In the new world, a pirate ship suddenly appeared.

At the bow of the ship stood a blonde man.

Behind this man, there were many people.

This is the world’s famous king under the Seven Martial Seas, the famous Doflaminco.

Of course, Doflamingo is famous, but it is only relative to ordinary pirates, and the gap is too big compared to Lynn.

“Young Lord, we have arrived in the New World, where should we go now?”

Doflamingo bowed his head and fell silent.

I don’t really know where to go.

After all, this is the New World, the territory of the five emperors.

Even the youngest red-haired Shanks was quite prestigious in the New World and was able to stand up to other emperors.

That is, being beaten by Lynn.

None of these people he could provoke.

So Doflamingo was very entangled, where should he go now, there were only dozens of islands left in the new world, and there were few he liked.

“Alas, the territory of the New World is really small, and there are just a few islands, and I don’t know where to go.”

Doflamingo sighed and then took out the map.

The others also gathered around and thought together, that the next thing was to occupy a place for the horse.

“Young Lord, otherwise this island is quite large.”

“No, it’s too close to Big Mama, I don’t see it as good as this island.”

“I don’t agree, it’s still close to the Golden Lion, and neither of these people is very easy to mess with.”

The more Doflamingo listened, the more headaches became.

The new world is so big, most of it is the territory of Lynn and Whitebeard, and the rest is also occupied by sea thieves.

There are not many who are more suitable for him.

“Forget it, let’s visit Lynn first, if we can get Lynn’s protection, we should be in no danger in the New World.”

Doflamingo thought of Lynn.

The top sea thief in this new world.

His first target was Dressrosa, but unfortunately it was occupied by Lynn, and he didn’t dare to think about it.

The other pirates also nodded, just a few of them, even if they were a little stronger, in the whole new world, it was no more.

Without Lynn’s protection, it was really dangerous.

“Young Lord, I also think I can go to Lynn, as long as there is Lynn’s protection, no one will dare to do anything to us.”

“Well, let’s go find Lynn now.”

Doflamingo quickly made a decision.

The pirate ship set off quickly, and within a few days, it arrived at Lynn’s base camp.


On the shore, after Doflamingo came ashore, a very serious question suddenly came to mind.

“You say, how should I persuade Lynn?” Let him shelter us? ”

Everyone else was silent.

This is a serious question.

They had nothing to do with Lynn and didn’t know each other, and Lynn, a top sea thief, was usually hard to see.

And what kind of method should be used to get Lynn to shelter them, can not be directly said.

That way Lynn wouldn’t necessarily agree.

Doflamingo didn’t have a very good expression, he had already arrived here, and there was no way to do it.


Life is such a sad urge.

“Young Lord, I have a way, maybe I can get Lynn’s protection.”

A pirate suddenly spoke.

Doflamingo’s eyes lit up and he immediately looked at the pirate.

“Is there anything you can do?” Talk about it. ”

Others are looking forward to it.

“Young Lord, I’ve heard that Lynn is particularly, and we can use beauty to seduce Lynn and let Lynn shelter us.”


Doflamingo also remembered at this time, many people in the world say that Lynn is very colorful, maybe Lynn is really colorful.

That seemed to be Lynn’s only weakness.

After all, Lynn didn’t care about money, nor did she care about power, only women.

Maybe you can do that.

Lynn touched her chin, then looked at the person next to her solemnly.

“Do you think I can seduce Lynn?”


Everyone present fell to their knees in fright.

“Young Lord, don’t be kidding, if you seduce Lynn, you will definitely be hacked to death by Lynn.”

“Yeah, we don’t want to be killed by Lynn yet.”

“Hahaha… Don’t you care, I’m just kidding, how could I do such an outrageous thing? ”

The pirates were relieved.

They were really afraid that Doflamingo would be stupid, and run over to seduce Lynn, and then the whole pirate group would be beaten up.

“Monet, we pirate group, only you are more beautiful, so…”

Doflamingo set his sights on Monet again.

These big men, five big and three thick, couldn’t seduce Lynn at all.

Long and beautiful, good figure, there is only Monet.

Monet’s eyebrows furrowed slightly.

This kind of thing is really embarrassing, after all, it is to make him dedicate himself to another man, and normal people are embarrassed to accept it.

But at this point, for the sake of her own young lord’s future, she can only dedicate her body.

“Young Lord, I will definitely help you.”

Monet had a look of determination in his eyes.

Doflamingo also had a smile of joy on his face, and in fact, if Monet refused, he would also look for someone else, and it was absolutely impossible to find Monet.

He was afraid that Monet would win Lynn’s favor and be filled with resentment towards him, and then he would do something to him in turn.

Fortunately, Monet agreed.

“That being the case, let’s go to the island now, find an opportunity, and as soon as we meet Lynn, you will go up and find a way to take Lynn.”

Doflamingo excitedly took Monet ashore.

Others followed him.

After ascending to the land of Dresssas, Doflamingo took a closer look around, particularly prosperous, full of merchants coming and going.

It is estimated that there are a lot of taxes here every year.

Doflamingo really wanted this land, but he also knew his ability, and he did not dare to think about it at all, but could only bury his grudge deep in his mind.

“Little Lord, what should we do now?”

Torrepol looked around and then asked.

“Go to the nearby hotel first, preferably close to Lynn’s base camp, so you can always observe Lynn’s home.”

Doflamingo quickly made his decision, and then took his men with him to the nearby hotel.

The whole pirate group lives inside the hotel.

For the next few days, Doflamingo did not leave, observing Lynn, hoping to find an opportunity to get close to Lynn.

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