After Ji Ping learned of the news of the evil dragon, he immediately took the fishman pirate group and spent nearly two months to finally reach the village of Coco Siria.

When the villagers in the village saw these fish people, they were a little frightened, and they hid in their homes one after another, and did not dare to approach them at all.

Only Ah Jian, plucking up his courage, walked around to the front of the very flat.

“My lord, we have already given the money, and it is still a long time before the next time.”

Shi Ping listened to the words of these villagers, and saw the frightened expressions of some people nearby, and instantly understood that the evil dragon must be here.

Although he didn’t know why this was Lynn’s territory, since Lynn had already spoken, he could only come out to help.

“This gentleman, the previous fishmen, are all from our fishman island, and we don’t recognize burning and plundering, so I will help you solve those people.”

Shihei said a word of comfort, then turned and left.

Only these ordinary people with a confused face remained.

What does that mean?

Is there any infighting between Fishman Island?

But seriously, everyone is looking forward to it, if you can really drive away the dragons and these fishmen, then it will be much better.

Shi Ping soon found the Dragon Manor.

“Well, they’ve all built manors here, and they’ve done such a terrible thing.”

The fishman in the back looked strange.

Seriously, it’s normal for pirates to do this, and if you want to blame it, you can blame it on Ping for offending Lynn.

The whole Fishman Island needs Lynn’s protection, and no matter how unhappy they are, they can only accept all this silently.

Shi Ping just punched the door of the Dragon Manor with a casual punch.

The evil dragon suddenly erupted, and before he could say anything, he saw the peace outside.

The others also saw the very flat, and their faces changed.

“How did you get here?”

The evil dragon was very dissatisfied with Shihei, simply because Shihei defected to the navy and became the Seven Martial Seas under the King.

“Why should I come? You were bold enough to attack Lynn’s turf. ”

“Lynn recently entered Fishman Island alone and has already told us that if he doesn’t solve you, he will destroy our Fishman Island.”

As soon as the words fell, all the fish people were afraid.

After all, it was Lynn, the world’s strongest pirate, and their Fishman Island was within Lynn’s protection, and where would they dare to offend Lynn.

Even the evil dragon was a little flustered in his heart.

“How? You want to kill me? ”

“No, I’m not going to kill you, you’re a member of our Fishman Island after all.”

Ji Ping shook his head, he was not the kind of cruel and unkind person, naturally he wanted to help the members of Fishman Island.

The evil dragon was still quite touched in his heart, and he saw that Ji Ping was not bad to the extreme.

It was also at this moment that Lynn fell from the sky and fell so smoothly.

He had already come here, had been resting here, and had not been in a hurry to appear, just for this time.

“Captain Lynn.”

Shi Ping immediately bowed his head respectfully, showing considerable respect, and did not dare to offend Lynn at all.

Even the evil dragon did not dare to speak.

The huge black dragon just looked at the dragon.

“Boy, you are really arrogant, you actually dare to do such an arrogant thing in my territory, do you think I dare not do anything to you?”

As he spoke, the vast momentum of Lynn’s body exploded, and it just enveloped the dragon.

The evil dragon felt this momentum, his heart was full of trepidation, his body was trembling slightly, and he always felt that the person in front of him was a fierce beast.

“Captain Lynn, it’s all my fault and I hope Captain Lynn can spare us.”

Shi Ping immediately said respectfully, acting rather humble, and the dragon stood next to him, not daring to say a word.

Lynn’s huge dragon looked at Ji Ping, and then looked at the evil dragon next to him.

The dragon was looked at like this by Lynn, and he felt a lot of pressure in his heart.

“Captain Lynn, it’s all my fault, and if you have to punish me, then punish me, and I’m willing to accept it.”

Although he was upset, the dragon knew very well that he had no right to offend Lynn.

And he also wants to protect his companions.

“Well, then get down on your knees and apologize, then leave the East China Sea, leave the Great Passage, and if you let me know that you will come to take revenge on them, I can guarantee that they will die alone, and you fish people will die ten people.”

The dragon’s eyes were full of anger, his two hands were tightly squeezing the ground, and the cracks in his fingernails were full of dirt.

However, although he was particularly angry, the dragon did not dare to erupt, and he could only complain in his heart, and did not dare to say a word.

“You choose one!”

Lynn didn’t change into any other form either, just waited patiently.

If the dragon refuses, then don’t blame him for being rude, he can only kill the killer.

The dragon was still about to say something, and Lynn’s huge dragon claws fell from the sky, just like that, on the dragon’s body.

The huge dragon claws, like a mountain, pressed against the dragon, making the dragon powerless to resist.

Good powerful force.

At this moment, the evil dragon understood why even Ji Ping did not dare to resist Lynn.

With such a powerful strength, I am afraid that few people dare to resist, and his strength is simply unable to resist Lynn.

The dragon just moved, and was pressed into the dirt by Lynn, as if embedded in it.

The face of the flat next to him changed, and he immediately approached Lynn, with a look of reverence in his eyes.

“Captain Lynn, the dragon knows he’s wrong, so let the dragon go.”

Other fishmen nearby were also interceding for the dragon.

Ji Ping also looked down at the dragon that had been beaten into the ground.

“Evil Dragon, hurry up and admit defeat, as long as you apologize, you can live, do you want to involve our entire Fishman Island?”

Upon hearing this, the dragon completely compromised.

Only his own companions, this is the weakness of the dragon.

“Captain Lynn, I’m willing to apologize and just hope you can put it on someone else.”

“Hmm, seriously, if you’re not looking for trouble on my turf, what do you think I’m going to do to you?”

“Over the years, if I hadn’t sheltered you Fishman Island, most of you fishmen would have been taken away.”

Lynn’s eyes were filled with disdain.

He didn’t want some fishman slaves, and it was of no use at all.

The dragon listened to Lynn’s words, even if his heart was particularly unhappy, but he had to admit Lynn’s contribution to Fishman Island.

“Captain Lynn, I’m willing to go and apologize to those people.”

The dragon finally relented.

“Then go now and let me see your sincerity.”

(There will be two more tomorrow.) )

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