A cold light shone in the golden lion’s eyes.

One Piece’s identity made him very unhappy.

Why could Lynn become One Piece, and even try to stand on his head.

He could never have admitted it.

And when he thought of the ancient weapon, the golden lion suddenly had anticipation in his eyes.

If he could possess ancient weapons, he would be able to become stronger, and then he might be able to dominate the whole world and complete his ambitions.

“Pass on the order, all the fleets set out together, the money goes to Dressrosa, and I’m going to conquer Lynn’s team.”


The whole Flying Pirate Regiment began to prepare.

Over the years, not only Lynn has developed, but so has the Golden Lion, and his pirate group is also very large.

With dozens of teams, a lot of powerful men, unfortunately, it is still not as good as Lynn’s team.

However, the Golden Lion did not pay attention to it, he believed in his strength, as long as he could defeat Lynn, he could defeat Lynn’s team.

The world government is also secretly prepared.

As long as someone does something to Lynn, they will definitely do it, taking the opportunity to completely eliminate Lynn.

The whole world began to undercurrent.

That is, Lynn herself does not know, but even if Lynn knew, she would not take it to heart.

Soldiers will come to block, water will come to cover.

On this day, Lynn was resting when suddenly there was a loud explosion that alarmed the entire kingdom.

Lynn opened her eyes and looked at the sky, a cold light in her eyes, and picked up the demon knife on the side of Muramasa in her right hand.

“Very well, people now, more and more arrogant, I want to see how arrogant these people are.”

Although he hadn’t gone out yet, he had already guessed that someone must have done something to him.

I just don’t know who it is.

Lynn had just stepped out of the room and looked up to see huge ships floating in the sky.

Golden lion.

Have this ability. There is only the golden lion with the ability to flutter fruit.

Sure enough, the Golden Lion believed the words of the world government, so he came to him on purpose, and it was even possible that he tried to conquer him.

In the distance, Kaido and Mitsuki Oda also heard the huge movement, and at the same time jumped out of the room and looked at the sky.

Neither person’s expression was very good.

Someone actually did something to them, which is clearly punching them in the face.

“Stoney, this bastard.”

Kaido gritted his teeth.

When he was in the Locks Pirates, he was once bullied by the Golden Lion.

Now I actually met the golden lion again.

Kaido was suddenly a little excited, he was bullied at first, and this time he could get back to the field.

He wants revenge for blood and hatred.

In mid-air, the golden lion looked down at his triumphant work and laughed triumphantly.

“Hahahahaha… Lynn, Lao Tzu has already arrived, don’t hurry up and meet Lao Tzu. ”

Lynn’s face darkened, this guy was so arrogant that he actually wanted him to greet him, too unscrupulous.

The golden lion must be taught.

“Shi Ji, you are so arrogant that you dare to be so arrogant, I will never let you go today.”

Lynn ran fast, jumped from building to building, and soon came directly above, then raised his hand to stab.

A sharp red sword qi soared into the sky.

The golden lion also jumped up, and also swung out a sword, and the golden sword qi flew towards the red sword qi with lightning speed.

The two sword qi quickly collided together.


A loud explosion sounded, and a strong air current, accompanied by endless smoke and dust, erupted and obscured everyone’s view.

Lynn landed smoothly on the ground, looking up at the sky, his right hand clenched the demon sword Muramasa, and the green tendons on his arm burst out.

The soot gradually dissipated.

The golden lion also fell from the sky, holding a knife in each hand, and looked at Lynn silently.

“Lynn, how’s it going?” Do you want to be my deputy? ”

“Don’t you dream, how can I be your crew?” To be a deputy, you should also be my deputy. ”

Lynn had a look of disdain on her face.

He was also One Piece, how could he have defected to the Golden Lion.


Kaido suddenly rushed from a distance, leaping into the air, the wolf’s tooth stick in his hand, and fiercely swinging a stick.

“Thunderous gossip.”

Between the swings, with a strong current.

The golden lion could hear the crackling sound in the air, and immediately lifted Sakura and Deadwood to block in front of him.


Kaido’s powerful power exploded, and even the golden lion, his arm trembled slightly, and he took a step back.

“Such a strong force, Kaido, after so many years, you have become much stronger, do you want to turn to me?”

The golden lion’s eyes revealed a glint of essence.

He was still quite shocked in his heart, the original Kaido was just like this, and now the power was so strong.

Coupled with the strength of the animal esper species, ordinary people are really not opponents.

It was surprising that such a powerful person had joined Lynn’s team.

“Stoney, give me death!”

Kaido let out an angry roar, and then swung a stick at the golden lion.

There was a cracking sound in the air, and the space was shattered by Kaido.

“The Lion Roll of Might.”

The golden lion opened his hands, fluttering fruits to start, and the nearby houses, as well as the stone slabs on the ground, instantly formed a huge lion.

Several lions roared in a mighty rage, and then pounced on Kaido together, instantly encircling Kaido.

Lynn raised her demon sword and came to the other side, ready to join Kaido in dealing with the Golden Lion.

As for the crew of the Golden Lion, they had already been blocked by Mitsuki Mita, and in a short period of time, they could not break through the defense line at all.

The Golden Lion was also very arrogant, and even in the face of Lynn and Kaido, there was no intention of retreating.

He wanted a few forces against the two.

“Lynn, I’ve been trying to teach you a lesson for a long time, what One Piece, you are not qualified to be One Piece, I am the real One Piece.”

The golden lion suddenly let out a roar, and the nearby earth trembled, and the stones on the ground soon formed several huge lions.

These majestic lions rushed towards Lynn at the same time.

Lynn pulled out two knives and swung them casually.

It was a flash of sharp red light, which completely cut the lion apart in an instant.

The Golden Lion wasn’t too shocked, and if Lynn didn’t have such strength, he would look down on Lynn.

In the distance, several figures suddenly came running, quickly approaching the battlefield.

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