A few days later, a shocking news spread throughout the world.

Everyone knows that Lynn leads the people to sneak up on the Big Mama Pirate Regiment and successfully makes the Big Mama surrender.

The two pirate regiments evacuated merged together.

This means that Lynn has become the strongest pirate group in the New World.

Lynn was already One Piece.

Although he later became a member of the Four Emperors.

Now Lynn, truly king, surpasses all the Sea Thief Emperors.

New World, Mobile Dick.

Whitebeard looked at the newspaper in his hand and suddenly laughed.

“Kula la la… It was indeed Lynn, still as strong as before, and I had long known that he would not be willing to be lonely. ”

“Daddy, Lynn can beat Big Mama, and it’s so easy, which means he’s too strong.”

Some pirates are a little worried.

The other pirates nodded as well, the New World was so big, Lynn was too powerful, and it would affect them too.

“You don’t have to worry, Lynn’s strength is still quite strong, but he has a good relationship with me, and it is absolutely impossible to do anything to me.”

Whitebeard naturally knew his children’s worries.

He wasn’t worried anyway, he thought he still knew Lynn well.

In fact, Lynn really didn’t plan to do anything to Whitebeard, and when the time came, he could get Whitebeard with just a casual drink.

Being able to do it so easily doesn’t require wasting time.

Compared to Whitebeard, the Five Old Stars and the Golden Lion were a little worried.

They didn’t have a good relationship with Lynn, and if Lynn really had ambitions to unify the world, they really weren’t necessarily Lynn’s opponents.

After all, they had all fought with Big Mama each other, and the two sides were basically evenly matched, regardless of victory or defeat.

Now even Big Mama has been easily defeated, and they are not necessarily Lynn’s opponents.

Not to mention Lynn and Big Mama united.

And it is said that Whitebeard and Lynn have a very good relationship, and they are afraid that if these people are completely united, they will be in trouble at that time.

These people’s worries, Lynn did not know.

Anyway, he’s happy now, but when he’s happy, the world government isn’t so happy.

Lynn merges with the Big Mama Pirates, which means that Lynn becomes more powerful and more threatening to their world government.

Lynn’s defenses, in particular, were perverted.

They couldn’t kill Lynn again, which was too much trouble.

Holy Land Mary Joa, the five old stars sat together, their expressions were particularly ugly, and they didn’t know what to say.

Who would have thought that Lynn had been keeping a low profile for so long, and now suddenly began to attack the other pirate groups, and even achieved so much.

“What now, you say?”

Several of the five old stars looked at each other.

“It’s really hard to beat Lynn, first kill him.” The bald five old star’s face is ugly.

If he could have killed Lynn, he would have done it a long time ago, and he couldn’t have waited until now.

The faces of the other five old stars are also ugly.

It seems that this is still the case, and if Lynn is killed, even if the navy and the world government are collectively involved, they will not be able to help Lynn.

“No, absolutely not, we have to prepare, even if we can’t kill Lynn, we should warn Lynn not to mess around.”

The bald five old stars clenched their fists with both hands, and their hearts were very angry.

The matter of being robbed of a concubine must not be forgotten.

“Yes, Lynn can’t be allowed to continue, or they’ll rule the whole new world and it will be difficult to deal with later.”

The sword-wielding Five Old Stars also nodded in agreement.

The others thought about it for a moment, and it was true, and although they couldn’t kill Lynn, they couldn’t let Lynn continue to develop.

Otherwise, it would be much more difficult to wait until Lynn really ruled the whole new world, and then try to deal with Lynn later.

“So, we can get the Navy to go out and send the support of the world government, and we have to warn Lynn.”

The five old stars quickly made a decision.

Even if Lynn is not taken, a part of the army will be sent to intimidate Lynn so that Lynn does not dare to continue to expand.

The Navy also began to move.

Not even the Navy, but the World Government sent a part of the Coalition of Forces to personally go near Lynn’s territory.

Although there was no action against Lynn, the purpose was already obvious, that is, to prevent Lynn from expanding.

If Lynn had to expand, he would have to do it to Lynn.

Not to mention killing Lynn, but also to weaken Lynn’s strength, if only Lynn alone, at most plus Kaido, then there is not much of a threat.

Lynn naturally knew.

Dressrosa, Lynn sat in his place, holding a newspaper in his hand, looking at the intelligence above and couldn’t help but sneer.

Big Mom and Kaido sat on either side.

Now these two men have become his deputies.

“The world government is really bored, and actually let the navy wait for us, presumably to do something to us.”

Kaido put down his glass and raised his head, with a tyrannical breath in his eyes.

“That is, the navy, and dare to do something to us, I alone can defeat him, I will go and solve them now.”

With that, Kaido was ready to stand up.

“Kaido, you don’t have to go, if I guessed correctly, the people of the world government are also here, after all, with the navy, we can’t help us.”

Lynn interrupted Kaido.

Kaido also thought about it carefully, as if it was true, the strength of the navy was a little worse than them, a little stronger than the Big Mama Pirate Regiment.

But definitely not as good as the two pirate groups united together.

Only the Navy is absolutely dead, then the people of the world government will definitely be here.

“It doesn’t matter, even the world government can’t kill me, there is no need to be afraid.”

Kaido was rather calm, ready to teach the Navy a lesson.

Lynn didn’t stop either, standing not far from Kaido, leaning back slightly.

“If you want, I don’t care, you were beaten up anyway.”

Kaido stopped suddenly.

He remembered something very important, why he had to go to the Navy and the World Government.

If you really fight, you will definitely be beaten up.

Why did he go looking for a fight?

Not to mention Lynn, who was eating here and was so worried that he couldn’t get beaten.

“Come, let’s keep drinking wine and eating meat.”

Kaido returned to his place and began to gulp down the meat and drink heavily.

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