbeard just looked at it silently, then turned and left.

Lavrut’s whereabouts are really hard to find.

It took Lynn more than half a month, across the sea, through countless storms and torrential rains, to find Lavrud.

The legendary Last Island.

Next to the island, Lynn put down the boat.

“It’s really terrible, I didn’t expect the situation here to be so complicated.”

Mitsuki Oda couldn’t help but sigh.

Several others nodded as well.

In the past few days, they have either encountered a big storm, or they have encountered heavy rain, hailstorms, and super tsunamis.

No wonder so few people have been able to find out about Lavrud’s whereabouts over the years.

Coupled with the fact that the world is big enough, even if Kaido can fly, it is estimated that it will be difficult to find Lavrud.

“Don’t say it, it’s me who suffers.”

Lynn was crying without tears.

Although he could fly into the sky, above the clouds, there was no need to be afraid of being affected by heavy rain.

But it’s still really tiring.

“Not to mention, this island is really full of birds and flowers.”

Mitsuki Oda looked at the island in front of him, lush and green, and the island was full of birds passing by, which was also very peaceful.

Lynn looked at the island in front of her.

“Indeed, don’t say, this island is very good, if you retire in the future, you can retire on this island.”

“Hmm, what old is raised?” Or see what secrets there are on this island, maybe there are any ultimate weapons. ”

Kaido snorted coldly and walked toward the middle of the island.

Lynn nodded slightly, which was okay.

Although she was not interested in the blank 100-year history, she was quite interested in Lavrud’s secrets.

If you can find some demon fruits and some treasures, you are not here in vain.

“Well, let’s go up and have a look.”

Olvia was at the forefront, particularly excited.

She had long wanted to see what this blank 100-year history was.

A group of people went into the woods, and after some searching, quickly found the building.

It’s just that the building is badly damaged, the surface is full of green moss, and there are many vines.

Lynn searched for a long time, finally found an entrance, and then led everyone into the palace together.

In the palace, there are frescoes everywhere.

In addition to the murals, there are many texts.

When Olvia saw these words, she pounced on them excitedly, holding an electric lamp, desperately illuminating them, while interpreting them.

As for Lynn, he walked around the palace and finally found nothing, not a dime.

Not to mention a dime, not a single coin.

Not even a single piece of gold he found.

Lynn found a place to sit down, leaning back, and her expression was very unhappy.

“Really, it took so long, and in the end nothing was found, and I knew I wouldn’t come.”

Kaido and Mitsuki Mita were also next to Lynn, particularly disappointed, as they had also walked around and found nothing.

There are only these murals and ancient texts.

But they are not interested in these at all.

Olvia was the only one and was particularly excited.

“Forget it, the good guys are not without gains, at least we have conquered this island, and it is also very face-saving to say it.”

Lynn wasn’t sorry anymore.

The main thing is that he is looking forward to the achievement of the big package.

According to the personality of the system, as long as this matter is passed on and known to everyone, he will definitely be able to have a gift package.

“Yes, we have conquered this island and reached the final island, and we are One Piece, the number one pirate in the world.”

Mitsuki Oda stood up excitedly and opened his hands.

Even Kaido was boiling with the blood of Mitsuki Oda said.

Tianyue grabbed Lynn’s arm tightly, and then leaned on Lynn’s shoulder.

“Lynn, congratulations.”

“You’ve become the king of the world.”

Lynn lifted one foot and looked at the mural in front of her.

“You’re right, I’m the king of the world.”

Saying this, Lynn’s domineering spirit went straight into the sky and spread across the island.

All the birds and beasts were frightened and fled.

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