Less than a month later, Lynn was back in Dressrosa, where Celestial Moon and Olvia had been waiting for a long time.

Even Mitsuki Mita and Kaido knew that Lynn was coming, and waited on the shore in advance to wait for Lynn to return.

“Lynn is back.”

Kaido said suddenly.

The others also noticed at this time that there was indeed a huge black shadow in the sky, rapidly approaching.

If you look closely, this is Lynn.

Lynn slowly landed on the ground, then put the girl in her hand down.

Mitsuki Mitsuki saw the maiden in Lynn’s hand, and a look of joy appeared in her eyes.

“Lynn, you’re such a good man, go out, get me a lady.”

Just when Mitsuki Oda was excited, Lynn suddenly held out her hand and blocked Mitsuki Mita’s way.

“I’m sorry, this is not for you, this is the supreme ruler of the world government, the Five Old Stars, and I have already taken it down.”

Mitsuki Mita’s face instantly turned black.

“Lynn, all the beautiful beauties, all of them have been occupied by you, and you still want to face it?”

“Excuse me, what is face?” Is this thing of any use? Or beauty is more important. ”

Lynn gave Mitsuki Mita a blank stare.

Mitsuki Oda didn’t say much more.

Tsukizuki and Olvia walked over to Lynn, grabbed Lynn’s arm, and then glanced at the girl again.

“This girl is really nice, and I agree that you two are together.”

The girl was scared.

In fact, it was snatched away and given to the five old stars, and now it was snatched by Lynn.

But don’t say, compared to the old man five old stars, or Lynn is more handsome.

It’s better to be with Lynn than with the old men.

“You follow me, I will protect you and will never let you suffer any harm.”

Lynn said domineeringly.

“Captain Lynn, please take refuge from now on.”

The girl’s tone was a little weak, and Lynn closed her eyes and enjoyed it carefully.

“Don’t say, this sound is very good, you will be my person in the future.”

Mitsuki Oda next to him was jealous and hateful.

Such a beautiful beauty, how good it should be.

Lynn left with the girl.

Back at home, Tianyue and Olvia glanced at each other, then gently pushed Lynn’s arm.

“Lynn, you’ll rest with her tonight, and we’ll go back first.”

“Then take a break.”

Lynn turned and left.

When I left, I also took away a cute girl.

The night went by, and Lynn finally understood what girlish tenderness was.

It is no wonder that the five old stars will look at this young girl, and it is really not ordinary gentleness.

He could now imagine that the Five Old Stars would surely be envious and jealous.


In the morning, Mitsuki Oda came from afar.

“Lynn, you seemed to be very happy last night, and really, didn’t you mean to introduce me to a girlfriend?”

“Oh, I’ve asked them to help you find some, and I’ll definitely be able to find some beautiful ones that won’t disappoint you.”

“By the way, Whitebeard has some daughters, which are pretty good, or I’ll let him introduce them to you.”

“No, I’m the same generation as Whitebeard, and I’m marrying his daughter, what’s going on?”

Mitsuki Oda immediately refused.

Lynn thought about it carefully, this is also true, this life is not enough.

“You can rest assured, at most a year, I will introduce you to a good one, but you should not be too exquisite, get married first.”

“Got it.”

Mitsuki Oda complained, turned and left.

At breakfast, many people eat together, and Kaidu and Mitsuki Mita are in the living room.

A group of people were eating, and they were having a good time.

“By the way, Lynn, I heard that you snatched that girl from the Five Old Stars, and you’re really brave.”

Kaido admired Lynn for daring to do such a crazy thing.

The others needless to say, especially admired Lynn.

After all, it was the highest power in the world government, and Lynn dared to rob the wife of the five old stars, which was definitely not ordinary bravery.

“By the way, I’ll show you another trick, and you’ll take a good look at it.”

Lynn looked triumphantly at the crowd under her, then pulled out a phone and quickly dialed it.

“Lynn, what are you doing on the phone when you bastard?” Do you really think I wouldn’t dare kill you? ”

On the other side, there was the roar of the bald five old stars.

Lynn was quite calm, and the people nearby looked at it with curiosity.

They also wanted to know what Lynn wanted to do.

“Five old stars, don’t say that, in fact, I feel very sorry for you, so this time I specifically called you.”

“I want to tell you that last night that girl was very nice and very moist, and she was also very cooperative with me, and I liked it.”

“By the way, there are still eighteen hundred people in my pirate group, most of them are bare sticks, and they don’t have their own wives yet, so why don’t you introduce them a little more?”

Lynn was purely provocative in his remarks.

Mitsuki Oda listened to Lynn’s words and immediately came to Lynn’s side and grabbed the phone.

“Five old stars, introduce me to one, preferably more beautiful than last night, better figure, I have not had a girlfriend so far.”

“Yeah, let’s introduce one too.”

“We need it too.”

Everyone present began to boo.

On the other side of the phone, the five old stars were all silent.

Several other people looked at the bald five old stars.

After all, it was he who was humiliated this time.

The bald head of the five old stars suppressed the anger, both hands were tightly pressed, and the fingers were pressed a little white.

He was humiliated this time.

The woman he was attracted to was slept by Lynn, and Lynn also called to taunt her.

“Lynn, do you think I really don’t dare kill you?”

“Five old stars, don’t get angry, I’m just asking, by the way, you’d better not mess around, if you come randomly, I’ll go to the Holy Land Mary Joa and set the fire.”

“I know you’ll be fine, but those Draco, they’re not as strong as you, and they may be spat out by my flames.”

This is a threat, a naked threat.

The five old stars were all angry with Lynn.

“By the way, that’s it for today, and I won’t be asking you for trouble in the future, but if you are in trouble with me, don’t blame me for not being polite.”

Lynn gave a warning, then hung up.

Anyway, the five old stars may really break out.

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