A big war is finally over.

Although he did not grab any gold and silver jewelry, Roger still took the initiative to leave some of them.

After all, Roger didn’t care about any money.

On this day, Lynn was resting when she suddenly heard the system.

Lynn suddenly became agitated.

I haven’t heard the sound of the system for a long time, and I don’t know what happened to the system.

The main thing has been for many years and has not been strengthened.

The body cannot be strengthened, and the demon fruit cannot be strengthened.

“Ding-dong, the system upgrade is complete.”

“Upgraded, it should be OK, right?”

Lynn looked down at the system panel.

Nothing has changed much.

Name: Lynn

Physique: LV10

Swordsmanship: Top swordsman

Domineering: Top notch

Black Dragon Fruit: Awakening

Dark Fruit: Awakening

Reinforcement points: 6 points

The reinforcement points have accumulated a lot, but unfortunately none of them can be strengthened, and Lynn feels particularly sorry

“Ding-dong, the system has been successfully upgraded, every ten enhancement points, you can redeem a little breakthrough point.”

“A little breakthrough point can make your body, ability, etc. break through the limits of this world.”

Lynn understood.

His body and abilities have reached the limits of this world, belonging to the ceiling level of the figure.

The reinforcement point is not enough, and it must be a breakthrough point.

This should be the so-called praise.

But alas, Lynn didn’t care.

“Forget it, since it can’t work, then wait a few more years, anyway, these years, others don’t dare to do anything to me.”

Lynn had thought four years was a long one.

But when he thought of his own strength, ordinary people did not dare to do anything to him at all, and four years was fleeting.

Four years later, he was stronger.

Lynn forgot about the system, then picked up the newspaper on the side and looked at it carefully.

Battle of Atwall.

“Shi Ji is also true, once again fooled by the world government, actually went to arrest Roger.”

Lynn remembered the last time he had arrived in Lavrud, and as soon as the world government flickered, the golden lion came.

This time the world government said that Roger had ancient weapons, and the golden lion actually passed.

As for whether the golden lion believed it or not, Lynn didn’t know and didn’t want to know, but it was certain that the golden lion was most likely unhappy.

Why is one or two more famous than him?

He is also a big man.

“Forget it, there is no need to dwell on this kind of thing, next, it should be Roger turning himself in, and soon the big era is coming.”

Lynn tossed the newspaper aside, leaned back, and looked up at the sky outside the window, a little excited inside.

The big time is coming, and it is time for him to continue to develop.

Don’t know what the next achievement package is.

Just as Lynn was thinking, the East Sea, the town of Rogue, Roger himself came to the naval base.

The navies at the naval base all knew Roger.

Seeing the arrival of the world-class sea thief Roger, all the navies were frightened and even retreated, not daring to go near Roger.

Roger also noticed the change in these people, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and he had a very bright smile on his face.

Under the Navy’s astonished gaze, Roger suddenly sat down and held out his hands.

“I turned myself in today.”

All the navies present were stunned.

They also did not expect that Roger, the world’s most famous sea thief, would actually turn himself in.

Really fake?

Or did they hear it wrong?

How could Roger possibly turn himself in.

Although it was quite surprising, there was still a navy that sneaked closer, then picked up the handcuffs and leaned over Roger.

“Hurry, hurry up and inform the Navy Headquarters.”

The commander of the Navy was particularly excited.

Roger the Sea Thief has finally been found, and although Roger has turned himself in, he has a lot of credit for it no matter what.

Naval Headquarters.

Steelbone soon learned the news of Roger’s arrest, and his heart was particularly shocked.

However, when he knew that Roger had turned himself in, the steel bone was a little confused.

It was the first time I had seen the sea thief turn himself in.

In the past, those sea thieves, every time they saw their navy, they were eager to fight with the navy.

“Marshal Air, I think there must be a conspiracy.”

A certain admiral suddenly said something.

Other admirals also suspected that Roger was ill-intentioned and definitely did not surrender.

“Whatever the reason, since Roger surrendered, let’s get him arrested at once, isn’t Kapu in the East Sea?” Let him go over immediately. ”

Although the steel bone empty also suspected, but the delivery of the door is not, that is an idiot.

The navies all nodded.

Although Roger’s purpose was not very clear, he had already surrendered himself, and the Navy did not dare to accept it, saying that he would laugh at the dead.

Pirates’ moves, they follow.

Soon, Cap came to the East China Sea, made sure that Roger had been captured, and then informed the Navy Headquarters.

The Navy Headquarters also immediately sent support to prepare for the complete execution of Roger in the East China Sea.

Before the execution, the naval headquarters was not in a hurry, and some things could not be exposed for the time being.

If you are not prepared, you will be executed in the East China Sea, and maybe people will be snatched away by other pirates.

After a while of preparation, the Navy was finally ready and published a newspaper ready for Roger’s public execution.

For a time, people all over the world knew.

Almost the vast majority of pirates don’t believe it.

After all, this is the top sea thief in the new world, who has been traversing the sea for more than ten years, how can he be caught so easily.

Only a very small number of people believe it.

I don’t believe it alone.

Take the golden lion, for example.

The Golden Lion could not accept Roger’s capture.

After all, the person Rogers was able to escape from his hands was also the one he recognized.

A man like Roger could never have been caught.

The angry golden lion put down his companion and went to the naval headquarters alone, where he had a fierce confrontation with the navy.

Unfortunately, although the golden lion is powerful, it is impossible to defeat the navy.

And it was at the naval headquarters that the navy was defeated.

After a fierce battle, the navy finally defeated the golden lion at the cost of destroying half of the horses.

In a moment, two top sea thieves were caught, causing huge waves in an instant.

Some pirates even thought that the Navy was no longer working, and they planned to find a place to hide, so as not to be liquidated by the Navy.

But there are many more pirates that are not afraid.

Even if Roger and the Golden Lion are caught, at least there are many top sea thieves.

Take Lynn, for example.

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