
Holy Land Mary Joa, the battle continues.

Lynn faced the attack of the five old stars, calmly, no matter how hard these people tried, they could not help him.

However, the Five Old Stars are also worthy of the highest power of the world government, each of them is very powerful, with the passage of time, has adapted to Lynn’s attack.

It is also true that if it has been able to rule the world government for so many years, if it did not have any strength, it would have been beaten up by people long ago.

“Lynn, you are too arrogant, this is the territory of our world government, and today we will break the myth that you are not defeated.”

The bald five old stars said triumphantly.

As soon as he thought that the beautiful woman he liked was snatched away by Lynn, he was very unhappy in his heart, and he had long wanted to avenge the snow and hate.

Today is finally the opportunity.

Lynn was still very calm, and casually shot at the bald five-year-old star, but was dodged by the skinhead five-year-old star.

A slap on a house instantly squasheds the already dilapidated house.

“Then can you kill me?”

Lynn said triumphantly.

The five old stars were dumbfounded for a while.

It seems to be true.

Although they were quite powerful, they couldn’t kill Lynn at all, and after fighting for so long, Lynn didn’t have anything to do.

Even if they adapt to Lynn’s attack, the five of them join forces and do it with ease.

But if you can’t kill Lynn, it will be of no use at all, and it is better to find a place to play mahjong.

Just as several people were complaining inside, Lynn’s attack became even more violent, with a destructive power that destroyed the world and the earth.

However, in the face of the five old stars, they still have more than enough and lack of strength.

Lynn was also secretly thinking in his heart, although the fruit had awakened for the second time and his strength had increased, but it was still slightly insufficient.

At least the speed of facing these people, fast is faster, but it can not cause a crushing situation.

After a long time, Lynn did not have the heart to continue fighting, and suddenly opened the distance between several people, and then flew into the sky.

“That’s it for today, but the next time, someone will come to my territory to find trouble, don’t blame me for not being polite.”

Lynn said a harsh word, and then flew away, with no intention of continuing the fight.

If you continue to fight, you are also particularly tired, so you might as well take a good rest and enjoy life.

When the next intensification is reached, it will be time to teach the world government a lesson.

The five old stars looked at Lynn who flew away, his face was particularly ugly, and the angry eyes could even burst into flames.

“Lynn, you’re waiting for me.”

Lynn hadn’t flown far yet, just in time to hear the words of the five old stars, turned around, floated in mid-air, and just looked at the people present.

A cold sweat appeared in the heart of the five old stars,

Especially the bald five old stars, there was suddenly a feeling of uneasiness in their hearts.

It’s over, as if Lynn is about to explode.

Just when the Five Old Stars were surprised, Lynn opened her mouth, and a large amount of black flames suddenly gathered in her mouth.

When the Five Old Stars saw the black flame, they remembered Lynn’s breath, and their faces changed instantly.

Such a huge flame, if it were in the Holy Land of Mary Joy, would definitely cause great damage and would also cause great casualties.

“Lynn, you…”

Just as the bald five old stars were about to say something, the flames in Lynn’s mouth suddenly spat out, and a huge flame flew out.

That’s right, the flames.

Lynn wasn’t serious at all.

The five old stars still thought that Lynn was serious, and his heart was particularly nervous, and he was even ready to fight with all his might.

As a result, Lynn spat out a flame.

This is clearly playing a tease on them, trampling on their dignity, and of course they are angry.

“Damn Lynn, you’re waiting for me.”

The bald five old stars made another harsh remark.

“Hahaha, a bunch of idiots, you remember, although you are more numerous, if you annoy me, I will come every day to breathe a dragon’s breath.”

Lynn laughed triumphantly, and then flew into the sky like this, completely disappearing without a trace.

The five old stars looked very ugly, looked around again, and after some fighting, all the nearby houses were destroyed.

How much economic damage this has to cause.

Although the five old stars are rich and powerful, they are still reluctant to do so.

“Go and ask, what’s going on?” Who did it to Lynn. ”

One of the five old stars was particularly angry.

If it weren’t for those people doing something to Lynn, Lynn wouldn’t have been able to knock on the door.

After so many years, the two sides were in peace, and now Lynn suddenly called, because someone was looking for Lynn’s trouble.

It was so tiring that they had been fighting for so long.

Thinking of them as the five old stars, the true rulers of the world government, they had never fought such a battle.

When is it their turn to play in person.

“No matter how much, there is no need to trouble Lynn in the future, I don’t want to fight with him again, it’s too much of a waste of time.”

The sword-wielding Five Old Stars said indignantly.

The other five old stars also nodded, they didn’t want to fight Lynn at all, and it was too tired to fight with Lynn.

Soon, the five old stars knew the situation.

“It has been investigated that Howard Saint gave his daughter to Lynn in exchange for pure gold.”

“Roschar Saint liked Jarria so much that he sent the navy to rescue her, only to be discovered by Lynn.”

All the five old star expressions are not very good.

It was also for a woman that they actually offended Lynn, and they and Lynn fought for more than an hour.

Don’t know if you’re particularly tired?

“It’s really enough, go warn Roschar St. not to go to Lynn’s trouble in the future.”

A certain five-year-old star couldn’t help but scold.

A woman is gone, gone, and was sent out by her father anyway.

On the contrary, no matter how much they look down on the Navy, they are still a major admiral and the most important lackey of the world government.

If several generals were wiped out by Lynn like this, the Navy would basically be finished.

“Well, leave Lynn alone, let’s go and take a break, it’s tiring to play so long today.”

The five old stars turned and left.

In mid-air, Lynn flew triumphantly.

He played really happily today, quite happy, very happy.

That is, he did not kill the five old stars.

However, if you think about it carefully, you may not be able to kill the five old stars, so there is no need to be so entangled.

It is better to go back and rest well.

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