“No problem, I’m willing to leave with you.”

Marciano did not refuse, and the authorities agreed to Lynn’s request.

She also understood what Lynn meant, and if she didn’t obey, the whole windmill village would be finished.

For the sake of the windmill village, you can only sacrifice yourself.


The village chief was still about to say something, and the knife in Lynn’s hand was already on his neck.

Marciano quickly grabbed Lynn’s arm, and still held it tightly, afraid that Lynn would move.

“This gentleman, you let the village chief go, and the village chief didn’t mean it.”

“Well, I’ll let him go now, but you’ll leave with me later.”

Lynn hugged a princess, picked Marciano up, and left with Marciano.

“By the way, thank you Kapu for introducing me to so many cute girls. I am so grateful to him. ”

Lynn laughed.

The village chief’s face was particularly ugly, it was all Cap’s fault, and there was nothing wrong with mentioning the matter of Marciano.

Well, now that Marciano has been robbed.

Just three days after Lynn left, Cap returned with his men.

“Chief, what about Marciano?” Where has she gone? ”

Karp was particularly anxious.

The village chief was already very angry, and when he saw that Kapu had returned, he was even more angry, and immediately ran to the front of Kapu, picked up the crutch in his hand, and knocked hard twice.

“Karp, you bastard, didn’t you tell that pirate?” There was a beautiful woman in our village. ”

“What? Did I say anything about it? Is it hard for me to accidentally say it when I was drunk? ”

Karp only knew that he had mentioned beauty, but not of Marciano.

But after thinking about it for a while, it may have been when he was drunk, and accidentally said it, just when Lynn heard it.

The village chief was already very angry, and when he heard Kapu’s words, he was even more angry, and the crutch in his hand knocked many times.

“You bastard, you mean to say this thing, it turns out that it is all your fault, can this kind of thing be said?” And also a pirate. ”

Kapu was beaten many times, even very hard, but he did not dare to resist, and could only let the village chief beat him continuously.

And the main thing, he felt that he had done something wrong too, and he was embarrassed to fight back.

“Chief, I can’t help it, Lynn, this bastard, in fact, is also a self-acquaintance, he asked me for a drink, I was scared for a while.”

The village chief became even angrier, and kept beating Kapu hard.

“They all blame you bastard, it’s okay to drink with pirates, and you’re still such a pirate, you bastard, I must kill you.”

Of course, although it was said that he wanted to kill Kapu, the village chief did not really kill people, at most, he beat people.

Karp’s heart was filled with resentment.

Damn Lynn, the bastard, actually ran to his windmill village to spread wilderness and snatched the cutest girl in their village.

This girl, although he had no idea, was still thinking in his heart. Introduce yourself to the best navy in the navy.

They had even been found, and it was snatched away by Lynn.

“Lynn, I hate you.”

Karp cried out in his heart.

Unfortunately, Lynn was so happy now that she put her arms around Marcitos and gently rubbed her face against Marciano.

Not to mention, Marciano is really gentle.

Even if it was forcibly occupied by him, Marcino seemed to accept his fate, just like Yamato Fumiko, especially gentle.

Lynn liked such a gentle girl.

“Captain Lynn, it’s time for dinner.”

Marciano had a smile on her face and smiled sweetly.

Lynn then reached out a hand and gently wrapped her arms around Marciano and pulled her into her arms.

“By the way, Marcino, I’m curious, aren’t you angry?”

He was really curious, he had taken over Marciano, but Yao Ming didn’t seem to be angry at all, it was really curious.

Marciano still had a smile on his face.

“Captain Lynn, although you often show a fierce and evil expression, in fact, you are a good man.”

That’s right, in Marcino’s eyes, Lynn is purely a good person.

And he didn’t look like that kind of fierce and evil person.

The main thing is that these days and Lynn have passed through many places, Lynn has never robbed, encountered ordinary merchant ships, and also passed directly.

This pirate, who never robbed, is basically a good person, even if he forcibly occupies her, he is also a good person.

Lynn listened to Marciano and felt a little self-conscious.

“I’m not a bad person? I don’t even know what to say when I say that? ”

The pirates nearby couldn’t help but laugh too.

“Hahaha… I couldn’t help but laugh when someone said that our captain was a good man. ”

“Yes, I really can’t help it, I’ve never heard such a funny word, our regimental commander is a fierce sea thief in the new world, and he is not a good person at all.”

When Marciano heard the pirates’ taunts, she was not angry, still with a smile on her face.

But Lynn’s face darkened completely.

These bastards actually demolished his stage in public.

“A few of you, quite arrogant, actually dared to talk to me like this, and you said, how should I teach you?”

Lynn slowly pulled out the demon sword.

All the pirates’ faces changed.

This damn captain actually threatened them with a powerful force at his disposal.

All right!

They admit it, they admit it.

“Captain, I’m going to dinner.”

“We went to dinner too.”

Several people left together.

Lynn immediately came over to Marcino’s side, picked him up, and nibbled at Marcino’s face.

“It’s really good, I didn’t expect you to actually think that I am a good person, I decided, I will be with you in the future, I will definitely take good care of you.”

“By the way, tonight, the two of us will get to know each other and have a few children at random.”

Marciano was shy, but threw herself into Lynn’s arms and grabbed Lynn’s arm tightly.

“Casually, as long as the captain agrees, I will never refuse.”

She was very clever, and although Lynn seemed to be a good person, she would never refuse Lynn’s orders, lest she offend Lynn.

And since he had already turned to Lynn, he would be with Lynn from then on.

Marry the chicken with the chicken, marry the dog with the dog.

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