A month flies.

At the beginning of the annual meeting, the cadres of this place gathered in Dressrosa and had dinner together.

Lynn feasted on all the cadres.

After the banquet, Lynn returned to the pirate ship with all the cadres.

The cadres were curious, and they didn’t understand what Lynn meant, why they had brought them to the sea and to the pirate ship.

On deck, Lynn looked down at everyone present.

But he wasn’t in a hurry to speak.

When the pirate ship gradually left the harbor and there was no one else nearby, Lynn spoke.

“Guys, I’ve decided, and then I’ll do something to Big Mama, find a way to completely take Big Mama, and conquer the whole new world.”

Everyone was silent.

They also didn’t expect Lynn to do something to Big Mama, which was clearly to rule the new world.

Still, they’re really happy.

“Captain, I have been waiting for this moment for a long time, and I must rule the new world.”

“Yes, we are such a powerful pirate group, we should rule the whole world.”

Almost everyone was excited.

After all, when you are a pirate, you care most about money and reputation.

The money is already there, and it’s time to prepare for fame.

They have even begun to fantasize about the time when they are engaged in fierce battles with others.

Also fantasize about the scene where they defeat Big Mama.

At that time, they will be the kings of this world.

“Well, since you are ready, we will set off now and take the opportunity to sneak up on Big Mama and completely destroy him.”

Lynn was also a little eager.

That night, the whole pirate group set off.

This whole ship is all cadres, and there are other pirate regiments behind it, but the number is not very large, but they are all elite.

The aunt didn’t know that Lynn was already planning to do something to her, and that she was still at home with a dessert, and then wondered if she should have some more children.


In the blink of an eye, a few days passed.

Lynn and Kaido were not in the base camp, and even the cadres were gone.

The Navy and the World Government were the first to notice, a little nervous, and all began to prepare, fearing that Lynn would act.

The reaction of these people was relatively slow, although they found abnormalities, but they were still a step slower, her men were all concentrated in various places, and it was still quite slow to gather together.

And Big Mom wasn’t worried that Lynn would do something to her.

Unfortunately, Big Mom is too confident.

One day, while Big Mama was drinking and resting, Lynn’s boat slowly approached from afar.

So many pirate ships, hanging Lynn’s flag, were naturally discovered by Big Mama’s men.

The pirates immediately sounded the alarm.

A terrible siren sounded all over the world in an instant, and many people heard it.

In the living room, the aunt was eating dessert, and suddenly heard this voice, and her face changed instantly.

“What the hell is going on?”

Big Mama’s tone was full of anger.

A pirate suddenly rushed over.

“Mother, it’s not good, the Black Dragon Pirate Regiment is coming, seven or eight ships, have entered the harbor, and have begun to attack.”

Big Mama’s face suddenly became ugly.

If it is another pirate group, the aunt does not pay attention to it at all, at most it is to teach it a lesson.

But I didn’t expect it to be Lynn.

It was Lynn, one of the strongest pirates in the world, with absolute strength.

Even she wasn’t sure enough to defeat Lynn, and she didn’t expect Lynn to come.

“Let everyone prepare at once, and besides, make plans to retreat, I’ll see what Lynn is for.”

Big Mama was already planning to retreat.

After all, Lynn was so powerful, and Kaido and Mitsuki Mita, she had no chance of victory at all.

Instead of being defeated by Lynn, it would be better to find a way to retreat, so that there should be no danger.

Lynn didn’t know that Big Mama was ready to retreat at any time.

But he was ready, just to prevent the aunt from escaping.

Above the pirate ship, Lynn spoke.

“Kaido, you turn into dragon form, go find Big Mama, and then entangle him, as long as she doesn’t run, this battle, we win.”

“Leave it to me.”

Kaido let out a roar, and his body quickly grew larger, quickly turning into a huge dragon form, and then flew into the distance.

After Kaido flew away, Lynn pulled out the demon sword, and the tip of the knife was aimed at the sea in front of him.

“Guys, the battle has begun.”

“Kill kill kill…”

All the pirates rushed out together.

The pirate groups on both sides fought like this.

As soon as the battle began, Lynn’s men broke through all the defenses of the Big Mama Pirates.

These people couldn’t stop Lynn at all.

But also, after all, the Black Dragon Pirate Regiment is so powerful, and this time it is all cadres, and the strength is very strong.

On the other hand, although the Big Mother Pirate Regiment is also the Four Emperors Pirate Regiment, those cadres are not in the port at all, how can ordinary pirates stop it.

Even if some cadres occasionally appear, facing Mitsuki Mita is basically a knife and a second.

In this way, where Lynn’s pirate group passed, there was no one to stop it.

“Everybody run, Lynn is here.”

“We’re not opponents at all, run now.”

The people of the Big Mama Pirates were all scared, after all, Lynn was so powerful that no cadre could stop him.

If you continue to fight, you will end up with heavy casualties.

Instead of playing with Lynn, run now.

Lynn followed behind, looking at the pirates with a sly smile on her face.

“Everyone, give me an attack and defeat the Big Mama Pirate Regiment, I will give you a lot of money, give you a golden mountain and a silver mountain.”

“For the sake of Jinshan Yinshan, everyone rushes.”

“Don’t be afraid, it’s just some pirates, you can solve them in minutes.”

The pirates became more excited, so they rushed out with such excitement, and the battle became more intense.

It didn’t take long for Lynn to completely break the defense line of the Big Mama Pirates.

On the other hand, the big mother also knew that Lynn had really come, although she was very angry, but she also knew that she could not beat so many people alone, and could only retreat.

But before he could retreat, Kaido flew in from a distance and stopped in front of Big Mama.

“Lingling, how?” Don’t you want to retreat? I’m sorry, I’m afraid you won’t be able to retreat. ”

The big aunt looked at the hundred beasts Kaido in front of her, her face instantly became gloomy, and there was a sudden feeling of uneasiness in her heart.

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