
On the island, the battle between Lynn and Kuzansakarski has entered a white-hot phase.

Because of Lynn’s deliberate control, the three of them fought today, just on the coast, and the fight was very fierce.

“Big Spitfire.”

A furious magma attack suddenly spewed out and came so close to Lynn.

The hot air waves kept blowing on Lynn.

In an instant, Lynn turned into a huge black dragon and floated in mid-air.

Such a huge black dragon is a behemoth, and Kuzan and Sakarsky couldn’t help but swallow a little when they saw the huge black dragon in front of them.

Because this black dragon was so huge, bigger than their largest warship, it was simply a hill, which made people feel very shocked.

Sakarsky, in particular, had seen Lynn before, and now saw Lynn so big, and his heart was envious.

They all knew that Lynn Fruit had awakened twice.

But up to now, they have not awakened once, they are all human, and the gap between them is really large.

“Sakarsky, you must be careful, it is said that he has awakened twice, and we may not be able to beat him.”

Kuzan quickly pulled away from Lynn, and then a huge blast of cold ice came out of his palm.

Wherever the cold ice passed, the ground was frozen, and the moisture in the air was also frozen, turning into a series of ice slag.

But in the blink of an eye, Lynn was frozen and turned into an ice sculpture, lifelike.

Lynn moved casually and broke through the ice, her huge body moving in the air, ready to move.

Both Kuzan and Sakarsky felt stressed.

Just when the three of them were fighting fiercely, Kando and Mitsuki Oda were drinking, and there were many cadres sitting next to them.

“Lord Kaido, are we really not going to help?” Fire Ember asked.

“Calm down, don’t worry, it’s Lynn’s own business, besides, how could he be in danger.”

Kaido was fairly calm, leisurely drinking, and didn’t even care about fighting.

Mitsuki Oda nodded beside him.

“There is really no need to worry, and you don’t want to see Lynn’s strength, standing and being beaten, nothing happens.”

Fire Ember and the others thought about it carefully, as if it was true, Lynn’s defense was particularly perverted.

When he kept attacking Lynn, Lynn even stood where he was, motionless, and let him attack, without any harm.

This big war, there is no need for them to intervene at all.

On the surface of the sea, Sakarsky spewed fire, and the rolling magma hit Lynn’s heart.

But it was blocked by the scales on Lynn’s body, and there was no harm at all, and the magma instead fell to the ground, constantly burning the sea.

The sea water was evaporated in an instant, and a large amount of white steam came out, filling Lynn with a feeling of smoke.

“Damn, it’s really powerful.”

Sakarsky gritted his teeth.

He knew Lynn was powerful, but he didn’t expect Lynn to be so perverted.

His magma fist, hitting anyone, could easily penetrate, and Lynn didn’t have anything to do.

Look at the dark scales, still so shiny, it doesn’t look like an injury at all.

Lynn also turned her head and looked at Sakarsky.

Sakarski noticed Lynn’s eyes, and his heart trembled a little, and there was a feeling of uneasiness in his heart.

I always felt that I was being targeted by the beasts of the flood.

No, there should be no danger.

Sakarski consoled himself in the depths of his heart that he was after all an undercover agent arranged by Lynn and could never do anything to him.

But just when Sakarski was self-righteous, Lynn’s huge dragon claws had already slapped at Sakarsky and happened to hit Sakarsky.

“I’ll go.”

Before Sakarski could react, he was shot by Lynn, and then flew out backwards and tumbled on the ground.

As he tumbled, Sakarsky screamed in his heart.

Big brother, I am also a member of the Black Dragon Pirates.

Even if I were undercover, I wouldn’t have to be so cruel.

Sakarski only felt that his body was falling apart, and this slap really hurt.

“Frozen Time Capsule.”

Kuzan immediately jumped into the air, just releasing a large amount of cold, but before he could freeze Lynn, Lynn’s claws snapped.


With a loud noise, Kuzan was also slapped flying, flying on the surface of the sea, and at the moment when it was about to fall into the sea, a large amount of cold ice appeared.


The sea was frozen in an instant.

Kuzan just fell on the surface of the sea.

Instead of continuing to move on Kuzan, Lynn turned to look at Sakarsky, a huge slap, and slapped it hard.

Sakarsky looked at the huge dragon claws in the sky, his face was green, and he wanted to scold.

Big brother, we’re in the same group.

The slap just now hurt enough, and he didn’t say anything more, at most, he was taught a lesson.

Although it does hurt a little.

However, you slap it a little too hard.

Sakarsky had the heart to resist, but thinking of Lynn’s powerful power, he could only hide aside, but unfortunately he was still one step slower.

Lynn’s huge dragon claws had already grabbed Sakarsky so hard that half of Sakarsky’s body had turned into lava.

Unfortunately, Lynn is also armed with domineering, covering his dragon claws with armed domineering, and grabbing Sakarsky.

Even if Sakarski wanted to resist, there was nothing he could do.

It could only be pinched in the palm of Lynn’s hand.

Lynn grabbed Sakarski, and the dragon’s claws were thrown into the sea, and then kept throwing them around.

As a demon fruit ability, Sakarsky fell into the sea and completely lost the ability to fight back.

There is also a large amount of seawater entering the mouth.

Sakarsky roared angrily in his heart.

Big brother, we are companions.

Isn’t there already a script?

Why not play the cards according to the script.

Unfortunately, Sakarsky couldn’t shout, and didn’t even dare to open his mouth, for fear that if he opened his mouth, more sea water would enter his mouth.

“Iron Fist.”

Suddenly, a loud roar came from afar.

Only to see a black figure approaching quickly, and then in a blink of an eye, coming to Lynn’s not far away.

This man, of course, is Kapu.

Karp punched Lynn in the face.

Even Lynn’s huge size of a thousand meters was beaten back by Kapu and almost fell into the sea.

Sakarski in his hand also fell.

Kapu grabbed Sakarsky and quickly retreated.

“Kuzan, run fast.”

Kuzan didn’t think much of it and immediately followed Kapu and prepared to leave together.

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