Dressrosa, a ship of the world government gradually approached.

As soon as the World Government’s ship approached, it was spotted by pirates, and a large number of pirates approached from all directions.

But in a few moments, the pirates surrounded the ships of the World Government.

After all, it is the enemy, and it is certainly impossible to let the people of the world government get close.

On the warship, a group of people slowly walked down.

Walking in the middle is a man wearing a spacesuit, these people are the world’s aristocratic Draco.

The pirates nearby frowned.

Although Lynn dared to beat the Draco, it did not mean that they had the guts, after all, they were world nobles and had supreme rights.

After the old Draco disembarked, he walked a little hesitantly and his body was a little tired.

“Tell me about it, just say that Howard Saint, a world nobleman, wants to see your captain, and says I have important things to talk about.”

The pirates looked at each other.

Although they didn’t know why the Dracos were looking at Lynn, they still had to report it.

After all, the navy had come, and it didn’t care about a world aristocratic Draco.

In the living room, Lynn had just finished eating, when she heard the pirate’s report, and she was still a little surprised.

“Draco, they want to see me, come to the people, and pass on the Draco’s visit.”

Lynn waved a big hand, quite a feeling that the emperor had summoned a foreign minister.

Soon, Howard Saint was taken to Lynn’s room, and then slowly entered Lynn’s mansion surrounded by everyone.

“The captain has an order to summon the Draco.”

Howard Saint frowned, but remembering Lynn’s strength and his own purpose this time, Howard Saint could only resist the displeasure in his heart.

When he got to the living room, Howard Saint was standing in the center, and no one had given him a place.

This made Howard Saint very uncomfortable, when at home, it was always the identity of the king, and many people gave them seats, which was very appropriate.

It’s a pity that no one here is used to Draco.

Howard Saint could only suppress the displeasure in his heart.

Lynn just shook Howard St. for a moment, then felt that it was almost over, and then spoke.

“Come, didn’t you see the world’s noble Draco’s here?” Don’t move a seat yet. ”

Howard Saint complained in his heart.

Lynn had already spotted him early in the morning, but pretended not to find anything.

The pirates nearby also rolled their eyes.

Someone moved a seat, though.

Howard St. then found a place to sit.

“Captain Lynn, I heard you have pure gold, is this true?”

Lynn glanced carefully at Howard St. John.

Howard Saint looks to be in his 70s, his health is not good, and it is estimated that he is getting worse, so he wants pure gold.

Unfortunately, pure gold is very expensive.

Lynn hid it even from his own men, never admitting it, lest they have any ideas.

“It’s a shame you want pure gold, I have it, but why give it to you?”

Howard’s face was ecstatic.

He was old and didn’t know when he would die, which made him full of fear of death.

In order to survive, Howard Saint thought of pure gold, the five old stars could not give it to him, he could only come to Lynn.

As long as pure gold can be obtained, all the costs are worth it.

Lynn’s smile was also bright.

He saw that Howard Saint’s desire for life meant that Howard Saint could pay any price.

He would also be able to make any request.

Hey hey hey…

Howard Saint quickly woke up and immediately looked up, the sun shining brightly at Lynn.

Lynn looked at her with some fear.

“I tell you, I don’t like men.”

Before Howard Saint could speak, he heard Lynn’s words and almost didn’t get angry.

He wanted to shout.

I don’t like men either.

However, Howard Saint still did not shout out, just looked at Lynn silently.

“Captain Lynn, as long as you give me a piece of pure gold, I can give you shelter so that the Navy will not dare to do anything to you.”


Lynn suddenly burst out laughing, her eyes filled with disdain.

“Do I need your shelter?” Do you think I’ll be afraid of the Navy? Holy Land Mary Joa I dare to go, the five old stars look at the woman I dare to grab, do you think I will be afraid? ”

Howard Saint was momentarily stunned.

It seems to be true, after all, Lynn is so fierce, he does not pay attention to the world government and the navy at all, and it is certainly impossible to care about his protection.

However, he really rarely asks for pure gold.

He also wants to live another 500 years.

No, you can’t sing.

Howard St. thought about it a little.

“So what do you want? Devil fruit, or money? Or something else. ”

“I’m sorry, I’ve been to Lavrud, I don’t pay attention to so many gold and silver jewelry, and I don’t care about the devil’s fruit or anything.”

Lynn’s body slowly leaned back.

He really didn’t care about money and demon fruit.

However, if it was a good esper species, Lynn would not refuse, and maybe he could also strengthen an excellent demon fruit.

Howard St. was even more entangled.

Is it so hard to get a piece of pure gold?

This made Howard Saint feel abandoned.

But at the thought of being alive, Howard St. mustered up enough courage and looked at Lynn firmly.

“Captain Lynn, what do you want?”

Lynn touched her chin, thinking carefully, as if he really didn’t want anything.

“If you ask me this, I don’t know what I want, after all, my family is rich, rich enough to be an enemy of the country, and I have a lot of territory, so I really don’t want anything.”

Howard Saint was too troubled.

Lynn didn’t have a single slit in his body, and it was hard to drill into, let alone take Lynn down.

Nearby, a soldier suddenly thought of something and walked over to Howard St. Ear and said a word.

Howard’s eyes lit up after hearing this.

Lynn’s face darkened.

The soldier actually said that he was very sexy and could find a way to seduce him with female color.

Bastard, who the hell said that?

How could he be, don’t let him know who that person is, if he did, he would never let that person go.

He dared to spread his rumors everywhere.

He is also more fraternal, peach blossom luck is more, not at all lustful.

Howard Saint believed it, nodded seriously, and thought in his heart.

It seems that this method can be used to seduce Lynn.

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