At the moment of strengthening, a large number of phosphorus sheets appeared on the surface of Lynn’s body, and her body size continued to expand.

But in a few moments, Lynn turned into a massive black dragon, floating in mid-air and attracting the attention of very small people.

These villains all recognized Lynn, and naturally they would not be afraid, and even had admiration in their eyes.

Now Lynn is not only strong, but also will shelter him, and they are certainly happy.

In the sky, Lynn, who turned into a black dragon, continued to expand, originally only a few hundred meters long, but his body was getting longer and thicker.

The two sharp claws, which were already very thick, suddenly expanded by three points, and the scales became more solid, and they also emitted a ghostly light.

The sharp dragon claws became even more dazzling.

Just looking, it feels quite sharp, a claw down, can definitely tear a person apart.

“It really hurts.”

Lynn gritted her teeth and had a sinister expression.

Because this time the reinforcement was so painful, it was like constantly cutting the scales on his body and tearing apart his flesh.

This is not general pain.

I hadn’t felt this way before, but this time it suddenly became so painful.

However, despite the special pain, Lynn still persevered, and this time absolutely could not admit it.

If you accidentally call it out and are heard by people nearby, it will be a special shame.

Just as Lynn was feeling pain, the Black Dragon form was getting bigger and bigger, having doubled in size and was even expanding.

Many little people have seen it with their own eyes, and their hearts are more shocked and more adored.

After a while, the pain in Lynn’s body finally disappeared.

Lynn looked at her claws, roughly compared, and was particularly shocked.

Because he could clearly sense that his body size must have become much larger, otherwise the claws could not be so big.

If you look closely, the claws are not only more slender than before, but also sharper than before.

“It is worthy of the system, this time to strengthen the progress of a lot, it seems that I am more powerful than before.”

Lynn hadn’t compared, but getting stronger was certain.

At this moment, Lynn’s heart was surging with emotion

“By the way, look how old I get.”

Lynn immediately turned around and flew above the sea, where through the moonlight he could clearly see his own reflection in the sea.

The black dragon form is particularly huge, and at a glance, there is no end in sight.

Not only has it become larger, but its body has also become more muscular, and its two arms are more powerful, and at the same time, it has become more vicious.

Lynn carefully compared, before, it was more than 100 meters, but now, he seems to have expanded tenfold.

It is basically a hundred meters long.

This is no longer an average-sized black dragon.

“Ding-dong, congratulations to the host, the Black Dragon Fruit awakens twice, the body size becomes larger, the defense power, and the vitality increase significantly.”

The sound of the system came.

The corners of Lynn’s mouth were slightly raised, and the fruit awakening was good, let alone the second awakening.

This awakening is more powerful than the last.

“By the way, it’s time to go back.”

Lynn flew back.

The hundred-foot-long body flashed in the sky, and although her size had grown, Lynn’s flight speed had not slowed down, but had become happier.

The originally vast forest flew by in the blink of an eye.

Lynn herself didn’t react and flew over, still quite surprised.

“I didn’t expect the speed of flight to become faster, it seems that my strength is stronger in all directions, and I have to find someone to try it one day.”

At this moment, all the powerful people in the whole world flashed away from Lynn’s mind.

Lynn was struggling, who should he try.

The average person is really not his opponent.

Or look for Kaido.

It just so happens that Kaido is also a dragon, he can do something to Kaido, two dragons of different lengths, after all, only one is a real dragon.

Although Kaido’s green dragon form is an oriental dragon, there is no way, who makes him not an oriental dragon, then he can only be a real dragon.

Kaido could only reluctantly become a loach.

Lynn immediately changed into human form and prepared to look for Kaido.

He did not continue to change into dragon form, and when the time came, he would have to challenge Kaido, in case it was too powerful to scare Kaido into action.

Therefore, I can only dress up as a pig and eat a tiger.

On the other side, Kaido had just finished his drink when he saw Lynn coming from afar.

Kaido whispered in his heart.

He noticed that Lynn’s smile was a little strange, which showed that Lynn had some kind of conspiracy.

Although I don’t know exactly what Lynn’s purpose is, it is certainly not a good thing.

“I still have something to do, let’s go for the time being, and if there is something we will talk about later.”

Kaido just gave an explanation, then turned around and ran, still running quite fast.

Unfortunately, Lynn was faster, but in an instant, he appeared next to Kaido, and put a hand on Kaido’s shoulder.

“Kaido, don’t be in a hurry, we haven’t had a fight in a long time, find a place to fight.”

“Turns out you wanted to fight, I thought you had some purpose, it doesn’t matter, I agreed, tonight we will fight.”

Kaido was relieved and thought that Lynn had some purpose, but he didn’t expect it to be just a fight.

Although it is quite troublesome to fight with Lynn, it is a little waste of time, and with his strength, it is not something that Lynn can easily defeat.

“Then let’s go to the beach and have a fight now.”

Lynn turned and left.

Kaido followed.

The other pirates looked at each other and then made up their minds to watch the battle between the two.

Soon, the entire pirate group knew.

Almost everyone came, ready to watch the battle, and at the same time they were curious about who was better off these two people.

Even spies from various forces began to investigate.

In the sea, Kaido did not carry a weapon, after all, he still needed to swim, and he needed to fight, so it was not appropriate to bring a weapon.

So he was ready for a hand-to-hand battle with Lynn.

“Lynn, I’ve wanted to fight with you for a long time, and since you have time, let you see my strength.”

Kaido is particularly confident.

After such a long period of special training, he thought that he was no worse than Lynn.

“Kaido, after a while, you don’t ask for forgiveness.”

Lynn had a sinister smile on her face.

So confident, I don’t know if I will cry later.

Kaido suddenly had a feeling of uneasiness in his heart.

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