New world, a sea of water.

A pirate ship is rapidly approaching.

This pirate ship, unlike the ordinary pirate group, has two boats in tow.

At the bow of the ship stood a tall and plump maiden.

The girl looked in the direction where Lynn was, and there was some anticipation in her heart, and her eyes were full of fantasies about a better future.

This girl was no ordinary person.

He is the famous pirate woman Emperor Boyahan Cook, known as the number one beauty in the pirate world.

Poyahan Cook stood at the bow of the ship, looking in the direction of the distance, and his mind gradually recalled Lynn, and his body could not help but shudder.

This writhing body is particularly beautiful.

The two sisters next to them were slightly speechless.

This sister is making a fool of herself again.

Day by day, don’t think about something, always make a fool of yourself, have this time to make a fool of yourself, it is better to become stronger.

Of course, these two people did not dare to say it, and they could only watch silently, and their eyes were full of helplessness.

After a while, the two sisters finally felt that it was almost over, and gently pushed Poyahan Cook.

“Sister, you’re about to get there.”

Only then did Poyahan Cook raise his head and look at the sea in the distance, his eyes filled with joy.

“Great, it’s Dressrosa right away, and when the time comes, I’ll be able to see Lynn.”

Ever since Lynn appeared in Mary Joa, Holy Land, that night to show his might, Poyahan Cook had been impressed by Lynn.

It was the first time she had seen such a heroic man.

Poyahan Cook quickly returned to his senses.

“Speed up and try to get to Captain Lynn’s turf as soon as possible.”

The two sisters were speechless again.

Before they met, they called Captain Lynn.

Finally, Poyahan Cook’s pirate ship gradually approached Dressrosa.

“Hurry up, get your gift ready.”

Poyahan Cook couldn’t wait.

All the pirates were helpless, they had prepared supplies for such a long time, and they all had to give them to Lynn.

A female licking dog that comes alive.

But there was no way, Poyahan Cook had already made a decision, and they were not qualified to refuse.

And if they get Lynn’s asylum, they won’t be in trouble in the future.

A group of people, soon arrived at Lynn’s doorstep.

Before he could go inside, Mitsuki Oda just happened to come over, and just saw Poyahan Cook, and his eyes instantly lit up.

What a beautiful big beauty.

No, such a beautiful woman, actually took the initiative to give hugs, such a good opportunity, absolutely can not give up to Lynn.

Mitsuki Oda quickly made a decision and immediately appeared next to Poyahan Cook, deliberately throwing his hair.

“This beautiful woman, are you looking for Lynn?” I tell you, Lynn is not a good person, an old woman, and you’d better stay away from Lynn. ”

“By the way, a big beauty like you, if you get close to Lynn, Lynn will knock you unconscious and then take you to the room and trample you wantonly.”

Mitsuki Mita’s words are true.

Lynn had done this more than once.

And Lynn is indeed an old womanizer.

“Really? Is Captain Lynn really such a person? ”

Poyahan Cook was suddenly a little excited.

It doesn’t matter if Lynn is good or not.

She wanted to be with Lynn, and she was still thinking about how to take Lynn down.

I didn’t expect Lynn to be an old woman.

Well, with her beauty, she can completely capture Lynn’s heart and let Lynn take the initiative.

Then she only needs to push half and half do, and then she can be with Lynn, and life is really beautiful.

Poyahan Cook even sneaked a laugh.

She had even fantasized about being with Lynn, then getting married and having children and living a good life.

How wonderful such a life is.

Mitsuki Oda looked confused.

It didn’t seem to be what he thought.

It shouldn’t be that Poyahan Cook should hear that Lynn is an old sex ghost, and then dislike Lynn or even be wary of Lynn.

If he could, he could still fool Poyahan Cook and find himself a concubine.

Seriously, he can be regarded as a prince of a country, and now there is no concubine, but Lynn has already had five wives and six concubines.

Although he took a fancy to Poyahan Cook, he did not expect that Poyahan Cook was actually such a person.

Not only was he not angry, but he was so excited.

This is not a normal person at all.

Anyway, Mitsuki Oda didn’t know what to say, and was completely speechless to Lynn.

Never seen such a faceless person.

No, it should be a shameless person.

Since he knew that Lynn was an old ghost, he should be far away from Lynn, instead of being so excited that he actually wanted to take the initiative to give him a hug.

This is definitely not a good woman.

But if you think about it, don’t say that Poyahan Cook is really pretty, and he is a little moved.

Not to mention that Poyahan Cook’s figure is so perfect, it is simply rare in the world.

Such a beautiful girl actually likes Lynn.

Is Lynn really that good?

That is, the strength is slightly stronger than him, the growth is a little higher than him, the appearance is also a little higher than him, there is no excellence.

Mitsuki Mita thought about it, and his face turned a little ugly.

It seems that Lynn is really good.

Don’t say it, the more you say it, the more depressed you are.

Poyahan Cook suddenly woke up, and then turned his head to look at Mitsuki Ota, with a murderous look in his eyes.

“I suddenly remembered, you just said that Lynn is not a good person, and said that he is an old woman, is that true?”

Mitsuki Oda subconsciously took a step back.

I have long heard that girls are particularly terrible, and the Poyahan Cook in front of me is quite frightening.

And it’s not generally terrible.

“What I said is true, Lynn is really not a good person, he is an old man, and I let you leave him for your own good.”

Mitsuki Mita hadn’t forgotten to strike Lynn until now.

Anyway, it is a word, we must hit Lynn hard, and we must not let Lynn have such a good life again.

On the other side, Lynn just happened to come over and was surprised why Poyahan Cook was here, when he heard Mitsuki Oda’s words.

Kaido and his aunt also came over, and they both heard Mitsuki Mita’s words and felt pity for Mitsuki Mita.

I also didn’t understand why Mitsuki Oda had died like this.


What a poor baby.

They had already anticipated the miserable future of Mitsuki Oda .

It will definitely be repaired fiercely.

What a miserable future.

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